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bricklaying 发音

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bricklaying 中文意思翻译



bricklaying 词性/词形变化,bricklaying变形

名词: bricklaying |

bricklaying 短语词组

1、bricklaying asmr ─── 砌砖asmr

2、bricklaying pdf ─── 砌砖pdf

3、bricklaying art ─── 砌砖艺术

4、bricklaying gif ─── 砌砖

5、bricklaying app ─── 砌砖应用程序

6、bricklaying beer ─── 砌砖啤酒

7、bricklaying def ─── 砌砖定义

8、bricklaying game ─── 砌砖游戏

bricklaying 相似词语短语

1、trickling ─── n.油画底色含油太多而成泡沫状突起;v.滴,淌,小股流淌;使(液体)滴,淌;使细流;(陆续地)慢慢移动,缓慢的来,逐渐的去(trickle的现在分词)

2、sicklying ─── adj.体弱的,多病的;面色苍白的;引起疾病的,有碍健康的;(味道)令人反胃的,(气味)难闻的;(色彩)恶心的;(光线)微弱的,令人不适的;多愁善感的;adv.病态地;v.(使)苍白,(使)现病容

3、bricking ─── v.用砖墙围起(brick的现在分词);n.(为指控罪犯有罪的)伪造证据

4、brickmaking ─── n.制砖,制砖业

5、brick paving ─── 铺砖

6、tracklaying ─── n.磁迹时间对准;铺轨;adj.用于铺轨的;履带式车辆的

7、bricklayers ─── n.砖瓦工;砖匠(bricklayer的复数形式)

8、bricklayer ─── n.砖匠

9、prickling ─── n.针刺痛;针扎似的痛;v.刺;扎;刺痛(prickle的ing形式)

bricklaying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Housing Reform Construction, bricklaying plastering the walls, tearing down walls I expected Qingyun ..... ─── 房屋改建、砌砖墙壁批荡、拆墙余料清运 .....

2、Keywords calcine furnace;quality of bricklaying;operation and manage;age of furnace;Firebreak;volatile; ─── 煅烧炉;砌炉质量;操作管理;炉龄;火道;挥发分;

3、Clean up the ash rubbish and clinkers on the bricklaying parts, and keep the base humid. ─── 砌筑部位的灰渣、杂物应清除干净,基层浇水湿润。

4、BRICKWORK_STRUCTURES_DESC;Vaults and cylindrical structures used in medieval churches needed this technique of bricklaying to form its structures without angularity. ─── 中世纪不带棱角的拱顶和圆柱建筑需要这种砌砖技术.

5、Bricks shall be conveyed for bricklaying as per prescribed combination and quantity and misuses of bricks are strictly forbidden. ─── 应按搭配方案的规定数量往炉上运砖,严禁混乱使用。

6、"Consumer values patch block most, the pay of bricklaying also goes up 50 yuan to nowadays everyday from in the past everyday 120 yuan. ─── “贴砖是消费者最重视的,瓦工的工钱也从过去天天50元涨到如今的天天120元了。”

7、Now, I'm going to show you something about bricklaying. ─── 我现在要告诉你一些有关砌砖的事。

8、Sketch of automatic bricklaying product line ─── 自动化砌块生产线示意图

9、This is the good proposal that him bricklaying offers. ─── 这倒是瓦工自己提出来的好建议。

10、A given market might be for a product, say fresh corn, or the services of a factor of production, say bricklaying. ─── 一个给定的市场可能是一种产品,比方说新鲜的玉米。

11、Wooden hammer or rubber hammer but iron hammer shall be used to knock and align bricks during bricklaying . ─── 砌砖时应使用木槌或橡胶槌进行敲打找正,不得使用铁槌敲打。

12、While the 15 are laying bricks, the original bricklayer can be learning how to perform advanced bricklaying, or learn sales strategies, or learn supervision skills. ─── 15位砖匠在砌砖的同时,原先的那位砖匠可以学习如何改进工作,学习销售策略和管理技能。

