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09-12 投稿


emissaries 发音

英:[ˈɛmɪsəriz]  美:[ˈɛməˌsɛriz]

英:  美:

emissaries 中文意思翻译




emissaries 词性/词形变化,emissaries变形

名词复数: emissaries |

emissaries 短语词组

1、emissaries define ─── 使者定义

2、emissaries sot ─── 使者

3、emissaries imperatus ─── 使者的统治

4、emissaries in tarkov ─── 塔尔科夫的使者

5、emissaries definition ─── 使者定义

emissaries 相似词语短语

1、emissary ─── n.使者;间谍;密使;adj.间谍的;密使的

2、commissaries ─── n.委托人;代表(commissary的过去式)

3、necessaries ─── n.必需品(necessary的复数)

4、seminaries ─── n.神学院;学校;发源地

5、piscaries ─── n.捕鱼场;捕鱼权

6、zemindaries ─── 泽门达尔

7、pessaries ─── n.子宫帽;子宫托;阴道栓(pessary的复数)

8、glossaries ─── 词汇;词汇表

9、janissaries ─── n.亲信,爪牙;土耳其士兵

emissaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、but on the other hand, the less likely it is, in such conditions, that the respective emissaries of these cultures will be able to seize the richness and significance of their diversity. ─── 但另一方面,在这种情形下,这两种文化各自的使者也就越不可能掌握它们之间差异的丰富性和重要性。

2、He has tried vainly to negotiate, through emissaries, with the Chinese government on the basis of this framework. ─── 他一直无奈地尝试在这一基础上与中国政府通过代表进行谈判。

3、Software on the basis of the procedures, "the Defense HS century", "Yu Xia", "like to Kibi" Hung Chao and the "emissaries s" from the design of such information. ─── 对程序的基础软件“,房协世纪的国防”,“谷西阿”,“喜欢吉备”洪潮和“使者拧”,从这些资料的设计。

4、If complaint is made and Battle stopped, Emissaries are to report that occurrence here, and we will go to the next step of a non participant host. ─── 网络延迟程度必须能为双方所接受,战斗开始后5分钟内,如果有一方提出延迟太厉害,则该场比赛作废;

5、We are God's emissaries and messengers here for your awakening, and bound to see that you safely step upon the path to Ascension. ─── 我们是上帝的使者和信使,为了你们的觉醒而在这里,有义务看着你们安全地踏上扬升之路。

6、The same receipt in this country serves to make a great man. The idol only keeps close, sends out his little emissaries to be hearty in his praise ─── 这个国家也可以使用相同的办法制造伟人。偶像只需把自己藏起来,然后派出手下的小使者为他高唱赞歌

7、And in a sign of warming relations with Syria she also said she would send two emissaries to Damascus. ─── 她同时表示将派出两位特使到大马士革,这被认为是与叙利亚关系转暖的标志。

8、We learned that he had sent emissaries to our other Asian allies to set out his objections to the agreement ─── 我们获悉,他已派使者去我们的其他亚洲盟国申述他反对协定的理由。

9、The Harrison's concept of art embraces a breathtaking range of disciplines.They are historians, diplomats, ecologists, investigators, emissaries and art activists. ─── 哈里森夫妇的艺术创作概念囊括相当惊人的学科领域,包含历史学家、外交官、生态学家、研究学者、特使、以及艺术行动者等;

10、But now Europe is again sending its emissaries and traders to the east in search of wealth and opportunity. ─── 不过,欧洲现在又派出了自己的使者和商人,前往东方寻求财富和机遇。

11、English: Thus, when the date for war is decided upon, close all border exits, cancel all travel permits and disallow the movement of emissaries from other states. ─── 所以,决定作战之日,要闭锁关口,销毁符节,禁止敌国使节往来,在庙堂上再三激励士卒,以责成具体任务。

12、Qi has a rule on dispatching emissaries. ─── 齐国派遣使臣有个规矩。

13、Is it the elder? Do his letters have to be accepted and his emissaries get accepted in different churches? ─── 是这个长老吗,不同的教会都必须,接受他的书信,接待他的信使吗?

