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09-12 投稿


iodine 发音

英:[ˈaɪədaɪn]  美:[ˈaɪədiːn]

英:  美:

iodine 中文意思翻译



iodine 常用词组

iodine value ─── 碘值;碘价

tincture of iodine ─── 碘酒;碘酊

iodine solution ─── [医]碘溶液

iodine 同义词

iodine 词性/词形变化,iodine变形

简写符号: I |

iodine 短语词组

1、iodine catgut ─── [医] 碘肠线

2、Churchill's tincture of iodine ─── [医] 邱吉尔氏碘酊(系16.5%的碘酊)

3、iodine acne ─── [医] 碘痤疮

4、iodine cyst ─── [医] 奢碘阿米巴囊, 布 ─── [奇利]氏嗜碘变形虫囊

5、diglycocoll hydroiodide-iodine ─── [医] 碘氢碘酸二甘氨酸

6、eka-iodine ─── [医] 准碘(砹的旧名)

7、alpha-iodine ─── [医] α-碘

8、Hebra's iodine caustic ─── [医] 黑布腊氏碘腐蚀剂

9、iodine eruption ─── [医] 碘疹

10、iodine cyanide ─── [化] 碘化氰

11、Churchill's iodine caustic ─── [医] 邱吉尔氏腐蚀用碘(苛性碘溶液)

12、compound iodine solution ─── [医] 复方碘溶液, 浓碘溶液

13、Gram's iodine stain ─── [医] 革兰氏碘染剂(染原虫囊)

14、iodine consumption ─── [医] 耗碘量

15、D'Antoni's iodine stain ─── [医] 丹托尼氏碘染剂(检肠寄生虫卵)

16、Gram's iodine solution ─── [化] 格兰氏碘液

17、iodine flask ─── [化] 碘瓶 ─── [医] 碘量瓶

18、casein iodine ─── [医] 碘酪蛋白

19、chloral-iodine ─── [医] 氯醛碘

iodine 反义词


iodine 相似词语短语

1、iodised ─── v.用碘或碘化物处理(iodise的过去式和过去分词,等于iodize)

2、iodise ─── v.用碘或碘化物处理(等于iodize)

3、iodiser ─── 碘化物

4、iodinate ─── v.碘化;以碘处理

5、iodises ─── v.用碘或碘化物处理(等于iodize)

6、iodize ─── vt.用碘处理,使碘化;使含有碘,加碘

7、iodized ─── 碘化了的

8、iodide ─── n.碘化物;碘负离子;氢碘酸盐

9、iodides ─── n.碘化物;碘负离子;氢碘酸盐

iodine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A rich natural source of iron and iodine - an ideal addition to the diet to improve pigmentation and coat condition. ─── 含丰富天然的铁质及錪质,能帮助色素(包括鼻头变色问题)及毛发生长。

2、They doped polyacetylene by exposing it in various experiments to chlorine, bromine or iodine. ─── 他们把聚乙炔放在各种实验环境里以掺杂氯、溴,或者碘。

3、Hexachlorophene-containing skin cleanser is substituted when allergy to shellfish or iodine is present or suspected. ─── 在怀疑或患者确实存在对碘及贝类动物过敏时,可以改用含有六氯酚的皮肤消毒液。

4、It is effective to treat the flat verruca with achromatous iodine tincture. ─── 无色碘酊治疗扁平疣疗效显著。

5、The targets for the current stage of eliminating the disease caused by iodine deficiency have been achieved. ─── 基本实现了消除碘缺乏病的阶段目标。

6、For instance, for water, disinfectants such as chlorine, chlorine dioxide, chloramines and iodine can be used. ─── 例如,氯、二氧化氯、氯胺和碘酒等消毒剂可用于水的化学消毒。

7、You must have lots of iodine. ─── 您应多吃碘。

8、Patients are gien radioactie iodine only if they are not pregnant or lactating since this can affect the baby. ─── 因为放射性碘影响婴儿的生长发育,所以孕妇或哺乳期妇女应禁用放射性碘。

9、The iodine prophylaxis is one of the main interventions for public protection after a nuclear accident. ─── 摘要碘预防是核事故后公众防护的主要干预措施之一。

10、The tincture of iodine smarted when applied it to the wound. ─── 往伤口上擦碘酒时,能引起剧痛。

11、She dabbed iodine on the cuts on her forehead. ─── 她在她额头的伤口处搽了碘酒。

12、Even the density is totally the same, different iodine is bent over, the result has a very great difference. ─── 即使浓度完全一样,不同的碘伏,效果也是有很大的区别。

13、The oxidizer is oxyacid of chlorine, bromine and iodine and salts thereof, and peroxide. ─── 所述的氧化剂是指:氯、溴、碘的含氧酸及其盐类与过氧化氢。

14、The wound was carefully washed; then an antiseptic, tincture of iodine, was applied. ─── 伤口被仔细地清洗,然后涂上消毒剂和碘酒。

15、Should the antiseptic agent povidone iodine be used in lactating mothers? ─── 1消毒剂(聚维酮碘)能否用于哺乳期妇女?

