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09-12 投稿



smeary 发音

英:[ˈsmɪri]  美:[ˈsmɪəri]

英:  美:

smeary 中文意思翻译



smeary 词性/词形变化,smeary变形


smeary 相似词语短语

1、smearily ─── 弄脏

2、speary ─── 斯皮尔。

3、smearer ─── 涂片机

4、sweary ─── adj.脏话的;诅咒的

5、smears ─── n.涂布剂;油迹;污点;涂片标本(smear的复数形式);v.涂抹(smear的单三形式)

6、scenary ─── 情节

7、smear ─── v.(用油性或稀软物质)胡乱涂抹;(在某物上)涂;弄脏;诽谤,诋毁;(字迹、图画等)蹭得模糊不清;n.(尤指政治上的)抹黑,丑化;诽谤;污点,污渍;(显微镜)涂片;(登山)不稳立足处;abbr.涂片试验(smeartest)

8、smeared ─── adj.弄脏的;污迹斑斑的;v.涂抹,擦上(smear的过去式)

9、summary ─── n.总结,概要;adj.总结性的;简略的,扼要的;(司法程序)即决的;简易判罪的

smeary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The property of metal detergent consists of two kinds of gemini surfactants(dialkylphenyl bisulphonate and bisphenolic polyoxyethylene ether) was studied for cleaning the smeary surface of aluminium. ─── 研究了以双辛基酚聚氧乙烯醚和双烷基苯双磺酸盐这两类双子表面活性剂为主的金属清洗剂的清洗性能。

2、Remove the rust parts, grease, graphite, smeary, fingerprints, mechanical scraps, polishing wax, dust, attachments rosin, flux, etc. ─── 清除零件上的锈、油脂、石墨、油污、指纹、机械切屑、抛光腊、灰尘、松香、助焊剂等附着物。

3、With sticky Tu Zaizao has stiff rice water on, wait for after rice water is scabby and dry, with iron piece blow gently, smeary can follow scabby rice water one case eliminate. ─── 用黏稠的米汤涂在灶具上,待米汤结痂干燥后,用铁片轻刮,油污就会随结痂的米汤一起除去。

4、Jadeite jewelry is decorous, if the symbol of the holy oil, long-term exposure to it is easily smeary adhere to the surface, influence. ─── 翡翠首饰是高雅圣洁的象征,若长期使它接触油污,油污则容易粘在表面,影响光彩。

5、Stone of man-made of choose and buy, had better be to take an example to undertake abominable sex experiments first, pour soy for example smeary perhaps and undertake caustic experiments noing. ─── 选购人造石,最好是先拿一块样板进行恶劣性试验,例如倒酱油或者油污以及进行靡损试验。

6、smeary band ─── (不清晰的)成片(电泳)条带

7、3.If be to be in tall the job below smeary environment, for instance: And so on of kitchen, gas station often contacts smeary person, need discharge makeup. ─── 3. 如果是在高油污的环境下工作,比如:厨房、加油站之类经常接触油污的人,就需要卸妆。

8、Because candle surface is slick, although have smeary be infected with above, also should brush gently only clean. ─── 因为蜡烛表面光滑,即使有油污沾染在上面,也只要轻轻一擦就干净了。

9、Use no halogen cleanser for insulation material and smeary seriously components. ─── 对绝缘材料和严重污染的元件,用无卤清洁剂。

10、At the same time cast-iron hutch basin hard usage, the surface blows a flower not easily, be infected with not easily smeary, noise is little. ─── 同时铸铁厨盆坚固耐用,表面不易刮花,不易沾染油污,噪音小。

11、The kitchen needs switch of safe, convenient lamps and lanterns, because lamp holder is easy,be polluted by place of sulfur of smeary, 2 oxidation, should not be so use lamp holder switch. ─── 厨房需要安全、方便的灯具开关,由于灯头轻易被油污、二氧化硫所污染,所以不宜使用灯头开关。

12、Man-made stone colour and lustre is much, the exterior is luxuriant, won't suck again smeary, color is rich, become mesa of high-grade kitchen first selection. ─── 人造石色泽多,外观华丽,又不会吸油污,颜色丰富,成为高档的厨房首选台面。

