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09-12 投稿



hesitantly 发音


英:  美:

hesitantly 中文意思翻译



hesitantly 网络释义

adv. 迟疑地;踌躇地

hesitantly 同义词

uncertainly | diffidently | tentatively | cautiously | shyly | suspiciously | hesitatingly | distrustfully |doubtfully | timidly

hesitantly 反义词


hesitantly 词性/词形变化,hesitantly变形

副词: hesitantly |

hesitantly 相似词语短语

1、distantly ─── adv.远离地,遥远地;疏远地,冷淡地;模糊地

2、hesitated ─── 犹豫

3、hesitate ─── vi.踌躇,犹豫;不愿;vt.踌躇,犹豫;有疑虑,不愿意

4、resultantly ─── 作为结果而发生地;因此

5、hesitance ─── n.踌躇;犹豫

6、hesitant ─── adj.迟疑的;踌躇的;犹豫不定的

7、hesitancy ─── n.踌躇,犹豫

8、defiantly ─── adv.挑战地;对抗地

9、hesitatingly ─── adv.踌躇地;支吾其词地

hesitantly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、if i have a chance to have a decision between the city without bicycle and the city without autocar,i would choose the second one without hesitantly. ─── 如果让我来决定我们要一个没有自行车的城市,还是要一个没有的城市,我会毫不犹豫地选择后者.

2、Between project and person, lei Jun represents angel investor none hesitantly, want to choose the person's element. ─── 在项目和人之间,天使投资人雷军毫不犹豫地表示,要选人的因素。

3、We began by hesitantly offering our initial concept-art and explaining our idea. ─── 我们一开始比较犹豫地提出了我们原来的构思,并解释了我们的想法。

4、" When asked about if President Chou is investing, he first paused awhile and hesitantly said, "No!" ─── 问到周董是否入股,他先是顿了一下,旋即说:没有!

5、He hesitantly follows her instructions.He wraps it around the dragon's neck and then pulls hard. ─── 他犹豫不决地跟从她的指示,将绳子套上了野兽的颈子,然后用力拉。

6、Firstly,the artist depicted emphatically the caressing relation of the crummie to her child.The foregoing crummie looks back to the calf,walking hesitantly and presenting a thoughtful bearing. ─── 一是着重刻画母牛与小牛之间的亲情关系,前行的母牛回首观望小牛犊,起步迟疑,露关切照应之态;

7、To move gradually or hesitantly ─── 缓慢或迟疑地移动

8、"I'd like to go all right," said Hung-chien hesitantly, "but I'll have to give it some careful thought." ─── 鸿渐嗫嚅道:“我想是想去,不过还要仔细考虑一下。”

9、Right now, unplug none should hesitantly reticle, examine systematic process instantly unusual. ─── 此时,应该毫不犹豫地拔掉网线,立即检查系统进程是否异常。

10、While the world awaits 2009 hesitantly, continuing worries on global housing markets has markets jittering. ─── 虽然世界对2009的到来表现得犹豫不决,仍然在担心全球住房市场的震荡。

11、When resting, take a walk none hesitantly and not be to drink coffee, coke, because take a walk,can make than a kind of any beverage your have one's head screwed on the right way. ─── 休息时毫不犹豫地去散步而不是去喝咖啡、可乐,因为散步比任何一种饮料都能使你头脑清醒。

12、When Tuckhornnever shows up to work, Sucre leaves. Suddenly, two armed agentsarrive to detain him. Sucre hesitantly puts his hands up aftersecretly texting the gang at the warehouse to"run." ─── 塔克斯宏并没有出现在办公室,苏克雷准备离开。突然,两个持枪的特工出现并扣留了他。苏克雷在偷偷地向大本营的同伙发送了“快跑”的短信后,极不情愿地举起了手。

13、Without doubt, collector people spend costly money none can hesitantly surely, enchase this with pearl along with a child inside excellent high-quality goods closes return to already had. ─── 毫无疑问,收藏家们定会毫不犹豫地花高价钱,把这个用珍珠镶嵌连同一个小孩在内的绝妙精品收归已有。

14、He walked out into the ante-chamber, closing the bedroom door behind him, then somewhat hesitantly opened the main door. ─── 走到外房,带上了门,硬起头皮打开大门。只见门外站着一条大汉,身材魁梧,自己头顶还不及到他项颈。

15、So it was late on Thanksgiving Eve, as I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a familiar hand hesitantly run across my face to brush the hair from my forehead. ─── 于是在感恩节的一个除夕深夜,当我睡在我年轻时候的床上睡觉时,一只亲切熟悉的手踌躇地抚摸过我的脸庞,掠开我额上的头发。

16、I replied hesitantly, "Yeah, what's wrong with it?" ─── 我犹豫地答道:“是呀,有什么毛病吗?”

