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09-12 投稿



extradition 发音

英:[ˌekstrəˈdɪʃn]  美:[ˌekstrəˈdɪʃn]

英:  美:

extradition 中文意思翻译



extradition 词性/词形变化,extradition变形


extradition 短语词组

1、extradition bill ─── 引渡法案

2、extradition de facto ─── [法] 事实上的引渡

3、extradition treaty ─── [法] 引渡条约

4、extradition crime ─── [法] 引渡罪

5、demandant of extradition ─── [法] 引渡请求书

6、extradition proceedings ─── [法] 引渡诉讼

7、extradition of aliens ─── [法] 引渡外侨

8、treaty of extradition ─── [法] 引渡

9、form of extradition ─── [法] 引渡方式

10、extradition case ─── 引渡案件

11、express extradition ─── [法] 明示引渡

12、principle of of non-extradition ─── [法] 不引渡原则

extradition 相似词语短语

1、extradited ─── v.引渡(嫌犯或罪犯)(extradite的过去式及过去分词)

2、extraposition ─── n.外置;移尾;移尾变形

3、tradition ─── n.惯例,传统;传说

4、extractions ─── n.取出;抽出;拔出;抽出物;出身

5、extraditions ─── n.引渡;亡命者送还本国

6、extraditing ─── vt.引渡;获取…的引渡

7、extraction ─── n.取出;抽出;拔出;抽出物;出身

8、extradite ─── vt.引渡;获取…的引渡

9、extradites ─── vt.引渡;获取…的引渡

extradition 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、extradition de facto ─── [法] 事实上的引渡

2、"Mr McKinnon is accused of serious crimes and the US has a lawful right to seek his extradition, as we do when we wish to prosecute people who break our laws. ─── “麦金农先生被指控犯下了严重的罪行,并且美国具有寻求引渡他的合法权利,正如,当我们想要起诉违反我国法律的罪犯时,我们也会这样做。”

3、Extradition Law of the People's Republic of Chin. ─── 中华人民共和国引渡法。

4、For Mr Polanski's fans, the extradition decision is vindictive and sinister. ─── 对罗曼斯基先生的影迷来说,将其引渡是个蓄意报复、阴险狡诈的决定。

5、A different method had been used for handling the extradition documents prepared in England. ─── 处理英国那批引渡文件的方法有所不同。

6、"China is now trying to make stronger international links, signing extradition treaties with 40 countries. Since 1993, 210 suspects have been returned to China." ─── "中国正逐步加强国际合作,已与40个国家签署引渡协议,从1993年以来,共有210名嫌疑犯被引渡回国。"

7、British man facing charges of hacking into top secret computers in the United States has lost an appeal in the high court in London against his extradition. ─── 伦敦最高法院审理了一位英国藉男性被控入侵美国高度机密计算机一案,驳回了他不受引渡的请求。

8、An appeals court in Toulouse has been asked to rule on a request from Kigali for the suspect’s extradition, said Bometon. ─── 布梅通说:基加利已经要求图卢兹的上诉法院按照国际惯例将犯罪嫌疑人引渡回去。

9、The measures taken in relation to the offender or the allegedoffender and, in particul ar, the results of any extradition proceedingsor other legal proceedings. ─── 对罪犯或被指称的罪犯采取的措施,尤其是任何引渡程序或其它法律程序的结果。

10、China is now trying to make stronger international links, signing extradition treaties with 40 countries. ─── 中国正逐步加强国际合作, 已与40个国家签署引渡协议。

11、protection and immunity from extradition granted by a government to a political refugee from another country ─── 庇护,一国政府对他国政治难民提供的保护和豁免

12、Based on a true story, Real Crimes: The Unicorn Killer, takes you on the long-running chase and extradition of this dangerous criminal! ─── 基于一个真实的故事,真实犯罪:在独角兽杀手,需要你长时间运行大通和引渡这一危险犯罪!

