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09-12 投稿


buster 发音

英:[ˈbʌstər]  美:[ˈbʌstə(r)]

英:  美:

buster 中文意思翻译



buster 网络释义

n. 起破坏,制止作用的人或物;庞然大物;非凡的人或物;小鬼,小家伙;茁壮的孩子

buster 词性/词形变化,buster变形

名词复数形式:busters 原型:bust

buster 短语词组

1、skull-buster ─── 头骨杀手

2、bronco buster n. ─── 驯马牛仔

3、buster suit n. ─── 连衫裤童装

4、buster-slab ─── 巴斯特-斯拉布

5、knuckle buster ─── 螺帽扳手,月牙扳钳

6、Buster Brown ─── 布斯特 ─── 布朗(美国连环画中的一个衣着华丽的儿童);孩童[浑称]

7、rate buster ─── [经] 定额破坏者

8、block-buster ─── 巨型炸弹;超级大片;流行事物

9、ball-buster n. ─── [美国俚语、禁忌语];艰巨的任务,困难的工作,很难做的事,苦差事

10、tank buster ─── 反坦克飞机, ─── 反坦克炮

11、Buster Keaton ─── 巴斯特·基顿(人名)

12、clot buster ─── [网络] 粉碎血凝块溶解剂

13、core buster ─── [机] 碎心锤

14、baby buster ( ─── 生育高峰期之后)出 ─── 生率骤降期出 ─── 生的人, ─── 生育低谷儿(= buster);出 ─── 生率骤降期出 ─── 生的一代人之一员

15、middle buster ─── [网络] 中间爆破

16、boulder buster ─── 岩石破碎机, ─── 岩石破碎器

17、trust buster ─── [法] 反托拉斯能手

18、buster cost ─── 巴斯特的成本

19、conk-buster ─── 康克-巴斯特

buster 相似词语短语

1、Auster ─── n.[气象]奥斯特风;热南风;南风

2、bumster ─── 树

3、bustier ─── n.紧身女胸衣;adj.胸部丰满的(busty的比较级)

4、-buster ─── n.遏制者,破坏者;庞然大物;非凡的人或物;小鬼,小家伙(蔑称);茁壮的孩子

5、bluster ─── v.咆哮,气势汹汹地说(但效果不大);(风暴)呼啸;(雨)倾泻;n.气势汹汹的话

6、Buster ─── n.伯斯特(男子名)

7、bustler ─── 巴斯特

8、burster ─── n.爆炸剂;分组器(等于buster)

9、busters ─── n.遏制者,破坏者;庞然大物;非凡的人或物;小鬼,小家伙(蔑称);茁壮的孩子

buster 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Buster Keaton In Three Ages ─── 巴斯特·基顿之三个时代

2、Keaton Buster ─── 布斯特·基顿

3、the movie " batman " be the biggest block - buster movie of 1989 . ─── 《蝙蝠侠》是1989年最有影响的大制作影片。

4、The kitten grew rapidly into a sleek, handsome cat with a boisterous nature which earned him the name of buster ─── 小猫仔很快长得浑身油亮、漂亮,生性调皮,由此赢得"欢闹鬼"的称号。

5、Armament includes a machine cannon on each shoulder, beam sabers, and the incredibly powerful Twin Buster Rifle. ─── 它的武器系统包括:在两侧各装有一门机关炮,一把激光马刀,还有就是一把无比强大的双管毁灭者步枪。

6、My family had a pot of very beautiful Mozzie buster. ─── 我家有一盆非常漂亮的驱蚊草。

7、Sheriff B:(looks at A) You must have also seen that she defended that buster and kept holding his arm! ─── 捕头乙:(望著甲)你刚才应该也看见了,她以剑帮那淫贼挡箭,还一直拉著那淫贼!

