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09-12 投稿



herbal 发音

英:[ˈɜːrb(ə)l]  美:[ˈhɜːb(ə)l]

英:  美:

herbal 中文意思翻译




herbal 网络释义

adj. 草药的;草本的n. 植物志;草本书

herbal 短语词组

1、herbal decoction ─── 中药汤剂

2、herbal care ─── 草药护理

3、antibacterial Chinese herbal medicines ─── [化] 抗菌中草药

4、encyclopedia of herbal medicine ─── 草药百科全书

5、herbal medicine ─── 草药

6、herbal tea ─── [医]凉茶

7、herbal medicinal products ─── 草药产品

8、herbal drink ─── 草药饮料

9、herbal oil ─── 草药油

10、herbal gel ─── 草本啫喱

11、herbal medication ─── 草药疗法

12、cough medicine herbal ─── 咳嗽药草药

13、herbal drugs ─── 草药,植物药

14、decocting herbal ─── 煎药

15、herbal glo ─── 草药glo

16、herbal medicines ─── 草药

17、herbal medicine of hepatitis ─── 肝炎草药

18、herbal therapy ─── [网络] 草药疗法

19、herbal medicinal ingredients ─── 草药成分

herbal 词性/词形变化,herbal变形


herbal 常用词组

herbal medicine ─── 草药医学,草药

chinese herbal medicine ─── 中药;中草药;中药材

herbal tea ─── 花草茶;草药茶(等于herb tea)

herbal 相似词语短语

1、verbals ─── adj.口头的;言语的;动词的;照字面的;n.动词的非谓语形式

2、hersall ─── 赫索尔

3、verbal ─── adj.口头的;言语的;动词的;照字面的;n.动词的非谓语形式

4、herald ─── v.预示……的来临;宣布,通报;公开称赞;n.预兆,征兆;(古)传令官,报信者;先驱;棘翅夜蛾;n.(Herald)(美、英、印度)赫勒尔德(人名)

5、hernial ─── adj.疝的;脱肠的

6、barbal ─── 巴巴尔

7、herbals ─── n.植物标本集;草本植物(herbal的复数形式)

8、herbage ─── n.草;草本;草的柔软部分;[畜牧]放牧权;n.(Herbage)人名;(英)赫贝奇;(法)埃尔巴热

9、herbary ─── 药草园;草本植物园;草本园

herbal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ingredients: HA from tremella, squalane, natural pearl essence, and herbal micro-powder, etc. ─── 成份:银耳透明质酸、角鲨烷、天然珍珠精华,植物微粒体等。

2、To some people, herbal medicine is quackery. ─── 对有些人来说,草药就是不可能有效果的药材。

3、To emphasize quality control standards and promoting marketing and export opportunities of Herbal Products. ─── 增强控制草药产品的质量标准,促进草药产品的出口。

4、What are some of the adverse effects when taking Chinese herbal remedies? ─── 中药疗法的付作用是什么?

5、Tea, Lois? It's a calming herbal blend. I learned it from a medicine man in Fiji. The secret is the fresh mint. ─── 喝茶么,露易斯?这是镇定草药的混合。我从斐济一个药商那儿学来的。秘诀是这个新鲜的薄荷。

6、What has been your experience with Chinese herbal remedies? ─── 你对中药治疗有何经验?

7、Hepatotoxic reactions to herbal remedies or drugs also merit consideration. ─── 同时应该考虑对中草药或药物的肝毒素反应。

8、Herbal Vivid can be used by consenting adults all over the world.There is nothing like it on the market today! ─── 如果你是口交喜好者,这件产品你一定不能错过。

9、Herbal medicine is likely to become one of the hot consumption spots. ─── 中草药消费有可能成为未来的药品消费热点之一。

10、Where no such Community herbal monograph has yet been established, other appropriate monographs, publications or data may be referred to. ─── 在欧共体草药专论建立之前,其他合适的专论、出版物或数据可作为参考。

11、I often use herbal remedies. ─── 我常用草药治病.

