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09-12 投稿


loftiest 发音

英:[ˈlɒftɪɪst]  美:[ˈlɔftɪɪst]

英:  美:

loftiest 中文意思翻译







loftiest 词性/词形变化,loftiest变形

形容词比较级: loftier |副词: loftily |名词: loftiness |形容词最高级: loftiest |

loftiest 同义词

vain | high-minded | sublime |high | dignified | haughty | noble | snooty | soaring | elevated | tall | rarefied | noble-minded | admirable | gallant | high-flown | supercilious | majestic | rarified | over | aerial | eminent | disdainful | exalted | idealistic | superior | prominent | grand | towering | proud

loftiest 短语词组

1、loftiest definition ─── 最崇高的定义

2、loftiest crossword ─── 最伟大的纵横字谜

3、loftiest mountain ─── 最高峰

4、loftiest synonym ─── 最崇高的同义词

5、loftiest espanol ─── 埃斯帕诺

6、loftiest goal ─── 最崇高的目标

7、loftiest meaning ─── 最崇高的意义

loftiest 反义词

humble | mean

loftiest 相似词语短语

1、dotiest ─── adj.腐朽的(doty的变形)

2、plottiest ─── 海豹

3、blottiest ─── 依偎

4、dottiest ─── 疯疯癫癫的(dotty的最高级)

5、floatiest ─── 最飘浮的

6、cliftiest ─── 最冷的

7、dortiest ─── 口渴的

8、clottiest ─── adj.块多的;固结了的(clotty的变形)

9、loftiness ─── n.高;崇高;高傲

loftiest 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、success, is in each individual heart the loftiest dream. ─── 古今中外,无人不在时时刻刻做着成功的梦想。

2、Such will be his fate, though to outward seeming he may occupy the earth's loftiest seats and be established upon its most exalted throne. ─── 此乃他的下场,哪怕表面上他可能占有世间至高宝座,稳坐至尊王位。

3、It was strange, they said amongst themselves that depression should thus seize one with so great a chance to win art's loftiest reward. ─── 人们说,面对着这样一个能赢取艺术界至高无上荣誉的机会,谁都可能会感受到压力而落落寡欢。

4、Only a person without a soul could deny that, over the course of almost 13 glorious years, Arsenal have reached for the loftiest ideals and, yes, often attained them. ─── 只有一个没有心灵的人才会否认这一点,在将近13年的光辉岁月中,阿森纳终于试图去触碰这个最高的理想,也经常真的碰到了。

5、though sufficient to satisfy the loftiest ambition,is surrounded by fearful responsibilities. ─── 足以满足雄心壮志,但却含有令人生畏的责任。

6、In this sense, Li Erqu's thought advanced from "repenting and recommencing" to "embodying the loftiest ideal in behaviour". ─── 因此,二曲思想是从“悔过自新”发展到“明体适用”的。

7、Marxism,which embodies the direction of advanced culture,is the loftiest and most scientific faith ever appeared in human history. ─── 马克思主义信仰是人类历史上最崇高、最科学的信仰,代表着先进文化前进的方向。

8、The loftiest high-heeled and platform shoes you can find today are flat pumps compared with some of the shoes in fashion during earlier European eras. ─── 最崇高的高跟鞋和松糕鞋,您可以找到今天的平板泵相比,与一些鞋时尚早些时候在欧洲时代。

9、The Maids of Heaven, inmates of the loftiest mansions, will circle around it, and the Prophets of God and His chosen ones will seek its companionship. ─── 天堂的女仆和至高圣殿的居民将簇拥它,上帝的诸先知及其特选者会寻求与它交谊。

10、The grave chord displays God's law which loftiest, cannot be defied. ─── 庄重的和弦表现出最崇高的、不可违抗的上帝的律令。

11、To Him belongs the loftiest similitude (we can think of) in the heavens and the earth: for He is Exalted in Might, full of wisdom. ─── 天地间最高的典型,只属于他,他是万能的,至睿的。

