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09-12 投稿



iodic 发音

英:[aɪˈɑːdɪk]  美:[aɪˈɒdɪk]

英:  美:

iodic 中文意思翻译



iodic 短语词组

1、iodic anhydride ─── [化] 五氧化二碘

2、hepta-iodic acid ─── [医] 庚碘酸, 过碘酸

3、iodic acid anhydride ─── [机] 五氧化二碘

4、iodic acid ─── [化] 碘酸 ─── [医] 碘酸

5、iodic ether ─── [化] 碘代乙烷

iodic 相似词语短语

1、indic ─── adj.印度的;印度语的;n.印度语系

2、odic ─── adj.颂歌的,诗的;假想的

3、anodic ─── adj.[电]阳极的;上升的

4、Nordic ─── adj.北欧人的;斯堪的纳维亚的;日耳曼民族的;n.北欧人;日耳曼民族;斯堪的纳维亚人;具有北欧日尔曼民族外貌特征的人

5、epodic ─── 时代的

6、dipodic ─── 二元论

7、ionic ─── adj.离子的;电价的;爱奥尼亚柱式的(古希腊建筑风格,有涡卷饰);n.爱奥尼亚语;【印】一种粗字面铅字

8、exodic ─── adj.离心的;传出的;输出的

9、sodic ─── adj.钠的;含钠的

iodic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、iodic - end - group poly ( vinyl acetate ) ─── 碘端基的聚醋酸乙烯酯

2、disinfectant)iodic acid(astringent ─── 碘酸

3、Recent progress of iodic determination in food ─── 食品中碘的测定研究进展

4、Ingredients : Refined wheat starch, fresh eggs,lactobacillus calcium,,iodic refined salt,purified wart. ─── 配料:精致小麦粉、鲜鸡蛋、乳酸钙、碘精盐、净水。

5、Iodic contrast medium ─── 碘造影剂

6、and (2) immersing the polymer gel into iodic solution or iodic vapor for adsorption of iodic simple substance to obtain the electrolyte. ─── 将聚合物凝胶浸入碘的溶液或碘蒸气中进行碘单质的吸附,制得电解质。

7、The invention designs a novel solid type iodic sterilizing material. ─── 设计了一种新型固体型含碘杀菌材料。

8、iodic anhydride ─── 碘酸酐

9、Be like, camphor, iodic, sulfur, chloridize.. ─── 如条、樟脑、碘、硫、氯化...

10、Ingredients : refined wheat flour,, calcium lactate ,iodic refined salt,purified water ─── 配料:精制小麦粉、乳酸钙、碘精盐、净水。

11、10. Ingredients: Refined wheaten starch,,Refined pork,iodic refined salt, Purified water. ─── 配料:精制小麦粉,特制猪肉粉,碘精盐,水。收藏指正

12、Namely copper, iron, zinc, iodic, Selenium, manganese, chromic, cobaltic. ─── 即铜、铁、锌、碘、硒、锰、铬、钴。

13、Keywords Salt;iodic;determination;improvement; ─── 关键词食盐;碘;测定;改进;

14、In addition, all sorts of sea alga food, if kelp is first-rate alkalescent and healthy food, and contain a lot ofthe microelement such as iodic, iron, calcium. ─── 此外,各种海藻类食物,如海带等是非常好的碱性健康食品,且富含碘、铁、钙等微量元素。

15、iodic anhydrid ─── 五氧化二碘; 磺酸酐

16、Does the alexipharmic water that can complexing iodic and so on use before of the same branch of a family clean bilateral genital? ─── 同房前可以用络合碘之类的消毒水清洗双方的生殖器吗?

17、Conclusion Iodic contrast agent (Optiray) significantly improves the color Doppler flow imaging of the tumor vascularity. ─── 结论碘佛醇对于肿瘤血管的彩色多普勒成像有较显著的增强作用。

18、Iodic much consist in is marine in using a plant, wait to contain rich iodine like shrimp of sea fish, sea, jellyfish, kelp, laver. ─── 碘多存在于海产的动植物中,如海鱼、海虾、海蛰、海带、紫菜等都含有丰富的碘。

19、iodic acid ─── n. [化]碘酸

20、Rapid Determination of Iodic Acid ─── 碘酸含量快速滴定法的探讨

21、To having iodine the patient of allergy history, do not make iodic radiography lotion as far as possible, must before radiography, use desensitization remedy. ─── 对有碘过敏史的病人,尽量不作碘造影剂,必须造影前,应用脱敏药物。

22、Radiography of vein renal pelvis is vein of infuse of will organic iodic solution inside, make through blood kidney essence reachs cystic and renal pelvis, ureter, ordinal develop circularly. ─── 静脉肾盂造影是将有机碘溶液注入静脉内,通过血液循环使肾实质及肾盂、输尿管、膀胱依次显影。

23、Keywords thalassophyte iodine;potassium iodate;iodic salt; ─── 海藻碘;碘酸钾;海藻碘盐;

24、and the iodine-containing compound include iodized salt and organic iodic acid or organic iodic salt. ─── 所述的含碘化合物为碘化盐类、有机含碘酸或其盐。

25、The person's physical strength and energy are too fatigue, eat sweet food too much, protein lack, especially of iodic element lack, metropolis encourage oneself produces acidosis. ─── 人的体力和精力过于疲惫,吃甜食太多,蛋白质缺乏,尤其是碘元素的缺少,都会助长自身发生酸毒症。

26、The product has salt of crude salt, second birth, pink iodic salt, sell past whole nation to be opposite a municipality that visit town, .. ─── 产品有原盐、再生盐、粉碘盐,销往全国对个省市自治区,...

