environs 发音
英:[ɪnˈvaɪrənz] 美:[ɪnˈvaɪrənz]
英: 美:
environs 中文意思翻译
environs 网络释义
n. 市郊,郊区;周围(environ的复数)v. 围绕;包围(environ的第三人称单数)
environs 词性/词形变化,environs变形
environs 相似词语短语
1、envious ─── adj.羡慕的;嫉妒的
2、enviros ─── 装运
3、environ. ─── v.环绕;包围;围住
4、environed ─── v.环绕;包围;围住
5、envisions ─── 想像,展望(envision的第三人称单数)
6、environ ─── v.环绕;包围;围住
7、andirons ─── n.铁制柴架
8、environics ─── n.环境学
9、enviro ─── n.环境保护主义者
environs 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The earthquake struck mainly the capital and its environs, the most densely populated part of the country, where organizations like the Red Cross and the United Nations have their headquarters. ─── 地震损毁了海地的首都和近郊,这些都属于人口密集地区,而一些救援机构如红十字协会和联合国都在这些地区设立了它们的总部。
2、A good designer will always start and introduce a trend new technology and will always pursue on his ideas and concept to create an ideal environs for a better place to live. ─── 一名优秀的设计师只会引导设计潮流和新奇技术,孜孜不倦地追求个人理念以给人们创造更好的生活环境。
3、The road and its immediate environs were then held by Dongbei troops. ─── 公路以及与公路直接毗连的地方,那时仍然在东北军手里。
4、Dong Yang environs in the steeliness big canopy of the clearing inside factory of 1 place woodcarving, "Illegally or forcibly occupy " move already assembled finished throne. ─── 东阳市郊1处木雕厂内空地的钢制大棚里,“盘踞”着已组装完成的宝座。
5、And other acts that impair meteorological observation within the protected environs for such observation. ─── 在气象探测环境保护范围内从事其他影响气象探测的行为。
6、The Study on Development of Tourism Agriculture Tourist in Outskints of City--Take the environs of Zhengzhou as the example ─── 城郊观光农业旅游开发研究--以郑州市近郊为例
7、In the course that changes in the city, environs country because its special situation, can saying is to push what change a course into the city " beachhead " . ─── 在城市化的进程中,市郊农村由于其非凡的地理位置,可以说是推进城市化进程的“滩头阵地”。
8、We are confident that the landscaped villas in Liuyuan Road will become a magnum opus of Suzhou garden villas partly because of its section and environment location and environs. ─── 其中,由于留园路姑苏人家项目所处地域、人文环境非常好,公司有信心有能力将该项目塑造成为新一代苏州园林别墅的代表作品。
9、People's governments at all levels shall, in accordance with the statutory criteria, delimit protected environs for meteorological observation and incorporate them into city planning or into village or town planning. ─── 各级人民政府应当按照法定标准划定气象探测环境的保护范围,并纳入城市规划或者村庄和集镇规划。
10、Insurance companies would be reluctant to write policies for anyone living in these places and instead would seek out customers whose environs made unlikely military targets. ─── 保险公司会很不情愿的为这些地区开出保单,而更愿意到那些不大可能成为军事目标的地方寻找客户。
11、Balogh S J, Meyer M L and Johnson D K. Transport of Mercury in Three Contrasting River Basins[J]. Environ Sci &Technol, 1998, 32(4):456 - 462. ─── 刘汝海,王起超,吕宪国,等.三江平原典型湿地植物汞的分布与库存量[J].应用生态学报,(待刊).
12、It may also have accreted much of the pristine gas from its intergalactic environs, and plenty of gas may still lie out there.Gas is still trickling in, taking the form of HVCs. ─── 它可能也已加进了许多来自星系周遭环境里的原生气体,但仍有大量的气体留在那儿,那些气体以HVC的型态,正不断潺潺流入星系里。
13、Consequently, the number of gardens in the city of Suzhou and its environs increased a great deal, mounting to 200 odd. ─── 因此,在苏州城周围,园林的数量大量的增加,达到200个,现存的大部分园林还是保存完整。
14、Analysis of the developing strategy for China cleaning cars has been made, according to the Chinese situation of cars industrg, environ ment and energy resources. ─── 从我国的汽车工业的现状以及环境、能源的状况出发,对我国清洁汽车发展战略进行了分析与探讨.