13、"It would be illegal for me to stop the extradition of Gary McKinnon, which the court ruling has made clear, " he said. ─── “对于引渡加里·麦金农,法院已做出了明确的裁决,阻止这一裁决对我来说是非法的。”他说道。

14、His extradition hearing is scheduled to take place in Los Angeles. ─── 关于他引渡逃亡的听证会预计会在洛杉矶举行。

15、The non-extradition of political crime, the non-extradition of nationals and other issues lag the bilateral anti-crime reality in extradition treaties between China and ASEAN countries. ─── 中国和东盟国家已经签署的引渡条约在政治犯罪不引渡、本国国民不引渡等问题规定落后双边打击犯罪现实,亟需改进;

16、extradition convention ─── 引渡专约

17、His lawyers argue that extradition arrangements between Britain and the US are imbalanced. ─── 他的律师认为英国与美国之间的引渡安排是不对等的。

18、On January 9th a Florida judge rejected his appeal against extradition. ─── 1月9日,佛罗里达州的一名法官驳回了他反对引渡的上诉。

19、Introduction of the Canadian Extradition System ─── 加拿大引渡制度简介

20、China is now trying to make stronger international links, signing extradition treaties with 40 countries. ─── 中国正逐步加强国际合作,已与40个国家签署引渡协议。

21、the Extradition Act 2003 ─── 2003年引渡协议

22、Cesar Laurean could remain there for a year if he fight extradition. ─── 如果他拒绝引渡他可能在那呆上一年。

23、No cooperation in extradition may impair the sovereignty, security or public interests of the People's Republic of China. ─── 引渡合作,不得损害中华人民共和国的主权、全和社会公共利益。

24、extradition proceedings ─── [法] 引渡诉讼

25、"Yuan-hua Smuggling Case" in Xiamen and "Lai Changxing Extradition case" aroused special attention from the nationals to the extradition issue. ─── 厦门“远华走私案”及赖昌星引渡案引起了国人对引渡问题前所未有的关注。

26、He began to trouble concerning the extradition laws. ─── 他开始费尽心思地去想关于引渡法的问题。

27、disguised extradition ─── 变相引渡

28、??? this is China close-stitches a corrupt great victory, has created beside the extradition another alternative measure. ─── “这是中国缉贪的一次重大胜利,创造了引渡之外的另一个替代措施。”

29、Lawyers for former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic face a deadline Friday to file an appeal against his extradition to the Hague tribunal to face war crimes charges. ─── 前波黑塞族领导人卡拉季奇的律师必须在星期五截止之前,拟好有关反对将卡拉季奇引渡到海牙前南刑庭接受战争犯罪的指控的文件。

30、China is now trying to make stronger international links, signing extradition treaties with 40 countries. Since 1993, 210 suspects have been returned to China. ─── 中国正逐步加强国际合作,已与40个国家签署引渡协议,从1993年以来,共有210名嫌疑犯被引渡回国。

31、The decision on temporary extradition shall be made by the State Council after obtaining consent of the Supreme People's Court or the Supreme People's Procuratorate, as the case may be. ─── 临时引渡的决定,由国务院征得最高人民法院或者最高人民检察院的同意后作出。

32、Extradition System ─── 引渡制度

33、Last week, the Russian prosecutor general announced that he had signed an extradition order for 13 refugees ?12 Uzbeks and one Kyrgyz ?who are also wanted in connection with the Andijan events. ─── 吉尔吉斯在1996年签署该公约。联合国在2003年出版的刑求报告指出,乌国的刑求是有系统地进行。

34、Amnesty says it has records of nearly 1000 flights used by the CIA for what's known as "extraordinary rendition", where suspects are moved between countries without extradition. ─── 大赦国际表示他们掌握了中央情报局用来执行“非常规引渡”的近1000个航班的记录。通过这些航班,中央情报局避开常规引渡手续,把嫌疑份子在一些国家之间运送。

35、treaty of extradition ─── [法] 引渡

36、Analysis on the Reform of Modern Extradition System from the Case of Yu Zhendong ─── 从余振东等案解析现代引渡制度的变革

37、And Corporal Cesar Laurean could remain there for a year if he fights extradition . ─── 如果拒绝引渡,他将可能被拘留在当地一年。

38、Meanwhile liaison was established with the Extradition Unit of the Metropolitan Police in London to trace Launder who had business interests in London, Spain and Germany. ─── 同时,又与伦敦首都警队的引渡组联络,追寻在伦敦、西班牙及德国均有生意的袁朗达的踪迹。

39、extradition agreement ─── 引渡协议

40、Another difference concerns what lawyers call “specialty”: making sure the person is prosecuted only for the crime the extradition order cites. ─── 另一项差别在于律师所说的“契约”:须确保被告仅受到引渡命令所提到的罪名的指控。