27、Keywords oat oil;extraction;acidity value;iodic value;saponification value; ─── 燕麦油脂;萃取;酸价;碘价;皂化价;

28、Keywords chloric acid;bromic acid;iodic acid;oxidizing; ─── 氯酸;溴酸;碘酸;氧化性强度;

29、As agent of iodic water radiography update ceaselessly, these complication also decreased ceaselessly. ─── 随着碘水造影剂的不断更新,这些并发症也就不断减少了。

30、Ingredients : refined wheat flour,,zinclactate,iodic refined salt,purified water ─── 配料:精制小麦粉、乳酸锌、碘精盐、净水。

31、Investigation of Esophageal Carcinoma Diagnosis Using Endoscopic Iodic Staining ─── 内镜下碘染色诊断食管癌的探讨

32、7.In addition, with a mountainous area and inland, long-term anoxic, lack a few microelement (if be short of iodic) , affect adolescent to grow thereby growth level, also have particular concern. ─── 此外,与内地、山区长期缺氧、缺乏一些微量元素(如缺碘),从而影响青少年生长发育水平,也有一定关系。

33、The defect with the largest dose of iodic water radiography is it is certain to all have to spinal cord and nerve excitant. ─── 碘水造影剂最大的缺点是对脊髓和神经均有一定的刺激性。

34、Ingredients : Refined wheat starch, high quality tomato,iodic refined salt,purified water. ─── 配料:精致小麦粉、优质西红柿、碘精盐、水。

35、Before radiography, must make iodic allergic test, electronegative person, dose of inject iodic radiography is safer. ─── 造影前,必须作碘过敏试验,阴性者,注射碘造影剂较安全。

36、Divide in kelp contain iodic, calcic, sulfur besides, still contain a variety of material such as alcohol of iron, natrium, magnesian, Potassium, cobaltic, phosphor, manna and vitamin B1, B2, C. ─── 海带中除含有碘、钙、硫之外,还含有铁、钠、镁、钾、钴、磷、甘露醇和维生素B1、B2、C等多种物质。

37、Objective Investigate the infection of growth of mice spleen s lymphocyte initiated by differ dosage kalium iodic acid. ─── 目的研究不同剂量碘酸钾对大鼠脾淋巴细胞生长的影响。

38、Keywords Natural environment Geological historical environment Ground water of lower iodic content and higher fluorine content Endemic goiter Cretinism Endemic fluorosis; ─── 自然环境;地质历史环境;缺碘含氟地下水;地甲病;克汀病;地氟病;

39、The Determinalion and Reclamation of Iodic Quantity in the Waste Liquid Containing Lodine ─── 含碘废液中碘的含量测定与回收

40、Conclusion MMDC is a better - ideal branch- contrast medium, and can be instead of Dionosil and Iodic oil. ─── 结论复方泛影胶浆是一种较为理想的支气管造影剂,可取代碘化油和丙碘酮等。

41、Study on the Iodic Determination of Food ─── 光度法测定食品中碘含量的研究进展

42、Children is short of iodic meeting to affect its to grow directly development, cause intelligence to drop. ─── 儿童缺碘会直接影响其生长发育,造成智力下降。

43、The article shows some methods and application of iodic determination of food in recent ten years in China. ─── 摘要综述近十年来国内光度法测定食品中微量碘的几种方法及其应用。

44、Iodic Reclaiming from the Waste Liquid of Iodine Metering Copper ─── 碘量法测铜废液中碘的回收

45、Keywords Iodic salt;Iodine;ion-selective electrode;Surfactant; ─── 加碘食盐;碘;离子选择性电极;表面活性剂;

46、The Research of Method to Sensitivity test on Iodic Contrast Medium and Judgement Standard to the Results ─── 碘造影剂过敏试验方法及结果判断标准的研究

47、This year " iodine of prevention and cure lacks ill day " the theme is " edible iodic salt, development of protective children intelligence " . ─── 今年“防治碘缺乏病日”的主题是“食用碘盐,保护儿童智力发育”。

48、Is dot skin diminish inflammation good with iodic bend over good with tincture of iodine still? ─── 小孩子皮肤消炎是用碘伏好还是用碘酒好?