15、Capital City and Its Environs ─── 京畿地区
16、Design for the Yueyanglou Tower and its environs ─── 岳阳楼景区规划设计探讨
17、The Pocket Guide to The Empire and its environs ─── 帝国及市郊袖珍指南
18、Thus he made the decision to move the capital of his tribe from the South Hills to this spot which was then known as Ji'Xue'Wo'Tang or Banks with Good Snow and is now Lhasa and its environs. ─── 于是,毅然决定,将都城从南山迁到这里--吉雪卧塘,也就是现在的拉萨地区。
19、China Everbright International (Stock Code 257), a principally environ performer, registered rosy yesterday defying the market, looking potential to upthrust further. ─── 主力经营环保业务的中国光大国际(257),昨天逆市造好,股价有机会再往上冲
20、Deng B, Burris D R, Campbell T. Reduction of vinyl chlorinated in metallic iron-water system[J], Environ Sci &Technol., 1999,33(15):2651. ─── 全燮,杨凤林,薛大明,等.钯-铁催化还原法对水中三氯乙烯的快速脱氯研究[J].大连理工大学学报,1998,37(1):46-48.
21、Personally, I don't think there's much hope that Beijing will become a truly pleasant city until people learn to keep their homes and immediate environs clean as a matter of course. ─── 就我个人而言,我觉得只有在人们学会了视保持房子与周围的清洁为理所当然之事时,北京成为真正怡人的城市才大有希望。
22、The forecast of atmospheric environmental impact is an important component of environ mental impact assessment for construction project. ─── 大气环境影响预测分析是建设项目环境影响评价的一个重要组成部份。
23、express willingness to have in one's home or environs. ─── 在家里或郊区表达热情。
24、Though I didn't leave the Georgetown environs often, I did manage two trips to New York my first semester. ─── 尽管我并不经常离开乔治敦周围,但在第一学期里,我还是设法去了两趟纽约。
25、The products are tally with the demand of environ went protection and we will provide you the best fore-sale and after-sale service. ─── 同时还承接弧形、异型、加宽、加长等造型迥异之业务,并具有良好的售前及售后服务,材料符合绿色环保要求。
26、Owasoyo JO,Neri DF,Lamberth JG.Tyrosine and its potential use as a countermeasure to performance decree-ment in military sustained operations[J].Aviat Space Environ Med,1992,63(5):363. ─── 崔建华王引虎张西洲朱永安王伟马勇.酪氨酸对海拔3700m高原人体运动自由基代谢的影响[J].中国应用生理学杂志,:.
27、Ju X T, Zhang F S.Nitrate accumulation and its implication to environ ment in north China[J].Eco.Envir., 2003, 12(1): 24-28. ─── [3]巨晓棠,张福锁.中国北方土壤硝态氮的累积及其对环境的影响[J].生态环境,2003,12(1):24-28.
28、ZHANG Quan-xing, LIU Tian-hua.Development of resin adsorption in organic wastewater[J ].Chem Indust Environ Proct,1994,16 (4): 344 - 347. ─── [7]张全兴,刘天华.我国应用树脂吸附法处理有机废水的进展[J].化工环保,1994,16(4):344-347.
