beguiled 发音
英:[bɪˈɡaɪld] 美:[bɪˈɡaɪld]
英: 美:
beguiled 中文意思翻译
beguiled 短语词组
1、beguiled delighted codycross ─── 哄骗高兴的科迪克罗斯
2、beguiled delighted ─── 陶醉
3、beguiled meaning ─── 欺骗的意思
4、beguiled 2 ─── 被骗2
5、beguiled dvd ─── 诱骗dvd
6、beguiled movie ─── 骗人电影
7、beguiled crossword ─── 诱骗填字游戏
8、beguiled definition ─── 骗人的定义
beguiled 词性/词形变化,beguiled变形
名词: beguilement |副词: beguilingly |动词现在分词: beguiling |动词第三人称单数: beguiles |动词过去式: beguiled |动词过去分词: beguiled |
beguiled 相似词语短语
1、begrimed ─── adj.污秽的;v.弄脏;玷污(begrime的过去分词)
2、begalled ─── 有天赋的
3、beguiler ─── n.消遣者;欺骗者
4、begild ─── 形象
5、begilded ─── 创建
6、beguile ─── vt.欺骗;使着迷;轻松地消磨
7、unbeguiled ─── 未屏蔽
8、beguiles ─── vt.欺骗;使着迷;轻松地消磨
9、beguine ─── n.比津舞(西印度群岛的马提尼克岛和圣卢西亚岛上的一种土风舞,略似伦巴)
beguiled 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、She beguiled her days with reading. ─── 她以阅读消磨时日。
2、I beguiled my long journey by listening music. ─── 我藉着音乐来排遣漫长的旅途。
3、If we have not a deep experience in the things of God, if we have not a thorough knowledge of His Word, we shall be beguiled to our ruin by the errors and sophistries of the enemy. ─── 我们若在属上帝的事物上没有深厚的经验,我们若没有对祂圣言充分的知识,我们就必受仇敌诸般谬误与诡辩的迷惑以致灭亡。
4、Her eyes and voice beguiled me. ─── 她的眼睛和声音迷住了我。
5、Mr. Cruncher beguiled the earlier watches of the night with solitary pipes, and did not start upon his excursion until nearly one o'clock. ─── 克朗彻先生一个人一锅一锅地抽着烟斗,打发着初入夜的几个小时,直到差不多半夜才准备出发。
6、Our journey was beguiled with spirited talk. ─── 我们旅行中谈笑风生,过得很愉快。
7、Steeped in ignorance, sunk in bigotry, blinded by prejudice, led by self-seeking men, beguiled by falsehoods, theirs was not to see and know. ─── 懵懂无知,冥顽固执,为偏见蒙蔽,受利己者误导,被谎言诱骗,他们有眼无珠,充耳不闻。
8、He beguiled me into lending him the money. ─── 他诱骗我把钱借给了他。
9、I beguiled the long afternoon with a good book. ─── 我读一本好书把长长的下午消磨了过去。
10、He had the face to beguil his best friend into buying his house at a high price. ─── 他竟然有脸欺骗他最要好的朋友以高价买了他的住宅。
11、He beguiled me into consenting. ─── 他甜言蜜语地使我答应了。
12、Senator Henry Jackson on October 14 publicly accused me of having been beguiled by the Soviets. ─── 亨利·杰克逊参议员十月十四日公开指责我被苏联人欺骗了。
13、We beguiled the children with fairy tales. ─── 我们讲童话来哄小孩。
14、I beguiled the wear hours with reading. ─── 我读书解闷。
15、And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. ─── 14耶和华神对蛇说,你既作了这事,就必受咒诅,比一切的牲畜野兽更甚。你必用肚子行走,终身吃土。
16、The serpent of Eden twists through and around the beguiled wearer ear. Inspired by the tale of Eve in the Garden Of Eden. ─── 把这条蛇带在耳边,他会向佩带者灌输伊甸园的诱惑,夏娃当时就是被蛇的言语诱惑住,吃了禁果。
17、They beguiled the time by telling jokes. ─── 他们说笑话消磨时间。
18、She beguiled them into believing her version of events. ─── 她哄骗他们相信了她叙述的事情。
19、Her eyes and voice beguiled me. ─── 她的眼睛和声音把我迷住了。
20、She beguiled them into believing her version of events. ─── 她哄骗他们相信了她叙述的事情。
21、7. The two of them - the old man and the child thus beguiled - went together to the lakeside. ─── 他们两个,一个老人骗一个小孩,就一起到湖里,公主用手一直抓水泡,怎么抓都抓不到。收藏指正
22、Happily, the time was beguiled by an accordion, produced somewhat ostentatiously by Tom Simson from his pack ─── 倒是汤姆?辛姆逊多少有点儿得意地从行李里拿出一个手风琴来,这样消遣了一番。
23、By and by I made another diversion, and beguiled her to sketch her story. ─── 不一会,我又想法子往旁处岔,花言巧语地把她那么一哄,她就居然把她的故事粗枝大叶地说了一遍。
24、She beguiled me into lending her money. ─── 她诱骗我把钱借给她。
25、He beguiled me into signing this contract ─── 他诱骗我签订了这项合同。
26、Everything else is dependent on this.We must never be beguiled from the simplicity of devotion to Christ (see II Corinthians 11:3). ─── 我们绝不能失去那向基督所存纯一清洁的心(参考林后11:3)。
27、She beguiled the children with all kinds of games . ─── 她以各种游戏哄孩子们。
28、He beguiled me into lending him my bicycle. ─── 他骗我把自行车借给了他。
29、Do not risk being beguiled by appearances and constructing theories and interpretations based on distortions through misnaming. Give your assent only to what is actually true. ─── 不要甘冒被表象诱骗的风险,也要小心那些基于错误命名而扭曲真相所建构的理论和诠释。将你的赞同只投给实际上是真的事物。
30、Her ways beguiled him. ─── 她的风度迷住了他。
31、She was beguiled of her money. ─── 她的钱给骗走了。
32、He was beguiled by her beatuy. ─── 他为她的美丽所倾倒.
