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09-12 投稿



gentility 发音

英:[dʒenˈtɪləti]  美:[dʒenˈtɪləti]

英:  美:

gentility 中文意思翻译



gentility 词性/词形变化,gentility变形


gentility 相似词语短语

1、fertility ─── n.多产;肥沃;[农经]生产力;丰饶

2、gentilish ─── 温柔的。

3、gentilise ─── 氏族

4、ungentility ─── 笨拙

5、geniality ─── n.亲切;温暖;舒适

6、gentilism ─── n.异教;非犹太教,非摩门教

7、pensility ─── 忧郁

8、gentilize ─── 轻轻地

9、gentilic ─── 绅士的

gentility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pascal Gentil ─── 巴斯卡尔·让蒂尔

2、Between them, they taught her all that a gentlewoman should know, but she learned only the outward signs of gentility ─── 凡是大家闺秀知道的事情,她们已经没有一样不教她,可是她所学得的,只是一种表面的礼貌。

3、Mercy Warren was brought up with the values of gentility. ─── 在上流社会的价值观影响下长大。

4、Unless you washed your hands, you had no claim to gentility. ─── 不洗手,就没有资格要求别人认为你有教养。

5、The natural and human landscapes of "Nanjing" in her novels unfold simplicity and gentility of old Nanjing, but "Nanjing" is edged by "Shanghai". ─── 她的“南京”自然、人文景观展现了旧南京的古朴、幽雅,但“南京”被“上海”边缘化。

6、He spoke roughly in order to belie his air of gentility(James Joyce) ─── 为了给人有贵族气派的印象,他说话粗暴(詹姆斯 乔伊丝)

7、Nik Aziz embodies the deep-rooted gentility that is one of the defining characteristics of Malay culture. ─── 聂阿齐兹的做法代表着一种深深植根于马来西亚文化的传统教养。

8、The Wang family occupies two rooms. Old Wang and I are considered the genteel folk in the compound. Gentility to be hanged! ─── 王家住着两间房。我和老王是院子里公认的学问人。天杀的学问!

9、In this very heart of England's gentility it was difficult to realize that a lonely woman could be importuned or hunted. ─── 在这个英国文雅气息的中心,很难想象到一个孤独的女子会受到人家的纠缠和追逼。

10、I am going to hunt words that have not lost their sting,and it may be I shall have to go back to gentility to find them. ─── 我要找出那些还在伤害着我的言语,也许这需要我再象以前那样体面一些,才可以找到它们.

11、Merci, vous etes tres gentil. ─── 谢谢,您真好。

12、For, after all, he had only been eight years exiled form middle-class gentility , and he had been a waiter half that time. ─── 因为,归根结蒂,他给中产绅士阶级排挤出来才不过八年,而其中有一半的时候他都是当侍者的。

13、he who stays by gentility is strong.Use the light.And return to clear-sightedness. ─── 用其光,复归其明,无遗身殃,是为习常。

14、All his Southern gentlewomen are delicate and sensitive women who best represent the culture and gentility of the Old South. ─── 她们娇弱而敏感,都是来自美国南方上流社会的南方淑女,是旧南方文化和教养的最佳代言人。

15、He swaggered out of the room, with much elegance and gentility. ─── 他昂首阔步地从屋子里走出去,气度雍容,姿态优美。

16、He thinks fine clothes are a mark of gentility. ─── 他认为衣著讲究是身分高贵的标志。

17、Gentility In The True Sense ─── 温柔的意味

18、The powerful combination of gentility and brashness she acknowledges comes her way by genetics。 ─── 她自认为她的温文尔雅与粗鲁莽撞的强力结合来自遗传。

19、the faded gentility of the town ─── 已失去古朴风貌的城镇

20、"She was ladylike, too, after the manner of the feminine gentility of those days; ─── 就那个时代女性举止优雅的风范而论,她也属贵妇之列;

21、He took her hand with discreet gentility. ─── 他温文尔雅地牵着她的手。

22、Yet I would share a secret about the Oriental Culture, namely the Eastern nations are by nature inordinate to compulsion instead of gentility, and that the more the pressure, the greater the reactive force would be! ─── 但是我可以透露一个东方文化的秘密,东方民族通常服软不服硬,压力越大,反作用力也就越大。

23、He has an air of gentility. ─── 他风度翩翩。

24、I hope many students will come to the sports field to taste the happiness of youth, and left literati and gentility to their classrooms and dormitories. ─── 我希望许多同学都来这运动会场上尝尝少年的高兴,----把那斯文的老景暂时丢在讲堂上或寄宿舍里!

