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09-12 投稿



elfin 发音

英:['elfɪn]  美:['ɛlfɪn]

英:  美:

elfin 中文意思翻译




elfin 网络释义

n. 小精灵;淘气鬼;矮人adj. 小妖精的;像小妖精的n. (Elfin)人名;(英)埃尔芬

elfin 词性/词形变化,elfin变形

名词复数: elves |

elfin 短语词组

1、elfin-tree ─── 精灵树

2、Elfin Woods Warbler ─── 埃尔芬·伍兹·沃布勒

3、elfin forest ─── 高山矮曲林

4、lovely elfin ─── 可爱的精灵

elfin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Soon people will be bringing fitness equipment and hobby craft aboard, and the company that makes the elfin washers will need to get started on looms and rowing machines. ─── 很快,人们会自带适当的设备和爱好玩意上飞机了,那家做微型洗衣机的公司要上开始着手制作织布机和划桨机器了。

2、She took me to her elfin grot ─── 她带我到了她的山洞,

3、The cheap music turned elfin and lovely ─── 这靡靡之音忽而变得精灵可爱。

4、She was an elfin creature--graceful and delicate; obsessed by things elfin and small. ─── 她是一个迷人的人--高雅而得体;被迷人而小巧的东西迷

5、In the film Roman Holiday, Hepburn unveiled her look for the first time. She was tall and slim, with elfin features. ─── 而在《罗马假日》一片中,赫本第一次展示了她的风格——身材高挑,面容小巧。

6、Elfin's face syndrome ─── 埃耳芬(氏)面综合征:小面、血钙过多, 瓣膜上主动脉狭窄

7、Floristic study of montane elfin forest in Shimentai Nature Reserve of Guangdong Province ─── 广东石门台自然保护区山顶矮林植物区系的研究

8、Her stunning combination of vulnerability, sophistication, elfin beauty and indomitable spirit engaged both men and women alike. ─── 纤弱与成熟、精灵般的美丽和顽强不屈的精神在她身上完美的结合不但吸引了男人,也同样吸引了女人。

9、elfin riders sat them, watchful of a sign ─── 小精灵般的骑手跨在马上,机警地等待着信号。

10、A simple trip to the hairdresser to cut her long golden brown hair into an elfin crop made international headlines. ─── 甚至只是去趟理发店,把一头长发变成干练短发都上了国际板头条。

11、Kearns is a small man, a few inches taller than elfin. ─── 卡恩斯个子很小,比小精灵高不了几英寸。

12、Quantity Analysis on Samples of the Montane Elfin Forest ─── 山顶矮林样方的数量分析

13、Thy thunderous hooves, oh thou war steeds of the Khan, thy thunderous hooves come as if the whip of God, and thrashes the elfin delight of those foregone days! ─── 你们雷动的马蹄,噢,天可汗的草泥马,你们雷动的蹄如上帝的鞭一般来到,将逝去岁月里梦幻的欢乐践踏在脚底!

14、Ellen \ 's raven hair curling around her tiny, elfin ears. ─── 乌黑的秀发卷绕着埃伦小巧的、小精灵似的耳朵。

15、They were not elfin maidens, but mortal children. ─── 她们不是山妖,而是凡人的孩子。

16、an elf; an elfin; a pixie ─── 小精灵

17、elfin music ─── 小精灵的乐曲

18、In fact , she was a charming and cultured girl, with a beautiful curious pointed elfin face and a lovely figure. ─── 实际上,她是一个迷人和有教养的女孩,带有一张美丽的奇特的尖的小精灵一样的脸和一个可爱的数字。

19、A grotesque, elfin creature of folklore, thought to work mischief or evil. ─── 妖怪民间传说中的一种面貌丑陋的小精灵般的动物,被认为常恶作剧或调皮

20、You this is elfin, make me medium your love poison does not agree tardy however antidote! ─── 你这个小妖精,让我中了你的爱情毒却迟迟不肯给解药!