14、On the day that you take up your command, block the frontier passes, destroy the official tallies, and stop the passage of all emissaries. ─── 是故政举之日,夷关折符,无通其使

15、In Shanghai and elsewhere, emissaries secretly dispatched by Chiang Kai-shek's trusted followers are maintaining almost uninterrupted contact and carrying on clandestine negotiations with the Japanese invaders. ─── 蒋介石的亲信们暗地里派遣使者,几乎经常不断地在上海等处和日寇保持联系,进行秘密谈判。

16、This, however, is but the prelude to his apotheosis: a set of emissaries are dispatched among the people to cry up his piety, gravity, and love of raw flesh; ─── 然而这只是把他奉为神明的序曲:一批全都被派到民间去,称赞他是非常虔诚、庄严、热爱混沌未开的众生;

17、After each summit, he dispatched his emissaries to pitch their proposals. ─── 每次会晤之后他都派遣密使四处兜售他们的建议。

18、The emissaries must be known to the president, and be able to bypass the state department and the Pentagon. ─── 这些密使必须是总统认识的人,并能够绕过国务院和五角大楼。

19、he respected the dignity of the emissaries. ─── 她向往使者的最高职位。

20、And in a sign of warming relations with Syria, she also said she would send two emissaries to Damascus. ─── 希拉里还表示将派遣两位美国使节前往大马士革,作为与塞尔维亚关系回暖的标志。

21、Sun Quan is unhappy and sends emissaries to ask Liu Bei for Jing Province, but Liu dismisses the envoys each time with different excuses. ─── 孙权不悦,派使臣向刘备讨还荆州,但是刘备每次都用不同的理由打发了他们。

22、Lightworkers are in fact emissaries of Light with the same mission as Jesus. ─── 实际上,光工作者是光的使者,与耶稣有着同样的任务。

23、During the party held in the evening of May 12th, these sunshine emissaries told the audience the stories they gathered and brought heroes/heroines of their story to the spot. ─── 在12日晚的晚会中,阳光使者们向大家讲述了他们遇到的感人故事,并把故事的主人公带到了节目现场。

24、They were the black-garbed, sanctimonious emissaries of superior forces. ─── 他们是代表超越的力的黑袍神圣使者。

25、The sky was dark on the evening that the Tyrant's emissaries came to Tegea. ─── 在叙拉古的使者来到忒格亚的那天晚上天色很黑。

26、Clinton's emissaries point out that she is no longer attacking Barack Obama, and they promise she won't start again. ─── 希拉里的喉舌们表示,希拉里不会再攻击奥巴马。

27、Explain how emperors used emissaries as diplomats of their treaties. ─── 解释皇帝怎样派遣大使作为他们条约的外交使者。

28、Until now, the Chinese have taken a wait-and-see attitude, as officials waited to see who Obama would appoint to deal with China and what the new emissaries would say. ─── 迄今为止,中国方面都抱有一种等着瞧的态度,官员们等着看奥巴马任命谁来与中国打交道,以及新派来的使者会说些什么。

29、The key is to be creative and use rocket soldiers and emissaries to set up forward bases.You can even use fanatics . ─── 关键是要有创造性,用火箭兵,使者建前方基地,甚至可以用狂热者。

30、Emissaries were sent that very day by plane to Sicily to prepare a hiding place with the Mafia chief in the hill country. ─── 几个密使受命,于当天乘飞机到西西里去同山区里的黑帮头目研究给他准备一个藏身之地。

31、'We are receiving emissaries who are telling us that he's ready to go, ' Mr. Juppe said in an interview Tuesday with France Info radio. ─── 朱佩周二接受法国FranceInfo电台采访时说,我们接待的使团告诉我们,卡扎菲准备下台。

32、Although prophets provided many services, it is best to think of them primarily as emissaries of God 's covenants. ─── 在以色列不同的历史时期中,先知的角色从非正式的到正式的之间变化。

33、We learned that he had sent emissaries to our other Asian allies to set out his objections to the agreement. ─── 我们获悉,他已派使者去我们的其他亚洲盟国申述他反对协定的理由。

34、Foreign emissaries to France submitted to that humiliating ritual to court the French monarch's favor toward their country. ─── 到访法国的外国大使,为要获得法国国王的欢心,都要遵行这种屈辱的礼节。

35、Disguising some men as enemy emissaries is the means by which to sever supply lines. ─── 所以将帅是军队的主宰,将帅精明军队就严整,将帅无能军队就混乱。