12、Dabieshan hinterland of pure Chinese herbal medicine, good quality, fair prices. Dedication services for the delivery. ─── 大别山腹地纯正中药材,品质优良,价格公道。热忱的服务,公司负责送货。

13、I've tried herbal cigarettes but I don't like them. ─── 我尝试过草烟但不喜欢。

14、Herbs At Home Ezine is a free online ezine for herbal information. ─── 包括最新信息、以及过期的有价值的信息。

15、Hepatitis resolved in the remaining ten patients after discontinuation of the herbal products. ─── 其余的10例病人停用中成药后肝炎恢复。

16、I must go to see him right away because my goal in Taiwan is to pursue herbal medicine. ─── 我必须立刻去见他, 因为我在台湾的目的是研究草药医学。

17、Rape-seed-rich territory, Chinese herbal medicine, with "Shuanglu card" the most famous rhubarb. ─── 境内盛产菜子、中药材,其中以“双鹿牌”大黄最为驰名。

18、Ripe cherry and herbal aromas. Medium to full body, taste with spicy and ripe berry flavour. ─── 中浓酒体,入口带野草及成熟浆果味。气体带有成熟樱桃和香料味。

19、To open a herbal clinic for Ching. ─── 开一家药店了。

20、A56- year-old woman developed lead poisoning while receiving an Indian herbal medicine for generalised weakness. ─── 例56岁妇女因全身无力,接受一种印度草药导致中毒。

21、Herbal spring, fragrant spring and petal spring. ─── 实在是太丰富了!本草泉、茗香泉、花瓣泉等等的。

22、Enhances the health of your hair with herbal extracts. ─── 含草本精华,促进头发健康

23、An added-value pack for a herbal tea assortment has been released by RC Bigelow in the US. ─── 增值包的凉茶品种已被释放的钢筋混凝土比奇洛在美国。

24、It's no use taking such herbal medicines. ─── 吃这些中药没什么用处。

25、Au Lapa'au: The Practice of Hawaiian Herbal Medicine. Hong Kong: Island Heritage Publishing. ─── 夏威夷人草本植物的药的练习。香港:岛遗产出版。

26、Do you believe in Chinas traditional herbal medicine? ─── 中文:你相信中国传统的中草药吗?

27、My kids don't like the bitter taste of Chinese herbal medicine. ─── 我的孩子们不喜欢中国草药的苦味。

28、Many herbal remedies have saw palmetto as an ingredient, as it is thought to be able to reduce prostate swelling and relieve symptoms. ─── 很多草药配方包含天然草药前列通(SawPalmetto)成分,因为它被认为能够控制前列腺肥大并减轻由前列腺肥大引起的各种症状。

29、Alcohol Free. Herbal Supplement. Great Tasting Liquid. ─── 不含酒精,草药补充,超好的口感!

30、Herbal Relief for Menstrual Cramps? ─── 中草药可以减轻月经痉挛?

31、The aroma is fruity with hints of wild black cherry,cherry and a delicate balsamic and herbal finish. ─── 带野黑樱桃、樱桃的水果香味和香料、草药的香气。

32、Thus, Chinese herbal medicine can only decoct. ─── 如果能够把中药之有效成份纳米微粒化,就可提高水溶解性,这不仅便于服用也便于人体吸收。

33、Even in the United States, many people now use herbal medicine. ─── 即使在美国,许多人现在也用草药。

34、She loves to drink herbal teas. ─── 她喜欢喝药茶。

35、Chinese herBal tooth-paste is a creation in the world and a unique in China. ─── 中草药牙膏,国际首创,中国一绝。