17、To its great grief, the sun hesitantly rises. On all the land it light up there is nothing more saddening than this man. ─── 太阳悲悲切切,切切悲悲的冉冉升起,它所照见的景物,没有比这个人更惨的了。

18、Watson stared at the photographs, fingering one or two hesitantly ─── 沃森定眼瞧着这些照片,犹豫不定地指出一两个人。

19、"You think we can fit Burak and Tesla back there?" Rick asked Wolff hesitantly. ─── “你觉得能把伯拉克和泰斯拉塞进后面么?”瑞克犹豫地问沃尔夫。

20、She leaned in to share a secret she had revealed to only a few other people before: "I'm lesbian, " she said hesitantly. ─── 略微前倾上身,她分享了之前仅有少数人知道的秘密:“我是拉拉,”她吞吞吐吐地说。

21、This made Chang Su-su pause, and she stood there hesitantly, craning her neck to watch ─── 张素素不由的收住了脚,犹豫地站着,伸长脖子观望。

22、Well," she began hesitantly, "there is Blackfoot Motorsports, but most people don't like them. ─── 好吧,“她开始犹豫不决,”有黑脚赛车,但大多数人并不像他们一样。

23、Watson stared at the photographs , fingering one or two hesitantly . ─── 沃森定眼瞧着这些照片,犹豫不定地指出一两个人。

24、Hesitantly, I inquired about the destination of the food. ─── 我嗫嚅着问他这些食物会运到何处。

25、When the surgeon came to see his blonde patient on the day after her operation, she asked him somewhat hesitantly just how long it would be before she could resume her sex life. ─── 手术后第二天,外科医生去看他的金发碧眼的美女病人,她有点吞吞吐吐地问他多久以后她能恢复性生活。

26、She came in and set on the edge of the chair, hesitantly. ─── 她迟疑地走了进来,小心地坐在椅子的边缘。

27、To its great grief, the sun hesitantly rises.On all the land it light up there is nothing more saddening than this man. ─── 太阳悲悲切切,切切悲悲的冉冉升起,它所照见的景物,没有比这个人更惨的了。

28、The shoppers walk hesitantly from one stall to the next, discovering what each shop sells. ─── 买东西的人从一个摊位寻寻觅觅到另一个摊位,瞧瞧每处都卖些什么。

29、I, uh I wanna climb the stone walls," I said hesitantly. ─── 我,呃,我想爬那些石头墙,”我犹犹豫豫地说。

30、" Little Shun replied hesitantly. ─── 小顺迟疑地答我。

31、As he spoke hesitantly, Kuei Chang-lin looked steadily at Mo Kan-cheng's startled face. Every now and then Tu Wei-yueh also ran his eye over Mo Kan-cheng's face, and by the time Kuei Chang-lin stopped, all eyes were turned to the old man. ─── 桂长林一边慢吞吞地说,一边不转眼地看着莫干丞那惊愕的面孔,屠维岳也是一眼一眼地往莫干丞脸上溜。 大家的眼光都射住了莫干丞了。

32、Never have inside 9 years to those had used, but the article that feels to there is use probably in the future however, throw away them none should hesitantly completely. ─── 对于那些在一两年内从没有用过,但却觉得将来或许有用处的物品,应该毫不犹豫地把它们统统扔掉。

33、No wonder US-led multilateral force should throw thalassic battle so agog and none hesitantly with all one's strength, because make a living,be dead remote closes completely! ─── 无怪乎以美国为首的多国部队要那么急切而且毫不犹豫地全力投入海湾战争,完全是因为生死攸关啦!

34、Vietnam has hesitantly dabbled in credit-guarantee funds in the past, primarily at the provincial level, with scant success. ─── 越南曾经也迟疑地涉及过信贷担保基金,主要是各省提供担保,收效甚微。

35、On slavery, republicans and their presidential candidate , Lincoln, were speaking hesitantly in 1860. ─── 1860年,共和党及其总统候选人林肯对农奴制的口吻是犹豫的。

36、Girl: (hesitantly) Yes. ─── 女孩:(迟疑了一下)是的。

37、Hesitantly at first, then vigorously, a ripple of applause rose from the onlookers.Finally came the sound of muffled sobbing. ─── 始迟疑,继急促,涟漪般的掌声在人群响起,最后,是久抑的哭泣声。

38、Make fall, the soldier rushs forward none can hesitantly. ─── 一声令下,战士就会毫不犹豫地冲上去。

39、Sucre hesitantly puts his hands up after secretly texting the gang at the warehouse to "run. ─── 苏克雷在偷偷地向大本营的同伙发送了“快跑”的短信后,极不情愿地举起了手。

40、Despite its near-perfect construction, few great books have been more hesitantly produced. ─── 尽管有了一个几乎完美的结构,很少有伟大的著作象他这部小说那样迟迟不能成书。

41、A hand raises hesitantly, to which the leader of the cannibals replies, "You fool! ─── 一只手很迟疑地举起来,对此,食人族首领回答道,“你个笨蛋!

