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09-12 投稿



endeavored 发音

英:[ɪnˈdɛvəd]  美:[ɪnˈdɛvərd]

英:  美:

endeavored 中文意思翻译





endeavored 同义词

attempt | foray | trial | take pains | endeavour | essay | venture | do your utmost | bid | nisus | striving | undertaking | effort | undertake | pains |try | take | exertion | do | best | aim | enterprise | strive | hard work | tackle | struggle | do your best | labor | study | make | an | do one's best | one's | work | make every effort | make an effort

endeavored 词性/词形变化,endeavored变形

名词: endeavorer |动词现在分词: endeavoring |动词过去分词: endeavored |动词过去式: endeavored |动词第三人称单数: endeavors |

endeavored 反义词


endeavored 相似词语短语

1、endeavoring ─── n.努力;尽力(等于endeavour);vi.努力;尽力(等于endeavour);vt.努力;尽力(等于endeavour)

2、endeavour ─── v.努力,尽力;n.努力,尝试;事业

3、endeavoured ─── v.努力,尽力;n.努力,尝试;事业

4、endeavor ─── n.努力;尽力(等于endeavour);vi.努力;尽力(等于endeavour);vt.努力;尽力(等于endeavour)

5、endeavors ─── 尽力

6、endeavourer ─── n.尽力,竭力(等于endeavour)

7、enamored ─── adj.迷恋的;倾心的;v.迷住,使迷恋(enamor的过去分词形式)

8、endeavorer ─── n.努力;尽力(等于endeavour)(endeavor的变形)

9、endeared ─── v.(使)受欢迎(或喜爱、爱慕);(使)成本、价值或估价更高

endeavored 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The autologous endeavor is so important to learn English well. ─── 学好英语,学生自身的努力非常重要。

2、His success came from endeavor rather than opportunity. ─── 他的成功与其说是由于机遇,不如说是由于努力.

3、You must endeavor to improve your work. ─── 你必须努力改进自己的工作。

4、An expert in a field of endeavor. ─── 专家某一领域内的专家

5、They endeavored without success to right the sailboat. ─── 他们努力想把倾斜的帆船扶正,却没有成功。

6、Common welfare is the goal of our national endeavor. ─── 共同的福利是我们全民族一致追求的目标。

7、Dr. Palm like the other missionaries endeavored to preach God's Gospel, love and grace in her English class. ─── 在授课过程中,庞博士与同行传教士皆极力宣扬上帝福音、爱及恩典。

8、Adam firstly endeavored to blame God for giving him the woman, and then Eve who gave him the fruit to eat. ─── 亚当先是尽力指责是由于神赐给他了女人,然后说是夏娃给他吃了果子。

9、He endeavored to perfect his ability. ─── 他努力增进实力。

10、Helen endeavored to explain to her gardener the manner I which she wished her garden laid out, but he did not catch her idea. ─── 海伦尽力给园丁说明她希望把花园布置成什么样子,可是他没能领会她的意思。

11、To join and act together in a common purpose or endeavor. ─── 团结在共同目的或努力中联合和行动到一起

12、Since we began our program in 1981, we have always endeavored to find youth groups to be involved in the plantings. ─── 从1981年开始这个项目以来,我们一直在努力让青年团体参与到植树中来。

13、L/c5864 was amended accordingly endeavor shipping endofmonth. ─── 信用证5864已照改请竭力在月底前发货。

14、Information Warfare is a low risk/ high reward endeavor. ─── 信息战争是低风险高收益的活动。

15、She endeavored to conceal a throbbing melancholy heart with the utmost sprightliness in her countenance. ─── 为了掩饰她那颗惆怅郁闷的心,她在神态间故意装作十分轻松活泼。

16、Congress endeavored to lighten the taxpayers' burden. ─── 国会努力减轻纳税人的负担。

17、I have endeavored to show that Modern Portfolio Theory and a risk-based approach to IT investment are far from new. ─── 我已经尽力表达现代投资组合理论和对于IT投资的基于风险的方法远不是新的。

18、This story is told of a browbeating counsel, who habitually endeavored to terrorize his opponent's witnesses. ─── 这个故事讲的是一个咄咄逼人的辩护律师,他惯于尽量去恐吓对方的证人。

19、We endeavor to provide value-added service at any time. ─── 在保证结果的同时,项目运作过程中为客户提供超值服务。

20、Contract gently coxal, endeavor the pelvis to send up. ─── 可依个人“能力”重复这个动作。

21、The key is waht you desire for and what endeavor you have made for it. ─── 其实社会没有公平与不公平,关键是你想要什么,付出了什么。

22、However, the thought of Michelle being future endeavored via the boss's daughter is enough to send Hunter back to the singles' line. ─── 然而,思想米歇尔正在努力通过未来的老板的女儿,就足以让亨特回到单打的路线。

23、Our goal is to endeavor with our clients for mutual development. ─── 与我们的合作伙伴一起努力,共同发展。

24、NASA is cutting short space walk today for Endeavor astronauts. ─── 国家航空和宇宙航行局于今日缩短了宇航员太空行走的时间。

25、Have fail in convincing our buyer despite endeavor. ─── 尽管费尽心思,还是无法说服买主。

26、He endeavored to streamline the plant organization. ─── 他努力使工厂组织简化而更有效地运作。

27、Take new moves in all fields of endeavor. ─── 各项工作要有新举措。

28、He will endeavor to ascertain the result of the test. ─── 他要设法找出测验的结果。

29、Actually our government already the extremely endeavor was the people populace! ─── 其实我们的政府已经十分的努力为人们群众!