29、The 9th International Conference on Low Level Measurements of Actinides and long - lived Radio Nuclides in Biological and Environ Mental Samples. ─── 交流研讨环境和生物样品中锕系元素及寿命核素低水平测试学科的前沿成果。
31、"Amphibians are very vulnerable to contamination since atrazine is used in the same environs where they live and breed," McLaughlin said. ─── “两栖类动物非常容易受到污染,因为使用阿特拉津在同一地方,他们周围生活和繁殖” , McLaughlin表示。
32、Next day, at lunch time, as he had promised, Count Ilya Andreitch arrived from his estate in the environs. ─── 第二天,正如伊利亚·安德烈伊奇伯爵答应的那样,快用早膳的时候,他从莫斯科近郊领地回来了。
33、Then conclusion is drawn out that remaining oil mainly distributes in structural high, faulting environs, bypassed area between ... ─── 区块开发取得了较好的开发效果,采收率提高3.6%,增加可采储量21万吨。
34、people living in the immediate environs of a nuclear plant ─── 居住在核电站附近地区的人
35、The temple is without doubt a premier showpiece in the West Lake environs and is notable also as one of the ten most famous Buddhist temples of China. ─── 寺庙毫无疑问是在西方湖四郊的一个首要的展出品并且也是著名的作为中国的十最著名的佛教寺庙之一。
36、Their interest was only in the port and its environs; they did not anticipate the much larger transfer of territory that would follow. ─── 当时他们最大的兴趣只是在港口及其周边地区,并没有预料到以后的大面积购地的情况。
37、Compilation of thematic mapard Atlas;regional economic developinent planning .resource developing planning ;environ mental protection planning ,management of scientific and technology. ─── 专题地图编制、经济发展、资源开发、环境保护等方面的规划,科研管理。
38、Environ ment protection and utilization re ne wable resources are em phasized for the future de velop ment . ─── 展望粘接技术的发展,必须十分重视环境保护和可再生资源的利用;
40、Author Tian Jiayi Zhang Aihua Tao Guie Bad Jingmei Chen Yonge(Shandong Huimin Environ mental monitoring Center); ─── 作者田家怡;张爱华;陶桂娥;薄景美;陈永娥;
41、geostationary orbit environ mental satellite ─── 对地静止轨道环境卫星
42、Meanwhile ,the company undertakes the windowsill processing of arc, widening and lengthening .The product is tally with the demand of environ went protection and we will provide you the best fore-sale and after-sale service. ─── 同时还承接弧型,异型、加宽、加长的窗台板定制业务,并具有良好的售前和售后服务,材料符合绿色环保要求。
43、Chen Shen-liang,Gu Guo-chuan,Yu Zhi-ying.Mudflat evolution in the Nanhui east front,Yangtze Estuary [J].Resour Environ Yangtze Basin,2002,11(3):239-244 (in Chinese with English abstract). ─── [23]陈沈良,谷国传,虞志英.长江口南汇东滩淤涨演变分析 [J].长江流域资源与环境,2002,11(3):239-244.
44、Lake Constance used to be polluted but it had been cleaned up in recent years. All the households had to pay a fee for the maintenance of the lake,but no one complained. They even sought to keep the environs clean and the drains unpolluted. ─── 康湖过去是受过污染的,但近年来经过清理后,家家户户须多付些保管费,人们不但无怨言,还能保持环境清洁,而不污染水道。
45、Its pollution level and change law were discussed,so as to provied scientific basis for strengthing environ mental management and atmospheric pollution control andimproving environmental quality. ─── 为进一步加强环境管理和大气污染治理,改善环境质量提供科学依据。
46、The aspects of politics,economy and culture in the issue of human environment are important factors which influence the cultural environ. ─── 人文环境中的政治、经济和文化等条件也是影响文化生态的重要因素。
47、Was forced to be changed demesne 1998, take-overed by SuperVia company net of railroad of Riode Janeiro environs. ─── 1998 年被迫私有化,由SuperVia 公司接管了里约热内卢市郊铁路网。
48、The comprehensive application of two methods can assess environ... ─── 两种方法结合起来应用,能全面地进行环境评价。
49、engaging in activities within the limits of the protected environs for meteorological observation, to the detriment of the environs. ─── (二)在气象探测环境保护范围内从事危害气象探测环境活动的。
50、Introduction of public participation in environ mental planning can increase the sense of agreement to the plan, and help the public better express their environmental interests. ─── 在环境规划中引入公众参与,能增加公众对环境规划的认同感,并使公众的环境利益得以表达。