41、Kazakhstan turned over(移交给) an Uzbek human-rights activist to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, defying demands for his extradition by Uzbekistan's authorities. ─── 哈萨克斯坦拒绝乌兹别克斯坦当局要引渡一个乌兹别克人权分子回国的要求,并将此人移交给联合国负责流亡者事务的高级官员。

42、"The person sought"refers to the person for whom a request for grant of extradition is made by a requesting state; ─── “被请求引渡人”是指请求国向被请求国请求准予引渡的人;

43、A neglected but crucial aspect of the Strauss-Kahn case was that France has no extradition treaty with the US. ─── 卡恩案中一个被忽视但至关重要的问题是,法国与美国没有签署引渡协议。

44、He waived extradition at a hearing in Los Angeles this morning. ─── 上午在洛杉矶他放弃了引渡听证。

45、Where the measure of arrest for extradition is not taken against the person sought, a decision for residential surveillance shall be made without delay. ─── 对被请求引渡人不采取引渡逮捕措施的,应当及时作出引渡监视居住的决定。

46、Applies to the High Court for a judicial review of the extradition order but is rejected. ─── 向香港高等法院申请司法覆核,推翻引渡令,被拒。

47、Principles of International Cooperation in the Detection, Arrest, Extradition and Punishment of Persons Guilty of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity [1973] ─── 关于侦察、逮捕、引渡和惩治战争罪犯和危害人类罪犯的国际合作原则

48、Former Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet is waiting to hear whether he will be allowed to escape extradition on torture charges. ─── 前智利独裁者皮诺切特将军正在等待最后裁决,从而知道他是因侵犯人权被引渡,还是被允许返回智利。

49、Fourthly, the responding system of "the additional condition by which extradition may be permitted in the country which was asked" should be detailed so as to extradite and penalize the suspect. ─── 四是细化对“被请求国就准予引渡附加条件”的回应制度,以及时有效地引渡和惩治外逃犯罪嫌疑人。

50、A New York court turned down the British government's request for his extradition. ─── 一个纽约法院拒绝了英国政府对他的引渡请求。

51、form of extradition ─── [法] 引渡方式

52、But Mr Grushko hit back yesterday, claiming the UK has rejected 21 extradition requests from Russia. ─── 但是,昨天哥拉斯科先生回应声明:英国已经拒绝了俄罗斯对21名嫌犯的引渡请求.

53、extradition crime ─── [法] 引渡罪

54、A sound understanding of basic principles of extradition at first , helps answer the question“why so difficult to extradite criminals that fled overseas? ─── 引渡外逃贪官和其他外逃刑事罪犯为何如此之难?要回答这个问题,必须深入了解引渡的基本原则。

55、demandant of extradition ─── [法] 引渡请求书

56、He was on his way to surrender at the embassy of the United States, which has requested his extradition. ─── 科克被捕前,正要向要求引渡他的美国大使馆投案。

57、When executing the compulsory measure for extradition, the public security organ shall inform that person of the above-mentioned right his is entitled to. ─── 公安机关在执行引渡强制措施时,应当告知被采取引渡强制措施的人享有上述权利。

58、In fighting extradition, Lai's lawyers have argued that that he may be sentenced to death in China. ─── 为了不让赖昌星被引渡回中国,他的律师们声称,赖昌星在中国有可能被判处死刑。

59、An Analysis of the Effectiveness Regarding the Extradition Appeal of International Criminal Court ─── 国际刑事法院引渡请求之国际法效力评析

60、Extradition principle ─── 引渡原则

61、He also said that Thailand signed an extradition agreement with Hun Sen's government in May, and therefore Thailand could also extradite by law those wanted by Phnom Penn for punishment. ─── 他也说,泰国今年5月同洪森政府签订了犯人引渡协定,因此泰国也可依法将柬方通缉的人员交给金边当局治罪。

62、to start extradition proceedings ─── 启动引渡程序

63、Convention on Extradition ─── 引渡公约

64、But the chances of his appearing in an Indian court still seem slim, given that there hasn't to date been any formal extradition request. ─── 但是目前要安德森在印度出庭的机会还是不大,因为到目前为止,他们还没有给出任何正式引渡的要求。

65、arrest came as the Argentine government struck down the decree prohibiting such extradition, saying all Argentines should be equal before the law. ─── 阿根廷政府颁布法令禁止这类引渡,逮捕也随之而来,并称所有阿根廷人在法律面前都是平等的。

