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09-12 投稿


chainless 发音


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chainless 中文意思翻译



chainless 短语词组

1、chainless foundation sc ─── 无链式基础SC

2、chainless starting double ─── 无链启动双

3、chainless foundation crochet ─── 无链式基础钩针

4、chainless starting half-double crochet ─── 无链起始半双钩针

5、chainless foundation chain ─── 无链式基础链

6、chainless starting double crochet ─── 无链双钩针

chainless 相似词语短语

1、chaiseless ─── 没有柴,

2、chaffless ─── 糠秕

3、chadless ─── adj.半穿孔

4、brainless ─── adj.无头脑的,愚蠢的,脑残的

5、chapeless ─── 无龟裂

6、chinless ─── adj.无下颚的;优柔寡断的

7、chainlet ─── n.小链

8、chainlets ─── n.小链

9、chaines ─── n.(Chaines)人名;(法)谢纳

chainless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、chainless fabric mercerising machine ─── 弯辊布丝光机

2、Eternal Spirit of the chainless Mind! ─── 你磅礴的精神之永恒的幽灵!

3、chainless hauled shearer ─── 无链牵引采煤机

4、Analysis on driven features of chain track type chainless haulage device of coal shearer ─── 采煤机链轨式无链牵引装置传动特性分析

5、Research on the Inviolate-Cycloid Compound Gear of Chainless Mechanical for Shearer ─── 采煤机无链牵引机构渐开线―摆线复合齿轮探讨

6、Analysis on driven features of chain track type chainless haulage device of coal shearer ─── 采煤机链轨式无链牵引装置传动特性分析

7、A minimum tension is exerted on the fabric during transportation in the chainless dwelling zone. ─── 在此直辊反应区织物能以最小的张力运行。

8、Keywords shearer;chainless traction mechanism;compound gear; ─── 采煤机;无链牵引机构;复合齿轮;

9、Think about buying a chainless bike if you ride in snow or slush. You'll have less chain maintenance. ─── 如果你是在雪地或融雪上骑行,考虑购买无链自行车。这样就不需要经常维修链子。

10、This is converted into electricity and can be fed directly to the motor giving a chainless bicycle but also to charge a battery. ─── 这是转换成电力,可直接喂养的电机给链自行车,而且充电电池。

11、It offers a bright prospect for the applicationin the chainless traction mechanism of shearer. ─── 该复合齿轮用于采煤机无链牵引机构将具有广泛的应用前景。

12、LMA231 Chainless mercerizing range It is used for mercerizing of cotton,hemp and their blends. ─── LMA231直辊布铗丝光机:本机适用于棉、麻及混纺织物的丝光。

13、Features and Development Tendency of Shearer Chainless Haulage System both at Home and Abroad ─── 国内外采煤机无链牵引系统的特点与发展趋势

14、Design Analysis about Chainless Haulage System of Electro- Haulage Coal Winning Machine ─── 电牵引采煤机链轨式无链牵引系统的设计分析

15、chainless mercerizing range ─── 弯辊丝光机

16、AM500/4.5H remote control shearer is a large hydranlic chainless haulage shearer,it is designed gy Taiyuan coal machine group company for russian. ─── 4 5H遥控采煤机是太原矿山机器集团公司为俄罗斯设计的一台高型液压无链牵引采煤机。

17、The combination of the chain and chainless principles ensure the dimensional stability of the knitted fabric. ─── 这种直辊与针板链相结合的结构设计保证了针织物的稳定性。

18、LMA230 Chainless mercerizing range It is used for mercerizing of cotton, hemp and their blends. ─── LMA230直辊丝光机:本机适用于棉、麻及混纺织物的丝光。

19、Keywords shearer;Low-coal;floor-based;chainless hauled; ─── 关键词采煤机;极薄煤层;爬底板;无链牵引;

20、Keywords mercerizing;clip mercerizing machine;chainless padless mercerizing machine;barium number;sodium hydroxide;dyeing percentage;cotton fabric;polyester-cotton fabric; ─── 丝光;布铗丝光机;直辊丝光机;钡值;氢氧化钠;上染百分率;棉织物;涤棉织物;

21、According to the cracking trouble of MDY-150 chainless haulage winning machine travel wheel's supporting base in working progress of working face, puts forward hanlding method. ─── 针对采煤工作面生产过程中出现的采煤机行走轮支撑座开焊故障 ,对在无法直接焊接又难以拆装的情况下采取的简易方法进行了叙述。

22、LMA230 Chainless mercerizing range It is used for mercerizing of cotton,hemp and their blends. ─── LMA230直辊丝光机:本机适用于棉、麻及混纺织物的丝光。

23、Keywords electric haulage shearer;short-wall;chainless haulage system; ─── 关键词电牵引采煤机;短壁;无链牵引系统;适用范围;

24、What we're more interested in is the carbon fiber construction, but we also found the chainless drivetrain interesting. ─── 当然,我们关注更多的除了其醒目的碳纤维结构,还包括它非常有趣的无链传动动力系统。

25、This means an initial stabilization of the fabric already begins in the chain zone followed by further stabilization in the chainless section of the machine. ─── 这就是说在针板拉幅区已经开始作初步的去碱稳定工作,进一步的去碱稳定则在其后的直辊区段进行。

26、Keywords shearer;chainless traction mechanism;cycloid gear;kinematic analysis; ─── 采煤机;无链牵引机构;摆线轮;运动学分析;

27、chainless padless mercerizing machine ─── 直辊丝光机

28、The composition and characteristics of M 24/14 module high speed chainless padless mercerizing range are studied in this article. ─── 介绍了荷兰布鲁格曼公司的M-24/14型高速直辊丝光机的组成和特点。

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