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09-12 投稿



effusive 发音

英:[ɪ'fjuːsɪv]  美:[ɪ'fjusɪv]

英:  美:

effusive 中文意思翻译



effusive 短语词组

1、effusive chivalry ─── 热情的骑士精神

2、effusive beam sourse ─── [化] 隙流束源

3、effusive rock ─── 喷出岩

4、effusive eruption ─── 溢流喷发

effusive 词性/词形变化,effusive变形

副词: effusively |名词: effusiveness |

effusive 相似词语短语

1、elusive ─── adj.难懂的;易忘的;逃避的;难捉摸的

2、effusively ─── adv.变溢地;热情洋溢地

3、effusing ─── vt.流出;涌出;泻出;vi.流出;涌出;泻出;adj.[植]疏展的

4、effuse ─── vt.流出;涌出;泻出;vi.流出;涌出;泻出;adj.[植]疏展的

5、perfusive ─── adj.撒遍的;易散发的

6、effusion ─── n.渗出;泻出;渗漏物

7、suffusive ─── 弥漫的

8、excusive ─── 排挤

9、diffusive ─── adj.普及的;散布性的;冗长的

effusive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was effusive in his praise. ─── 他极尽溢美之词。

2、Vogel is so effusive in his praise of Deng that the book sometimes reads as if it came straight from party headquarters. ─── 傅高义对邓小平的赞扬溢于言表,因此有时候这本书读起来就像它直接出自共产党总部。

3、an effusive welcome ─── 非常热烈的欢迎

4、insincere and effusive demonstrations of sentimental friendship; a large gushing female; write unrestrained and gushy poetry. ─── 对感情用事的友谊的虚伪、外露的表白;过分热情的女人;写下热情洋溢的诗篇。

5、effusive flow ─── 分子泻流

6、quixotic, gushing, effusive, enraptured, fanatical, enthusiastic, excited ─── 醉心的。狂热的。热情的。

7、Buss couldn't have been more effusive in his praise of Jackson in a recent interview. ─── 巴斯老板在最近一次采访时对菲尔的赞赏尽露无遗。

8、California Chardonnay is every bit as variable and possibly even more exciting because of the effusive varietal quality it develops there. ─── 加利福尼亚州的霞多利葡萄酒种类丰富,且富有激情,这是由于其在加州形成的多样的品质。

9、He was effusive in his praise. ─── 他极尽溢美之词。


11、She may be detached, she may even be unfeeling, but at least she's not hypocritically effusive. ─── 她可能冷漠,她甚至可能冷酷无情,但至少她不会假惺惺地过分热情

12、Her effusive thanks embarrassed everybody. ─── 她道谢时非常激动,弄得大家不好意思。

13、244.Her effusive welcome made us feel most uncomfortable. ─── 注:她热情横溢的欢迎让我们觉得很不舒服。

14、She may be detached or even unfeeling but at least she's not hypocritically effusive. ─── 她也许是超然甚或无情,但至少不是虚伪的热情洋溢。

15、JVG had absolutely nothing negative to say, nothing but effusive praise for McGrady, Battier, Deke and Howard for their leadership. ─── 对范甘迪的指挥毫无疑义,对麦蒂,巴蒂尔,大叔和二叔和他们的“领导力”除了表扬还是表扬。

16、Senior campaign officials said Mr Obama, who was yesterday showered with effusive congratulations from leaders around the world, will also appoint at least two Republicans to senior cabinet positions. ─── 奥巴马昨日接到世界各国领导人纷纷发来的热情祝贺。高层竞选官员表示,他将任命至少两名共和党人出任资深内阁职位。

17、Marked by effusive and insincere flattery. ─── 拍马屁的,献媚奉承的以过分地且不是出于真心的奉承为特征的

18、effusive praise. ─── 过分的夸奖

19、The upper subfacies of effusive facies is the best reservoir. ─── 其中喷溢相上部亚相是储层物性最好的岩相带。

