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09-12 投稿


ocher 发音

英:[ˈoʊkər]  美:[ˈəʊkə(r)]

英:  美:

ocher 中文意思翻译



ocher 网络释义

n. 赭土;[矿物] 赭石;赭色

ocher 词性/词形变化,ocher变形

异体字: ochre |形容词: ocherous |

ocher 短语词组

1、cobalt ocher ─── 钴华

2、manganese ocher ─── 黑赭石

3、bismuth ocher ─── 铋赭石, ─── 铋华

4、cadmium ocher ─── 硫镉矿

5、nickel ocher ─── [化] 镍华

6、vitriol ocher ─── 纤水绿矾

7、yellow ocher n. ─── 黄赭色, ─── 黄土

8、red ocher ─── [化] 红赭石; 代赭石; 氧化铁

9、uranium ocher ─── 脂铅铀矿,铀华

ocher 相似词语短语

1、other ─── adj.其他的,另外的;pron.另外一个

2、ochers ─── n.赭土;[矿物]赭石;赭色

3、oches ─── n.飞镖起投线

4、ocker ─── n.粗鲁的澳大利亚人;无教养的澳大利亚人;n.(Ocker)人名;(德)奥克尔

5、Boucher ─── n.鲍彻(美国国务院发言人);布雪(画家);布歇(姓氏)

6、oche ─── n.飞镖起投线

7、ochery ─── 玻璃杯

8、cher ─── n.谢尔河(法国)

9、tocher ─── n.(英)嫁妆;n.(Tocher)人名;(英)托赫尔

ocher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、nickel ocher ─── 镍华

2、Scientific analysis reveals that the colors were derived from ocher and other iron oxides ground into a fine powder. ─── 科学分析表明,这些颜色是源自赭石和其他铁氧化物磨成的细粉。

3、More bold, creative people will try to deep warm colors, such as red-brown or red ocher, these colours can add a bathroom warm, comfortable and personal character. ─── 比较大胆、有富于创意的人会尝试深沉温暖的色调,如红褐色或赭红,这些颜色可以衬托出浴室温馨、舒适而又私密的特质。

4、iron ocher ─── 赭石黄土

5、Discussion on Mechanism of Sliding at the Bottom of Earth-deposing Site Based by Ocher ─── 黄土基底排土场基底型滑坡机理探讨

6、Bodies glowing with butterfat and red with ocher, Himba women in northwestern Namibia are sought by tourists looking for "traditional" Africa. ─── 纳米比亚西北部西姆巴族妇女的身体因涂上了牛油而闪亮,涂上了赭土而发红,她们成为了旅游者想看"传统的非洲"而寻找的对象。

7、The craftsmen came only to work, collecting their hammer stones and grindstones nearby and the chunks of ocher from perhaps as far away as 12 miles. ─── 这些工匠们只是来工作,收集他们附近的锤石和磨石以及可能远至12英里处的大块赭石。

8、These cave artisans had stones for pounding and grinding colorful dirt enriched with a kind of iron oxide to a powder, known as ocher. ─── 他们这些洞穴工匠用石头来碾碎和研磨各种色彩的含金砂到一种粉末。科学家们认为这种含金砂是一种富含氧化铁的赭石。

9、Krastel noted that some color-blind people distinguished between shades of ocher, beige and brown better than people with normal sight. ─── 克斯特也表示,有些色盲患者在辨识土色、米色与棕色等颜色时,比拥有正常视觉的普通人更能察觉细微的色调变化。

10、brown ocher ─── 褐铁矿粉

11、a red ocher ─── 红色赭土

12、To preserve and develop these endangering languages, the author thinks that these ethnics ma have good education of national common spoken language an as to create an environment of equal intercourse with ocher ethnics. ─── 要保留和发展这些濒危语言,笔者认为这些民族必须得到良好的普通话(即国家通用语言)教育,以便创造与各民族进行平等交际的环境。

13、ocher codon(ochre codon) ─── 赭石密码子[一种终止密码子]

14、tungstic ocher ─── 钨华钨赭石

15、Every summer, the mountain in the scorching sun exposure, hot air rolling up, red ocher mountain appears to be burning in the fire. ─── 每当盛夏,山体在烈日照射下,炽热气流滚滚上升,赭红色的山体看似烈火在燃烧。