12、Located on the French-Italian border, Mont Blanc is the loftiest peak in the Alps and the highest point in western Europe. ─── 意大利政府指责巴黎政府在何时重新开通白朗峰隧道的问题上搪塞。

13、Such will be his fate, though to outward seeming he may occupy the earth's loftiest seats and be established upon its most exalted throne. ─── 此乃他的下场,哪怕表面上他可能占有世间至高宝座,稳坐至尊王位。”

14、Its emphasis on the "comprehensiveness of the loftiest power" helps provide a Chinese theoretical background for building a socialistic harmonious society today. ─── 讲得道者“上德若谷”的包容性,为今天构建社会主义和谐社会提供了本土思想资源。

15、If we have noble purpose, our intellectual attainments will naturally turn to the loftiest uses. ─── 高尚的理想会使我们心智的成就发挥在最崇高有益的方向。

16、It was strange, they said amongst themselves that depression should thus seize one with so great a chance to win art's loftiest reward. ─── 人们说,面对着这样一个能赢取艺术界至高无上荣誉的机会,谁都可能会感受到压力而落落寡欢。

17、trees most dread the thunder. ─── 树最易招惹雷电。

18、Out of the lowest depths there is a path to the loftiest height. ─── 在最低的低谷,藏着通往最高处的道路。

19、4.First is the loftiest thought that next is the money; ─── 4.首先是最崇高的思想,其次才是金钱;

20、The lowliest form of consumption is transformed into the loftiest. ─── 最低贱的消费转变成了最昂贵的。

21、In carries on afterward in the performance, rather the strong people use the warmest applause, the most resounding cheers, to the Tianjin artists who comes from far away extend the loftiest respect. ─── 在随后进行的的演出中,宁强人民都用最热烈的掌声,最响亮的欢呼声,向远道而来的天津艺术家致以最崇高的敬意。

22、lowliest form of consumption is transformed into the loftiest. ─── 最低贱的消费转变成了最昂贵的。

23、Loftiest trees most dread the thunder. ─── 最高的树最易招惹雷电。

24、The ego has a way of turning the loftiest activities into trash if it is allowed free range. ─── 如果可能,自我可以把最神圣的东西变成垃圾。

25、The grand inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition spouts the loftiest of motives.The Salem witchcraft trials were conducted for the public good. ─── 西班牙异端审判以及美国女巫审判都是以公共利益的名义进行。

26、The lowliest form of consumption is transformed into the loftiest. ─── 最低贱的消费转变成了最昂贵的。

27、Inherited from the ancient culture is the loftiest of. Cultural heritage and the instinct of the continuation of life must extend to sexual. Of the pure, perfect and noble. ─── 远古遗传下来的最高尚的文化就是性。性文化的传承和人的本能延续有关,生命要延续必须有性。性纯洁、完美、高尚。

28、10) Proof of what I am arguing is readily available: for whatever has flowed down to the illustrious poets from the loftiest reaches of their minds is found only in canzoni. ─── 我的证明证据已经足够:人们心灵至高的追求向下灌入诗歌中,但这只有在歌曲中才能找到。

29、Are not the times of thy deepest depression just the moments that follow thy loftiest flight? ─── 岂不是山峰一程之后,立刻就是山谷的一程麽?

30、Dancing is the loftiest, the most moving, the most beautiful of the arts, because it is no mere translation or abstraction from life, it is life itself. ─── 舞蹈是最高尚、最动人、最美的艺术,因为它不仅转化自生命或提炼自生命,它本身就是生命。

31、Its length was equal to that of three of the loftiest trees that grow, and it was as wide as the great hall of audience in your palace, O most sublime and munificent of the caliphs. ─── 它的身子有三棵参天大树那么长,有你王宫里的大谒见厅那么宽,哦,尊贵而慷慨的哈里发。