20、Most igneous rocks in Langgu depression are products of Cenozoic magma action, with diabase intrusion and subwater effusive basalt as major forms. ─── 廊固凹陷内火成岩主要是新生代岩浆多期活动的产物。

21、I’m sure that will happen.” He certainly impressed his manager.Sir Alex was effusive in his praise for the recent arrival and heralded his ability to control the ball under pressure. ─── 贝巴毫无疑问打动了他的教练,弗爵爷对他不吝溢美之词,并指出他在面对逼抢时的控球非常出色。

22、He was decidedly less effusive about China, not surprisingly given the various areas of tension between them. ─── 他对中国远没那么热情,考虑到两国间多个领域内的矛盾,这也不足为奇。

23、Mr Nakagawa, one of the few senior politicians around Mr Abe not to have visited China recently, is rather less effusive. ─── 作为安倍身边少数几个近期没有访问过中国的高级政客之一,中川对中国则没有那么领情。

24、effusive adj. ─── 感情横溢的;

25、An effusive manner. ─── 感情奔放的举止

26、And when Scholes is almost effusive with his praise, you know the recipient must be worthy of it. ─── 斯科尔斯的表杨则更进一步,你知道这种表扬是有道理的。

27、insincere and effusive demonstrations of sentimental friendship; ─── 对感情用事的友谊的虚伪、外露的表白;

28、Her art style is effusive and delicate, full of true love for life and spirit for creation. ─── 她的工笔重彩,写意重彩及写意画作品多次参加国内外美术展览并获奖。

29、He was effusive in his praise for the general. ─── 他对将军的赞美之情溢于言表。

30、The clinical outcome of 6-month short-course chemotherapy on pure effusive tuberculous pleurisy ─── 单纯结核性渗出性胸膜炎6月短程化疗的疗效分析

31、The volcanics can be divided into three lithofacies :volcanic explosive facies,effusive facies and volcano-sedimentary fac... ─── 火山岩体的储集性能与这三个相带密切相关,油气主要分布在火山爆发相和火山溢流相带。

32、Even many of the cabinet ministers who rallied, sort of, to support him this week were less than effusive in their backing. ─── 即使是本周聚起来(或多或少)支持布朗的内阁大臣,很多人的支持也是不温不火。

33、Then he was told he wasn't being effusive enough in his salesmanship. ─── 这时有人告诉他说他的推销术有点缺乏激情。

34、Those hot and humid, effusive days. ─── 那些炎热和潮湿,热情洋溢的天。

35、Chronic effusive pericarditis ─── 慢性渗出性心包炎

36、Subacute effusive constrictive pericarditis ─── 亚急性渗出性缩窄性心包炎

37、effusive rock calibration method ─── 喷出岩标定法

38、Holes surface pore focus on upper and middle subfacies of effusive facies which locates in the edifice slope. ─── 气孔面孔率高的区城集中在距离火山口较近的斜坡处,亚相主要为喷溢相上部、中部亚相。

39、That was less than an effusive welcome but better than another knee-jerk denunciation of the Dalai Lama. ─── 虽然不是热烈欢迎,但总比出于本能直接表达对达赖喇嘛的不满要好一些。

40、Clinical observation of frequency spectrum accessory curatvie effect in trberculous effusive pleurisy ─── 频谱辅助治疗结核性渗出性胸膜炎疗效观察

41、The rock composed of hard effusive andesite has been good fractured reservoirs after undergoing reconstruction of tectonic movements. ─── 该火成岩以安山岩为主,钻时曲线普遍偏高,表明地层坚硬致密,一经构造运动等因素改造后,可以形成良好的裂缝性储层。

42、effusive chivalry ─── 骑士精神

43、While Beijing's approach to New Delhi is cautious and calibrated, the Indian response to China is effusive and emotional, with an undertow of anxiety. ─── 北京对新德里的态度是谨慎而精准的,印度对中国的回应则是溢于言表的、情绪化的。