30、The word "purpose" suggests too much contriving and endeavor. ─── “目的”这个名词含着企图和努力的意义。

31、Ongoing product innovation is what we endeavor to do to fulfill your needs and to make your eating more pleasurable. ─── 将不断努力开发新产品,以满足消费者的需要,为您的生活增添情趣。

32、The more you try to do it, the more you endeavor to do it, the more conscious you will become. ─── 你试得越多,你越努力去做,你会变得越有觉知。

33、They endeavored to make her happy, but in vain. ─── 他们想方设法地使她高兴, 但那是徒劳的。

34、A position of advantage over others, as in a race or an endeavor; a lead. ─── 占先地位在比赛中或相对别人的有利位置;上先地位

35、Fame brings celebrity and high regard from adoring and loyal fans in each field of endeavor and it is heady stuff. ─── 在每个领域里,出了名就会使一些虔敬的入迷者表示赞扬和尊崇,但这也是一种容易使人陶醉的东西。

36、We have created a splendid Chinese civilization by making unremitting endeavor over five thousand years. ─── 在五千多年的不懈奋斗中创造了灿烂的中华文明

37、Because of endeavor, idealities have come near us. ─── 因为努力,所以理想已走近;

38、They threw all their resources into the new endeavor. ─── 他们集中全部力量进行新的尝试。

39、He endeavored after more fame and wealth. ─── 他力图获得更大的名声和更多的财富。

40、Roundly optimize the developing environment and endeavor to expand the investment. ─── 全面优化发展环境,努力扩大招商引资。

41、Mr. Usrey endeavored to utilize his aBilities in the new position. ─── 厄斯瑞先生在新的岗位上尽量施展他的才能。

42、No human endeavor or thought would be unchanged by it. ─── 任何人类的努力和想法都会发生变化。”

43、May we endeavor to have only one focus, on our own inner master and God realization. ─── 也希望我们能竭尽全力,专注于自己内边的明师,并了悟本身的上帝品质。

44、I would endeavor to give you every satisfaction. ─── 如蒙不弃,惠予录用,本人将尽最大努力工作,争取诸事满意。

45、Thereupon, we knew, our endeavor was valuable. ─── 于是,我们知道,我们的努力是有价值的!

46、Endeavor to change the way you look at thing.Always look at the bright side. ─── 努力改变自己看待事物的方式。

47、They have endeavored for years to have a child. ─── 为了有个孩子,他们努力了好几年。

48、Judith bent forward like her unsophisticated sister, and endeavored to conceal her embarrassment in a similar manner. ─── 尤蒂丝象老实的妹妹一样,她也向前弯着身子,尽力用同样的方法来遮掩自己的羞涩。

49、Let us shout the words LOVE and ENDEAVOR in the center of the world to express our thankfulness to them. ─── 在这个礼物的鼓励下,让我们大家站在世界的中央高呼着“爱和勇气”,感谢她们吧。

50、As in any worthwhile endeavor it takes practice, time and effort. ─── 就像做任何值得去努力的工作一样,其中需要练习、时间和努力。

51、He neither remonstrated with, nor endeavored to escape from him, but toiling night and day to accomplish the terms of his task-master. ─── 他既不反抗,也不想逃避他,而是日夜辛苦,以满足监工的要求。

52、They endeavor to insure also that as little as possible shall be known on the subject in a decent way. ─── 他们也力图确保尽量减少通过正当途径了解这方面情况的可能性。

53、Confucian Classics are the chart by which the rulers of China have endeavored to navigate the ship of state. ─── 儒学经典是一张航海图,中国的许多统治者正是靠它来驾驶国家这艘航船的。

54、When insurance accident happens, insurant is responsible endeavor to take necessary step, prevent or reduce a loss. ─── 保险事故发生时,被保险人有责任尽力采取必要的措施,防止或者减少损失。

55、Threw all their resources into the new endeavor; threw the blame onto the others. ─── 他们集中全部力量进行新的尝试;怪罪别人

56、Endeavor to change the way you look at things.Always look at the bright side. ─── 努力改变自己看待事物的方式,总是要看事物积极的一面。

57、If the endeavor is could not change a fact, then was doomed not. ─── 如果努力是改变不了的事实,那么不努力就注定事实!

