castigate 发音
英: 美:
castigate 中文意思翻译
castigate 网络释义
vt. 严惩;苛评;矫正;修订
castigate 词性/词形变化,castigate变形
动词过去分词: castigated |动词现在分词: castigating |名词: castigation |动词过去式: castigated |动词第三人称单数: castigates |
castigate 短语词组
1、castigate means ─── 严惩手段
2、castigate clue ─── 鞭挞线索
3、castigate define ─── 严惩定义
4、castigate meaning ─── 斥责的意思
5、reprobate castigate ─── 弃置鞭挞剂
6、castigate antonym ─── 斥责反义词
7、castigate mtg ─── 严惩mtg
8、castigate defined ─── 严惩定义
castigate 相似词语短语
1、fastigiate ─── adj.倾斜的;锥形的
2、castigates ─── vt.严惩;苛评;矫正;修订
3、castigator ─── n.谴责者;惩罚者
4、castigative ─── 严厉的
5、castigated ─── vt.严惩;苛评;矫正;修订
6、castrate ─── vt.阉割;删除;去掉最重要的部分;使丧失力量
7、instigate ─── vt.唆使;煽动;教唆;怂恿
8、fustigate ─── vt.用棍棒打;抨击
9、fatigate ─── 催肥
castigate 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Reconnoitring and collecting evidence is the first step to castigate such crime. ─── 侦查与取证是打击这种犯罪的第一步。
2、"jie gu feng jin works,chu jing sheng qing , eulogize justice, castigate evil, imposing emotional writing style, Haofang uninhibited. ─── 作品借古讽今,触景生情,讴歌正义,鞭挞邪恶,创作风格意气轩昂,豪放不羁。
3、I am appalled that one so - called authority could castigate thousands of successful , worthwhile programs. ─── 我感到震惊的是一个所谓的权威竟然能够苛刻地批评成千上万成功而有价值的节目。
4、And the more used Democratic activists feel, the less likely they are to rush to the polls to castigate the Republicans. ─── 民主党激进分子越是觉得自己被利用,就越不大会赶紧投票以谴责共和党。
5、Do not castigate yourself for guilts that may have contributed to your loneliness. ─── 不要因可能造成你孤独的过错严惩自己。
6、severely rebuke; castigate ─── 痛责
7、castigate 惩罚,严惩 he was castigated for not setting a good example. ─── 他因未能树立好榜样而遭到训斥。
8、Many people castigate these abuses,and some even go so far as to impute many educational and social abuses to the examination. ─── 许多人除诟病高考自身弊端外,还情绪化地将诸多与高考无关的教育和社会弊端也"追根溯源"到其处,高考因此承受着不公正对待。
9、Yunxi folk songs reflect a distinct view of morality which eulogizes truth, kindness and beauty and castigate falseness, ugliness and evil. ─── 摘要郧西民歌通过讴歌真善美和鞭挞假丑恶反映了当地老百姓鲜明的道德观。
10、Under I must truthfully 陈诉 own behavior and the motive,after hoped you read, future no longer such will castigate likeyesterday evening to my stern words. ─── 下面我要如实的陈诉一下自己行为和动机,希望你读完之后,将来不再像昨天晚上那样对我严词苛责。
11、But if society permits the latter, how can you castigate the Chinese and stop tiger farming? ─── 但是,如果社会姑息了后者,那你如何才能严惩中国人,制止老虎养殖?