13、To prevent oven-end’s movement on sliding layer, several layers of bricks (generally more than four layers) shall be laid in one time and backward staircase bricklaying shall be adopted. ─── 为防止炉头在滑动层上移动,炉头应一次砌完几层砖(一般应在四层以上),并向墙内阶梯退茬砌筑。

14、Control lines shall be used for bricklaying. ─── 砌砖时应挂线进行砌筑。

15、Foreman , oily labour, electrical engineering each one person, bricklaying, carpentry each two. ─── 工头、油工、电工各一人,瓦工、木工各两名。

16、plumb bricklaying ─── 平砌

17、Bricklaying, repairing, coating of High alumina and fireclay products ─── 高铝、粘土等制品的砌筑、修补、涂抹

18、Construction operation specification for bricklaying engineering ─── 砌筑工程施工操作规程

19、excavating & bricklaying under frozen condition ─── 冻结掘砌

20、Test Research of Slippage Separating- Vibration about Bricklaying Building ─── 砌体房屋基底滑移隔震的试验研究

21、Answer: The brick that stick a wall and floor tile basically show bricklaying works. ─── 答: 贴墙砖和地砖主要指瓦工干的活。

22、So they could train students in, say, bricklaying or car mechanics? ─── 那他们会培训学生.比方说.盖房子或汽车修理?

23、External thermal insulation composite systems based on polystyrene panel affixing and bricklaying with mineral binder and expanded polystyrene granule material for adhesion and making level ─── 胶粉聚苯颗粒贴砌聚苯板外墙外保温系统

24、I know to decorate there is a bricklaying master to had eaten to have a deficit in the team, an owner directs his patch block, seamed also forbid to stay, include turning point. ─── 我知道装修队里有个瓦工师傅吃过亏,上一家业主指挥他贴砖,一点缝也不准留,包括拐角处。

25、Keywords stove;shaftless;combustion chamber;checkerwork chamber;bricklaying; ─── 热风炉;顶燃式;燃烧室;蓄热室;砌筑;

26、Two bricklaying that in us the home works are full brother, and two carpentry are father and son. ─── 在我们家干活的两个瓦工是亲兄弟,而两个木工是父子。

27、Some understanding to anti-vibration design for multi-floor bricklaying building ─── 对多层砌体房屋抗震设计的几点体会

28、Surface of finished brick layer shall be swept clean before another layer of bricks are laid. Staircase stubble shall be reserved, if necessary, for bricklaying break or rework. ─── 每砌一层砖前应将已砌完的砖面清扫干净。砌砖中断或返工拆砖而必须留茬时,应留成阶梯形的斜茬。

29、She helped to build a house, learning the rudiments of bricklaying as she went along. ─── 她帮忙盖房子,在过程中学习了砌砖的基本技巧。

30、Traditional Bricklaying of the Red-Brick in South of Fujian and its Revelation ─── 闽南红砖传统砌筑工艺及其启示

31、Selection of Refractory Mud for Refractory Bricklaying of Gas Suspension Calciner ─── 气态悬浮炉耐火砖砌筑耐火泥的选用

32、I encountered examples of the metaphor of bricklaying in my review of writers’ accounts of their composing styles. ─── 我遇到的例子比喻我砌砖审查作家创作风格的账户.

33、Keywords high temperature fire-resistant lay;stove and furnace;fire-resistant liner;bricklaying; ─── 高温耐火胶泥;窑炉;耐火内衬;砌筑;

34、Control lines shall be used for bricklaying. ─── 砌砖时应挂线进行砌筑。

35、bricklaying rule ─── 砌墙式规则

36、And so bricklaying is exactly the same. ─── 所以砌砖也是一样道理。

37、Refractory bricklaying ─── 耐火砖砌筑

38、It is mainly suitable for corundum brick,high aluminum brick,clay brick and relevant bricklaying of fabricated parts and can also be used for filling gaps. ─── 主要适用于刚玉砖、高铝砖、粘土砖及相应预制件的砌筑,并可作为勾缝填充料使用。