42、Watson stared at the photographs, fingering one or two hesitantly. ─── 沃森定眼瞧着这些照片,犹豫不定地指出一两个人。

43、said Chen Chun-yi hesitantly, with a glance at Chu Yin-chiu ─── 陈君宜慢吞吞地回答,望了朱

44、The man shook my hand hesitantly and told me his name. ─── 那个男人迟疑地和我握了握手,告诉了我他的名字。

45、Slowly,hesitantly,not always aware of what she was doing,Mrs.Graham begin to challenge the social order. ─── 慢慢地,犹豫不决地,格雷厄姆夫人开始向社会习俗挑战,但并不总是清楚自己所作所为的意义。

46、The Cards started hesitantly, with too many passes not finding their man and rather a lot of space afforded to the chunky Jody Banim and to Keith Gilroy out on the Brewers' left flank. ─── 沃金队开局的表现有些犹豫不决,传球失误较多,给了酿酒商(对方球队的昵称,不知是不是取这个意思)左路矮胖的约迪-巴尼姆和凯斯-吉尔罗伊很多空间。

47、if she likes you, telling her definitely your affection, like be like, don't like be don't like.Never fear to hurt her but hesitantly. ─── 如果她喜欢你,要明确告诉她你的感情,喜欢就是喜欢,不喜欢就是不喜欢。千万不要怕伤害她而犹豫不决地。

48、Dawes hesitantly peeked around the corner to find four men entering his house, stepping on the front door that had been broken down. ─── 他偷偷透过拐角看了一眼,有4个人穿过他们刚刚破坏的房门走进了房间。

49、"I just can't ask him to stay, it's Beijing, the thing he always dreamed about," Liu said, hesitantly. ─── “我不能要求他留下来,那是北京,是他一直梦想着的地方,”刘洁犹豫地说。

50、leave slowly and hesitantly. ─── 缓慢地,迟疑地离开。

51、Wang Ho-fu scratched his head and looked hesitantly at Wu Sun-fu, whose face was tense ─── 王和甫搔着头皮迟疑地说,眼睛望着吴荪甫那紧绷绷的脸。

52、"A hundred and two," Momo replied, still more hesitantly. ─── 好了,现在很认真地再问你一遍,你多大了?

53、He selected an English-Chinese dictionary very hesitantly. ─── 他犹豫不决地挑了一本英汉词典。

54、Miss Sun said hesitantly, "Then let's tell Mr. Li-" ─── 孙小姐迟疑地说:“那么咱们告诉李先生--”

55、Living without clear goals is like driving in a thick fog.No matter how powerful or well engineered your car, you drive slowly, hesitantly, making little progress on even the smoothest road. ─── 目标不明确的生活就像在大雾天里开车,不管你怎么铆足了劲,车还是开不起来,哪怕是在最平坦的路上;

56、Sucre hesitantly puts his hands up after secretly texting the gang at the warehouse to "run. " ─── 苏克雷在偷偷地向大本营的同伙发送了“快跑”的短信后,极不情愿地举起了手。

57、"It sounds like the sort of thing Fred and George would find funny, " said Mrs. Weasley hesitantly . "Are you sure. . . ? " ─── “这类玩意儿,像是弗雷德和乔治感兴趣的东西。”韦斯莱夫人迟疑地说,“你能肯定不是——”

58、There was a brief silence, then twenty or thirty voices could be heard repeating the oath, some firmly, others more hesitantly. ─── 大厅上沉默片刻,便有数十人念了起来:“咱们奉许教主号令,忠心不贰。”

59、“I, uh--I wanna climb the stone walls,” I said hesitantly. ─── “我,呃,我想爬那些石头墙,”我犹犹豫豫地说。

60、He finally accepted hesitantly. ─── 他最终犹犹豫豫地接受了。

61、His father replied hesitantly, 'Sure, son, do you have anyone special in mind? ─── 父亲犹豫地回答说:当然可以,儿子,你有意中人了吗?

62、John hesitantly approached the table and sat down. ─── 约翰迟疑地走近桌子坐了下来。

63、Indeed, Taliban leaders, however hesitantly, are beginning to look at alternatives to fighting. ─── 虽然有些犹豫,但的确塔利班的领导人正在思考通过另外一种方式进行斗争。

64、to its great grief, the sun hesitantly rises. ─── 太阳冉冉升起,负载无限忧伤。

65、Hesitantly at first, then vigorously, a ripple of applause rose from the onlookers. ─── 起初人们犹豫了一下,然后阵阵有力的掌声从路人中间传来。

66、“Well, no, not exactly,” I said hesitantly, “I hxdyen't kept in touch with him but I heard that he was in some kind of trouble. ─── “这个,不,不大清楚。”我犹豫着说,“我一直没有和他联系,但我听说他遇到了些麻烦。”

67、A Wooden Box behind some wow gold explored a wisely cold echo.Indeed, the dripping Bag of the hesitantly mysterious science was cosmic. ─── 于注册公司的手续步骤,简单介绍一下,供各位参 要注册一个公司,首先想好经营什么,怎样经营好,再来注册。

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