33、She beguiled her sorrow with music. ─── 她借音乐来排遣内心的忧伤。
34、They were beguiled into giving him large sumsof money. ─── 他们受骗,给了他一大笔钱。
35、Our journey was beguiled with pleasant talk . ─── 我们在旅行中用欢快的交谈来消磨时间。
36、for sin, finding occasion, through the commandment beguiled me, and through it slew me. ─── 因为罪藉着法律的命令找机会诱骗我,也藉着法律的命令置我于死地。
37、We beguiled the long journey with pleasant talk. ─── 我们以轻松风趣的谈话来度过长途旅程。
38、They were beguiled into giving him large sumsof money ─── 他们受骗, 给了他一大笔钱.
39、He beguiled me into lending him most of my savings . ─── 他骗我使我将我的大部分积蓄都借给他了。
40、Upon seeing me, he murmured “I was beguiled, I should have known beforehand that I wasn't befitting to eat.Then bad luck wouldn't have befell me. ─── 一看见我,他就咕哝着“我被诱骗了,我应该预先知道那是不适合吃的,那样,坏运就不会降临到我身上。”
41、As the man beguiled by a boy who's a girl, he plays it straight (not farcically), exposing the entertainer's weakness for falling in love with love, no matter the gender. ─── 他饰演的娱乐圈大款为爱而爱,爱得对方性别不拘,爱上本是女儿身的男生后又处处欲拒还迎。
42、He beguiled us with songs ─── 他唱歌为我们解闷。
43、And they told me how they were beguiled, ─── 它们告诉我如何被诱骗,
44、They were beguiled into forming an unwise alliance ─── 他们受骗组成了一个不明智的联盟。
45、In the mornings they beguiled the sun with music. ─── 天天早晨,他们用音乐来取悦太阳。
46、She was beguiled out of her money. ─── 她的钱被骗走了。
47、He beguiled me into parting with the gem. ─── 他诱骗我把那枚宝石割爱。
48、In radio, reporters sometimes fall into the trap of becoming beguiled by sound and forgetting about story. ─── 在广播中,记者常常陷入这样的困境,沉醉于声音,从而忽略了故事。
49、She was beguiled of her diamond. ─── 她被骗走了钻石。
50、Our trip was beguiled with pleasant talk . ─── 我们在旅途中,以轻松的谈话作为消遣。
51、He beguiled her out of her savings . ─── 他把她的积蓄都骗去了。
52、Beguiled by the warm day,the children fell to daydreaming. ─── 为暖和的日子所陶醉,孩子们做白日梦。
53、He was beguiled by the idea of alien races of hyper-rational beings who had taught themselves to discard all motion. ─── 他被已经教他们自己丢弃所有的运动广告员- 理性存在的外国比赛的主意诱骗了。
54、She beguiled me into lending her most of my savings. ─── 她哄骗我使我把大部份的积蓄都借给了她。
55、Our trip was beguiled with pleasant talk. ─── 我们在旅途中,以轻松的谈话作为消遣。
56、With this sort of chatter they had beguiled the time since leaving San Francisco the morning of the day before. ─── 他们俩昨天早晨从旧金山出发,以这样的对话消磨着时光。
57、He beguiled me into lending him money. ─── 他骗我借钱给他。
58、He was beguiled by her beauty. ─── 他为她的美丽所倾倒。
59、He beguiled his days with reading. ─── 他以读书消磨日子。
60、He beguiled her of many a tear, when he spoke of some distressful stroke which his youth had suffered ─── 他讲到自己少年时代遭受的一些艰难困苦的时候,勾出她不少的眼泪。
61、The two of them - the old man and the child thus beguiled - went together to the lakeside. ─── 他们两个,一个老人骗一个小孩,就一起到湖里,公主用手一直抓水泡,怎么抓都抓不到。
62、Our travel was beguiled with pleasant talk. ─── 我们在旅行途中以愉快的谈话来消磨时间。
63、But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. ─── 3我只怕你们的心或偏于邪,失去那向基督所存纯一清洁的心,就像蛇用诡诈诱惑了夏娃一样。
64、Because in choice he is so oft beguiled. ─── 因为在选择的时候他总是被欺骗。
65、Happily, the time was beguiled by an accordion, produced somewhat ostentatiously by Tom Simson from his pack. ─── 倒是汤姆·辛姆逊多少有点儿得意地从行李里拿出一个手风琴来,这样消遣了一番。