8、One day, my stomach said: Hey, Buster, you put me disruption bad... ─── 有一天,我的胃说:嘿,老兄,你把我折腾坏了。。。

9、A tetanus buster(booster) shot may be required if a wound is deep or dirty. ─── 在伤口很深或很脏的情况下也需要打破伤风。

10、copy buster ─── 拷贝切割程序

11、Facts prove that it has never been anything beautiful fresh flowers or Mozzie buster, he is just an ordinary names were not even weeds. ─── 事实证明它从来就不是什么美丽的花或清新的驱蚊草,他不过就是一株普通得连名字也没有的野草。

12、chart buster ─── 畅销唱片的歌手; 畅销唱片

13、A crime buster ─── 惩治犯罪的人

14、I see ya, buster." ─── 我看见你了,老朋友。”

15、buster retired on disability ─── 巴斯特因伤残退了休。

16、E. T. built his own communicator out of the fuzz buster, some hobby pins, a knife and fork, and the UHF tuner from the TV set. . . E. T. ─── 用那个策念头、一些曲别针、一把刀子和一把叉子,另有一架电视天线等东西,建起了他本身的通信装配。

17、In reality, the Christed One was sent as a systems buster, a member of the Family of Light, to bring light through the portal in the Middle East. ─── 事实上,救世主大一如系统后门那样被派遣的,一位光之家族成员,通过在中东的入口带来光。

18、That genius was Buster Keaton.The film was Steamboat Bill, Jr. ─── 任何人都会因为“同人志”被禁止而有所损失,所以法律并不会禁止“同人志”。

19、Is the world's greatest price buster in danger of exporting inflation? ─── 中国是否会输出通货膨胀?

20、Then the farmer hollered, "Pull, Buster, pull." Buddy did not respond. ─── 接着农夫又大喊:“用力拉,巴斯特,拉!”巴迪没反应。

21、sub buster ─── 反潜飞机反潜舰艇

22、Criminal police; crime Buster ─── 刑警

23、trust buster ─── [法] 反托拉斯能手

24、I walked to him and said: “come on! buster, give a break!” ─── 我走过去跟他说"算了吧!老兄,让人喘口气吧!"

25、One of my earliest memories in World War II Belgrade, where I grew up, was going to see a Buster Keaton film. ─── 我在我长大的地方,贝尔格莱德,最早的记忆之一,便是去看一场巴斯特基顿的电影。

26、Jame Buster Douglas ─── 简·巴斯特·道格拉斯(USA美国)

27、he is irresistible, with the wistful innocence of great screen comedians like Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton. ─── 然而象查理?卓别林、巴斯特?基顿那样,他那充满渴望的天真的银幕形象是无可匹敌的。

28、clay buster ─── 圆盘翻土机

29、Groomer: Hi Mrs. Peters. How do you want Buster's 1)hair cut? ─── 美容师:嗨,彼德斯太太,你希望伙计的头发要怎么剪?

30、Then the farmer hollered, "Pull, Buster, pull." Buddy didn't respond. ─── 然后农夫又喊道:“拉啊,巴斯特,拉。。。”巴迪还是没有回应。

31、Blow it out your ear, you buster! ─── 去你的,你这个混蛋!

32、In his first independently produced feature film Buster tells of love and romance through three historical ages: the Stone Age, the Roman Age, and the Modern Age. ─── 剧情简介:在他的第一部独自拍摄的电影半身像中告诉了三个年龄的爱和浪漫史的特征:石器时代,罗马的年龄和现代的年龄。

33、Buster you know why I Aima day? ─── 沙僧说:我有16变!八戒说:我有32变!

34、They deploy massive gear with names like canyon buster that indicate the sheer scales involved and the damage they inflict. ─── 他们所调用的庞大设备所取的名字都是诸如“峡谷战神”之类,由此可见其作业规模及造成的破坏之大。

35、4. She hugged Buster to her again. ─── "安斯沃思太太又紧抱住"欢闹鬼"。

36、Humans are curious, another stress buster is learning. ─── 人类充满对未知的好奇。

37、Jim is a responsible pet owner. Whenever he takes Buster for a walk, he always cleans up after him. ─── 吉姆是负责的饲主,每次带巴斯特去散步,一定会随后清乾净巴斯特制造的废物。

38、This sofware doesn't contains viruses, trojans, spyware and other malicious content. You will never find cracks, serial numbers, registration keys, keygens, patches here. Lotto Buster 2010 ─── 本软件不含有病毒、木马、恶意程式等内容.你永远没有裂缝、编号、登记键,补丁这里.

39、Kirilenko won't get old with the Jazz. . . be prepared to have him in a big trade buster next season. ─── 基里连科不会随着爵士终老的。准备好明年把他放在一宗大交易里交易出去吧。

40、Stress is a known memory buster. ─── 压力是记忆的阻力。

41、Buster did not get any dinner that night because Daddy said he ate Daddy's dinner.So I shared my piece of steak with Daddy that night. ─── 整个车箱的人都在看他,他坐下以后就开始一路装死,真是道德败坏!!!