25、It made Lydia wonder whether gentility might be a product of genetic engineering. ─── 这是一篇关于遗传学的文章。

26、"He spoke roughly in order to belie his air of gentility" (James Joyce) ─── “为了给人有贵族气派的印象,他说话粗暴”(詹姆斯·乔伊丝)

27、Usage: After skin cleaning at day time,apply it onto face,gentliy,gentil pat skin to evenly extend it. ─── 用法:日间洁肤调理后,将本品点涂于面部,请拍均匀即可.

28、Gentil in the port city of La Wude Asko club in the 2007-2008 season has just been promoted to Class-A club. ─── 设在奥果韦-洛洛省拉斯图维尔市的翁戈斯波尔足球俱乐部参加了今年7月下旬结束的2007-2008赛季甲级联赛,在参赛的12支球队中排名第十。

29、Buildings were set alight in the second city of Port Gentil while the protesters attacked the city's prison and freed its inmates. ─── 参考翻译:加蓬另外一个城市让蒂尔港各建筑关闭,因为抗议者袭击了该市监狱,释放了囚犯。

30、” In her late years, the winningly eccentric Moore, in her cape and tricornered hat, became an icon of sprightly gentility. ─── 摩尔后来十分迷人,她的斗篷和三角帽成为轻快而文雅的标志。

31、Between them, they taught her all that a gentlewoman should know, but she learned only the outward signs of gentility. ─── 凡是大家闺秀知道的事情,她们已经没有一样不教她,可是她所学得的,只是一种表面的礼貌。

32、Gentility and Sincerity: the Portrayal of the Cultural Identities of the Baima Lake Writers ─── 温柔敦厚的仁者情怀:白马湖作家群文化个性描述

33、She thinks expensive clothes are a mark of gentility. ─── 她认为昂贵的服装是身份高贵的标志。

34、The northern spirit was free and individualistic; the southern made for great estates and a conscious gentility ruling over a dusky subject multitude. ─── 北方精神强调的是自由和个性,而南方精神则倾向于大庄园,它支持有觉悟的上层阶级统治忧郁、臣服的民众。

35、But I thought her a young lady of extraordinary attractions, and in point of gentility not be surpassed. ─── 但是我却认为,她是一个特别有动人之处的青年小姐,在风度方面,别人很难胜过她。

36、soyez gentil, ne m'interrompez pas. ─── 拜托好心点,不要打断我。

37、He spoke roughly in order to belie his air of gentility for his entry had been followed by a pause of talk ─── 他故意粗声粗气地说,不显出斯文的样子,因为他一进门,别的顾客都停止谈话,注意他了。

38、The businesses have become the area's de facto country clubs by bringing a whiff of gentility to Koreatown's alcohol-fueled night scene. ─── 韩国城原本由喝酒带动的夜生活,因为卖咖啡带来一点附庸风雅的气息,已经成为这个地区实际上的乡村俱乐部。

39、He took her hand with discreet gentility. ─── 他温文尔雅地牵着她的手。

40、Soak a cotton pad and gentil wipe over face.Perfectly cleanses and purifies in one refreshing step.No need to rinse off. ─── 将化妆棉浸润后轻柔地涂擦脸部。洁面,爽肤,提升,三效合一。用后无需水洗。

41、"a decayed house of grey stone, with a poverty-stricken aspect, but retaining a half-obliterated shield of arms over the portal, in token of antique gentility." ─── 那是一座破败的灰色石屋,虽说外表是一派衰微的景象,但在门廊上方还残存着半明半暗的盾形家族纹章,标志着远祖的世系。

42、whereas, the white symbolize progressiveness, civilization, wisdom, gentility and moderation. ─── 而白人自己则象征着进步、文明、智慧、文雅和节制。

43、There is not much harm in a lion;he has no ideal,no religion,no politics,no chivalry,no gentility. ─── 狮子为害不大;它没有理想、没有宗教、没有政治、没有骑士精神、没有假斯文。

44、An Investigation Into Gentility--A Comparison Study of Chinese and Japanese Archaic Poetics ─── 风雅考--中日古代诗学比较

45、Que vous etes gentil ! ─── 您真好!