12、Marx never lost an opportunity to castigate colonialism. ─── 马克思从不放过任何谴责殖民主义的机会。
13、I vowed as penance to answer all the people who wrote to castigate me.It's been an intense professional embarrassment. ─── 人类未知的东西还是太多了,搞不好有天我们会发现整个世界观都是错误的。
14、"I don't want to be one of those elders who castigate young peoples' form of communication, " she said. ─── “我不想变成那种批评年轻人沟通方式的老人,”她说。
15、I don't want to be one of those elders who castigate young peoples' form of communication," she said. ─── 我不想变成那种批评年轻人沟通方式的老人,”她说。
16、However, the Tokyo Trial of major importance not Certain to determine the guilt of the accused is not guilty, but justice, war crimes and appealed to castigate world peace. ─── 但是,东京审判的重要之处主要不在于确定某些被告人有罪无罪,而是伸张正义、鞭挞战争犯罪和呼吁世界和平。
17、She could not find sufficient reproaches with which to castigate herself. ─── 她找不出充分的理由非难自己。
18、denounce; castigate ─── 诟病
19、Sir Alex Ferguson rued defensive errors against Liverpool, but refused to castigate Nemanja Vidic and says his side will now do one thing: respond. ─── "弗格森认为后防线的失误,让曼联今天惨败在利物浦脚下,不过他并没有责怪维迪奇,而是强调自己的球队必须立刻反弹。
20、Castigate All kinds of Bribery Need Consummate Lawmaking ─── 整治贿赂犯罪亟待进一步完善立法
21、2.The principal castigate the student who have insult their teacher. ─── 校长谴责对老师不敬的学生。
22、"hope you to remember forever:To intelligent person, the ‘ teaches once the stupid person in ratio suffers to castigate to return 100 times deep.'" ─── “希望你永远记住:‘对聪明人来说,一次教训比蠢人受一百次鞭挞还深刻。’”
23、Then what ideas did Mencken hold that made a newspaper like the Commercial Appeal castigate him publicly? ─── 那么门肯持有什么思想以至于让一家像《商业诉求报》这样的报纸公开地强烈反对他呢?
24、Groups of unemployed whites gathered on the "sand lots" of San Francisco to denounce the Chinese and to castigate the railroad company that had employed so many of them. ─── 成群结队的失业白人聚集在旧金山的“沙地”上控告华人,他们谴责铁路公司雇佣了太多的华工。
25、Do not castigate yourself for guilts that may have contributed to your loneliness. ─── 不要因可能造成你孤独的过错严惩自己。
26、Then there is an outburst of national outrage among those who usually castigate ministers for their lack of frugality demanding that the spending taps be turned on. ─── 而到了那时,举国愤怒,那些原先不断指责大臣们没有节约意识的人,就会上下一致要求开大费用的龙头。
27、She could not find sufficit reproaches with which to castigate herself . ─── 她找不出充分的理由非难自己。
28、We just want to explain our inner demands and desires and to express the outer world that we would like to eulogize and castigate by depending on a language sign. ─── 我们无非是借着一个语言符号来诠释我们的内在需求和欲望,来表达我们想讴歌或者是鞭挞的客观世界。
29、lash; castigate ─── 鞭挞
30、In a word, this article aims at completely and comprehensively explaining the crime of taxation so as to do some valuable studies to effectively castigate and prevent committing a crime of taxation. ─── 力求全面地、宏观地认识税收犯罪,为有效惩治和预防税收犯罪做些有益的研究。
31、But it's not my intention here to castigate supermarkets or clothes shops, or bang the drum for “ethical” shopping. ─── 我无意痛斥超市和服装店,也无意宣扬“道德购物”。
32、Do not castigate the very One that gave you life for life is not ending. ─── 不要谴责给予你生命的真正的那一个,生命是没有止境的。
33、For one thing, it's an example those who castigate President Obama for "demonizing" insurance companies should consider. ─── 首先,那些斥责奥巴马总统“妖化”保险公司的人需要认真考虑这个例子。
34、The remark was made by a Labour Party spokesman to castigate the Government for this attempt, which, in Labour's opinion is bound to lead to disaster ─── 这个评语是工党发言人用来严厉批评政府的这个企图,这一企图在工党看来是肯定要引向灾难的。
35、castigate the abuses of the time ─── 痛砭时弊
36、Then what ideas did Mencken hold that made a newspaper like the Commercial Appeal castigate him publicly? ─── 那么门肯持有什么样的观点使得象《商业呼声》这样的报纸公开攻击他?
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