palanquin 发音
英:[pæˈlənkiːn] 美:[ˌpælənˈkiːn]
英: 美:
palanquin 中文意思翻译
palanquin 网络释义
n. 轿子;肩舆
palanquin 词性/词形变化,palanquin变形
palanquin 短语词组
1、palanquin define ─── 轿子
2、palanquin etymology ─── 帕兰琴词源
3、palanquin ff14 ─── 帕兰琴ff14
4、palanquin image ─── 轿子形象
5、palanquin su ─── 苏轿子
6、palanquin definition ─── 帕兰琴的定义
7、palanquin dva ─── 帕兰昆dva
palanquin 相似词语短语
1、alfaquin ─── 阿法昆
2、palanquiningly ─── 降服地
3、palanquins ─── n.轿子;肩舆
4、baldaquin ─── n.天盖;锦缎
5、Blanqui ─── 布兰基
6、damasquin ─── 达马斯奎因
7、palanquiner ─── 起重机
8、palankeen ─── 帕兰肯
9、paladin ─── n.骑士,游侠;查理大帝;杰出倡导者;n.(Paladin)人名;(塞)帕拉丁
palanquin 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The fight becomes so fearful, mother, that it would give you a cold shudder could you see it from your palanquin. ─── 这一场战斗是那么激烈,妈妈,如果你从轿子里看得见的话,你一定会发冷战的。
2、A pagoda, a palanquin, and a five-pointed beard are frequent elements in paintings of China by Westerners. ─── 塔、轿子、五绺须,常是西方人画中国时不可或缺的元素。
3、"Walking forward, he was struck by the dignity with which the prince was sitting in his palanquin." ─── "一面走,一面早瞥见那水溶坐在轿内,好个仪表人材"
4、As you say. Not the palanquin, though. ─── 如你所说,但不能做轿子。
5、"although Yuanchun could hardly bear to leave, she could not disobey the Imperial regulations and had no alternative but to re-enter her palanquin which carried her away. " ─── "贾妃虽不忍别,怎奈皇家规范,违错不得,只得忍心上舆去了"
6、The fight becomes so fearful, mother, that it would give you a cold shudder could you see it from your palanquin. ─── 这一场战斗是那么激烈,妈妈,如果你从轿子里看得见的话,你一定会发冷战的。
7、Pozi who has been behind all of the palanquin, to catch up. ─── 后面的婆子们已都下了轿,赶上前来。
8、You are riding in a palanquin and I am trotting by you on a red horse. ─── 你坐在一顶轿子里,我骑着一匹红马,在你旁边跑着。
9、Ying Qin team is playing in front of the lantern, followed by a trumpeter, palanquin in the middle, then followed by the pro-people. ─── 迎亲队伍前面是打灯笼的,接着是吹鼓手,花轿在中间,后面是接亲的人。
10、I hope to learn the palanquin all new advancement at the same time without hoping to see the commentary like this, and fight over the elite in a top student. ─── 我不希望看到这样评论,同时也希望大家新学习学习进步,尖子生里争尖子!
