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09-12 投稿



hyperkinetic 发音

英:[ˌhaɪpərkɪˈnetɪk]  美:[ˌhaɪpəkɪˈnetɪk]

英:  美:

hyperkinetic 中文意思翻译



hyperkinetic 短语词组

1、hyperkinetic strabismus ─── [医] 运动过强性斜视

2、hyperkinetic syndrome ─── [医] 运动过度综合征

hyperkinetic 词性/词形变化,hyperkinetic变形


hyperkinetic 相似词语短语

1、hyperkinesia ─── n.运动过度;[医]运动机能亢进

2、hypokinetic ─── adj.运动功能减退的

3、hyperalgetic ─── 痛觉过度

4、hydrokinetic ─── adj.流体动力的;流体动力学的

5、hyperinotic ─── 高脂

6、hyperkinesis ─── 运动机能亢进

7、hyperlipemic ─── 高脂血症

8、hyperkineses ─── 超动力

9、hyperemetic ─── 呕吐的

hyperkinetic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Two patients with a hyperkinetic syndrome contralateral to acute hemiplegia are presented. ─── 两名患者多动症对侧急性偏瘫介绍。

2、Bombazi, hyperkinetic, two tense, goes too fast, way too... [Baby cries] Daddy's coming, Chrissy. ─── 好,博巴兹先生,运动过度症,太紧张,走路太快,太快。

3、Intelligence and social adaptive ability development of the children with attention-deficit hyperkinetic disorder ─── 注意缺陷多动障碍儿童的智力结构及社会适应行为特点

4、a hyperkinetic, gonzo version of Graham Greene(New Yorker) ─── 格雷厄姆 格林洒脱之致的表演(纽约人)

5、Assessment on Effect of Treatment for Childhood Hyperkinetic Syndrome by Combined Therapy of Yizhi Mixture ─── 益智合剂与利他林联合治疗儿童多动症的疗效评价

6、hyperkinetic syndrome ─── 运动过度综合征多动综合症活动过度

7、a hyperkinetic, gonzo version of Graham Greene(bNew Yorker) ─── 格雷厄姆 格林洒脱之致的表演(b纽约人)

8、hyperkinesia hyperkinetic syndrome ─── 活动亢进

9、Conclusion: It was indicated that EEG may be helpful to diagnosis and treatment of Hyperkinetic Syndrome of childhood. ─── 结论:脑电图对儿童多动综合征的诊断和指导治疗有一定的帮助。

10、a hyperkinetic,gonzo version of Graham Greene(New Yorker) ─── 格雷厄姆·格林洒脱之致的表演(纽约人)

11、ADT is “purely a response to the hyperkinetic environment in which we live,” writes Hallowell, and its hallmark symptoms mimic those of ADD. ─── “在人类的历史上,大脑从来没有被要求在同一时间做这么多工作。”

12、Keywords child psychiatry attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder case-control study hyperkinetic disorder diagnostic criteria; ─── 儿童精神医学;注意缺陷多动障碍;病例对照研究;多动性障碍;诊断标准;

13、She was hyperkinetic and highly intelligent, the only American woman I met at Oxford who was more than a match for her British counterparts in fast, free-flowing conversation. ─── 她酷爱运动、才智卓越,是我在牛津碰到的唯一一位说话的语速能够超过英国同学的美国女子。

14、. Hyperkinetic syndrome ─── 多动综合征

15、Acupuncture and modified"Ganmai Dazao Decoction"were used to treat 76 cases of infantile hyperkinetic syndrome. ─── 采用针刺体穴合内服加味甘麦大枣汤治疗儿童多动综合征76例,结果总有效率为90%。

16、Analyses based on survey of muscle hyperkinesia and motility bellyache of soccer majors ─── 足球专业男生肌肉痉挛与运动性腹痛的调查分析

17、primaril hyperkinesia ─── 原发性活动功能亢进[胃肠道造影所见]

18、To analyze the related factors of trachea hyperkinesia during the fiberoptic bronchoscopy and find nursing methods. ─── 分析纤维支气管镜检查术中引起气管痉挛的相关因素,寻找护理对策。

19、Abstract: Objective:To observe the clinical effect of Yizhidan (YZD) in treating childhood hyperkinetic syndrome (CHS) and its mechanism. ─── 摘 要: 目的:观察益智丹治疗儿童多动症(CHS)的临床疗效及其作用机制。

20、Keywords Hyperkinetic syndrome;Attention deficit;Children; ─── 多动综合症;注意力障碍;儿童;