32、Scholars of the past differed in their opinions about the relation of Li Erqu's "repenting and recommencing" to his "embodying the loftiest ideal in behaviour". ─── 摘要关于李二曲的“悔过自新”与“明体适用”的关系,先贤的研究众说纷纭。

33、The art makes the loftiest ideal and aspiration and the most lovable and hateful thing visualized and emotionalized. ─── 艺术就是将生命中最崇高的理想、愿望、至爱、至憎,形象化、情调化。

34、the loftiest towers are built up from the ground. ─── 比喻凡事要从打基础做起。

35、Dragon A kind of fictitious, deified animal, is symbolizing auspicious, omnipotent ability and the loftiest power. ─── 龙一种虚构的、神化了的动物,象征着祥瑞、无所不能的能力和至高无上的权力。

36、Loftiest trees most dread the thunder ─── 树大招风;出头的橼子先烂;枪打出头鸟

37、I extend the loftiest respect to the hero! ─── 向张大权致以最崇高的敬意!

38、" Though the grain of mustard seed is so small, it contains that same mysterious life principle which produces growth in the loftiest tree. ─── 芥菜种虽小,却含有如参天大树发育成长一样神秘的生命素。

39、Fear of corrupting the mind of the younger generation is the loftiest form of cowardice. ─── 害怕年青一代有贪污的念头是懦弱最夸大的表现.

40、The university spirit, which is the embodiment of the loftiest ideals of the time, has been fostered in the subjective practice of higher education. ─── 摘要大学精神是一种立足于大学教育的主体性实践,张扬并涵养着时代精神的高层次的精神理念与境界。

41、Spanish moss dropped from the gracefully bending limbs, and enormous creepers clambered in riotous profusion from the ground to the loftiest branch. ─── 西班牙苔藓由优雅弯曲着的树肢垂下,巨大的藤蔓缤纷喧闹得从地面一直爬到最高枝头。

42、Art has spoken its loftiest work. ─── 慢慢赏析,品味无穷!

43、Its loftiest form of expression is architecture, as in the great cathedrals of northern Europe. ─── 建筑是哥德式建筑最重要的表现形式,例如北欧的大教堂。

44、The breakthrough in the teaching mode,the freedom of teaching,and teaching without fixed pattern are the embodiment of post-modern teaching ideas,and the loftiest realm of teaching art. ─── 突破教学模式,走向教学的自由,实现无模式化教学,是后现代教学理念的体现,也是教学艺术的崇高境界。

45、But the loftiest ideas centre on transforming the rusty state into a "new economy" powerhouse. ─── 但最远大的构想是要把这个锈迹斑斑的州打造成“新经济强州”。

46、though sufficient to satisfy the loftiest ambition, is surrounded by fearful responsibilities. ─── 足以满足雄心壮志,但却含有令人生畏的责任。

47、The position which I have been called to fill, though sufficient to satisfy the loftiest ambition, is surrounded by fearful resonsibilities. ─── 这一职位虽然可满足一种极高的奢望,但它所赋予的责任却是可畏的。

48、The loftiest realm of love is to tell the beloved to treasure the happiness, whomever it came from. ─── 那么楼上真正懂了么?假如真正懂了,就不会说“无人能弹”这样的话。要知道人外有人,天外有天。

49、But the loftiest ideas centre on transforming the rusty state into a “new economy” powerhouse. ─── 但最远大的构想是要把这个锈迹斑斑的州打造成“新经济强州”。

50、We are at our mothers' knees that we require our noblest, sincerest and loftiest ideals, but there is seldom any money in them. ─── 2就是在我们母亲的膝上,我们获得了我们的最高尚、最真诚和最远大的理想,但是里面很少有任何金钱。

51、It is considered not only normal but also desirable that persons of lowly origins aim for the loftiest achievements and surpass those above them. ─── 出身低下的人们力求取得最崇高的成就,超越地位高的人,被看为不但是正常的,而且是应有和可取的。

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