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cryptography 发音

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cryptography 中文意思翻译



cryptography 词性/词形变化,cryptography变形

副词: cryptographically |形容词: cryptographic |

cryptography 短语词组

1、cryptography and network security pdf ─── 密码学与网络安全pdf

2、public key cryptography ─── [计] 公开钥密码

3、cryptography table ─── 加密表

4、number theory and cryptography ─── 数论与密码学

5、computer cryptography ─── [计] 计算机密码术

6、cryptography is often used ─── 密码学经常被使用

7、cryptography types ─── 加密类型

8、cryptography key ─── 密钥

9、obfuscation cryptography ─── 模糊加密

10、cryptography meaning in english ─── 英语中的密码学意义

11、cryptography certificate ─── 加密证书

12、cryptography symbol ─── 密码学符号

cryptography 相似词语短语

1、cryptographic ─── adj.关于暗号的,用密码写的

2、cystography ─── n.[特医]膀胱造影术

3、cryptographer ─── n.译解密码者;担任密码者

4、chartography ─── n.制图法(等于cartography)

5、cryptograph ─── n.密码,密文;vt.把…译成密码

6、glyptography ─── 宝石雕刻术

7、cartography ─── n.地图制作,制图;制图学,绘图法

8、cryptographist ─── n.使用密码之人;密码专家(等于cryptographer)

9、cryptographs ─── n.密码,密文;vt.把…译成密码

cryptography 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The SECG represents the first working group that is devoted exclusively to developing standards based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). ─── SECG代表着第一个专门开发基于椭圆曲线加密技术(ECC)的标准的组织。

2、The following figure shows the sequence of encrypting with the supporting elements of public key cryptography. ─── 下图显示在具有公钥加密的支持元素的情况下进行加密的顺序。

3、Sequences with good pseudorandom properties and large linear span are widely used in the CDMA spread spectrum communication and cryptography. ─── 具有优良伪随机特性和较大线性复杂度的伪随机序列广泛应用于CDMA扩频通信和密码学中。

4、As with other forms of cryptography, it is not distributed with the kernel by default due to export restrictions. ─── 和其它的加密形式一样,由于出口的限制,默认情况下,是不和内核一同发布的.

5、Making use of the good properties of cryptography Hash functions and the difficulties of DLP,a verifiable and linkable ring signature scheme is constructed. ─── 利用密码哈希函数的良好性质和DLP的困难性问题,构造了一个可验证可关联的环签名方案。

6、The following figure shows the sequence of verifying with the addition of the supporting elements of public key cryptography. ─── 下图显示在添加了公钥加密的支持元素的情况下进行验证的顺序。

7、Such a photon counter is essential if quantum cryptography is to work, because it will allow what are known as quantum repeaters to be built. ─── 假如要让量子密码学学以致用,这样的光子计算器至关重要,因为后者为量子中继器的建立提供支持。

8、As application field of cryptography, nonreversible algorithm and hardware encryption technique will also be the essential technology in future. ─── 作为密码学的应用领域,不可逆算法以及硬件加密技术也将是今后必不可少的技术辅助。

9、Based on ID-based cryptography system,a new registration protocol is proposed. ─── 在基于身份公钥系统的基础上,给出新的注册协议。

10、Cryptography is a huge field, but only one facet of software security. ─── 密码学是一个巨大的领域,但又只是软体安全性的一个方面。

11、Defines whether the cryptography algorithm is symmetric, asymmetric, or a message digest. ─── 定义加加密算法是对称的、非对称的还是消息摘要。

12、This paper introduces the basic content of network communications. It also discusses cryptography, user authentication, firewall etc. ─── 介绍了网络安全的基本内容,简述了加密技术、份认证技术、火墙技术等基本的信息安全技术。

13、In cryptography, an encrypted message. ─── 密码学中一种加过密的报文,同cipher text。

14、Unlike cryptography, which allows data to be encrypted and then decrypted, hashing data is a one-way process. ─── 与加密不同,加密允许数据加密后再解密,而哈希数据只允许单向进行。

15、Smolin and Gilles Brassard cast caution aside and undertook a groundbreaking experiment that would demonstrate a new cryptography based on the principles of quantum mechanics. ─── 他们根据量子力学的原理,展示了一种新的密码技术。

16、It supports a large number of cryptography algorithms and provides an implementation for JCE 1.2.1. ─── 它支持大量的密码术算法,并提供JCE 1.2.1的实现。

17、The following figure shows the sequence of decrypting with the addition of the supporting elements of public key cryptography. ─── 下图显示在添加了公钥加密的支持元素的情况下进行解密的顺序。

18、The multi-scalar multiplication with two scalars is the most time consuming operations in elliptic curve cryptography(ECC). ─── 在现代密码系统中使用椭圆曲线密码(ECC)最频繁的一种方法是多点乘算法。