36、UN and African Union emissaries and peacekeepers have tried to prevent further atrocities by his forces and government-backed militias and to hold the ring for peace talks. ─── 联合国与非盟的特使和维和部队都竭力阻止苏丹军队及其支持的武装分子加剧冲突,全力为和谈提供良好的条件。

37、The UN is now sending emissaries to the various hold-out rebel groups in Darfur, to try and bring them into talks. ─── 现在,联合国正在派遣全权特使与达尔福尔各个仍在造反的叛军交涉,以试图让他们重新举行谈判。

38、He annually sent emissaries to call on the families of those who had died in service for the country, bestowing aid on their parents.Bu so doing, he showed that they would not be forgotten. ─── 凡是为国捐躯的将士家庭,朝廷每年派遣使者慰问、赏赐他们的父母,表明朝廷永远不忘烈士的功勋。

39、A well-informed sources, the land mass is divided into two emissaries might sell. ─── 有消息灵通人士称,该地块很有可能一分为二择日再卖。

40、Twice in Padre Pio's lifetime papal emissaries investigated him and branded him a fraud ─── 在帕特尔·皮奥一生中,罗马教皇的特工有两次调查过他,并给他戴上了骗子的罪名。

41、As emissaries of divine covenants (see Lesson 2), the prophets relied especially on the covenants God made with Israel. ─── 作为神盟约的使者(参见课程二),先知特别依靠上帝与以色列之间的圣约。

42、“I can never look now at the Milky Way”, said the narrator in “The Sentinel”, “without wondering from which of those banked clouds of stars the emissaries are coming. ─── “我一看到银河就不禁会想”,中的叙述者说,“那些堆积的星云中的使者毫无疑问正在来的路上。

43、With regard to their resistance to Japan, while they are opposed to Japan, they are not actively waging war or actively opposing Wang Ching-wei and the other traitors, and sometimes they even flirt with Japan's peace emissaries. ─── 在抗日方面,既和日本对立,又不积极地作战,不积极地反汪反汉奸,有时还向日本的和平使者勾勾搭搭。

44、Some patients may even hold religious beliefs that psychiatrists are evil emissaries of Satan, complicating the clinician's task, he said. ─── 还有一些有宗教信仰的病人认为心理咨询师是撒旦的化身,这使治疗大大地复杂化了。

45、Ethan affirms that the foundation of God's throne is righteousness and justice, and that mercy and truth are His emissaries (v. 14). ─── 以探相信,上帝宝座的基石就是公义和公正,以及怜悯与真理就是祂的特使(第14节)。

46、Today's “MISS RED” discribe a group of emissaries of pease. ─── 今日之"红色娘子军"是当今世界的和平使者!"

47、Echoes the same impatience as that of the inquisitorial emissaries in Montaillou. ─── 的特使的态度的不耐烦形成共鸣。

48、Rafsanjani then reportedly described for the tens of thousands outside his parliament, the visit of the five American emissaries. ─── 拉夫桑贾尼接着向大家描述了这五名美国特使的到访。

49、In the 15th century the emperor's emissaries sailed as far as Mozambique, carrying silk and returning with a giraffe. ─── 远在15世纪,中国的皇帝派遣的使节最远航行到过莫桑比克,以带来的丝绸换取当地的长颈鹿。

50、Examples of such expenses are entertainment of visitors and emissaries, procurement of materials like glue and paint and maintenances fees for armor and other equipments. ─── 孙子说:凡用兵作战,一般上需要动用战车千辆,辎重车千辆,铠甲十万个,还要越境千里运送粮草;

51、the system of Pan-guan served as part-time emissaries ─── 判官出使制

52、This, however, is but the preludeto his apotheosis: a set of emissaries are dispatched among the people to cry up his piety, gravity, and love of raw flesh ─── 然而这只是把他奉为神明的序曲:一批全都被派到民间去,称赞他是非常虔诚、庄严、热爱混沌未开的众生

53、In the15 th century the emperor's emissaries sailed as far as Mozambique, carrying silk and returning with a giraffe. ─── 在14世纪,皇帝的使臣远航至莫桑比克,送去的是丝绸,带回的是长颈鹿。

54、As emissaries of divine covenants (see Lesson 2), the prophets relied on the covenants God made in Adam and Noah with all of humanity. ─── 作为神盟约的使者(参见课程二),先知依靠上帝与全人类所立的亚当和诺亚之约。

55、My emissaries would certainly be detained. ─── 我的密使一定会被扣留。

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