21、hyperkinetic heart syndrome ─── 心脏运动功能亢进综合征高力心综合征高排血量综合征

22、hyperkinetic impulse disorder ─── 运动过度性心搏紊乱

23、hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood ─── 小儿运动过度综合征

24、Psychological education or behavioral modification could reduce complication of hyperkinetic syndrome. ─── 心理教育、行为治疗可以减少多动症的伴随症状。

25、hyperkinetic shock ─── 高动力型休克

26、a hyperkinetic,gonzo version of Graham Greene(bNew Yorker) ─── 格雷厄姆·格林洒脱之致的表演(b纽约人)

27、Chinese Medicine for Infantile Hypoprosexia and Hyperkinesia ─── 中药辅助治疗儿童注意力缺陷多动症

28、And there are four aspects in the part of medicine and nursing: the prevention and curing of bedsore,the disease of urology,the obstacle of relieving nature and the hyperkinesia of muscle. ─── 医学护理部分主要包括:脊髓损伤运动员褥疮的防治,泌尿系统疾病的防治,排便障碍与管理,肌肉痉挛的防治等四方面内容。

29、The correlation between behavioral problems and temperament of children with hyperkinetic disorder ─── 多动性障碍儿童气质与行为异常的相关性研究

30、left ventricular myocardial masses were raised and left ventricles were in hyperkinetic circulatory state. ─── 心室壁增厚,左室心肌重量增加且左室呈高动力状态。

31、Photographer Vincent Bousserez has artfully created an entire world of miniature plastic people that live hyperkinetic lives working and playing hard. ─── 摄影师文森特Bousserez已巧妙地创造了整个世界的微型塑料人民生活动生活的工作,互相勉励。

32、professional hyperkinesia ─── [医] 职业性运动过度, 职业性神经机能病

33、PVP improves not only hyperkinetic symptoms (such as tremor, rigidity and dyskinesia) but also hypokinetic symptoms(such as akinesia, gait freezing and "off" state) . ─── 苍白球腹后部切开术(PVP)不仅能改善以震颤、僵直和异动症为代表的运动增多症,还能改善以行动迟缓、步僵和“关”状态为代表的运动减少症。

34、hyperkinetic behavior syndrome ─── 运动机能亢进行为综合征, 运动过度行为综合征

35、hyperkinetic reaction ─── 过动反应

36、Keywords childhood hyperkinetic syndrome;Yizhidan;Ritalin;clinical therapeutic effect;dysmnesia model;monoamine neurotransmitter; ─── 儿童多动症;益智丹;利他林;临床疗效;记忆障碍模型;单胺类神经递质;

37、Hyperkinetic, Conduct, and Emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence . ─── 童年和少年期的多动障碍、品行障碍、情绪障碍

38、hyperkinetic state ─── 高动力状态

39、To observe the clinical effect of Yizhidan (YZD) in treating childhood hyperkinetic syndrome (CHS) and its mechanism. ─── 目的:观察益智丹治疗儿童多动症(CHS)的临床疗效及其作用机制。

40、A study of the memory and executive functions in the children with attention-deficit hyperkinetic disorder ─── 注意缺陷多动障碍儿童记忆和执行功能的研究

41、Objective: To observe the clinical effect of Yizhidan (YZD) in treating childhood hyperkinetic syndrome (CHS) and its mechanism. ─── 目的:观察益智丹治疗儿童多动症(CHS)的临床疗效及其作用机制。

42、Effect of EEG biofeedback on improving brain function of children with hyperkinetic disorder ─── 脑电生物反馈治疗对多动性障碍患儿脑功能改善作用的研究

43、Clinical Observations on the Treatment of Child Hyperkinetic Syndrome by Acupunctrue plus Flash Cupping ─── 针刺配合闪罐治疗儿童多动症的临床观察

44、Acupuncture and Medicine for Infantile Hyperkinetic Syndrome in 76 Cases ─── 针药合治儿童多动综合征76例

45、l Nervous system: Agitation, confusion, hyperkinesia, ataxia, CNS depression, nightmares, nervousness, psychiatric disturbance, hallucinations, insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, thinking abnormality. ─── 神经系统:激动、意识混乱、运动机能亢进、共济失调、CNS抑制、梦魇、神经过敏、精神障碍、幻觉、失眠、焦虑、头昏、思维异常。