16、Owing to the wet ground at all railway zones of ocher, construction facing severe challenges, many of the problems are universal. ─── 由于该段铁路全部处于湿陷性黄土区,工程建设面临严峻挑战,许多都是世界性的难题。

17、green ocher ─── 绿颜料

18、Recent research has also documented ocher's early use in Africa as an adhesive to haft small points onto weapon shafts. ─── 最近的研究也已记载了赭石在非洲的早期运用。赭石是作为一种把小尖装到武器辕杆上的粘合剂。

19、The central courtyard of the red ocher Langbi thrown underhand wind; ─── 庭院中央的赭红色廊壁呈圆弧型蜿蜒;

20、She used the technique of putting glue on her canvas, used acrylic yellow ocher, and then drew lines with oils. ─── 当时,我对仲冢的作品评论如下:概念形象有时是连锁性地展开。

21、but in a wet year their colors are more muted: umber, ocher, russet, and mustard. ─── 但在湿润的年份,它们的色彩就被更多的五彩缤纷掩盖了:棕色、赭色、黄褐色和芥末色。

22、White is the main tone and the ocher adornments, together with reflections of mirrors and crystals, creates a classy and elegant atmosphere in the flat through the concept of simple symmetry. ─── 全屋以白色为主调,深啡色作为点缀。纵向的线条组织,再利用镜光和水晶的折射效果,来增加趣味性。

23、yellow ocher pigment ─── 赫黄颜料

24、lead ocher ─── 铅赭石

25、red ocher ─── 红赭石代赭石氧化铁

26、redden as if with a red ocher color. ─── 用红宝石的颜色使变红。

27、manganese ocher ─── 黑赭石

28、He was still smiling, but his ocher eyes were serious. ─── 他还是微笑着,但他黑金色的眸子显得很认真。

29、auburn | umber | ocher ─── 赭色

30、blue ocher ─── 蓝铁矿兰铁矿

31、for the lower three-tier architecture, the radon in the indoor environment may be the main foundation of the rock from the (soil), in particular the "ocher air" terrestrial; ─── 对于三层以下的低层建筑,室内环境中的氡主要可能来自地基下的岩石(土壤),特别是“黄土朝天”的地面;

32、Before weddings, warriors and beaded girls prepare by applying makeup of red ocher and sheep fat. ─── 在婚礼开始前,武士和饰有珠状装饰的女孩们都把红土和羊油涂在了脸上。

33、They gathered hundreds of pieces of ocher stone, including two inscribed with crisscrossed triangles and horizontal lines. ─── 他们收集了几百块赭石,其中包括两块刻有纵横交叉的三角形和水平横线的石头。

34、These three stones are all ocher stone. ─── 这三种石材皆属黄土石。

35、a red ocher formerly used as a pigment. ─── 一种从前用作颜料的红色赭土。

36、In motor vehicles and non-motorized Road Road, between the long flower bed, which has not yet set up a flower here, piled yellow ocher new territories, it is clear. ─── 在机动车道和非机动车道之间,有长长的花坛,里面还没有一株花草在这里落户,堆着赭黄的新土,很是鲜明。

37、Currently listed by health materials produced wallpaper for far infrared wallpaper, good carbon wallpaper, germanium wallpaper, ocher wallpaper. ─── 目前上市的用健康材料生产出的壁纸为远红外线壁纸、好炭壁纸、锗壁纸、黄土壁纸等。

38、Or blue, red ocher, to contain Chinese style decorative accessories elements. ─── 或藏青、赭红等含有中式元素的饰物来进行装饰。

39、cobalt ocher ─── 钴土钴华

40、The Application of RTK surveying to the Seismic Survey in the Ocher Plateau Area ─── RTK技术在黄土塬地震勘探测量中的应用

41、The mountains and stones were all delineated with lines.Instead of ink,the painter used many flamboyant colors,such asazurite,stone green,ocher,vermilion,and so on. ─── 图上山石纯用线条勾斫,不施墨染,敷染浓艳的石青、石绿和赭石、朱红等色,极为富丽灿烂。

42、molybdic ocher ─── 水钼铁化矿钼华

43、Warm feelings for the warm color of red, yellow, ocher, brown as the main body; ─── 感情热烈的,以暖色系中的红、黄、赭、褐为主体;