36、Chinese herbal medicines in Yunnan. ─── 云南中草药。

37、Chinese herbal medicine (Chinese herbology). ─── 中草药(中文herbology ) 。

38、It proved that tabellae glucosidorum tripterygii totorum is a safe and effective herbal product. ─── 临床上未见明显的不良反应安全性检测结果表明,本品对心、肝、肾及周围血象无不良影响。

39、Study of Chinese herbal medicine that resists the damage of animal liver Glycogen by noise. ─── 中药抵抗噪声引起动物肝糖原的损害。

40、Off dry on the medium bodied palate.Quite herbal but overall lacking any class.Lean and stemmy. ─── 单宁酸味道强烈,后味中还交织着一丝淡淡的草药香味,清新爽口。

41、Ingredients: Botanical collagen, amino acid, marine ossein, herbal extract. ─── 主要成份:植物胶原质、氨基酸、海洋骨胶原、草本精华等。

42、Some people swear by herbal remedies. ─── 一些人信赖草药疗法。

43、Target families used fewer nonprescription (56% less) and prescription drugs (59% less) and herbal remedies (59% less). ─── 受测家庭非处方用药的使用率降低了56%,处方用药降低了59%,而中草药的使用率也降低了59%;

44、Join us for a special 12 day Herbal D-tox Program. ─── 加入我们12天特殊草药排毒之旅。

45、Moreover, our herbal enterprises are also on the way to the world. ─── 但是我国中药产业在国际化的进程中面临着各种壁垒,还存在着各种各样的管理问题。

46、He didn't do much of anything. He just heated some liquid herbal medicine and soaked my hand. ─── 他没有做什么,他只热一些草药水,把我的手浸在里面。

47、Herbal Xenicol is developed by Kunming Dali Industry &Trade Co., Ltd and Chinese Scient... ─── 发布者:吴燕所在地:云南昆明市行业:医药、保养职位:经理工作年限:三年以上

48、The thought came to him that he could try some Chinese herbal medicine. ─── 他突然想到可以用中草药试试。

49、Do natural or herbal remedies fight cancer? ─── 天然药物或者草药方剂能治癌吗?

50、Research (6) in Chinese herbal medicine (7) was large developing recently. ─── 中药的研究最近大幅地进步。

51、Great for use in detox herbal baths. ─── 可用作制造排毒沐浴包。

52、Chinese herbal medicines most in use in Shanghai. ─── 上海常用中草药。

53、The wine displays ripe plumy, berry flavours complimented with a light herbal character and hints of pepper. ─── 口感有迷人的成熟黑樱桃味,有甜蜜果汁和草药的特点,伴有巧克力、奶油、雪茄橡木盒感觉,单宁优质而持久。

54、Many modern analytical instrumental methods have been used in identification and quality control of herbal medicine in recent years. ─── 近年来多种现代仪器分析方法被用于中药鉴定和质量控制。作为一种简单、快速。

55、Chinese herbal medicines have Notopterygium, Gentiana, such as rhubarb. ─── 中药材有羌活、秦艽、大黄等。

56、Many of the compounds found in the Abydos jar were present in the known herbal wine. ─── 在这个已知的药酒中找到了许多在阿拜多斯陶罐中发现的成分。

57、But does it provide an effective herbal alternative to modern medication? ─── 但是否提供一个有效的中草药替代现代药物?

58、This product is rich in herbal essence. ─── 富含纯净的植物精华。

59、We hold the ancestral rights on this herbal medicine. ─── 我们对这种中药享有祖传的权利。

60、We sip herbal teas,gulp fresh juices,stir fry organic vegetables,hire personal trainers,and consult nutritionists. ─── 我们小口喝草药茶,大口喝新鲜果汁,旺火煸炒有机蔬菜,雇佣私人教练,还咨询营养学家。

61、His herbal chicken soup looked like clear tea but was as tasty as anything my mother would have made. ─── 他的药膳鸡汤,汤色如同清澈的茶水,滋味却不逊于我妈妈做的任何一道菜。