19、In cryptography security, a method of applying additional security to a key utilizing the identities of both the originator, and also the ultimate recipient. ─── 在密码安全学中,一种对密钥施加额外保护的方法,它利用了编码者与最终用户的一致性。

20、Modular exponentiation of larger-number has universal application in cryptography,and it is the base operation in most public-key cryptography algorithms. ─── 大数模幂在密码学领域有广泛的应用,它是公钥密码的基础。

21、The above list also provides examples of applications of formal languages. Other newer application areas are cryptography and computer graphics. ─── 以上所列的为形式语言的的一些应用。此外新的应用包括密码学和计算机图形学。

22、Public-key cryptography was born in 1976 with independent research by Ralph Merkle and by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman. ─── 公开密钥密码技术诞生于1976年,由Ralph Merkle和由Whitfield Diffie与Martin Hellman独立研制而成。

23、PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), which is on the base of cryptography, resolved the issue of trust perfectly using public key certificate as a carrier. ─── PKI(Public Key Infrastructure,公钥基础设施)以密码学为理论基础,以公钥证书为载体,较好地解决了网络中的信任问题。

24、Cool ideas in Applied Cryptography Bruce Schneier discusses plenty of cool things you can do with cryptography. ─── Bruce Schneier讨论了许多您可以用密码学来做的很酷的事情。

25、For example, many popular press articles deal with cryptography: what it is, and where, when, and how to use it. ─── 上。例如,许多流行的出版文章讨论密码学:它是什么,以及何处、何时及如何使用它。

26、He is a co-author of the Handbook of Applied Cryptography and more recently, A Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography. ─── 他参与编撰了《Handbook of Applied Cryptography》,最近又参与编撰了《A Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography》。

27、The number that you choose to rotate your letters by is what we call in cryptography, a key. ─── 你选择的旋转字母的数量就是我们在密码学中所说的密匙。

28、Key pair In asymmetric cryptography, the public and private keys together. ─── 在非对称密码术中,公钥和私钥组合在一起成为密钥对。

29、In recognition of his contributions to the foundations of computational complexity theory and its application to cryptography and program checking. ─── 因在计算复杂性理论、应用密码学和程序测试方面的贡献而获奖。

30、Bouncy Castle is an open source, lightweight cryptography package for the Java platform. ─── Bouncy Castle是一种用于Java平台的开放源码的轻量级密码术包。

31、In cryptography, a product cipher developed by IBM that formed the basis of DES. It used 128-bit data blocks and a 128-bit key. ─── 在密码学中,由IBM公司开发的一种乘积密码,后成为DES的基础,它使用128位数据块和一个128位的密钥。

32、The primary disadvantage of public key cryptography is speed. ─── 公共密钥加密的主要缺点是速度。

33、At the same time,the key generator center creates partial private keys for nodes,and then solves the key escrow problem in the identity-based cryptography. ─── 同时密钥生成中心为用户生成部分私钥,解决了基于身份密码体制中的密钥托管问题;

34、This paper discusses the application of public key cryptography to the digital signature,especially to digital multisignatures. ─── 介绍了公开钥密码体制在数字签名中的应用,特别是集体签名问题。

35、In cryptography, an early example of monoalphabetic, or substitution cipher used in the Gallic wars. ─── 密码学中,在高卢战争中使用的一种单表置换密码,或称替代密码的早期例子。

36、The following figure shows the sequence of signing and encrypting with the addition of the supporting elements of public key cryptography. ─── 下图显示在添加了公钥加密的支持元素的情况下进行签名和加密的顺序。

37、The following figure shows the sequence of signing with the addition of the supporting elements of public key cryptography. ─── 下图显示在添加了公钥加密的支持元素的情况下进行签名的顺序。

38、When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl. ─── 假如密码算法是非法的话,那么你就什么都看不懂了.

39、Dr. Vanstone is one of the leading experts in the field of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) research, having authored or co-authored over 250 publications on the topic. ─── Vanstone博士是椭圆曲线加密技术(ECC)研究领域的领导专家之一,曾针对该主题编撰或参与编撰250多篇论文。

40、To use public-key cryptography to digitally sign a message, Alice first applies a hash algorithm to the message to create a message digest. ─── 为了使用公钥加密对消息进行数字签名,小红首先将哈希算法应用于该消息以创建消息摘要。

41、The following figure shows the sequence of decrypting and verifying the digital signature with the addition of the supporting elements of public key cryptography. ─── 下图显示在添加了公钥加密的支持元素的情况下对数字签名进行解密和验证的顺序。

42、In cryptography, a cipher produced by a composition of a number of substitution and transposition ciphers. ─── 密码学中,由替代密码和置换密码结合使用而构成的一种密码。