21、03. Our boyfriend's clothes make us look elfin &gorgeous. Guys look like complete idiots in ours. ─── 在男朋友们的衣著衬托下,显得灵气而豪华。男人们则被我们反衬得像是白痴。

22、1. she was an elfin creature--graceful and delicate; ─── 她是一个迷人的人--高雅而得体;

23、Men's clothes make women look elfin and gorgeous.Men look like complete idiots in women's clothes. ─── 女人穿男人的衣服更有魅力,男人穿女人的衣服则是彻头彻尾的傻瓜。

24、A fairylike or elfin creature,especially one that is mischievous;a playful sprite. ─── 小精灵,小淘气神话中的小精灵,尤指那种很淘气的;小调皮

25、4.The results showed that the heterogeneity of the montane elfin forest was strong, variance of the montane elfin forest was mostly extracted the floristic elements. ─── 结果表明,石门台自然保护区山顶矮林的异质性强,其差异主要是由区系成分引起的。

26、elfin facies syndrome ─── 小精灵面容综合征

27、In fact , she was a charming and cultured girl, with a beautiful curious pointed elfin face and a lovely figure. ─── 实际上,她是一个迷人和有教养的女孩,带有一张美丽的奇特的尖的小精灵一样的脸和一个可爱的数字。

28、elfin face ─── 丑陋面容

29、Interspecific Association of Main Tree Populations of the Montane Elfin Forest in Shimentai Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province ─── 广东英德石门台自然保护区山顶矮林主要乔木种间联结性研究

30、In the film Roman Holiday, Hepburn unveiled her look for the first time. She was tall and slim, with elfin features. ─── 此后,赫本开启了一股让许多人追随的潮流。女模凯特?莫斯和女星薇诺娜?瑞德就是深深被赫本风格影响的其中两位。

31、Elfin saddle ─── 多洼马鞍菌

32、perpetrated a practical joke with elfin delight; elvish tricks. ─── 淘气的乱开玩笑;淘气的恶作剧。

33、The Elfin was driven out from the green grass, and from me the summer dream beneath the tamarind tree? ─── 把小妖从绿茵中驱除,又从我这里把罗望子树下的夏梦逐出?

34、Distance muted the gorging and tippling at the table to an elfin conviviality. ─── 由于距离远,所以餐桌上的大吃大喝变成了无声的精灵欢宴。

35、Suspended from service for suspected corruption he tries to find solace with an elfin creature Yan. ─── 警务工作遭到停职,遇上自称他女儿的神秘少女张碧欣,透过一起寻找小狗伊莎贝拉的过程,两人重拾了家庭温暖;

36、The Grave of Love I dug, beneath the cypress shade, What well might seem an elfin’s grave; ─── 用浓阴的柏树比喻 “我” 依念之情,尽管 “你” 已变心,而“我”却还会终身怀念那一段情缘。

37、I think:on the one hand,the active critivity of the elfin should be ecouraged,but the other hand,the chinese teachers should give babes necessary lead to the best of their ability. ─── 我想:一方面,淘气鬼们这种积极的创造性应该得到鼓励;但另一方面,语文老师也必须尽自己的能力多加引导。

38、Thunderbolts quivered with elfin flares of heat lightning. ─── 伴随着神秘闪光的雷电。

39、thunderbolts quivered with elfin flares of heat lightning; the fey quality was there, the ability to see the moon at midday- John Mason Brown. ─── 伴随着神秘闪光的雷电;有灵异的才能,就能在正午看到月亮-约翰·梅森·布朗。

40、bryophyta in the Typical deciduous broadleaf forest. (4) bryophyta in the Mixed coniferous-bradleaf forest (5)Shrubs and elfin wood zone. ─── (3)典型落叶阔叶林藓类植物带(4)针阔叶混交林藓类植物带;

41、In the moment when I looked into the cave a little elfin starfish hung down, suspended by the merest thread, perhaps by only a single tube foot. ─── 就在我朝洞里探望时,从洞顶上挂下一只小海星,仅仅悬在一条线上,或许就在它的一只管足上。