13、Because candle surface is slick, although have smeary be infected with above, also should brush gently only clean. ─── 因为蜡烛表面光滑,即使有油污沾染在上面,也只要轻轻一擦就干净了。

14、If you do not attribute above situation, dirt just is infected with on the face, a few smeary, suggest to use the product of general clean face that fits him skin to pledge only. ─── 如果你不属于以上情况,只是脸上沾染灰尘、少量油污,都建议只使用适合自己肤质的一般洁面产品。

15、Old oil stains can spray smeary and clean fluid, brush with newspaper or wet cloth next. ─── 陈油迹可喷洒油污清洁液,然后用报纸或湿布擦。

16、Clean the ground to use vinegar or plant ash ground is smeary more, if pulling cloth to go up,pour a bit vinegar, OK the oil of take out ground dirties. ─── 清洗地面用醋或草木灰地面油污较多,如在拖布上倒一点醋,就可以去掉地面的油垢。

17、Maintain best except lampblack machine the method is ferial after using, dip in with dry cloth neuter cleaner wipes airframe crust, what purify adds in the surface is smeary. ─── 除油烟机最好的保养方法就是平日使用后,用干布蘸中性清洁剂擦拭机体外壳,去除附在表面的油污。

18、But this ceramic tile at the back of hearth and place of ceramic tile juncture are caught very easily smeary, should be being cleaned so every time is very troublesome really, how to do? ─── 但是灶台后面的这块瓷砖和瓷砖接缝处很轻易就染上油污,每次都要这样清洗实在是很麻烦,怎么办呢?

19、Because the direction of place of ceramic tile juncture is fore-and-aft, be in so scrub when, also should fore-and-aft scrub, such ability smeary clean down. ─── 因为瓷砖接缝处的方向是纵向的,所以在刷洗的时候,也应该纵向的刷洗,这样才能把油污刷干净。

20、The stick performance of the modified epoxy using the surface of the smeary concrete ─── 改性环氧树脂在油污染混凝土表面的粘结性能

21、Clean gas burner to provide with rice water gas burner: Liquid gas kitchen is provided go up to be touched very easily smeary. ─── 清洗煤气灶用米汤煤气灶具:液化气灶具上很轻易沾上油污。

22、So smeary, can touch washing powder of low density with soft cloth water will brush. ─── 如是油污,可用软布沾一点低浓度洗衣粉水来擦。

23、Marble is porous material, because this is easy smeary, the expert answers to use water less when the proposal is clean. ─── 大理石是多孔性材料,因此轻易染污,专家建议清洁时应少用水。

24、property of metal detergent consists of two kinds of gemini surfactants(dialkylphenyl bisulphonate and bisphenolic polyoxyethylene ether) was studied for cleaning the smeary surface of aluminium. ─── 研究了以双辛基酚聚氧乙烯醚和双烷基苯双磺酸盐这两类双子表面活性剂为主的金属清洗剂的清洗性能。

25、Use no halogen cleanser for insulation material and smeary seriously components. ─── 对绝缘材料和严重污染的元件,用无卤清洁剂。

26、2 anti-fouling - - liquid of smeary, acidity material, coloured must not is infected with to wait in use process, if produce pollution, should clean with high grade carpet instantly cream erasure. ─── 2防污--使用过程中不得沾染油污、酸性物质、有色液体等,如发生污染,应立即用优质地毯清洗膏擦除。

27、What if want to keep clear of with clear water,remain is smeary must use cold water, because tepid water can make besmirch expands only, outsmart oneself instead. ─── 假如想要用清水清除残留的油污一定要使用冷水,因温热水只会使污渍扩大,反而弄巧成拙。

28、Also can add in water some feed vinegar to brush try carpentry furniture, latter is comfortable at smeary less carpentry. ─── 也可在水中加些食醋擦试木器家具,后者适于油污较少的木器。

29、The making material of drawer of type of this kind of activity must be had waterproof with the material that clears easily, lest of damp, smeary rubbish erode. ─── 这种活动式抽屉的制作材料须具有防水和轻易清理的材料,以免潮湿、油污垃圾的侵蚀。

30、Aluminum Alloy Sacrificial Anode Resistant to High Temperature Seawater and Smeary Seawater ─── 耐高温、抗油污海水铝合金牺牲阳极的研究