46、Neonatal hyperkinesia ─── 新生儿运动过度

47、Thetravel guide brings to life a sense of isolation and distance of that period and ofevery other historic period except our own hyperkinetic present. ─── 也许,我们已经用文化的多样化换取了人生的复杂,或者换来了多样丰富和激动的技术环境。

48、ConclusionSpeech therapy can improve the symptom of severe hyperkinetic dysarthria. ─── 结论言语训练可以改善重度痉挛型构音障碍患者的症状。

49、Keywords Domestic ceramic;Lead release;Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood;Prevention and treatment; ─── 日用陶瓷;铅溶出量;儿童多动症;预防和治疗;

50、Hyperkinetic syndrome with developmental delay ─── 运动过度综合征伴发育迟缓

51、Hyperkinetic syndromes in stroke are mainly related to acute lesion of the contralateral subcortical areas. ─── 多动症症状中风主要涉及急性病变对侧皮层下区。

52、hyperkinetic hypotonic syndrome ─── 运动亢进肌张力低下综合征

53、hyperkinetic circulatory state ─── 高动力循环状态

54、hyperactivity hyperkinesia ─── 活动过度

55、hyperkinetic pulmonary hypertension ─── 高动力性肺高压

56、hyperkinetic disorder ─── 合并损伤

57、"a hyperkinetic, gonzo version of Graham Greene" (New Yorker) ─── “格雷厄姆·格林洒脱之致的表演”(纽约人)

58、Attention deficit and hyperkinetic disorders in children and young people ─── 关注儿童和青年人的运动不足和多动

59、The Pathogenesis and Differentiation of Hyperkinetic Syndrome of Childhood ─── 儿童多动症的病因及其辨证论治

60、Study on the Relationship between Childhood Attention Drawback Hyperkinetic Disorder and Blood Lead ─── 儿童注意缺陷多动障碍与血铅水平关系的探讨

61、hyperkinetic strabismus ─── [医] 运动过强性斜视

62、When prescribing methylphenidates for curing childhood hyperkinetic syndrome, each prescription may only provide the common dosage available for no more than 15 days. ─── 哌醋甲酯用于治疗儿童多动症时,每张处方不得超过15日常用量。

63、a hyperkinetic sales pitch. ─── 一场疯狂抛售的大特卖

64、hyperkinetic behavior ─── 多动行为

65、The left ventricular myocardial masses were raised and left ventricles were in hyperkinetic circulatory state. ─── 心室壁增厚,左室心肌重量增加且左室呈高动力状态;

66、Keywords Li Baozhen;Stomachache;Exogenous cough and asthma;Hyperkinetic syndrome;TCM therapy; ─── 李宝珍;胃脘痛;外感咳喘;多动综合征;中医药治疗;

67、Keywords Infantile hyperkinetic syndrome;acupuncture;"Ganmai Dazao Decoction; ─── 儿童多动综合症;针刺;甘麦大枣汤;

68、To explore the clinical effect of Yizhiningshen Particles on ADHD(hyperkinetic symptom)in child. ─── 探讨中药益智宁神颗粒治疗儿童多动症的临床疗效。

69、Keywords Children;Hyperkinetic syndrome;EEG; ─── 儿童;多动综合征;脑电图;

70、primary hyperkinetic circulation ─── 原发性高动力循环

71、Hyperkinetic dysarthria is the result of damage to inhibitory proceses of the extraphraidal system, whereas hypokinetic dysarthria results from lesion to excitatory mechanisms. ─── 运动减退的构音困脑是在锥体外神经系统中抑制的过程所损害的结果,然而运动减退的发音不良却由于对刺激机制的损害而产生的。

72、A Study of the Hyperkinetic Syndrome of Children and Its Treatment ─── 儿童多动症及治疗探析

73、gastrointestinal hyperkinesia ─── 胃肠动力亢进

74、idiopathic hyperkinetic heart syndrome ─── 特发性高动力心脏综合征

75、Keywords BTXA;Dynamic and hyperkinetic facial lines and furrows;Facial shaping; ─── 型肉毒毒素;面部动力性皱纹;面部轮廓;

76、A model of hyperkinetic pulmonary hypertension in rabbits ─── 兔高动力性肺动脉高压模型的建立

77、essential hyperkinesia ─── [医] 特发性运动过度

78、Hyperkinetic, Conduct, and Emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence ─── 童年和少年期的多动障碍、品行障碍和情绪障碍

79、Hyperkinetic heart disease ─── 运动过度性心脏疾病

80、gastric hyperkinesia ─── 胃动力亢进

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