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09-12 投稿



gravitating 发音

英:[ˈɡrævɪteɪtɪŋ]  美:[ˈɡrævɪteɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

gravitating 中文意思翻译




gravitating 短语词组

1、gravitating hemorrhage ─── [医] 引力性椎管积血

gravitating 词性/词形变化,gravitating变形

动词过去式: gravitated |动词现在分词: gravitating |动词第三人称单数: gravitates |动词过去分词: gravitated |名词: gravitater |

gravitating 相似词语短语

1、gratinating ─── 光栅

2、aviating ─── vi.飞行;驾驶飞机;vt.用飞机飞行

3、gravitation ─── n.重力;万有引力;地心吸力

4、crepitating ─── v.噼啪作响

5、gravitations ─── n.重力;万有引力;地心吸力

6、agitating ─── adj.搅拌的,搅动的;不安的;鼓动的;v.搅动;煽动;使焦虑(agitate的现在分词)

7、gravitative ─── adj.受重力作用的;万有引力的

8、cavitating ─── v.在……成穴;形成空洞;成泡(cavitate的现在分词)

9、gravitational ─── adj.[力]重力的,[力]引力的

gravitating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But it has suffered less than the pound, a sign that investors may be gravitating toward the largest, most highly traded currencies as nearly all economies stumble. ─── 但与英镑相比欧元遭受的打击稍弱,这表明,随着几乎所有经济体都受到冲击,投资者或许正在转向最大、交易最活跃的货币。

2、Just as they called the mysterious accelerating stuff dark energy, they call this mysterious gravitating stuff dark matter. ─── 正像他们把那种正在神秘加速的东西叫做“暗能量”一样,他们把这种受重力作用的神秘东西叫做“暗物质”。

3、I am simply sharing the grid dimensions that I have found myself gravitating towards over the past year or so. ─── 我只是想将我过去一年多所关注的网格方面的东西跟大家分享。

4、You'll be inclined to want too much too fast from whatever relationship you find yourself gravitating towards. ─── 白羊:你太急于从一种关系中获取很多,爱情亦是如此;

5、That doesn't mean that consumers aren't making cutbacks.In fact, in many categories consumers seem to be gravitating towards lower-priced items for varying reasons. ─── 这并不意味着消费者不会削减这方面的支出,实际上,在许多产品类别,投资者因为各种原因似乎正在转向较低价格的产品。

6、As is well known, over the last decade some of the younger generation of German philosophers have been gravitating with ever increasing speed toward philosophical anthropology. ─── 众所周知,最近10年德国哲学家中的一些年轻人已经被哲学人类学的迅速发展所吸引。

7、With tough economic times and rising food prices, consumers are gravitating more to retailers such as Walmart and Target at power centers for value, according to TNS Retail Forward. ─── 有60%的顾客每月前往强力中心,比率最高。其次就是主力店为超市的商业街,比率为49%,以及购物网站,42%。2008年也只有这三种商业地产形式的市场份额在增加。

8、But this is arguably a sign of America's continuing world domination: the world's brightest people are gravitating to the world's best opportunities. ─── 但这正好证明美国仍是世界的主导:全球最聪明的人都向全球最好的机会靠拢。

9、You may chuckle. but as we continue gravitating toward a paperless society. it's not difficult to imagine a day when piggy banks no longer exist. ─── 60年代.由于电子资金转帐系统的出现而得到的一个概念.要使我们进入一个无支票.无现金.无纸张票据的社会.

10、Just as they called the mysterious accelerating stuff dark energy, they call this mysterious gravitating stuff dark matter. ─── 正像他们把那种正在神秘加速的东西叫做“暗能量”一样,他们把这种受重力作用的神秘东西叫做“暗物质”。

11、Generally however British land artists preferred to get away from towns, gravitating towards landscapes that are traditionally considered beautiful such as the Lake District or the Wiltshire Downs. ─── 然而,英国地景艺术家通常更愿意远离城镇,到那些在传统意义上被认为是美景的地域去,例如湖区或者威尔特郡丘陵区域。

12、But somehow, I kept gravitating towards the English-speaking because I felt I could "click" better with them. ─── 但是,不知怎么的,我和讲英语的朋友却越来越接近,因为我觉得和他们很“合拍”。

13、Thousands of single women are gravitating to sperm bank web sites, where donor profiles can be sorted by medical history, ethnic background and more. ─── 精子库网站越来越受单身女性的欢迎,在网上,捐赠者的资料可根据医疗史,民族背景及其他情况来分类.