58、The space shuttle Endeavor was launched into space December 5th, 2001. ─── “奋进”号航天飞机于2001年12月5日飞入太空。

59、Where there is no hope, there can be no endeavor. ─── 哪里没有希望,哪里就不可能有努力。

60、They endeavored to gain further time by spinning out the negotiation. ─── 他们拖延谈判以争取时间。

61、I refrain from no endeavor out of fear of unsatisfactory results. ─── 尽管担忧结果不理想,还是尽力去做了。

62、They endeavored without success to right the sailboat . ─── 他们努力想把倾斜的帆船扶正,却没有成功。

63、However, we endeavor to ensure that no information is omitted and that the perusal of content is not impeded. ─── 不过,我们努力确保没有信息遗漏,内容阅读不受阻碍。

64、The American people wish you success and offer you our cooperation in this great endeavor. ─── 在你们从事这项伟大事业的时候,美国人民愿意同你们合作,并预祝你们成功。

65、The most imortant human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. ─── 人类最重要的努力,是在行动中寻求道德的实践。

66、He endeavored to streamline the enterprise management. ─── 他努力将企业管理机构简化。

67、He endeavored to fine away the objections of his opponents. ─── 他力图逐渐消除对手的反对。

68、With that caveat, here are a dozen ways I have endeavored to help my kids financially. ─── 尽管如此,以下是我的12个方法。 它们被我用来在财务上帮助我的孩子们。

69、She endeavored to conceal a throbbing melancholy heart with the utmost sprightliness in her countenance . ─── 为了掩饰她那颗惆怅郁闷的心,她在神态间故意装作十分轻松活泼。

70、Miss elson endeavor to persuade Walter to work hard. ─── 伊莎小姐努力设法去说服瓦特工作不懈。

71、In his academic work publishing activities after he returned from Japan,he endeavored for his best copyright benefit. ─── 在他回国以后的学术论著出版活动中,努力运用版权武器来争取自身的最大版权利益;


73、I wish to assure you that, if successful, I would endeavor to give you every satisfaction. ─── 如蒙惠予录用,我将尽力服务,使您满意。

74、If he endeavor as young,now he can live very well. ─── 如果他年轻时多努力一点,现在就能过得舒服些。

75、We must endeavor to realize the harmonious and sustainable development among the population, economy and society. ─── 努力实现人口与经济社会的协调发展和可持续发展。

76、He has endeavored to impel the trading between China and Japan for years. ─── 他多年来一直为推动中日两国贸易的发展而努力。

77、Endeavor obtain offer as suggest meanwhile keep buyer. ─── 已遵照指示全力取得报价,同时建议贵处也须保住买方。

78、She continued to talk to her and endeavor to raise her spirits, in spite of being out of spirits herself. ─── 尽管她自己心情不佳,却继续有意地陪她说话,想使她快活起来。

79、Hardening satellites is a costly endeavor, however. ─── 不过,人造卫星加固工作耗资相当庞大。

80、In order to keep the supplying network, C.P.C had endeavored to satisfy clients needs all the time, such as making plans to revamp ethylene plants for many times. ─── 台塑六轻计画已完成,本公司面对竞争加剧,更应积极掌握现有客户,进而满足客户需求。

81、An initial attempt or endeavor, especially a tentative attempt. ─── 尝试企图初次尝试或努力,尤指暂时性的尝试

82、Mr. A will endeavor to be a physician. ─── 先生想尝试当个医生。

83、No sailor being commended for his only endeavor. ─── 94没有任何一名船员。会因为个人划得特别卖力而受到赞美。

84、China's west development endeavor has provided numerous opportunities. ─── 中国正在进行的西部大开发,提供了众多的商机。

85、Endeavor to keep your talents and all your skills up to date. ─── 因此要尽力使自己的天赋与所有的技能跟上时代。

86、Entertains the most high hope, for the greatest endeavor, makes the worst plan. ─── 05抱最大的希望,为最大的努力,做最坏的打算。

87、He endeavored to trap and nourish the impression in order to predict, and perhaps even control, what incident would occur next. ─── 他拚命想抓住这一印象并使它有所增强,好预测甚至控制接下去的事态发展。

88、An effort or endeavor to realize an aim. ─── 奋斗为达到目标而作的努力或尝试


If lovers keep their first vows and oaths for long,

How could love be thrown as useless winter fans?


纳兰性德的金句不管如何翻译个人觉得还是比不上中文的美。“人生若只如初见”可以翻译成“If Life Was Still as When We First Met”。


Long gone are the days when we first met,


Present is the hand fan left forlorn by summer.




How is it that promises are so easy to forget,


While you glibly accuse the heart as the denier?


The midnight oath you made on Mount Li,


Echoes as a mockery on this rainy night.


Even Emperor Ming was a greater man in deed,


When he endeavored to keep his love alive.



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