11、The people were voting for “Ma”, their princess, an exquisite figure in pearls and pale chiffon enthroned on a palanquin of carpets, who nevertheless called them her sisters and her brothers. ─── 人民是在为他们的“君主”投票,一位身着珍珠和白色衣服,披着毛毡披肩,显得非常高贵,但却与群众称兄道弟的君主。
12、They set my palanquin down right under his nose, and the young Englishman received me courteously. ─── 他们把我的轿子停在他面前,年轻的英国人彬彬有礼地接待了我。
13、Since the palanquin on entering the city from outside Look Shachuang the Yiqiao, the bustling market, the densely Fu-sheng, since different and elsewhere. ─── 自上了轿,进入城中从纱窗向外瞧了一瞧,其街市之繁华,人烟之阜盛,自与别处不同。
14、Everything Louis XIV did and used was full of Chinese style. This is his lacquer paneled palanquin. ─── 路易宫廷的衣食住行都充满了中国风味。这是凡尔赛宫漆面装饰的轿子。
15、King Solomon made himself a palanquin from the wood of Lebanon. ─── 9所罗门王用黎巴嫩木,为自己制造车子。
16、At that moment a great Pasha halted before the gates of the seminary, in his piety alighting from his palanquin to give alms to a beggar, as all good Moslems do. ─── 这时,一位尊贵的帕夏在学校门外停下,象任何好穆斯林一样,出于虔诚而走下轿子,给了一位乞丐一些施舍。
17、As I got into the palanquin I closed my eyes. ─── 我坐进轿子,眼睛就阖上了。
18、You sit crouched in your palanquin and repeat the names of the gods in prayer. ─── 你蹲坐在你的轿子里,嘴里反复地祷念着神的名字。
19、1 monologue in Taiwan said: rats daughter sitting palanquin. carried Yitai house cat. The next day. the king rat queen daughter of view. ─── 1人独白在台里说:老鼠女儿坐花轿。一抬抬到猫咪家。第二天。老鼠国王王后来看女儿。
20、palanquin real me, well, no water dripping; ─── 真正实现轿箱、井道无滴水;
21、King Solomon made himself a palanquin Of the wood of Lebanon. ─── 9所罗门王用利巴嫩木,为自己制造一乘华轿。
22、"Now, as she gazed from her palanquin at the dazzling display both within and without the Garden, the Imperial Consort sighed softly:"This is too extravagant!" ─── "且说贾妃在轿内看此园内外如此豪华,因默默叹息奢华过费."
23、"It is a one-horse palanquin," said the old gentleman, who was a wag in his way. ─── 她只是沐浴在他的感情的温煦之中,像是一个挨冷受冻的人喜逢熊熊的炉火。
24、The Company has for many years been engaged in heavy-duty vehicles, biaxial semi-trailer, double-deck cars shipped palanquin, with Ping Banche sets, containers and other major parts production. ─── 本公司多年来一直从事重型汽车、双轴半挂车、双层轿运车、集装平板车、集装箱等主要配件的生产。
25、One evening I met some negroes carrying a heavy palanquin through the bazaar. ─── 一日晚间,我遇见几个黑奴抬着一顶沉重的轿子穿过市集。
26、9 King Solomon made himself a palanquin of the wood of Lebanon. ─── 所罗门王用黎巴嫩木,为自己制造一乘华轿。
27、They set down the palanquin and knocked three times with a copper hammer. ─── 他们放下轿子,以一柄铜锤敲了三次门。
28、so Mathur Babu sent me there in a palanquin. ─── 于是马图尔用轿子送我去。
29、Four attendants bore the queen's palanquin. ─── 四个随从抬着王后的轿子。
30、sacred palanquin ─── 神舆
31、But regardless of how we wish were adopted in the decoration of their homes dress bridal palanquin. ─── 但不论怎样,大家的愿望都是通过装修把自己的家打扮得漂漂亮亮。
32、There are several lift palanquin, if Malaysia can feel. ─── 还有几处抬花轿的,只要交费就能感受一下。
33、Food was put in the palanquin. ─── 轿子里面放上了食物。
34、I got into the palanquin I closed my eyes. ─── 我坐进轿子,眼睛就阖上了。
35、I couldn't ask the bearers to stop the palanquin. ─── 我被泪水笼罩着,无法叫抬轿的人把轿子停下。”
36、The company mainly produces Keti Car sales, tourism staircase Cabin, Office / palanquin doors, escalators / sidewalks, and other decorative products. ─── 公司主要生产销售客梯轿厢、观光梯轿厢、厅/轿门、自动扶梯/人行道装饰等产品。
37、All they could see was the palanquin. But it was a fine procession just the same. ─── 他们可以看到的是轿子。但这是一个很好的游行一样。
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