14、Some industry professionals disagree though saying consumers are clearly gravitating toward a simpler way of living that is in sync with the nation's growing environmental sustainability movement. ─── 部分行业专家也不认同,尽管说,消费者明显地倾向于一个简单的生活方式,但是那将是个人与国家经济环境同步变化的情况。

15、The other was a "meat-sweet" pattern among women gravitating away from typical Chinese fare in favour of more Western foods. ─── 另一种是“肉类甜点”模式,远离典型的中国食物,喜欢西方食物。

16、The other was a “meat-sweet” pattern among women gravitating away from typical Chinese fare in favor of more Western foods. ─── 另一种是“肉类-甜食”型,远离传统的中国食物,主张多吃西方食物。

17、The other was a “meat-sweet” pattern among women gravitating away from typical Chinese fare in favour of more Western foods. ─── 另一种是“肉类甜点”模式,远离典型的中国食物,喜欢西方食物。

18、gravitating gas ─── 引力气体

19、We don't learn, grow, adapt and improve by gravitating towards all things safe, comfortable, familiar and convenient. ─── 我们如果只做安全的、舒适的、熟悉的、方便的事情,那就不会学习、成长、适应、进步。

20、gravitating hemorrhage ─── [医] 引力性椎管积血

21、Meanwhile, individual mobile application developers are increasingly gravitating towards Apple's iPhone platform. ─── 但同时,独立的移动应用开发者正不断倒向AppleiPhone平台一边。

22、Recently, however, players have been gravitating to another, even more complex form of hold em no-limit cash games. ─── 然而,最近,引力的球员已经到另一个更复杂的形式持有时间不限制现金游戏。

23、The regional groundwater flow in Taibei depression of Tu-Ha basin is the gravit y-induced cross-formational groundwater flow. ─── 吐哈盆地台北凹陷现今为重力水流盆地。

24、You may chuckle, but as we continue gravitating toward a paperless society, it's not difficult to imagine a day when piggy banks no longer exist. ─── 你可能会笑,但当我们的社会变得越来越无纸化时候,不能想象有一天储蓄罐会消失。当然,也有一些幸存--在古董店里。

25、gravitating disk ─── 引力盘

26、We don't learn, grow, adapt and improve by gravitating towards all things safe, comfortable, familiar and convenient. ─── 我们如果只做安全的、舒适的、熟悉的、方便的事情,那就不会学习、成长、适应、进步。

27、Overloaded by sales pitches, consumers are gravitating toward brands that they sense are true and genuine. ─── 被促销宣传疲劳轰炸的消费者日渐被他们觉得真实又不造作的品牌所吸引。

28、But it has suffered less than the pound, a sign that investors may be gravitating toward the largest,most highly traded currencies as nearly all economies stumble. ─── 但与英镑相比欧元遭受的打击稍弱,这表明,随着几乎所有经济体都受到冲击,投资者或许正在转向最大、交易最活跃的货币。

29、Examples include: self gravitating systems,plasmas, dipolar magnets and wave-particle interactions. ─── 包括了:引力系统,等离子体系统,偶极磁铁系统等。

30、However, many consumers are gravitating toward soy-based products because of taste or as foods in place of another item. ─── 但是,许多消费者喜欢豆基食品则是因为喜欢其口味,或是因为不喜欢其它口味的食品。

31、You may find that your skills are gravitating toward one or two particular skills.The same may hold true for interests.Keep that in mind for step 3. ─── 你可能会发现技能会逐渐偏移向一到两个精确的技能, 同样的道理也适用于兴趣, 把那些记在头脑, 用于第3步.

32、You may find that your skills are gravitating toward one or two particular skills. The same may hold true for interests. ─── 你可能会发现技能会逐渐偏移向一到两个精确的技能,同样的道理也适用于兴趣,把那些记在头脑,用于第3步。

33、Zhang HM, Fan XL, Zhou JB, et al. Effects of simulated microgravity on immunoreactivity of conjugatedubiquitin of muscle spindles of soleus in rats [J]. J Gravit Physiol, 2000, 7(2):119120. ─── 吴苏娣,樊小力,唐斌,等.模拟失重对大鼠比目鱼肌肌梭超微结构的影响[J].航天医学与医学工程,2002,15(1):3235.

34、gravitating fluid ─── 引力流体

35、Entropy of Self Gravitating Radiation ─── 自引力辐射的熵

36、Fellow underground musicians started to accuse Beyond of abandoning the rock and roll genre of music, gravitating towards pop. ─── 这首歌,当时是一个新鲜的空气处于糖精甜蜜爱情的歌曲,占据了香港乐坛。

37、one is of money and possessions which equate to many life dreams for manifestation gravitating to a single individual. ─── 一种是金钱与财产,等同于将许多人的生活梦想吸引到一个人身上。

38、Students are gravitating towards practical subjects which will help them to get a job. ─── 学生倾向于学习有助于获得工作的实践学科。

39、2. You may chuckle. but as we continue gravitating toward a paperless society. it's not difficult to imagine a day when piggy banks no longer exist. ─── 你可能会笑.但当我们的社会变得越来越无纸化时候.不能想象有一天储蓄罐会消失.当然.也有一些幸存--在古董店里.

40、Work-energy theorem for systems; for rigid bodies, internal forces do no work; energy in gravitating systems; models of internal energy; energy diagrams; equilibria and stability; small oscillations around equilibrium. ─── 系统内的功能原理;对于刚体,内力不做功;在重力系中的能量;内能的模型;能量示意图;平衡态与稳态;在平衡态附近的小振动。

41、Examples include: self gravitating systems, plasmas, dipolar magnets and wave-particle interactions. ─── 包括了:引力系统,等离子体系统,偶极磁铁系统等。

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