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09-12 投稿


calcified 发音

英:[ˈkælsɪfaɪd]  美:[ˈkælsɪfaɪd]

英:  美:

calcified 中文意思翻译




calcified 词性/词形变化,calcified变形

动词过去分词: calcified |动词现在分词: calcifying |动词第三人称单数: calcifies |动词过去式: calcified |

calcified 同义词

set | solidify | fossilize | petrify |harden

calcified 短语词组

1、calcified pericardium ─── [医] 钙化心包

2、calcified light ─── 钙化光

3、calcified fetus ─── [医] 胎儿石化, 石胎

4、calcified cartilage ─── [医] 钙化软骨

5、calcified vein ─── 钙化静脉

6、calcified odontoma ─── [医] 钙化性牙瘤

7、calcified light locations ─── 钙化光位置

8、calcified tumor ─── 钙化肿瘤

9、calcified light fragments ─── 钙化的轻碎片

10、calcified uterine fibroid ─── 钙化子宫肌瘤

11、calcified thrombus ─── [医] 钙化血栓, 静脉石

12、calcified aorta ─── 钙化主动脉

13、cylinders of calcified bone in compact bone ─── 致密骨中的钙化骨柱

14、calcified granuloma ─── [医]钙化性肉芽肿

calcified 反义词


calcified 相似词语短语

1、calcifies ─── vi.钙化;变成石灰质;vt.使钙化;使思想僵化

2、decalcified ─── v.脱去(骨、牙齿等的)钙质或石灰质(decalcify的过去式及过去分词);adj.去石灰质的

3、calefied ─── vt.使…变暖;vi.变暖

4、calcific ─── adj.钙化的;石灰质的

5、carnified ─── vt.使成肉质;使变成肉质;vi.变成肉质

6、uncalcified ─── 未计算

7、calcined ─── 焙烧

8、calcimined ─── n.墙粉;粉刷用涂料;vt.刷墙粉于;粉刷

9、caprified ─── 任性的

calcified 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Basically, she looks as unemotional as ever, almost calcified. ─── 她看起来好像没有感情的化石一样。

2、Bone growth occurs when calcified matrix is formed faster than it is resorbed. ─── 当钙化基质的形成速度快于它被吸收的速度,骨骼得以生长。

3、Calcified cysts largely formed in winter, while non-calcified cysts did in summer. ─── 前者在冬季大量形成,而后者在夏季形成较多。

4、calcified odontogenic epithelioma ─── 牙源性钙化上皮瘤

5、calcified leiomyoma of uterus ─── 子宫平滑肌瘤钙化

6、Hofman S, Sidqui M, Abensur D, et al.Effects of landdec on the formation of calcified bone matrix in rat calvariae cells culture [J].Biomaterials, 1999, 20: 1155. ─── 李裕标,杨志明,李秀群.成骨细胞与生物衍生物材料联合培养的实验研究[J].中国修复重建外科杂志,2002,16:57.

7、By age 10, 50% of patients have calcified cortical tubers. ─── 10岁的时候,50%的病人出现钙化结节。

8、A 55-year-old female was incidentally found to have a left suprarenal cystic lesion with a calcified wall by abdominal sonography during a workup for her epigastralgia and left flank pain. ─── 一位55岁女性有上腹部痛及左胁腹痛,腹部超音波检查意外发现在左肾上方有囊状,钙化之肿瘤。

9、The condition is characterized by multiple calcified and asymptomatic nodules within the scrotal skin that usually occurs during childhood or early adulthood. ─── 本病症的特征是多重钙化性及无病症的肿瘤存在于阴囊皮肤,通常发生在小孩或年轻人。

10、calcified epithelioma ─── 毛囊钙化上皮瘤

11、This paper intrduced the experiment work of calcified roast picking-up Vanadium from some mineral. ─── 摘要介绍了某钒矿采用无污染钙化焙烧提钒的试验工作。

12、Surgical treatment of calcified lumbar disc protrusion through a limited-incision under cold light source ─── 冷光源下有限化手术治疗钙化型腰椎间盘突出症

13、calcified odontoma ─── [医] 钙化性牙瘤

14、From these calcified growth rings, we can find out the evolution of the earth. ─── 从这钙华年轮上,我们就可以看出地球的变迁。

15、the porous calcified substance from which bones are made ─── 多孔的钙化物质,构成骨骼

16、Background Calcified plaque in the coronary arteries is a marker for atheromatous-plaque burden and is predictie of future risk of cardioascular eents. ─── 研究背景:冠状动脉钙化斑是动脉粥样硬化负荷的标志,预示增加心血管事件的风险。

17、Calcified cartilage spicules are purple-blue;bone deposits are purple-red. ─── 小梁结构染色成紫兰色(钙化的软骨部分),骨基质沉积的部分染成紫红色。