42、elfin woodland ─── 矮林

43、a grotesque,elfin creature of folklore,thought to work mischief or evil ─── 民间传说中的一种面貌丑陋的小精灵般的动物,被认为常恶作剧或调皮

44、moved across the dimly lit stage with elfin grace ─── 以妖里妖气的步态穿过昏暗的舞台

45、Elfin Woods Warbler ─── n. 小林莺

46、tropical evergreen monsoon elfin forest ─── 热带常绿季雨矮林

47、The diminutive direction ultimately won out, and Empire's concept artists developed illustrations of gnome-like and elfin creatures. ─── 最终小型化的方向占了上风,《帝国反击战》的概念艺术家绘制了一些貌似地精、顽皮淘气的生物。

48、elfin forest ─── 高山矮曲林

49、knolls, elfin wood, pitted valleys resembling the surface of the Moon. ─── 小山、矮曲林、坑坑洼洼的山谷像月球的表面。

50、mountaintop elfin forest ─── 山顶矮林

51、perpetrated a practical joke with elfin delight; elvish tricks ─── 淘气的乱开玩笑;淘气的恶作剧

52、Men's clothes make women look elfin and gorgeous. ─── 女人穿男人的衣服,会显得妖艳和华丽。

53、If you would like to travel to either of these new and exciting regions, then proceed to Thylysium, the capital of the elfin kingdom. ─── 如果您想前往这两个新的和令人兴奋的区域,然后开始Thylysium,资本王国的小精灵。

54、Her stunning combination of vulnerability, sophistication, elfin beauty and indomitable spirit engaged both men and women alike. ─── 纤弱与成熟、精灵般的美丽和顽强不屈的精神在她身上完美的结合不但吸引了男人,也同样吸引了女人。

55、elfin wood ─── 矮曲林

56、A little elfin starfish hung down, suspended by the merest thread, perhaps by only a single tube foot. ─── 一只小海星用它的一只管足,拉着一根细丝从洞顶悬挂而下,想去触摸自己的倒影,多么完美的画面啊!

57、thunderbolts quivered with elfin flares of heat lightning; ─── 伴随着神秘闪光的雷电;

58、Distribution patterns and dynamics of dominant mountaintop elfin forest populations in Shimentai Nature Reserve in Guangdong ─── 广东石门台自然保护区山顶矮林优势种群分布格局及动态

59、A fairylike or elfin creature, especially one that is mischievous; a playful sprite. ─── 小精灵,小淘气神话中的小精灵,尤指那种很淘气的;小调皮

60、He's worn drag in the outback, laid some serious beat-downs on Keanu Reeves, and dispensed words of elfin wisdom. ─── 他在《指环王》位于新西兰的摄制地衣衫褴褛,在《黑客帝国》中颇让基奴李维斯吃了点苦头,言谈中透露出精灵般的智慧。

61、elfin wood belt ─── 高山矮曲林带

62、She has elfin feature s. ─── 她貌似小精灵.

63、Suspended for suspected corruption, he tries to find solace with an elfin creature by the name of YAN (Isabella Leong) whom he just picks up. ─── 他郁郁不欢之际,却误打误撞遇上一名神秘少女张碧欣(梁洛施饰)。

64、Bring me here, with elfin speed, ─── 快速速给我送来,

65、Static Life Stable and the Survival Curve of the Montane Elfin Forest in Shimentai Nature Reserve in Guangdong ─── 石门台山顶矮林的静态生命表及存活曲线

66、an elfin face ─── 小巧清秀的脸庞

67、Elfin facies ─── 小精灵面容

68、Diversity Analysis of the Montane Elfin Forest in Shimentai Nature Reserve, Yingde, Guangdong ─── 广东英德石门台自然保护区山顶矮林物种多样性分析

69、elfin face syndrome ─── 小妖精面容综合征

70、The montane elfin forest was analyzed with Count the software in Shimentai Nature Reserve, Yinde, Guangdong. ─── 摘要采用统计软件对英德石门台自然保护区的山顶矮林进行分析。

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