49、In addition, the patient of thyroid function hyperfunction should eat seafood less, because seafood contains iodic amount taller, exorbitant iodine also can accentuate illness. ─── 此外,甲状腺功能亢进的病人应少吃海鲜,因为海鲜含碘量较高,过高的碘也会加重病情。

50、Ingredients: refined wheaten starch, refined pork, iodic refined salt, Purified water. ─── 配料:精制小麦粉,特制猪肉粉,碘精盐,水。

51、Kelp nutrition is rich, it is one kind contains a lot ofthe sea of a variety of microelement such as iodic, calcic, copper, stannum alga food, can protect epithelial avoid suffer oxidation. ─── 海带营养丰富,是一种富含碘、钙、铜、锡等多种微量元素的海藻类食物,可保护上皮细胞免受氧化。

52、In May 2005, a disturbance about nest problem milk powder begins sweep again, concerned branch announces what iodic content of nest milk powder exceeds bid to detect at 25 days result. ─── 2005年5月,一场关于雀巢问题奶粉的风波又开始刮起,有关部门于25日公布雀巢奶粉碘含量超标的检测结果。

53、iodic acid anhydride ─── [机] 五氧化二碘

54、iodic salt ─── 加碘盐, 碘化食盐

55、Ingredients: Refined wheaten starch,,Refined pork,iodic refined salt, Purified water. ─── 配料:精制小麦粉,特制猪肉粉,碘精盐,水。

56、Conclusion MMDC is a better-ideal bronch-contrast medium, and can be instead of Dionosil and Iodic oil. ─── 结论复方泛影胶浆是一种较为理想的支气管造影剂,可取代碘化油和丙碘酮等。

57、Use after rub skin: Merbromin of gentian of alcohol of iodine of iodic bend over of hydrogen peroxide solution, the sort of any better? ? ─── 擦破皮后用:双氧水碘伏碘酒酒精龙胆紫红药水,那种好些??

58、Using the of oxidation filter and sublime discuss iodic reclaiming technology from the waste liquid of iodine test determining copper in the analytic chemistry experiment. ─── 利用氧化、抽滤、升华等方法将分析实验室碘量法测铜含量试验液中的碘进行回收。

59、Iodic much consist in is marine in using a plant, wait to contain rich iodine like shrimp of sea fish, sea, jellyfish, kelp, laver. ─── 碘多存在于海产的动植物中,如海鱼、海虾、海蛰、海带、紫菜等都含有丰富的碘。

60、Results Iodic contrast agent (Optiray) significantly improves the color Doppler flow imaging of the tumor vascularity. ─── 结论 碘佛醇对于肿瘤血管的彩色多普勒成像有较显著的增强作用。

61、2, the configuration of antrum of uterus of knowledge of technique of uterus, tubal iodic oily radiography, size, have without deformation and tubal circumstance. ─── 2、子宫、输卵管碘油造影术 了解子宫腔的形态、大小、有无畸形以及输卵管情况。

62、Methods The sample is mice splleen lymphocyte,investigate it s growth acid colony and diversity cultivate outside with differ dosage Kalium iodic acid normal amount of 10,100,500 times. ─── 方法以体外培养大鼠脾淋巴细胞为研究对象,给予碘酸钾正常量的10、100、500倍培养后,观察淋巴细胞生长、集落形成及细胞学变化。

63、iodic ether ─── 碘代乙烷

64、Before radiography, must make iodic allergic test, electronegative person, dose of inject iodic radiography is safer. ─── 造影前,必须作碘过敏试验,阴性者,注射碘造影剂较安全。

65、Discussion About the Side Effect Caused by Iodic Contrast Agent ─── 碘造影剂副反应的商讨

66、Keywords salt rock;organic materials;refined iodic salt; ─── 盐岩;有机质;精制碘盐;

67、Discovery of Iodic Attapulgite Deposits in Gansu Province and Its Preliminary Application ─── 甘肃含碘凹凸棒石矿的发现及其应用前景初探


69、Because the high definition of law of iodic water radiography reachs high accuracy rate, its to lumbar protrusion of the intervertebral disc diagnose the port with having very principal. ─── 由于碘水造影法的高清晰度及高准确率,其对于腰椎间盘突出症的诊断有着十分重要的意义。

70、The invention discloses a method for planting iodic paddy. ─── 本发明公开了一种含碘水稻的种植方法。

71、Did not form dental calculus of Shi Keqing clean in abscess, take tooth week peace, antibiotic, besmear outside iodic glycerine; ─── 在脓肿未形成时可清洁牙垢,服用牙周宁,抗菌素,外涂碘甘油等;

72、Develop an accurate determination method of free glycerin ,total glycerin by the method of sodium iodic acid cold oxidation. ─── 采用碘酸钠冷氧化法,建立了准确测定生物柴油中游离甘油和总甘油含量的方法。

73、iodic colorific mensuration ─── 碘呈色法

74、A salt of iodic acid. ─── 碘酸盐

75、The medicaments such as local besmear iodic glycerine in order to eliminate inflammation. ─── 局部涂碘甘油等药物以消除炎症。

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