66、mr . cruncher beguiled the earlier watches of the night with solitary pipes , and did not start upon his excursion until nearly one o clock. ─── 克朗彻先生一个人一锅一锅地抽着烟斗,打发着初入夜的几个小时,直到差不多半夜才准备出发。
67、Meantime the two gentlemen inside, who were little disposed to sleep, beguiled the time with conversation . ─── 同时坐在车厢里面的两位绅士,也都无心睡觉,他们聊天来消磨时间。
68、and when assailed by difficulties, they refuse to be beguiled into surrender; ─── 当困难袭来时,他们绝不投降;
69、She beguiled us with songs. ─── 她唱歌给我们助兴。
70、Although the lights have been out for quite some time, Shanghai once beguiled foreigners with its seductive mix of tradition and sophistication. ─── 曾几何时,上海集丰富传统和精致文化于一体,魅力无穷,令外人仰慕;
71、He beguiled us with many a tale ofadventure. ─── 他讲了许多冒险故事,我们听得津津有味。
72、Her beauty beguiled him. ─── 她的美貌迷住了他。
73、She beguiled him out of his money. ─── 她骗取了他的钱。
74、I was beguiled by the romance and exotic atmosphere of the souks in Marrakech. ─── 我被马拉喀什剧场浪漫的异国情调迷住了。
75、Your terribleness, the pride of your heart, Has beguiled you, O you who dwell in the clefts of the rock, Who grasp the height of the hill. ─── 16住在磐石穴中,据守高冈的阿,你的威吓,你心中的狂傲,欺骗了你。
76、e.g. They beguiled unwary investors with tales of overnight fortunes. ─── 他们以一夜之间可以发大财的承诺,诱骗了掉以轻心的投资者。
77、A rebel force was beguiled into ambush. ─── 一支叛军受诱骗中了埋伏。
78、If there be nothing new, but that which isHath been before, how are our brains beguiled,Which, labouring for invention, bear amissThe second burden of a former child! ─── 如果天下无新事,现在的种种从前都有过,我们的头脑多上当,当它苦心要创造,却怀孕成功一个前代有过的婴孩的重担!
79、He was beguiled by her beauty. ─── 他为她的美丽所倾倒。
80、Even in sleep, her arm encireled him with an unrelaxing clasp, as if she could not even then be beguiled of her vigilant hold ─── 即使是在睡乡里,她的胳膊也还是紧紧地搂住他不放,仿佛即使如此,她也不肯轻信别人的话,放松自己的警惕性。
81、Don't be cheated by the past, and don't be beguiled by the future.Then you will not regret for all your life! ─── 别被过去蒙蔽了,也别被未来诱惑了。那么你的人生将不再遗憾!
82、Voters who meet him in person are beguiled by his big smile and southern twinkle. ─── 私下见过他的选民为他灿烂的笑容和南方人特有的热情所着迷。
83、2. They were beguiled into giving him large sumsof money. ─── 他们受骗,给了他一大笔钱.
84、He was beguiled of his money. ─── 他的钱被骗走了。
85、They beguiled unwary investors with tales of overnight fortunes. ─── 他们以一夜之间可以发大财的承诺,诱骗了掉以轻心的投资者。
86、Our journey was beguiled with pleasant talk. ─── 我们在旅行中用轻松的谈话来消磨时。
87、And it came to pass, that in the morning, behold, it was Leah: and he said to Laban, What is this thou hast done unto me? did not I serve with thee for Rachel? wherefore then hast thou beguiled me? ─── 到了早晨、雅各一看是利亚、就对拉班说、你向我作的是甚麽事呢.我服事你、不是为拉结麽.你为甚麽欺哄我呢。
88、Happily, the time was beguiled by an accordion, produced somewhat ostentatiously by Tom Simson from his pack. ─── 倒是汤姆·辛姆逊多少有点儿得意地从行李里拿出一个手风琴来,这样消遣了一番。
89、Even in sleep, her ARM encircled him with an unrelaxing clasp, as if she could not even then be beguiled of her vigilant hold. ─── 即使是在睡乡里,她的胳膊也还是紧紧地搂住他不放,仿佛即使如此,她也不肯轻信别人的话,放松自己的警惕性。
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