18、Osteoblasts can be seen lining the lacunae in the newly developing fetal bone, and they deposit bone along calcified cartilagenous spicules. ─── 在新生骨的骨陷窝周可见骨母细胞排列,这些细胞在钙化的软骨成骨周围沉积成骨。

19、Objective To explore the incidence and predisposing factors of coronary heart disease (CHD) among the patients with different types and extent of calcified valvular heart disease (CVHD). ─── 摘要目的比较不同程度、不同类型的老年钙化性心瓣膜病(CVHD)患者冠心病发病率及易患因素的差异。

20、In some cases, the mamilloaccessory ligament becomes calcified, which may lead to nerve entrapment. ─── 在一部分病例中,乳突副突韧带骨化,使神经被包埋于其中。

21、calcified seaweed ─── 石灰质海草

22、globular calcified lamellar bodies ─── 球形钙化层状小体

23、the CT findings of retinoblastoma showed calcified plaque inside tumor 100%(11/11) and protruded soft tissue density mass on the wall of eyeball. ─── CT检查病灶区100%有斑点状或团块状钙化,眼球壁上还可见密度增高的软组织肿块隆起。

24、The number of calcified lesions seen on CT also increases with age. ─── CT所示钙化结节数目随年龄增加。

25、In the slices examined more interglobular dentin and less calcified globules were observed in the supernumerary than in the normal teeth. ─── 在检查的切片中,与正常牙齿相比,在多生儿中观察到更多的球间牙本质和更少的钙化小球。

26、Isolation, culture and calcified deposition in vitro of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells ─── 大白鼠骨髓间质干细胞体外培养体系的建立及分化研究

27、A spark flew where the steel bit into the stone man's calcified grey flesh, but his arm tumbled to the deck all the same. ─── 当钢铁咬进石人钙化的灰色肉体时火花四溅,但是他的手臂依旧同时滚落到甲板。

28、The arytenoids cartilages were relatively small and most of the cartilaginous material throughout the larynx was more calcified than in man and chimpanzee. ─── 杓状软骨是相对地小而且大部份的遍布喉头的软骨的材料较人类及黑猩猩的都钙化地多。

29、Not only that, most are too small and not calcified, a prerequisite for visibility on X-ray. ─── 不仅如此,大多数的结石太小或没有钙化,因此X线也照不出来。

30、calcified odontogenic cyst ─── 牙源性钙化囊肿

31、After 12 years in control, the Republicans who took power with Gingrich promising to sweep out a calcified and ethically bankrupt Democratic leadership found themselves perceived as becoming what they had tried to expunge. ─── 在掌权12年后,当初因金瑞契承诺扫除僵化和道德破产的民主党领袖而风光掌控两院的共和党发现,他们本身竟也变成他们当初力拒的德性。

32、mixed calcified odontoma ─── 混合型钙质牙瘤

33、, this paper reviews the present research about the treatment techniques for calcified root canal. ─── 本文对钙化根管治疗技术的研究现状进行了综述。

34、the porous calcified substance from which bones are made. ─── 多孔的钙化物质,构成骨骼。

35、The calcified ligamentum flaum can be difficult to isualize on magnetic resonance imaging, as it was in the case of our patient, but it can be seen well on a computed tomography scan . ─── 和我们这个病例一样,MRI很难发现黄韧带钙化,但是在CT上就很明显。

36、turn into lime; become calcified. ─── 变成石灰;变成石灰质。

37、Conclusion The " calcified nodule in cyst " sign was found to be very specific for cystic thyroid carcinoma. ─── 结论“囊内钙化性结节”征是囊性甲状腺癌可靠的诊断征象之一。

38、!does it mean if the fibroid calcified, i MUST do op? coz the doctors didn't mention this pt before! ─── "似乎做手术系你唯一既choice因为大果个已经有calcium化" --> it's true, how do u know it calcified?

39、Calcified Silt ─── 灰华粉土

40、Objective:To report 7 cases of male infertility with calcified seminiferous tubules,and discuss its pathology,imaging features,and common complications. ─── 目的:本文报道7例睾丸精细小管钙化男性不育症患者,并结合文献对其病理、声像图特征及常见并发症进行探讨。

41、Keywords Articular cartilage Calcified cartilage zone Tidemark Cement line Shape and structure; ─── 关节软骨;钙化层;潮线;黏合线;形态结构;

42、Our main products calcified into seven categories: golf heads, pipe fitting, saddler, marine hardware, and clamp, pump parts and machine parts. ─── 主要产品有七类:高尔夫球头、管阀件、马具、船用五金、管束、泵类零件;机械配件。

43、what about a calcified valve or a patent for a men ovale? ─── |会不会是瓣膜钙化 或卵圆孔未闭?