16、The best formulae was that proportion of iodine to potassium iodide was 1:0.6 .alcoholic concentration 76%. ─── 最优处方为碘与碘化钾比例1:0.6,乙醇浓度为76%。

17、The most widely used halogenated compounds are chlorine (in the form of sodium hypochlorite) and iodine. ─── 使用最多的卤代化合物是氯(以次氯酸钠的形式)及碘。

18、Radioactie iodine may be used to destroy thyroid cancer cells after surgical remoal of the thyroid gland. ─── 在手术切除甲状腺后,可用放射性碘来杀死体内剩下的甲状腺癌细胞。

19、Lugols iodine staining under endoscopy can help the diagnosis of early esophageal cance... ─── 提示:内镜下碘染色对早期食管癌的诊断具有重要意义。

20、The doctor painted iodine on the cut. ─── 医生在伤口上涂点碘酒。

21、Any of a group of five chemically related nonmetallic elements including fluorine,chlorine,bromine,iodine,and astatine. ─── 卤素包括氟、氯、溴、磺、砹有化学联系的五个非金属元素一族中的任何一个

22、Starch yields a blue color in the presence of iodine. ─── 有磺存在时,淀粉即呈蓝色。

23、The radioisotope source 241 Am X_ray fluorescence method for determination of iodine in iodized salt was presented. ─── 介绍用放射性同位素源激发X射线荧光法测定碘盐中碘的含量。

24、The absorption spectrum of iodine was recorded in the visible region using a HRD1 Double Grating Monochromator. ─── 我们用HRD-1型双光栅单色仪记录了碘分子在可见光区域的吸收光谱。

25、Abstract: Iodized salt is a major step to the prevention and cure of iodine deficiency disease(IDD). ─── 摘要: 碘化食盐是为防治碘缺乏性疾病而采取的一项主要措施。

26、It is only effective when radioactive iodine is present, which likely would not be the case in an attack involving a dirty bomb. ─── 只有放射性碘元素存在时,它才能起作用。所以在脏弹袭击的情况下,它没有作用。

27、In top end industry, the organic compound of iodine is additive of manufacturing rocketry fuel. ─── 在尖端工业中,碘的有机化合物是制造火箭燃料的添加剂。

28、Some people worry that iodine is corrosive, in fact, the cervical mucus I would dilute iodine, causing burns. ─── 有人担心碘酒有腐蚀性,其实子宫颈口的黏液会使碘酒稀释,不会造成灼伤。

29、Synthesized of benzyl oxide was using iodine catalyst dehydration for benzyl alcohol. ─── 以单质碘为催化剂直接由苄醇催化脱水生产苄醚。

30、Run upstairs and get the iodine. ─── 快上楼去把碘酒拿来。

31、Methods The water iodine was tested with segmenled flow analysis. ─── 方法水碘采用全自动间歇流动分析法测定。

32、In fact, these bacteria have a "pot-side" approach, that is, Tu iodine. ─── 其实,有一个把这些杂菌“一锅端”的办法,就是涂碘酒。

33、The conduction electrons associated with the iodine can move along the chains as if they were long thin wires. ─── 碘中所含的传导电子能够沿着链运动,就好象这些链是长的细导线一样。

34、The TSH level of pregnant women can reflect the thyroid function and iodine nutrition condition. ─── 孕妇的 TSH水平能够反映其甲状腺功能状态和碘营养水平。

35、It became more obvious with the increasing concentration of Lugol's iodine solution. ─── 去除膜状物后,可见红肿的食管黏膜上皮。

36、For distinguish we whether iodine of PVP-I type is it call general iodine bend over to bend over. ─── 为了区别,我们把不是PVP-I型的碘伏称为一般碘伏。

37、Effects of dietary iodine level on reproduction performance of gestation sow. ─── 日粮中碘水平对妊娠母猪繁殖性能的影响。

38、Apply the wound with some iodine. ─── 在伤口上抹点碘酒。

39、The healthy vinegar with plenty of iodine strenthen the ingredient of iodine during the processing of vinegar brewing. ─── 富碘保健醋是在食醋酿造过程中强化了碘的成分。