43、Similar to many other advanced cryptography packages, the Bouncy Castle package uses type polymorphism extensively to separate general concepts from implementing algorithms. ─── 与许多其它高级密码术包相似,Bouncy Castle包广泛使用类型多态性来将常规概念与实现算法分开。

44、An implementation of the Java Cryptography Extension A list of cryptographic service providers can be found at the Sun Web site. ─── Java密码扩展系统的一个实现在Sun的网站中可以找到密码服务提供者的目录。

45、To solve the problems of information security and copyright protection, the technologies such as cryptography and digital signature, have been presented. ─── 基于私有或公共密钥的加密技术可以用来控制数据访问,它将明文消息变换成旁人无法理解的密文消息。

46、To protect individual and prevent from the consumer committing,Zhang and his partners proposed one-off public key using identity-based cryptography from bilinear pairings. ─── 为了保护用户的隐私又可以避免犯罪,张等人利用基于身份的密码系统,构造了一次性公钥系统。

47、JCE is JCA (Java Cryptography Architecture), an extension. ─── JCE是JCA(Java Cryptography Architecture)的一种扩展。

48、This paper presents a kind of novel Lissajous chaotic stream ciphers based on the analysis of the random number in network security authentication cryptography. ─── 在网络安全认证加密中的随机数的基础上,提出了一类新型的李沙育混沌流密码。

49、An Introduction To CryptographyChapter 1, "The Basics of Cryptography," provides an overview of theterminology and concepts you will encounter as you use PGP products. ─── Chapter 2, "Phil Zimmermann on PG (译):介绍CryptographyChapter 1 , “基本加密, ”概述了theterminology和概念,将会遇到因为您使用的PGP products.

50、Be signed with a strong name using standard public key cryptography. ─── 使用标准公钥密码系统用强名称签名。

51、RSA cryptography algorithm is an important algorithm, the procedure of the algorithm is a complete implementation process. ─── RSA算法是密码学中一个重要算法,该程序给出了该算法的完整实现过程。

52、The field that encompasses both cryptography and cryptanalysis. ─── 包含加密技术和密码分析(学)两部分的学科领域。

53、MD5(Message Digest) encryption algorithm is a one-way hash function in cryptography. ─── MD5(Message Digest信息摘要)是密码学中的一种单向散列函数,它以512位的明文文本作为输入,输出恒为128位的散列值。

54、In this demonstration, I use the TripleDES block encryption algorithm of the SunJCE cryptography provider. ─── 在这个演示中,我使用了SunJCE密码术供应商的TripleDES块加密算法。

55、Employing quantum cryptography to transmit the vote from polling stations to central counting house is thus a bit of a publicity stunt. ─── 因此,使用量子加密将选票信息从投票站送往计票中心,也有那么点形象工程的色彩。

56、In cryptography, the additional characters added to a plaintext message, to ensure that its length is an integral number of blocks for encryption by a block cipher. ─── 在密码学中,为了使明文信息的长度为分组密码加密中所用的块的整数倍,而在明文中添加的附加字符。

57、The name attribute can be the name of one of the abstract classes found in the System. Security. Cryptography namespace. ─── name属性可以是位于System.Security.Cryptography命名空间中的某个抽象类的名称。

58、In addition, the quantum cryptography can protect the information in a new way that cannot be eavesdropped by means of classical attack. ─── 另外,量子保密可以新的方法保护信息,从而避免经典攻击下的信息窃取。

59、Crypto code for the Elliptic Curce Cryptography complete source code, has been tested. ─── (译):加密代码的完整的椭圆Curce加密源代码,已经过测试。

60、A public-key infrastructure (PKI) consists of protocols, services, and standards supporting applications of public-key cryptography. ─── PKI由支持公钥密码学应用的协议、服务和标准组成。

61、In this case, there's an antidote: cryptography, the use of codes and ciphers to protect information. ─── 在这种情况下,有一种解决办法:密码学,用密码保护信息。

62、In cryptography, we also need to discuss modular logarithm. ─── 在密码学中,我们也需要讨论模对数。

63、The SSL protocol is based on public-key cryptography where encryption keys come in pairs that are mathematically related, but one cannot be deduced from knowing the other. ─── SSL协议基于公钥密码,加密密钥成对地出现在公钥密码中,它们是在数学上是相关的,但无法由一个推知另一个。

64、Cryptography helps provide accountability, fairness, accuracy, and confidentiality. ─── 密码学使得加密保护,公平交易,问责称为可能。

65、In studying symmetric key(secret key) cryptography system,the disadvantages of DES in secret-key management and security are analysed. ─── 在对称加密体制方面,重点讨论了DES算法,给出了其在密钥管理,安全应用方面存在的问题;

66、Since the one-time pad is theoretically proven to be undecipherable, quantum cryptography is the key to perfect secrecy. ─── 因为一次插入被理论上证明是不被破译的,量密码术是完全保密的答案。