44、effusive stage ─── 喷发期

45、The effusive praise the professor heaped on one of the students seemed to imply indifference toward or disapproval of the rest. ─── 教授堆在一个学生头上的热情的赞扬似乎让人感到他对其他学生的冷淡和否定。

46、Mr Nakagawa, one of the few senior politicians around Mr Abe not to have visited China recently, is rather less effusive. ─── 作为安倍身边少数几个近期没有访问过中国的高级政客之一,中川对中国则没有那么领情。

47、I asked, hospitable still, but not exactly effusive. ─── 我依然殷勤地问道,但已不是那么曲意逢迎了。

48、Keywords oil;effusive eruption;fire;safety; ─── 油品;沸溢;火灾;安全;

49、The porosity and permeabiltiy is better in upper sub-facies of effusive facies, inner subfacies of extrusive facies, cryptoexplosive breccias sub-facies of volcanic conduit facies. ─── 物性统计分析结果表明,喷溢相上部亚相、侵出相内带亚相、火山通道相隐爆角砾岩亚相的储层物性较好。


51、Her effusive manner of greeting her friends finally began to irritate them. ─── 她向朋友们打招呼时那种过于热情的方式到头来使他们感到不是滋味。

52、Smiling, I submitted my order knowing that I must have made somebody's day with my effusive comment. ─── 我微笑着提交了我的订单,想着有人看到我的留言,一定会感到很开心。


54、Effusive facies ─── 溢流相

55、These three types of lithophysa distribute in upper subfacies of effusive facies.The forming condition is condensing shrinkage in fixed volume. ─── 3类石泡赋存于喷溢相上部亚相,形成机理为等容降温、冷凝收缩。

56、effusive rock ─── 喷发岩喷出岩

57、Her effusive welcome was not sincere. ─── 她那过分热情的欢迎是不真诚的。

58、Most feminist scholars find it difficult to reconcile Fern's sardonic social critiques with her effusive celebrations of many conventional values. ─── 大多数女权主义学者发现很难将弗恩讽刺性的社会批判与她对许多传统价值的溢美之词相调和。

59、To demonstrate effusive goodwill. ─── 表示热烈的良好祝愿

60、Assessing the situation without anything having to be explained, Celia had been cordial, even warm, though not phonily effusive to the old lady ─── 西莉亚不需要任何解释就明白了眼前的形势,对老太太亲切友好,甚至带有几分热情,但并不做作。

61、His manner was not effusive, it seldom was; but he was glad, I think, to see me. ─── 他的态度不很热情,这种情况是少见的,但是我认为他看到我时还是高兴的。

62、Her effusive thanks embarrassed everybody ─── 她道谢时非常激动, 弄得大家不好意思.

63、Those cats which recovered completely all had the effusive form of FIP and were relatively older cats. ─── 但是这12只猫均是年龄比较大的猫。

64、B its of strombolian-type scoria and Hawaii-type effusive lava may accompany lately after Phreatomagmaticerup tion, they constitute a erup tive activity cycle in its entirely. ─── 岩浆射汽喷发晚期往往伴随斯通博利式喷发和夏威夷式熔岩流,三者构成一个完整火山活动旋回。

65、Keywords Jinding;effusive deposit;oil-gas;ore genesis; ─── 金顶;喷流沉积;油气;矿床成因;

66、She may be detached,she may even be unfeeling,but at least she's not hypocritically effusive. ─── 她可能冷漠,她甚至可能冷酷无情,但至少她不会假惺惺地过分热情。

67、effusive pericarditis ─── 渗出性心包炎

68、effusive rocks ─── 喷发岩

69、She visited America frequently and felt right at home there, reveling in the lavish attentions of the opulent and famous and delighting in the effusive responsiveness of the public to her charms. ─── 她经常访问并在那里感到像在家一样。她陶醉于那些富有、显赫的人们对她的注意并对美国公众对其倾国倾城之魅力所给予的热切反响洋洋自得。