40、Flush a toilet; flush a wound with iodine. ─── 冲马桶; 以碘酒冲冼伤口

41、I immediately got the iodine and clumsily bandaged her. ─── 我立刻拿碘酒,笨拙的给他包扎。

42、Tincture of iodine containing 85% alcohol is still widely used as a skin preparation. ─── 含有85%酒精的碘酊在皮肤消毒中依然被广泛应用。

43、In many cases, ablation of the thyroid remnant with radioactive iodine?131 (RAI) is added to complete the treatment. ─── 在许多案例,附加放射线活性碘131(RAI)摘除甲状腺残余组织来完成治疗。

44、There is a relation between IDD distribution and the contents of iodine. ─── 总结贵州碘缺乏病分布区生态地质环境特征。

45、METHOD Children s goiter rate,iodized salt,urinary iodine were detected. ─── 方法采用儿童甲状腺肿大率、碘盐水平、尿碘水平指标进行综合评价。

46、Sakesman: Here you are, a box of bandage. Do you want some iodine and tampon? It prevents wound from infection. ─── 店员:这里是一盒创可贴,您需要一些碘酒和棉签吗?以防小孩伤口感染。

47、Because iodine starts to dissipate after a few days, the risk isn't as long lasting as with cesium, which remains for decades, he said. ─── 因为碘在几天以后开始消散,其风险不像铯那样能持续很长时间,铯会保持几十年。

48、Cretinism occurs when the mother does not have sufficient iodine in her diet at a certain point during pregnancy. ─── 当母亲在怀孕期间的某个特定时间点上没有能够从她的日常食物中获取足够的碘的话,就会导致婴儿克汀病的发生。

49、And, in the United States, teats must be disinfected with iodine or other chemical disinfectant before milking. ─── 在美国,牛乳头在挤奶前必须用碘酒或其他消毒剂进行消毒。

50、The doctor prescribed a topical application of iodine. ─── 医生开了一种局部敷用的碘酒。

51、Already the hospitals were worrying about the scarcity of quinine, calomel, opium, chloroform and iodine. ─── 各个医院已经在为缺乏奎宁、甘汞、鸦片、哥罗仿、碘酒等等而发愁。

52、Compound iodine solution is used to treat hyperthyroidism. ─── 复方碘溶液用于治疗甲亢。

53、In the acid condition,iodine ions can be oxidized by three-valent iron ions and elementary iodine can be separated. ─── 在酸性条件下,三价铁离子可氧化碘离子,并游离出单质碘。

54、Methods: This article adopted ion-selective electrode-direct reading method to determine the iodine in iodic-salt. ─── 方法用离子选择性电极浓度直读法测定碘盐中微量的碘。

55、Property: It belongs to semidrying oil with relatively higher iodine value, in place of soybean oil. ─── 性能特点:碘值较高,属于半干性油,代替豆油,广泛用于涂料工业,可做自干漆、烘漆。

56、They say there is no need to use products like hydrogen peroxide or iodine. ─── 他们也提到不必使用像是双氧水或碘酒类的药品。

57、They do not protect against external radiation, or against any other radioactive substances besides radioactive iodine. ─── 除了放射性碘,他们不能阻止外部的辐射、或是任何其他辐射性物质。

58、The nurse bathed his wound with iodine. ─── 护士在他的伤口上涂碘酒。

59、In the Hanus method, an iodine bromide reagent is used instead of iodine monochloride. ─── 在哈纳斯法中,溴化碘试剂代替氯化碘被使用。

60、Is dot skin diminish inflammation good with iodic bend over good with tincture of iodine still? ─── 小孩子皮肤消炎是用碘伏好还是用碘酒好?

61、METHODS Daubing the affected part of the flat verruca with achromatous iodine tincture for 2 or 3 weeks. ─── 方法对扁平疣患者,用无色碘酊涂抹于患处,治疗2-3周。

62、Put some iodine on his wound. ─── 上点碘酒。

63、In medicament industry, iodine has huge effect for antisepsis and antisepticise. ─── 在医药中,碘具有很大的消毒、防腐作用。

64、Glucosinolates can interfere with uptake of iodine by the thyroid, for example. ─── 例如,硫代葡萄糖苷能干涉甲状腺对碘的吸收。

65、Methods Urine iodine was tested by fast urine iodine quantitative analysis method. ─── 方法:采用尿碘快速定量检测试剂盒方法检测孕妇尿碘值。

66、The Chinese medicine usage rich iodine Chinese herbal medicine treatment the wart disease has already h. ─── 中医使用富碘中药治疗瘿病已经有悠久的历史。

67、If you use chlorine tablets or iodine tablets, follow the directions that come with the tablets. ─── 如果你使用氯化物片(消毒片)或碘片处理水,要参照该片剂的说明书。