42、The Tank buster IFV is a rapid fire, anti-tank vehicle. ─── 坦克杀手IFV是快速反坦克单位。

43、Bloat Buster 1. ─── 1 绿色共...

44、sod buster ─── n. 乡下人(农夫, 农科大学生)

45、Kirilenko won't get old with the Jazz...be prepared to have him in a big trade buster next season. ─── 基里连科不会随着爵士终老的。准备好明年把他放在一宗大交易里交易出去吧。

46、rate buster ─── [经] 定额破坏者

47、Make with the beers, buster! ─── 伙计,拿啤酒来!

48、If you aren't provided with a wish list for everyone you purchase for, choosing gifts can become a real brain buster. ─── 如果你没有对要接收礼物的人列出一个愿望名单,那么选择礼物真的是一件令人头疼的事情。

49、buster plough ─── 双壁起垄犁

50、Hoover was building his reputation as a crime-buster. ─── 胡佛作为罪犯克星的名声越来越大。

51、Looking for a challenging puzzle? Exercise your brain with Leaf Buster. ─── 寻找一个挑战性的难题吗?与叶老兄行使你的大脑。

52、boulder buster ─── 岩石破碎机岩石破碎器

53、Often referred to as the Embargo Buster, Bout made a significant amount of money selling illegal arms to countries that the UN has placed arms embargoes on. ─── 布特从对联合国实施武器禁运的国家进行非法武器买卖中赚了一大笔钱,经常被称为“禁运破坏神”。

54、bundle buster ─── 自动送坯装置

55、tank buster ─── n. 防坦克飞机

56、No more, no less. A perfect stress buster for the moment and for all the moments of my life. ─── 就这一句,在那时以及之后的生活里成了我对抗压力最好的方法。

57、Say, buster, where are you going? ─── 老兄,你要上哪儿去?

58、Clinical trials showed the drug to be as effective as the standard clot buster t-PA and easier to use, since it can be administered in one quick injection instead of an-hour-and-a-half infusion. ─── 临床实践显示,此药与标准血栓通t-PA一样有效,但使用起来更为方便,因为它叫以用一次性快速注射代替一个半小时的输注。

59、"For me, getting enough sleep, eating right and exercising reduce my stress levels. And a really good workout is a great stress buster. " ─── “对于我来说,充足的睡眠,健康的饮食以及锻炼身体可以帮助我减压。有效的锻炼是一种很好的减压方式。”

60、, Sherlock Junior, Buster Keaton - Sherlock Junior, Calma, signori miei! ─── 它还叫做:福尔摩斯二世, Sherlock Holmes jr.

61、When Buster Challenges Scamp to the ultimate test of a collar-free life, Scamp finds himself torn between a world of adventure and love for the family he's left behind. ─── 为了做无拘无拘的流浪狗,一尝自由和惊险的生活滋味,斯卡特正准备接受毕士打提出的难度挑战,但内心却仍抛不开对家及亲情的眷恋。

62、”So Buster finally asks Babs and it's a good thing he does.Together, they help see that Monty gets what he deserves when he jilts Elmyra. ─── 老友宾尼最后好事成真,请到美少兔结伴出席,他们俩并见证了波斯哥因抛弃艾默拉所换来的报应。

63、Vet: Hmm. (Examines dog) Look here. Poor Buster has 8)fleas ! ─── 兽医:嗯。(检查狗狗)??看这里。可怜的巴斯特有跳蚤!

64、Hold it, Buster! Who do you think you are? ─── 住嘴,混蛋!你以为你是谁?

65、Buster: Well next time you take her out, why don't you call her on your mobile yourself? That way you'll get some attention and block out her girlfriends. ─── 巴斯特:那麽,下次你邀她外出,何不用行动电话跟她交谈?这样,你不会完全被忽略,她的女朋友也没法插进来。

66、But whenever I'd complain, my mother would just give me one of those looks and say, "This is no picnic for me either, buster. ─── 但是,每当我抱怨的时候,我的妈妈总是很严肃的看着我说:“伙计,我也没有野餐吃啊。”

67、baby buster ─── 生育低谷期出生的人

68、Well now you have your freighter and a buster, now to claim what's yours! Others peoples stuff, that's what's yours! ─── 现在你有运输机和战斗机了,claim他们吧。现在是你的了。

69、Buster, who married in 1920 and had 17 children with his wife, served 35 years in the armed forces and was working at Brixton Market when he eventually retired aged 97. ─── 老当益壮的马丁是伦敦的一位汽车工人,他在切尔西被带领参观斯坦福球场,一起唱生日歌,吃蛋糕,并且被赠予球队球衣.