44、Often, een when not grossly calcified, asbestos-related areas of pleural thickening appear slightly denser that adjacent intercostal muscles. ─── 即使在钙化不十分显著时也可出现胸膜增厚区轻度密度增高,尤其是肋间肌下的胸膜。

45、Keywords Schistosomiasis;Appendicitis;Calcified schistosome egg; ─── 关键词血吸虫病;监测;阑尾;钙化虫卵;

46、Presence of calcified carotid plaque predicts vascular events: The Northern Manhattan Study ─── 动脉斑块钙化的存在预示血管事件发生:对北曼哈顿岛人的研究

47、We here present the image findings of a case of colon cancer with liver metastases which calcified following 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy. ─── 在此,我们报告一例大肠癌并肝转移,在接受化学治疗后出现完全钙化的现象。

48、calcified pericardium ─── [医] 钙化心包

49、Keywords fly ash;calcified slag and cement; ─── 粉煤灰;增钙渣;水泥;

50、The vascular elements of the marrow tissue actively invade the cartilage above, leaving spicules of calcified cartilage, upon which bony matrix will be deposited. ─── 图中可见,骨髓组织不断侵嗜软骨,留下梁状的钙化软骨组织,随后这些残留软骨组织表面便会被骨组织覆盖包裹。

51、A small amount of dark pink bone has been laid down on the surface of the calcified cartilage. ─── 一部分软骨表面已然成深紫色,表示已有骨基质沉着。

52、From these calcified growth rings. ─── 从这钙华年轮上。

53、Scar tissue is a hardened or calcified form of matter that can neither digest nutrients nor detoxify, and therefore tends to weaken the associated region of the form. ─── 伤疤组织是一块硬化或钙化的物质,既不能消化营养,也不能解毒,因此往往弱化了身体的相关部位。

54、Near the point where ossification is going on (upper right corner) the cartilage cells become larger and the cartilage matrix becomes calcified (purple instead of pale pink here, as stained in H &E). ─── 图中,右上角的软骨基质染紫色,表示已钙化(在H&E染色中,显深红色的部分),其附近的软骨细胞变得肥大。

55、Scar tissue is hardened or calcified cells that are tightly compressed together. ─── 伤疤组织是硬化或钙化的细胞,被紧密挤压一起。

56、When the mind is wounded in these ways, it can't settle down comfortably in the present, for it finds itself resting on raw, exposed flesh or calcified knots. ─── 心以这些形式受创之后,就难以安住当下,因为它发现自己停歇之处,不是生疼外露的血肉,就是钙化坚硬的纠结。

57、Methods The high-frequency scout pin can obscrve various of hypothyroid s knot stanzc,as appcarancc,cdge,inner echos,the sum of the knots,the size,the calcified conditions,the current of bloods. ─── 方法高频探头观察各类甲状腺结节形态、边缘,内部回声、结节数目、大小、是否有钙化、血流状态。

58、Cost-effectiveness in the laboratory: should we examine hernia sacs or calcified heart valves? ─── 实验室中的成本效益:我们应该检验疝气囊或钙化心瓣膜吗?

59、The perforation was due to inadvertent injury of the esophagus that was deformed and distorted by a large calcified lymph node in the mediastinum during intraoperative TEE instrumentation. ─── 其发生的主要原因是病人纵膈腔中有一大钙化淋巴结,且手术中使用经食道超音波造成食道被扭曲压迫所导致。

60、Relation of the metabolic syndrome to calcified atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary arteries and aorta. ─── 代谢综合症与冠状动脉及主动脉粥样硬化斑块钙化的关系。

61、Keywords Coronary artery disease;Off-pump coronary artery bypass;Calcified ascending aorta; ─── 冠状动脉疾病;非体外循环冠状动脉搭桥;升主动脉钙化;

62、Osteoma should be included in the differential diagnosis of calcified masses in cerebellopontine angle. ─── 在小脑桥脑角之钙化肿块,骨瘤必须列入?别诊断。

63、The score provides a measure of how much coronary artery disease, or calcified "plaque" is present in the blood vessels of the heart. ─── 这种评分提供了一种对心脏冠脉疾病数量及冠脉钙化斑块进行评价的方法。

64、Osteoid is calcified by osteoblasts and during this process the cells become encased in lacunae within the calcified material and become osteocytes. ─── 类骨质被造骨细胞钙化,在此过程中,细胞在钙化物质中嵌入陷窝中变成骨细胞。

65、They were presented as symetrical high density calcified focis,which were located in the area of basal ganglia, nuclei dentatus cellebella and corticomedular commissure of fronto-parietal lobe. ─── 发现甲旁减患者颅内钙化以基底节、小脑齿状核和额顶叶皮髓质交界区为多见,分布两侧较对称,内囊未见受累。

66、However, in the center of bone defect of scaffold-implanted rabbits, black calcified area appeared in the middle of cells stained by neutral red. ─── 材料植入组兔的骨缺损的中心区域,出现染成黑色的钙化区,中间夹杂着中性红复染的组织细胞。

67、Calcified growth rings? ─── 大牛:钙华年轮?