68、The spectra show that the complexation of iodine cation doesnot lead to deformation of the macrocycle polyamine. ─── 光谱分析表明,碘正离子的配位并未引起大环多胺构型的改变。

69、Following doctor's advice, he takes iodine pills at certain times every day. ─── 他按照医生的嘱咐,每天按时服用碘片。

70、Singe the small focus with 2.5% tincture of iodine at early phase,big focus at middle or late phase. ─── 5 %碘酊小病灶早期烧灼 ,或大病灶的中晚期烧灼 ,一般不超过三次。

71、An DuoFu 1 "An DuoFu" is the green environmental protection type disinfectant, the backbone is "iodine" and "PVP". ─── 1、“安多福”是绿色环保型消毒剂,主要成分为“碘”和“PVP”。

72、A solution of iodine in ethyl alcohol,applied topically to wounds as an antiseptic. ─── 从威士忌酒精中提取的碘酒溶液,适用于伤口防腐用的药物。

73、SCOTT: There's some tape, iodine, and cloth bandages. ─── 史考特:有胶带、碘酒和布绷带。

74、Methods 1440 patients which were negative for iodine anaphylactic test were observed after IVP. ─── 方法对1440例碘过敏试验阴性患者进行肾盂造影的临床观察。

75、Methods The urinary iodine of prepartal women and neonatal umbilical cord serum thyroxine(T4) and TSH were determined. ─── 方法用砷铈接触法测定180名待产孕妇尿碘,用放射免疫分析法测定其孕妇所产新生儿脐带血甲状腺素(T4)、促甲状腺激素(TSH)。

76、Methods Water and urimary iodine were determined,The thyroid goiter rate(TGR)were inrestigated in one year. ─── 方法:在1年的应用期内测定水碘、尿碘,进行甲肿率的调查。

77、Three patients were further patch-tested with iodine tincture and all gave positive reactions. ─── 有三人进一步以碘酊贴肤试验,结果全部呈现阳性反应;

78、Drink only water that has been boiled or disinfected with chlorine, iodine or other suitable products. ─── 只饮用煮沸或经氯、碘或其它适当产品消毒的水。

79、The same is the world's largest iodine, molybdenum and lithium producers. ─── 其同样是全球最大的碘、锂和钼生产国之一。

80、Simultaneous determination of iodine and bromine by ICP-MS with semi-fusion or pressurized dilute ammonia digestion. ─── 半熔或稀氨水封闭溶样ICP-MS测定碘溴等非金属元素。

81、"Iodine" is contained in the alga in the ocean mainly, it is one of the essential elements of human body too. ─── “碘”主要蕴藏在海洋的藻类当中,也是人体必需的元素之一。

82、Use after rub skin: Merbromin of gentian of alcohol of iodine of iodin bend over of hydrogen peroxide solution, the sort of any better? ? ─── 擦破皮后用:双氧水碘伏碘酒酒精龙胆紫红药水,那种好些??

83、Methods The urinary iodine of prepartal women and neonatal umbilical cord serum thyroxine (T4) and TSH were determined. ─── 方法用砷铈接触法测定67名待产孕妇尿碘,用放射免疫分析法测定其孕妇所产新生儿脐带血甲状腺素(T4)、促甲状腺激素(TSH)。

84、Abstract: A DC discharge method is introduced to improve the production of F atom for all gas-phase iodine laser(AGIL). ─── 摘 要: 为了提高化学激光体系(AGIL)中F原子的产率,采用直流放电引发方式,对棒式电极的放电特性进行了研究。

85、For example, tellurium comes before iodine in the periodic table, even though its atomic mass is slightly greater. ─── 例如在元素周期表中,碲排在碘之前,尽管它的原子质量略大一些。

86、In the intestine, free iodine or iodate undergoes reduction to iodide before absorption. ─── 在肠内被吸收以前游离碘或碘酸盐还原成碘化物。

87、In many places, like Japan, people get iodine from seafood, seaweed, and vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil or animals that eat grass grown in that soil. ─── 像日本等许多地方,人们通过食用海鲜、海藻得到碘,以及从生长在高碘土壤里的蔬菜中获取碘,或者从吃那种土壤中生长的草的动物中获取碘。

88、In Nabok's village, experts say, the biggest concern was radioactive iodine. ─── 在纳伯克的村庄里,专家说,最需要关心的是辐射性的碘。

89、Reported that after testing the air in Tokyo, did not detect the radioactive nuclear reactor usually have cesium and radioactive iodine. ─── 报道说,经过对东京空气的检测,没有检测出核反应堆通常拥有的放射性铯和放射性碘。





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