46、Hope you are a conscientious person of one kindhearted educated , love life , love the family, the talk is humorous, like sports , like reading, there is gentility. ─── 希望你是一个善良有文化有责任心的人,爱生活,爱家庭,言谈风趣幽默,喜欢运动,喜欢看书,有绅士风度.

47、shabby gentility ─── 摆阔气;装体面

48、But I thought her a young lady of extraordinary attractions, and in point of gentility not be surpassed ─── 但是我却认为,她是一个特别有动人之处的青年小姐,在风度方面,别人很难胜过她。

49、Its downtown is a dense collection of graceful buildings, many dating back to the 18th century, which are still as carefully preserved and nurtured as the town's air of Old South gentility. ─── 在市中心密集的盖着大量漂亮的房子,其中很多是建于十八世纪的,他们到现在仍然得到(政府)小心的保护,以一直保存着这个城市那份古老的南方优雅气质。

50、Que vous tes gentil ! ─── 您太客气了!

51、He is to retrieve his father's failure, to recover the lost gentility of a family that had once been proud ─── 他要弥补父亲的失败,要再度光耀门庭。

52、3.There is not much harm in a lion; he has no ideals, no religion, no politlics,no chivalry, no gentility. ─── 狮子为害不大;它没有理想、没有宗教、没有政治、没有骑士精神、没有假斯文。

53、"He spoke roughly in order to belie his air of gentility"(James Joyce) ─── “为了给人有贵族气派的印象,他说话粗暴”(詹姆斯·乔伊丝)

54、Fashion is gentility running away from vulgarity,and afraid of being overtake. ─── 时髦,是逃亡自庸俗而又惟恐被?上的假斯文。

55、Tips: 1) Never compare with others (as everyone has his strong points); 2) play the roles of both flowers and leaves (mutual praise); and 3) correct one's own fault first (gentility). ─── 小建议:1、君子不比肩(各有所长)。2、花叶相赞(互相捧场)。3、有错己先纠(君子风度)。

56、Gentility (n.): he quality of being genteel; now, specifically, excessive or affected refinement and elegance ─── 有教养,斯文,温文尔雅;(现尤指)假装文雅,假装斯文

57、Hope you are shown consideration for, calm and steady, candid by a piece of carefulness, the sense of responsibility is strong, have sense of humour ripely, have gentility _ Personage 60 years old. ─── 希望您是一个细心体贴、稳重、坦诚、责任心强、成熟有幽默感、浪漫、健康有绅士风度40岁_60岁的人士。

58、His gentility is purely made up ─── 他的文雅都是装出来的。

59、But I thought her a young lady of extraordinary attractions, and in point of gentility not be surpassed. ─── 但是我却认为,她是一个特别有动人之处的青年小姐,在风度方面,别人很难胜过她。

60、As an essential tool of commerce and finance and an evidence of gentility, it flourished for three centuries and was strangled by the typewriter. ─── 作为一种贸易记账的工具以及身份的象征,它繁荣了三个世纪,然而却被打字机扼杀。

61、The tense exchange was an example of a common clash between Southerners and non-Southerners over an accent that connotes a quaint gentility to some and a lack of sophistication to others. ─── 有很多学习英语的小孩子,他们能很好的听懂外国人的说话,但是却听不懂广播。

62、he wore his shabby dress with an affectation of foppish gentility; ─── 他穿着破破烂烂的衣服,可还是透出花花公子装腔作势的神气;

63、Students can learn the dancing steps in 2/4 beats of Tango.After completion of the course, students are able to dance gentility in rhythmic songs. ─── 音乐拍子采用2/4、并是一种非常特别的舞蹈,要装矮仔来演译,但又有绅士风彩的感觉。

64、Pink roses: elegance, gracefulness, refinement, gentility, style and poetic romance but being combined with fun and light-heartedness. ─── 粉红玫瑰:高雅、优美、精致、文雅、时尚和诗情,但同时又有玩笑和轻浮的意味。

65、The hotel has an air of faded gentility. ─── 这家宾馆有一种没落的贵族氛围。

66、2.The powerful combination of gentility and brashness she acknowledges comes her way by genetics. ─── 她自认为她的温文尔雅与"粗鲁莽撞"的强力结合来自遗传。