44、A cyan horse was tied beside a red ocher wall. From the slight wrinkle of the horses' nose when it sniffs the air, experienced people can feel that: Spring came. ─── 一匹青马系在赭石红的城墙边,有经验的人从马鼻子嗅着气息时那细微的摺皱就可以感觉出:春天来了。

45、After a bow of his head, which was returned much more deeply by the two ocher-robed residents, he took his leave. ─── 他低头向他们鞠了一躬,两个穿着赫色僧衣的人又深深地回了礼,然后他就离开了。

46、Today, his eyes were a completely different color: a strange ocher, darker than butterscotch, but with the same golden tone. ─── 今天,他的眼睛是另一种完全不同的颜色:一种奇怪的黄褐色,比奶油糖的颜色略深一些,但同样是金黄的色调。

47、wolfram ocher ─── 钨华

48、Chen, who lives in the way work is one of the grandmother, the Anhui Medical retirement of teachers, have been 6 years in a row on a daily basis to exercise ocher Hill. ─── 家住劳动路的陈奶奶就是其中之一,这位皖医的退休教师,已经连续6年每天都到赭山锻炼。

49、uranium ocher ─── 脂铅铀矿

50、He looked down, and then glanced up at me through his long black lashes, his ocher eyes scorching. ─── 他垂下头,然后抬起眼,透过他又长又黑的睫毛盯着我。他黑金色的眼睛发出灼热的光芒。

51、6, a comprehensive prevention and control measures, and actively implement the "ocher not open" project. ─── 六、采取综合防治措施,积极实施“黄土不露天”工程。

52、plumbic ocher ─── 高铅赭石

53、Deep ruby colour with a hint of ocher. ─── 深宝石红色,略带赭色。

54、yellow ocher ─── n. 黄赭色, 黄土

55、ocher paint ─── 赭漆

56、Just a magnet attracts iron, when we met for the first time, we adored each ocher. ─── 是一股神奇的力量将我牵向你。当我们初次相间,便已认定彼此。

57、black ocher ─── 锰土

58、I have a garden, the greenery red ocher wall, the summer rain am continuous; ─── 我有一处庭院,绿树红墙,夏雨连绵;

59、Completing the "ocher not open" anti-crime and illegal Green 10.25 hectares and also a moat along the southeast comprehensive rectification. ─── 完成“黄土不露天”整治和拆违还绿10.25公顷及东南护城河沿线的综合整治。

60、Pago package ocher flowers, boat-shaped shoes to wear, wear all kinds of ornaments. ─── 包赭色花帕,穿船形鞋,佩带各种饰。

61、Propagation experiment of Pinus koraiensis by ocher ─── 红松异砧高枝嫁接试验

62、ocher (ochre) ─── 赭石

63、Roman ocher ─── 罗马赭石

64、bismuth ocher ─── 铋华

65、"This evaluation is only cool in summer or warm in winter the assessment, if used together with the local wood, ocher, raw materials factor, energy-saving effect will multiply. ─── “这个测评还只是就冬季保暖或夏季凉爽进行的评估,如果加上因地制宜采用的竹木、黄土等原料因素,节能效果还将成倍增加。”

66、cadmium ocher ─── 硫镉矿

67、blockade region is a deeply about 2 metres, 1.5 metres in diameter about the size of semicircle Tai Hang, inside that schungite cement road and ocher. ─── 封锁区域内有一个深约2米、直径约1.5米大小的半圆大坑,里边可见青灰的水泥路面和黄土。

68、As I watch the ocher rays of a setting sun add meaty color to skeletal figures painted eons ago on a giant rock called Ubirr, it occurs to me that geography can work that way, too. ─── 然而,当我看著赭红色的夕阳为尤比巨石上的古老骨骼图案增添色彩时,我心想这道理在地理学上也是说得通的。

69、burnt ocher ─── 焦赭色

70、vanadic ocher ─── 钒赭石

71、ocher codon ─── ochre codon

72、Reporter again visit Xiamen.Director Dan, found the site was still aggravated subsidence Department has flooding tan underground spate, floors gaps Department has ocher pulls out. ─── 记者再次回访厦?虼澹?发现该处塌陷情况仍在加剧,地陷处已经涌出黄褐色的地下泥水,地板断口处也有黄土翻出。

73、chrome ocher ─── 铬华

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