66、The Principle of Double Criminality in Extradition and its Development ─── 引渡中的双重犯罪原则及其发展

67、Extradition involves the political and judicial systems of two countries, each with its own concept of law enforcement. ─── 引渡逃犯牵涉到两个国家的政治和司法体系,每个国家都有自己的执法理念。

68、Wednesday in the House of Lords court, the 42-year-old McKinnon on the appeal against the extradition by a judge dismissed. ─── 在周三的英国上议院法庭上,42岁的麦金农有关反对引渡的上诉被法官驳回。

69、Around forty former military officers in Argentina have been arrested for possible extradition to Spain on human rights charges. ─── 大约40名前阿根廷军官因人权指控被捕,可能被引渡到西班牙。

70、On the Completion of the Extradition Law in China from the New Development of International Extradition System ─── 从国际引渡制度的新发展看我国引渡法的完善

71、Principles of international co-operation in the detection, arrest, extradition and punishment of persons guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity ─── 引渡和惩治战争罪犯和危害人类罪犯的国际合作原则

72、China is now trying to make stronger international links, signing extradition treaties with 40 countries ─── 中国正逐步加强国际合作,已与40个国家签署引渡协议。

73、A lack of any extradition agreement, easy immigration, and easy transfer of money make these two countries favorites of corrupt Chinese officials. ─── 原因是这两个国家与中国之间并无引渡条例,加上加国移民条例宽松,资产转移容易,大开方便之门。

74、Appeals to the House of Lords objecting to extradition. ─── 向英国上议院申请,拒绝被引渡。

75、It is necessary to open up new cooperation ideas with some countries which do not sign extradition treaties with China, for extradition can not be carried out under the International Convention. ─── 对于尚未与中国签署引渡条约的国家,由于不能根据国际公约开展引渡合作,只能开创新的合作思路。

76、French-born Pole, Mr Polanski has dual citizenship, thus benefiting from France's restrictive extradition laws. ─── 出生在法国的波兰斯基先生拥有双重国籍,因此他很好的利用了法国严格的引渡法。

77、The New Development of the Rules for the Cooperation in the International Extradition ─── 国际引渡合作规则的新发展

78、Until he had secured his extradition, he would not lose sight of him for an hour ─── 他要寸步不离地跟着他,一直到办好引渡的手续为止。

79、Protection and immunity from extradition granted by a government to a political refugee from another country. ─── 庇护一国政府对他国政治难民提供的保护和豁免

80、If the person sought is not arrested for extradition, the People's Court shall immediately make a decision to arrest that person for extradition. ─── 如果被请求引渡人尚未被引渡逮捕的,人民法院应当立即决定引渡逮捕。

81、Mr Nkunda's extradition by Rwanda to Congo could take some heat off Mr Kabila and help him sell a seemingly unholy alliance with Mr Kagame to the sceptical Congolese: a tricky task. ─── 将恩昆达从卢旺达引渡回刚果会稍微减轻卡比拉的压力,同时有助于向对其持怀疑态度的刚果民众兜售他和卡加梅组成的联盟(表面上看起来有些像邪恶同盟)。

82、However, the U.S. does not have an extradition treaty with China so officials waited for Freeman to leave China before arresting him. ─── 但是由于美国和中国没有引渡条约,所以有关官员一直等到弗里曼离开中国时才将他逮捕。

83、In order to execute the extradition of criminals of corruption, it is a good choice for Chins to accept the principle of non-extradition of the death sentence. ─── 为了实现对腐败犯罪的引渡,接受“死刑犯不引渡原则”则是我国的上上选择。

84、Analyses on basic Extradite Principle in Chinese and Foreign Extradition Treaty ─── 中外双边引渡条约中有关引渡的一般原则探析

85、Speed up an extradition agreement with China! ─── 加快和中国签订引渡协议!

86、The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, appears in court in London for a hearing on his extradition to Sweden. ─── 维基解密创始人阿桑奇在伦敦出庭,就其是否将被引渡回瑞典审判进行听证。

87、extradition of aliens ─── [法] 引渡外侨

88、3 。States Parties undertake to include the offence of enforced disappearance as an extraditable offence in any extradition treaty subsequently to be concluded between them. ─── 各缔约国承诺,包括强迫失踪罪作为一种可引渡的罪行的任何引渡条约,随后它们之间将要缔结的。

89、The European convention on Extradition ─── 《欧洲引渡公约》

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