51、The peaceful environ of the Cheng Kung Lake is a favorite tourist attraction in Tainan. ─── 图4:成功湖附近景致幽美,是成大校园有名的景观之一。
52、Zhao Q. L , Kugel G . Thermophiliy mesophilic digestion of sewage sludge and organic waste [J ] . J . Environ .Sci .Hea2lth ,1997 ,31 : 2211 - 2231. ─── 内容摘要:摘要:对剩余污泥的处理在污水处理中占用昂贵的费用,基于经济环境和其它因素的考虑,如何解决剩余污泥的问题
53、This is the first truly marble palace in the environs of St. Petersburg. ─── 这是第一个位于圣彼得堡附近的真正大理石宅邸。
55、London and its environs. ─── 伦敦及其近郊。
56、5 F u S , Chu S , Xu X. Organochlorine pesticide residue in soils from Tibet, China. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol , ─── 4孙维相陈荣莉孙安强等.南迦巴瓦峰地区有机氯化合物的污染.环境科学1981,7(6)64-69
57、Jasteraki E.The influence of different types of grassland field margin on carabid beetle (Coleoptera, Carabidae) communities[J].Agric Ecosyst and Environ, 1995,54:195202. ─── 刘云慧,宇振荣,梁宏斌.农田边界生物多样性保护功能的初步研究[J].生态学杂志,2002,21(5):6973.
58、Beijing North Shunyi history of the capital city and its environs are famous silos, Shunyi holly town food is produced tribute to the Royal tribute grain. ─── 京北顺义是历史上京畿着名的粮仓,顺义天竺镇出产的粮食更是进贡皇家的贡粮。
59、The turbulence seemed wholly out of place in HBS's orderly and tranquil environs. ─── 哈佛商学院有序而宁静的环境似乎与动荡毫不沾边。
60、8.They even sought to keep the environs clean and the drains unpolluted. ─── 他们还能保持环境清洁,而不污染水道。
61、Gotals cannot use their accurate senses in these environs, and they cannot spend time close to droids. ─── 在这些邻近的区域,戈塔尔人无法使用他们敏锐的感觉器官,而且也不能长时间待在机器人身旁。
62、Matherson L J, Tramyek P G Reductive dehalogenation of chlorinated methanes by iron metal. Environ Sci &Technol., 1994, 28(12):2045. ─── 何小娟,刘菲,黄园英,等.利用零价铁去除挥发性氯代脂肪烃的试验[J].环境科学,2003,24(1):139-142.
63、Develop the Cycle Economy to Construct the Harmonious Society Of Resource Conservation and Environ mental Protection ─── 大力发展循环经济构建资源节约环境保护型和谐社会
64、express willingness to have in one's home or environs ─── 在家里或郊区表达乐意接受
65、Engaging in activities within the limits of the protected environs for meteorological observation,to the detriment of the environs. ─── 在气象探测环境保护范围内从事危害气象探测环境活动的。
66、An appraisal of Subsurface Geology and Groundwater Resources of Owerri and Environs Based on Electrical Resistivity Survey and Borehole Data Evaluation ─── 基于电阻观察和矿井数据评价,对水面下层地质与地下水资源的评价
67、A review with 36 references is given on electroanalytical method of cadmium,lead,chromium and copper and their application in modern environ mental analysis. ─── 介绍了镉、铅、铬、铜的电化学分析方法及其在现代环境分析中的应用,并对电化学分析方法的发展前景进行了展望。引用文献36篇。
68、The worst-polluting factories in Beijing and its environs are being ordered to cut production or stop work altogether. ─── 北京及其郊区的重污染工厂正被责令减产或完全停产。
69、The town and its environs are inviting, with recreational attractions and art museums. ─── 这个城镇及其周边地区十分引人入胜,建有休闲胜地和艺术博物馆。
70、A native or inhabitant of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, or its environs ─── 北英格兰人英格兰泰恩河上纽尔斯卡及其周围的本地人或居民
71、Another example, Rancongwei wanted to see the eyes of night at midnight,then he would take her to the environs and see it. ─── 再比如,冉丛微想半夜去看星星,他就真的拉着她跑到郊外去看。
72、Generally speaking, the social bees do not summer in the South during the winter, as do migratory birds, but, instead, live or die in their natural environs. ─── 但是精灵的身材非常娇小单薄,不知道它们怎样才能度过严寒的冬季。下面这篇文章就来为您介绍一二。
73、Environs for meteorological observation mean the minimum surrounding space away from any interference, a space that is essential for ensured acquisition of accurate meteorological observation information by means of observation facilities. ─── (三)气象探测环境,是指为避开各种干扰保证气象探测设施准确获得气象探测信息所必需的最小距离构成的环境空间。
74、Nurminenn T(1989),Kurppa K:Occupational Noise exposure and course of pregnancy . Scand J Work Environ Health 15: p117-124.. ─── 吴聪能,张博雅(1991),噪音曝露与血压关系之研究,行政院卫生署.