62、The herbal kingdom associated with human ascension did not originate upon earth. ─── 与人类提升有关联的药草王国并不起源于地球。

63、The other factory I visited is a herbal tea factory. ─── 我参观的另一间工厂是药茶厂。

64、A number of companies specialize in producing herbal blends. ─── 一些公司专长于制造混和的草药。

65、Saw palmetto has traditionally been used as a herbal remedy for the symptomatic relief of short-term urinary discomfort. ─── 锯棕榈历来被用来作为一种草药的症状缓解短期尿不适。

66、The committee should be composed of experts in the field of herbal medicinal products. ─── 委员会应由草药品领域的专家组成。

67、It will provide a re ference for the information-based production of the Chinese herbal medicine mate rial. ─── 为中药材生产的信息化提供参考。

68、Wildlife, especially Chinese herbal medicine resources, very rich. ─── 动植物,尤其是中草药资源,十分丰富。

69、Chinese herbal pharmacies, and traditional massage therapists in the Vancouver telephone book. ─── 中药店,和传统的按摩师在温哥华的电话簿里。


71、For centuries, Kudzu has been valued in East Asia for making herbal remedies. ─── 几世纪来,葛根在东亚被视为制造药材的材料。

72、Investigation of Chinese herbal medicine from Aralia L. ─── 楤木属中草药的整理研究。

73、The portal vein system blood flow reduced significantly after iontophoresis of chinese herbal medicine. ─── 中药离子导入治疗后门脉系统血流量明显减少。

74、Lemon balm is a fragrant oil that is often used in warding of pests or insects in the garden or in herbal insect repellents . ─── 柠檬香蜂草是一种芬芳的精油,经常用于花园中防御有害物或昆虫,或者用于草本植物杀虫剂。

75、Mom was a great believer in herbal medicines. ─── 妈妈是个深信草药的人。

76、Herbal studies on the plants of Schisandraceae. ─── 五味子科植物的本草考证.

77、Ingredients: Natural active essence, herbal essence, hamamelis, and ultra-fine essence, etc. ─── 成分:天然活泉因子、植物精华、金镂梅、超细粉态等。

78、Another manner of creating herbal tinctures is to put 1/4 cup of loose herbs of choice in a jar with 1 cup vodka. ─── 制作药草酊剂的另一种方法是,在一个玻璃广口瓶里放入1/4杯你所选择的松散药草,再放入1杯伏特加。

79、South Asian and herbal teas to choose from. ─── 和南亚出产的茶以及天然植物茶可供选择。

80、In the end, those who take full advantage of herbal medicine will save money, improve health, and live longer. ─── 充分利用中药的人最终会省钱,增进健康并延长寿命。

81、A holistically trained veterinarian can prescribe further Chinese Herbal remedies; many have been shown to be very effective. ─── 一个整体训练的兽医可以给你开进一步的中国草药,许多已被证明是非常有效的。

82、Hill also growing Astragalus, Cornus, and other Chinese herbal medicines. ─── 山中还生长着黄芪、山茱萸等中药材。

83、There is no dispute about the fact that herbal medicine is effective. ─── 关于草药疗效的事实是没有争议的。

84、Trout Lake Farm is the largest organic herbal farm in North America. ─── 9?鱼湖农场是北美洲最大的有机草本农场。

85、As yet we have not found any reports about treating myocardial fibrosis with chinese tranditional herbal. ─── 但在中药治疗心肌纤维化方面目前尚无相关报道。

86、Do you believe in China's traditional herbal medicine? ─── 你相信中国传统的中草药吗?

87、Chinese herbal medicine " broken bone wind " medical name and alias and effect? ─── 中草药“破骨风”的药名及别名和功效?

88、Traditional Herbal Medicines Registration Scheme (U.K. ─── 关键词:英国;草药;注册;政策法规

89、Unlicensed steroids are being disguised as herbal medicines. ─── 无许可的类固醇被伪装成为草药。

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