70、buster plow ─── 双壁开沟犁

71、1.one's children 2.[Informal] a young fellow; a chap; a buster; (Br.) a bloke ─── 小子

72、ridge buster ─── 松土器破垄中耕机

73、Stress is a known memory buster. ─── 我们知道,压力是占用记忆的大块头。

74、We passed a dog fight. Buster was only too eager to join the fray but I had him on the lead and hurried on as fast as I could. ─── 我们碰上一场混战,巴斯特跃跃欲试,但我拉着它,尽快向前赶路了。

75、Dragon Buster ─── 倚天屠龙记

76、WALTER :Ah, come on Buster, stop wiggling! ─── 停下来!我不希望我的照片是这样子!

77、And I am a rut buster,I'm going to bust your rut. ─── 而我则是一个成规破坏者,我要破坏你的成规。

78、"For me, getting enough sleep, eating right and exercising reduce my stress levels. And a really good workout is a great stress buster." ─── “对于我来说,充足的睡眠,健康的饮食以及锻炼身体可以帮助我减压。有效的锻炼是一种很好的减压方式。”

79、door buster ─── 广告商品

80、brush buster ─── 灌木切除器

81、core buster ─── [机] 碎心锤

82、Buster immunization ─── 强化免疫

83、butt buster ─── 翻桶机

84、Buster : Well girls are always doing that, you shouldn't worry too much. ─── 巴斯特:啊,女人总是这样的,你不必太过介意。

85、These door buster deals will last until July 31, 2013. ─── 这些广告商品交易将持续到2013年7月31日。

86、ndle buster ─── 盘条挂送装置

87、Buster Martin, who works full-time as a car valet for Pimlico Plumbers in Lambeth, was given a guided tour of Stamford Bridge, a chorus of Happy Birthday, a round of applause and was presented with a shirt signed by the team. ─── 老当益壮的马丁是伦敦的一位汽车工人,他在切尔西被带领参观斯坦福球场,一起唱生日歌,吃蛋糕,并且被赠送球队球衣.

88、Hold it, Buster ─── "省省吧,先生!"(有时被女性使用来回绝喋喋不休的异性)

89、Vet: Hi Helen. How's Buster? ─── 兽医:海伦,妳好。巴斯特还好吧?





必杀技:Rider Kick

假面骑士Kabuto Hyper Form

必杀技一:Maximum Hyper Cyclone

必杀技二:Maximum Hyper Typhoon


必杀技:Rider Sting


必杀技:Rider Shooting


必杀技:Rider Slash


必杀技一:Rider Kick

必杀技二:Rider Cutting

假面骑士Gatack Hyper Form

必杀技:Hyper Kick


必杀技:Rider Kick


必杀技:Rider Punch

8.假面骑士Dark Kabuto

必杀技:Rider Kick



必杀技:Rider Kick


必杀技:Rider Beat (Avalanche Break)


必杀技:Rider Beat (Avalanche Slash)

这是kabuto的,其他的没找到,不过其他的基本上都是Rider Kick。


甲斗:CAST OFF:外甲脱离










LE:变换为独角甲虫(甲斗E文是 Kabuto)


ANGE STAGBEETE:变换为巨钳甲虫(钢斗E文是 Gatack)





Punching Unit 巨大冲击

Sparkle Cut 赤刃斩

Crimson Smash 深红电钻

Blaster Form

Photon Breaker 光刃斩

Photon Buster 光子破坏炮

Blaster Smash 爆裂电钻


Kaixa Slash 剑刃风暴

Grand Impact 巨大冲击

Gold Smash 黄金电钻


Lucifer’s Hammer 堕天使之钟

假面骑士Psyga 天之帝王

Psyga Slash 天帝斩

假面骑士Oga 地之帝王

August Lancer 奥古斯都长枪

August Rush 奥古斯都剑冲


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