75、Sexually experienced rodents also proved less anxious than virgins, in that they were quicker to chomp down on food in unfamiliar environs. ─── 有性经验的啮齿动物证明了比没有经过性活动的不容易焦虑,它们可以更快地在不熟悉的环境下大声咀嚼食物。
76、A good designer will always start and introduce a trend, new technology and will always pursue on his ideas and concept to create an ideal environs for a better place to live. ─── 一名优秀的设计师只会引导设计潮流和新颖技术,孜孜不倦地追求个人理念以给人们创造更好的生活环境。
77、The harsh desert environs of Klatooine resulted in a fiercely tenacious species. ─── 克拉图因星苍凉的荒漠造就了这个坚韧顽强的种族。
78、Newborn sprouts just out from their seeds can suspend growth for up to 30 days if their environs turn risky, such as during Indian summers, in winter or in untimely droughts. ─── 如果说环境变得险恶,好比说碰上秋老虎、寒冬或是不凑巧的乾旱,刚从种子发出的新芽可以停止生长达30天之久。
79、Outskirts; the environs. ─── 外围地区;郊区
80、One sunny afternoon, Maria took the children to the environs. ─── 一个晴朗的下午,玛丽亚带孩子们来到郊外。
81、He was more partial to the house and environs. ─── 他对这所房子和这里的环境越来越有感情了。
82、The problem of the air pollution in cities and towns must be dealt with if the environ ment is going to be preserved. ─── 如果要保护环境,城镇空气污染问题必须处理。
83、Keywords atmosphere environ mental impact assessment accident risk jeopardous ness security risk; ─── 大气环评;意外事故;风险;危害度;危险度;
84、Environmental Geo-technology mainly covers the environ mental problems of engineering geology, solid rock mechanics and the concepts of two environment engineering. ─── [摘要] 环境岩土工程主要覆盖了环境工程、岩土力 学和工程地质学所涉及的环境问题。
85、"you know the environs of paris , then ? ─── “那么你是熟悉巴黎近郊的罗?”
86、If you walk around the environs of Jermyn Street, you will find more diversity. ─── 如果在杰明街附近走走,你会发现更多更丰富的东西。
87、and a very strange stranger it must be, who does not see charms in the immediate environs of Lyme, to make him wish to know it better. ─── 谁要是见不到莱姆近郊的妩媚多姿,不想进一步了解它,那他一定是个不可思议的异乡人。
88、There may be constructions more beautiful and dignified elsewhere, such as the precincts of the Louvre on the river Seine in Paris, the banks of the great Rialto Bridge in Venice, the environs of the ancient Pont Vecchio in Florence. ─── 别的地方尽有更美更庄严的建筑,例如巴黎赛因河的罗浮宫一带,威尼斯的利阿尔多大桥的两岸,翡冷翠维基鸟大桥的周遭;
89、Its volume will make it a visual reference for the complex in relation to the city and the local environs. ─── 它的体量会对与城市和场地周边区域有关的综合体产生视觉影响。
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