67、Tango originates from Argentina. Students can learn the dancing steps in 2/4 beats of Tango. After completion of the course, students are able to dance gentility in rhythmic songs. ─── 探戈是标准舞的其中一种舞蹈,发源于阿根廷。音乐拍子采用2/4、并是一种非常特别的舞蹈,要装矮仔来演译,但又有绅士风彩的感觉。

68、l office, Parker's new office (opened in 1995, approximately ten miles away) has a far more gracious feeling of Southern gentility and success. ─── 和之前的办公室相比,帕克的新办公室(1995年开张,大约10英里之外)更有南方的高贵和成功的感觉。

69、Militaire, uniforme un peu trop petit, regard gentil. ─── 军人,身穿窄小的军服,目光和蔼。

70、is not much ~ in a lion; he has no ideals, no religion, no politics, no chivalry, no gentility. ─── 狮子为害其实不大。它没有理想,没有宗教,没有政治,没有骑士精神,也讲究斯文。

71、He thinks fine clothes are a mark of gentility . ─── 他认为衣著讲究是身分高贵的标志.

72、Gentility without ability is worse than plain beggary. ─── 死要面子活受罪。

73、Fashion is gentility running away from vulgarity,and afraid of being overtaken. ─── 时髦,是逃亡自庸俗而又惟恐被赶上假斯文。

74、there is not much harm in a lion; he has no ideals,no religion,no politlics,no chivalry,no gentility ─── 狮子为害不大;它没有理想、没有宗教、没有政治、没有骑士精神、没有假斯文

75、"She was ladylike, too, after the manner of the feminine gentility of those days; characterised by a certain state and dignity, rather than by the delicate, evanescent, and indescribable grace, which is now recognised as its indication." ─── 就那个时代女性举止优雅的风范而论,她也属贵妇之列;她自有一种端庄的风韵,并不同子如今人们心目中的那种纤巧、轻盈和不可言喻的优雅。

76、She thinks expensive clothes are a mark of gentility. ─── 她认为昂贵的服装是身分高贵的标志。

77、Scarlett thought she had never seen a man with such wide shoulders, so heavy with muscles, almost too heavy for gentility. ─── 思佳丽想,自己从未见过一个男人有他这样宽大的肩膊和这样发达的肌肉,几乎发达到与粗野同义而与文雅无缘。

78、In this very heart of England's gentility it was difficult to realize that a lonely woman could be importuned or hunted ─── 在这个英国文雅气息的中心,很难想象到一个孤独的女子会受到人家的纠缠和追逼。

79、gentility, urbanity, pleasantness (the gentility, urbanity and pleasantness of the man all seem to have found adequate expression_r his style. “the style is the man” ─── 他的雅人深致、文质彬彬及和颜悦色在他的文风里都得到了充分反映。

80、Gentil says the Touch Book can run some of the same games found on the iPhone and plans to offer them in the future. ─── 这正是霍尔特为何强烈认同“住家教育”的原因之一,或者,用他的话说,干脆叫做“非学校教育”。

81、She was ladylike, too, after the manner of the feminine gentility of those days; ─── 就那个时代女性举止优雅的风范而论,她也属贵妇之列;

82、Oh monsieur, c'est vraiment gentil de sa part! ─── 啊,先生,她太客气了!

83、Ling from South Korea's design philosophy, classic fashion, the line is smooth, simple gentility, urban white-collar workers over the years has been the favored beauty. ─── 依玲源于韩国的设计理念,经典时尚,线条流畅,简约温婉,多年来备受都市白领丽人的青睐。

84、Gentility is the fact or appearance of belonging to a high social class. ─── 出身高贵上流社会上流;优美;

85、Fashion is gentility running away from vulgarity, and afraid of being overtake. ─── 时髦,是逃亡自庸俗而又惟恐被?上的假斯文。

86、He emitted a laboured breath, as if the scene were getting rather oppressive to his heart, or to his conscience, or to his gentility . ─── 他沉重地呼了一口气,仿佛当时的情景使他的良心感受到了压力,使他的良知和脸面也感受到了压力。

87、The Gospel of Gentility: American Women Missionaries in Turn-of - the-Century China ─── 优雅的福音:世纪之交来华的美国女传教士

88、I am going to hunt words that have not lost their sting, and it may be I shall have to go back to gentility to find them. ─── 我将要狩猎没有遗失他们的刺字,而且它可能是我将必须回去高贵找他们。

89、825 Gentility is but ancient riches. ─── 出身高贵,只不过是其祖辈有钱。

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