31、When full oily dirty is being accumulated on the carpentry in the kitchen, usable bleaching powder adds water besmear to brush in smeary surface, rush clean with clear water the following day can. ─── 厨房里的木器上积满油垢时,可用漂白粉加水涂刷在油污表面,第二天用清水冲干净即可。

32、What clean this ceramic tile at the back of hearth and office of ceramic tile juncture again later is smeary, it is OK to should be swabbed with scour only. ─── 以后再清洗灶台后面的这块瓷砖和瓷砖接缝处的油污,只要用洗涤剂擦洗就可以了。

33、Kitchen wall should the choose and buy touchs smeary wall capable person convenient cleanness, not easily, even fireproof, heatproof be out of shape etc. ─── 厨房墙壁应选购方便清洁、不易沾油污的墙材,还要耐火、抗热变形等。

34、When full oily dirty is being accumulated on the carpentry in the kitchen, usable bleaching powder adds water besmear to brush in smeary surface, rush clean with clear water the following day can. ─── 厨房里的木器上积满油垢时,可用漂白粉加水涂刷在油污表面,第二天用清水冲干净即可。

35、The quantity of toothpaste, can be in smeary actual condition to decide according to ceramic tile juncture. ─── 牙膏的量,可以根据瓷砖接缝处油污的实际情况来决定。

36、The quantity of toothpaste, can be in smeary actual condition to decide according to ceramic tile juncture. ─── 牙膏的量,可以根据瓷砖接缝处油污的实际情况来决定。

37、DHC is deep-seated discharge makeup oil is with elite of high grade olive oil is bases, dissolve so ministry of colour makeup knead dough is smeary special and effective. ─── DHC深层卸妆油是以优质橄榄精华油为主要成分,所以溶解彩妆和面部油污非常有效。

38、In the meantime, all haven are asked the setting is smeary defend net, diffuse in order to prevent what the likelihood produces crude oil leak. ─── 同时,所有港口都被要求设置油污防护网,以防止可能发生原油泄漏的扩散。

39、Clean: No smeary problem will be occurred for the lubrication in gearless driving and hydraulic grease in hydraulic driving system. ─── 洁净:无齿轮传动中的润滑油以及液压传动中的液压油彻底免除油污困扰。

40、Additional, basin of man-made stone hutch is touched more easily add smeary, still can produce break, cleaning so with maintain go up to be bothered quite. ─── 另外,人造石厨盆比较轻易沾附油污,还会产生裂缝,所以在清洗与保养上比较麻烦。

41、Also can add in water some feed vinegar to brush try carpentry furniture, latter is comfortable at smeary less carpentry. ─── 也可在水中加些食醋擦试木器家具,后者适于油污较少的木器。

42、But will right amount feed vinegar to heat, dip in with dishcloth next of a bit heat feed vinegar to swab, smeary meet very easily " desert " . ─── 可将适量的食醋加热,然后用抹布蘸些微热的食醋擦洗,油污很轻易就会“逃跑”。

43、Clean: No smeary problem will be occurred for the lubrication in gearless driving and hydraulic grease in hydraulic driving system. ─── 洁净:无齿轮传动中的润滑油以及液压传动中的液压油彻底免除油污困扰。

44、More important is, use segregation frost can arise one day more smeary, when washing a face so best first discharge makeup washs a face again, no matter have,make up. ─── 更重要的是,使用隔离霜一天会产生较多的油污,所以洗脸时最好先卸妆再洗脸,不管有没有化妆。

45、In addition, the stove that has radian design, can let more smeary go up to furnace face down radian shedding, won't ooze is provided into furnace in, can easily will obliterate. ─── 此外,具有弧度设计的炉座,更会让油污顺着弧度流到炉面上,不会渗进炉具里,可以很轻易地将之擦去。

46、The wall of the kitchen should the choose and buy touchs smeary wall capable person convenient cleanness, not easily, even fireproof, heatproof be out of shape etc. ─── 厨房的墙壁应选购方便清洁、不易沾油污的墙材,还要耐火、抗热变形等。

47、The truth also is to prevent to be infected with smeary, facilitating cleanness. ─── 道理也是为了防止沾染油污,便于清洁。

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