67、In symmetric cryptography systems, a single key that is used for both encryption and decryption. ─── 在对称密码术系统中同时用于加密和解密的单个密钥。

68、Cryptography helps protect data from being viewed or modified and helps provide a secure means of communication over otherwise insecure channels. ─── 加密可以帮助保护数据不被查看和修改,并且可以帮助在本不安全的信道上提供安全的通信方式。

69、For example, one could perform quantum cryptography with an entangled photon pair or an entangled pair of atomic nuclei or even a photon and a nucleus entangled together. ─── 例如,我们可以用一对缠结光子,也可以用一对缠结原子核,甚至是缠结在一起的一个光子与一个原子核,来执行量子密码学的工作。

70、The protocol combines the symmetric with non-symmetric cryptography.Non-symmetric cryptography adopts Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem with greater security and shorter keys. ─── 协议将对称密码体制和非对称密码体制有机地结合起来,非对称密码体制采用密钥比特少且安全性高的椭圆曲线密码体制。

71、Namespace contains classes that allow you to perform both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, create hashes, and provide random number generation. ─── 命名空间包含一些类,通过这些类您可以执行对称和不对称加密,创建哈希值和提供随机数生成。

72、Quantum key distribution (QKD) is the core of the quantum cryptography technology which had been proved to be absolutely safe. ─── 量子密码被证明是绝对安全的,其核心技术是量子密钥分配(QKD)。

73、Paul Kocher, Cryptography Research's president and chief scientist, thinks HD DVD's decision not to adopt his technology eventually tipped the battle to Blu-ray. ─── Paul Kocher(Cryptography Research的总裁和首席科学家)认为hd DVD决定不采用他的技术最终使战局变得对Blu-ray有利。

74、There's cryptography going on. ─── 这里就使用了密码技术。

75、William Stallings,Cryptography and Network Security(4/e), Prentice Hall, ISBN:0131873164. ─── 信息安全观念:黄景彰,信息安全--电子商务之基础,华泰书局,ISBN:9576093384。

76、Method or the name of an abstract cryptography class in the. ─── 命名空间中的抽象加密类的名称。

77、ECC is a new field in cryptography, this crypt system has many advantages of fast speed and high security. ─── 基于椭圆曲线的公钥密码体制是密码学研究的一个新课题,这种密码体制具有速度快、全性高的优点。

78、The transport-layer security standard overcomes the inefficiencies associated with public-key cryptography. ─── 传输层安全性标准解决了与公共密钥加密技术关联的效率低下问题。

79、Recommend cryptography foundation with prove secret key and disclose distribution skill of key. 3. ─── 3.详述如何将密码学应用到资讯安全的相关技术。

80、Quantum cryptography,which is based on fundamental physical principles,has been proved to be an effective technique fo r secure key distribution. ─── 基于量子物理原理的量子密码术已被证明是保密信中密钥安全分配的有效手段。

81、The company went through several ideas, including cryptography software and a service for transmitting money via PDAs, before finding its niche as a web-based payment system. ─── 再成为网上支付系统之前,公司很不少的发展方向,包括加密软件,提供PDA转帐服务等。

82、Finally, there was the issue of cryptography. ─── 最后就是加密问题。

83、Author studies IBE technology, analyses the principle of the Ellipse Curve Cryptography(ECC) and its performance and efficiency. ─── 作者首先研究标识加密技术IBE,分析椭圆曲线密码的实现原理、性能以及效率。

84、Because separate keys are used for encrypting and decrypting messages, this form of cryptography is called asymmetric encryption. ─── 由于使用了不同的密匙进行加密和解密消息,因此这种形式的加密被称为不对称加密。

85、The most important supporting concept for message security is public key cryptography. ─── 在邮件安全领域,最重要的支持性概念是公钥加密。

86、Round these two respects, how to structure security elliptic curve cryptography and the implementations of ECC is first discussed in this paper. ─── 围绕这两个方面的问题,本文首先讨论了如何构造安全的椭圆曲线密码体制和椭圆曲线密码体制的应用;

87、Compared with ECC, the computing on conic curve is much easier, and the facility of plaintext embedding is the most exciting feature of conic curve cryptography. ─── 在圆锥曲线群上的各项计算比椭圆曲线群上的更简单,尤其是在其上的编码和解码都很容易被执行。

88、The quantum cryptography and BB84 protocol are introduced.Their security is analyzed.An example to explain the process of quantum transmission is given. ─── 介绍了量子加密以及BB84协议,对其安全性进行了分析,并给出例子详述量子密钥的传送过程。

89、Neither of these techniques actually breaks the fundamental principles on which quantum cryptography is based. ─── 这些技术并没有打破量子密码学的基础理论。

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