70、effusive beam sourse ─── 隙流束源

71、This method can be applied in rifted basin with abundant effusive rocks. ─── 该方法在喷出岩较发育的断陷盆地中可以广泛应用。

72、effusive eruption ─── 溢流喷发

73、Keywords Hot Brine;Effusive Sedimetation;Genesis of Ore Deposit;Huize Pb-Zn Deposit Yunnan; ─── 热卤水;喷流沉积;改造层控;铅锌矿;会泽云南;

74、effusive discrimination ─── 有效歧视

75、But even the EU's embrace of IFRS has been less than effusive. ─── 不过欧洲接纳IFRS的过程也非一帆风顺。

76、Acute effusive pericarditis ─── 急性渗出性心包炎

77、He had not been effusive when he was brought in to see Thomas. ─── 当他被带去见托马斯时,并没大动感情。

78、In Argentina,greetings are usually effusive with plenty of hugging and kissing, not unlike the French faire la bise. ─── 在阿根廷,热情的拥抱和亲吻是普遍的问候方式,与法式亲吻礼类似。

79、effusive breccia ─── 喷出角砾岩

80、In Dr Ishida's study, 4 cats of 12 completely recovered and two survived 4 and 5 months. Those cats which recovered completely all had the effusive form of FIP and were relatively older cats. ─── 意思是在出现湿性传染性腹膜炎症状的猫共有12只,其中4只治疗后完全康复,另外两个分别存活4个月和5个月。但是这12只猫均是年龄比较大的猫。

81、The island itself is composed primarily of basalt, a low-silica lava associated with effusive volcanism like Hawaii. ─── 岛本身主要由玄武岩组成,低矽石的熔岩象夏威夷一样与热情洋溢的火山活动相关。

82、insincere and effusive demonstrations of sentimental friendship; a large gushing female; write unrestrained and gushy poetry ─── 对感情用事的友谊的虚伪、外露的表白;过分热情的女人;写下热情洋溢的诗篇

83、I don't know why I linked the two stories together, I had my share of swaggering, bitch slapping and curse-filled afternoons in the common toilets.Those hot and humid, effusive days. ─── 我不知道我为什么要把这两个事情联系在一起,我也曾经跟别人浪费一个下午的时间在公共厕所里.一起吹牛,跟泼妇似的打耳光,讲脏话.

84、India's prime minister, Manmohan Singh, was more effusive, saying Obama's "extraordinary journey to the White House will inspire people not only in your country but also around the world". ─── 印度总理辛格则显得更为热情洋溢,他说奥巴马“入主白宫经过的非凡旅程不仅鼓舞着贵国人民,还鼓舞了全世界的人们”。

85、It is fabulous that the effusive king renounced the throne to his haggard-looking kid brother. ─── 过分热情的国王把王位退让给了他憔悴的弟弟,真令人吃惊。

86、In any case, the curate was most effusive in praise of the kindness and good judgement of Professor James, who immediately sent for him when the nature of his discovery became clear. ─── 不论怎么说,这位研究员对詹姆士教授的好意与果敢的决断极尽溢美之词,因为,当这个发现的重要性开始显现起来以后,他就立刻派人去请哈里曼过来了。

87、Every visitor noticed that her effusive welcome was not sincere. ─── 所有的客人都看出来她那过分热情的欢迎是不真诚的。

88、Her effusive welcome made us feel most uncomfortable. ─── 她热情地款待,使得我们非常不自在。

89、Sir Alex was effusive in his praise for United's opponents after the 3-2 win and will no doubt expect a similar challenge on Monday. ─── 在曼联3-2获胜后,弗格森极力赞美了对手,他觉得周一的比赛对方会再次给予曼联严峻的考验。

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