39、mosaic skin transplantation in a bricklaying pattern ─── 砌砖式镶嵌植皮

40、Foreman, oily labour, electrical engineering each one person, bricklaying, carpentry each two. ─── 工头、油工、电工各一人,瓦工、木工各两名。

41、Discontinuously built brick wall shall be slightly wetted by sprinkling before resuming bricklaying, however, the wetting degree shall be strictly controlled. ─── 砌筑焦炉时,对于不是连续砌筑的墙,在砌砖前要稍加湿润,但湿润程度应严加控制,不得大量洒水。

42、Keywords BF;axial cylone;rude gas;bricklaying;welding seam; ─── 高炉;旋风除尘器;粗煤气;镶砖;焊缝;

43、Analysis and design countermeasure for the cockloft wall crack of tier bricklaying building ─── 多层砌体房屋顶层墙体裂缝的分析与设计对策

44、shoving method of bricklaying ─── 挤浆砌砖法

45、That's a skillful piece of bricklaying. ─── 那是件精巧的砌砖工作。

46、The ground is waterproof the agent should supervise next use, my bricklaying is not spill on the ground directly however according to the requirement, that can even! ─── 地面防水剂要监督下使用,我的瓦工不是按照要求而是直接泼在地面上,那能够均匀吗!

47、Keywords coke oven;bricklaying;measuring;controlling;settlement; ─── 焦炉;砌筑;测量放线;标高控制;沉降观测;

48、Discussion on the Heat Preservation and Energy Conservation of Bricklaying with Filling Composite Wall in Chilliness Zone ─── 严寒地区砌块夹心复合墙体的保温节能问题

49、Construction Project: carpentry works, bricklaying projects, hydropower projects, oil and civil engineering, water moisture-proof construction. ─── 施工项目:木工工程、瓦工工程、水电工程、油工工程、防水防潮工程。

50、Decorator told the whole story, the renovation of the enterprises do not have the ranks of decoration, carpentry, bricklaying, and so are looking for temporary, link between the fitting out of line. ─── 装修工人道出原委,该装修企业并没有装修队伍,木工、瓦工等都是临时找的人,装修环节之间出现脱节。

51、Wooden hammer or rubber hammer but iron hammer shall be used to knock and align bricks during bricklaying. ─── 砌砖时应使用木槌或橡胶槌进行敲打找正,不得使用铁槌敲打。

52、When building arch structure, wooden brackets shall be used as support for bricklaying. ─── 砌筑拱形结构时,需支撑木质内胎架,在木架上砌筑。

53、She learned the rudiments of bricklaying, wiring, and plumbing. ─── 她学过一些砌砖、布线和管道工程的基本技术。

54、It is mainly suitable for corundum brick, high aluminum brick, clay brick and relevant bricklaying of fabricated parts and can also be used for filling gaps. ─── 主要适用于刚玉砖、高铝砖、粘土砖及相应预制件的砌筑,并可作为勾缝填充料使用。

55、Issues to be Concerned in Bricklaying Construction ─── 谈砌砖工程亟需注意的几个问题

56、Perhaps we should remember the first bricklaying robots or selfaligning wall systems . ─── 但在很多方面对未来的预测和规划都起着不容置疑的作用。

57、14. Now, I'm going to show you something about bricklaying. ─── 我现在要告诉你一些有关砌砖的事。

58、bricklaying trowel; ─── 砌砖刀;

59、The structure of rotary kiln is introduced.The quality problems in kiln construction preparation and bricklaying and rescuer measures for them are described. ─── 主要介绍了回转窑的结构,叙述了回转窑砌筑施工准备及其施工方法,及施工产生的质量问题产生的原因及处理技术。

60、bricklaying trowel ─── 砌砖刀

61、masonry team, bricklaying and other construction team; ─── 石工队、瓦工队等建筑业;


63、Bricklaying sequence: generally from ends to middle. ─── 砌炉顺序:一般情况从炉头砌起,向炉中进行。

64、diaper work of bricklaying ─── 菱形砖砌图案

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