68、Calcified root canal occurs often during root canal therapy. ─── 根管钙化是临床进行根管治疗术时的多见现象。

69、Calcified degree ─── 灰华程度

70、Other reports hae described calcified ligamentum flaum or nodules in the cerical canal as a cause for stenosis, radicular symptoms, or myelopathy principally in elderly, female, and Asian subjects. ─── 在其他的报道中,黄韧带钙化或者颈椎内瘤体钙化引起椎管狭窄、神经根症状或者脊髓病,主要是发生在老年女性和亚洲人。

71、calcified thallus ─── (复calcified thalli)钙化原植体

72、Keywords Elcitonin;Osteoporosis;Calcified cardiac valve;Deoxypyridinoline; ─── 益盖宁;骨质疏松;心瓣膜钙化;脱氧吡啶啉;

73、Conversely, a diminished or absent S1 in mitral stenosis suggests a rigidly calcified valve that cannot "snap" shut. ─── 相反,二尖瓣狭窄时S1减弱或消失,表明瓣叶严重钙化,无法关闭。

74、Mediastinal fibrosis is a rare late complication of histoplasmosis. It is characterized by invasive, calcified fibrosis centered on lymph nodes that block major vessels and airways. ─── 什么是'纵隔纤维化-瘢痕组织周围的血管和航空公司在胸部以下传染病进程'?

75、ganoine A hard calcified tissue resembling enamel but in many layers; found only in ganoid fishes. ─── 硬鳞质一个坚硬的钙化组织与珐琅相似但是有许多层;只发现在硬鳞鱼中。

76、Review of the present literature shows that reported cases of calcified small cell lung cancer are uncommon and still rare. ─── 目前的已刊出的文献中,钙化的小细胞还是不常见甚至是少见。

77、calcified thrombus ─── [医] 钙化血栓, 静脉石

78、Two of her three main coronary arteries were calcified, a marker of atherosclerosis. ─── 她的三条主冠状动脉中的两条都出现硬化,这是动脉粥样硬化的标志。

79、A case of calcified pulmonary metastases from medullary carcinoma of the thyroid is reported. ─── 一例钙化性肺转移的髓样癌的甲状腺报道。

80、The dark pink spicules here are made of bone; the paler pink, small spicules at the leading edge of the cartilage are made of calcified cartilage. ─── 图中梁状结构中深红色的为骨组织,浅红色的为钙化的软骨组织。

81、In H &E stain, the centers of the spicules show the purple of calcified cartilage;the edges are pink because of the bony matrix laid down upon the cartilage. ─── 小梁中央紫色部分为钙化的软骨基质,外周红色的为沉着在其表面的骨基质成分。

82、Recalcification effect of calcified solution on enamel subsurface lesion of decalcification ─── 矿化液对釉质表层下脱矿的再矿化实验研究

83、Effect of elcitonin on alleviation of backache in old patients with osteoporosis and calcified cardiac valve ─── 益盖宁对骨质疏松并心瓣膜钙化老年人腰背疼痛的改善作用

84、Treatment with Fc-OPG significantly reduced the calcified lesion area without affecting atherosclerotic lesion size or number, vascular cytokines, or plasma cholesterol levels. ─── 用Fc-OPG处理的小鼠显著减小了钙化组织的面积而没有影响动脉粥样硬化损伤的面积大小和数量,以及血管因子、血浆胆固醇水平。

85、Subependymal giant cell tumors are frequently calcified, appear heterogeneous on CT and MR scans, and show intense but inhomogeneous enhancement following contrast administration. ─── 室管膜下巨细胞瘤常常钙化,在CT和MR上均不均匀。增强检查明显强化但是不均匀。

86、Non-contrast enhanced abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan revealed high attenuation of the tumor and calcified lymphadenopathies in the retroperitoneum. ─── 未显影电脑断层检查中显示此肿瘤具有较高的密度合并有钙化的后腹腔淋巴结肿大。

87、Objective To analyze the type and contents of collagen protein in the organic principle of calcified cartilage zone, and the contents of hydroxyapatite in its inorganic composition. ─── 目的 分析构成关节软骨钙化层有机成分中胶原蛋白类型与含量及无机成分中羟基磷灰石含量。

88、Osteoblasts can be seen lining the lacunae in the newly developing fetal bone and they deposit bone along calcified cartilagenous spicules. ─── 在新生骨的骨陷窝周可见成骨细胞排列,这些细胞在钙化的软骨化骨四周沉积成骨。

89、calcified bursitis ─── 滑囊炎钙化

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