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09-12 投稿



hereabouts 发音

[ ,hɪrə'baʊts]

英:  美:

hereabouts 中文意思翻译



hereabouts 网络释义

adv. 在这里附近;在这一带

hereabouts 词性/词形变化,hereabouts变形

异体字: hereabouts |

hereabouts 相似词语短语

1、breakouts ─── n.爆发;突围;越狱;脱逃

2、thereabouts ─── adv.大约;在那附近(等于thereabout)

3、whereabout ─── n.行踪;下落;adv.在何处

4、whirlabouts ─── n.盘旋;旋转;旋转物;adj.盘旋的;旋转的;团团转的

5、marabouts ─── n.隐士;伊斯兰教隐士的坟

6、or thereabouts ─── 左右,大约

7、thereabout ─── adv.在那附近;大约(等于thereabouts)

8、hereabout ─── adv.在这一带;在这附近(等于hereabouts)

9、whereabouts ─── n.下落;行踪;去向;所在之处;adv.在何处;靠近什么地方

hereabouts 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the people are friendly hereabouts. ─── 周围的人们都很友好。

2、There is no better place for your flock to gaze in than hereabouts. ─── 你在这附近放牧是再合适不过的了。

3、There is no better place for your flock to graze in than hereabouts, and here is a pleasant shade such as shepherds love. ─── 在这附近放牧是再合适不过的了;这里有块宜人的树荫,牧羊人没有不喜欢的。

4、There is no better place for your flock to graze in than hereabouts, and here is a pleasant shade such as shepherds love ─── 在这附近放牧是再合适不过的了;这里有块宜人的树荫,牧羊人没有不喜欢的。

5、aren't many houses hereabouts. ─── 一带房子不多。

6、Desdemona. I will go seek him. Cassio, walk hereabout: If I do find him fit, I'll move your suit And seek to effect it to my uttermost. ─── 苔丝狄蒙娜我去找他去。凯西奥,您在这儿走走;要是我看见自己可以跟他说几句话,我会向他提起您的请求,尽力给您转圜就是了。

7、Cosette, the lark, as she is called hereabouts! ─── 云雀珂赛特,在这一带这么叫她!

8、I do remember an apothecary,-- And hereabouts he dwells,--which late I noted in tatter'd weeds, with overwhelming brows, culling of simples; ─── 我想起了一个卖药的人,他的铺子就开设在附近,我曾经看见他穿着一身破烂的衣服皱着眉头在那儿拣药草;

9、Uncles I mosts admiration police,All ambush in I home hereabout every day,Let me Men affected sense of security, Still more come I home ask I every day:“ papa come back has no? ─── 我最敬佩警察伯伯,每天都埋伏在我家附近,让我们感到安全感,况且每天来我家问我:“爸爸回来了没有?”

10、Many ancient tombs have been discovered hereabouts by archeologists. ─── 考古学家在成都周围发现了许多古墓。

11、There aren't many houses hereabouts. ─── 这一带房子不多。

12、We could have a really relaxed time, go on a few little sprees hereabouts, dip in the lake, and have some picnics. ─── 我们会轻松快活地玩一玩的,在附近几个地方逛一逛,到湖里去泡一泡,还可以去野餐。

13、It was always more cheerful hereabouts;there was the smell of cooking, and wash hanging out to dry. ─── 这块地方总是会叫人更快活一些,有做饭的味道、有晾出来的衣物。

14、It took a few days to let go all thoughts hereabout. ─── 我花费了几天时间去驱除所有的想法。

15、Could you commend a good restaurant hereabout. ─── 这附近你能推荐家好吃的饭馆吗?

16、You shall see my gardens hereabout. ─── 你可以在附近看看我的花园。

17、I lose my key at hereabout anywhere. ─── 我把钥匙掉在这附近某个地方了。

18、I confess I can see no curtains hereabout that answer their description. ─── 说实话,我在这附近看不见她们说的这种窗帘。

19、somewhere hereabouts ─── (在) 这附近某处

20、I think that the richest vein is somewhere hereabouts;so by the divining-rod and thin rising vapors I judge; ─── 我想,最富足的矿脉就在这儿的某个地方,凭藉这魔杖和这淡淡升腾起的雾气,我的判断也是如此。

21、one of my mothers people was a shepherd hereabouts , now i think of it. ─── 现在我想起来了,我母亲娘家有一个人是这儿附近的一个牧羊人。

22、The nursery is somewhere hereabout. ─── 托儿所就在这儿附近。

23、Old people who dwell hereabouts will point out the very spots on the western bank where our countrymen fell down and died; ─── 住在附近的父老会指给你看:西岸那几处地方曾经有我们的同胞中弹倒下阵亡的。

24、Many, many people hereabouts are not becoming Christians for one reason only: there is nobody to make them Christians. ─── 在这些地区,有许多人不是基督信徒,只是因为没有人使他们成为基督徒。

25、The fields hereabout are fertile. ─── 这一带的土地很肥沃。

26、Do you know if hereabout have preferable refectory for Western-style food. ─── 你知道附近有比较好的西餐厅吗?

27、I think that the richest vein is somewhere hereabouts; so by the divining-rod and thin rising vapors I judge; and here I will begin to mine. ─── 我想那最富有的矿脉就在这里的什么地方;用探寻藏金的魔杖,根据那升腾的薄雾,我要判断;在这里我要开始开矿。

28、And Liangzhu Culture Remain has been the evidence which proves that ever since 4,000 years ago;there were human activities hereabout. ─── “良渚文化”遗址即可证明,在四千多年前,这里已有人类繁衍生息。

29、It indicates better than any water hereabouts the absolute progress of the season, being least affected by transient changes of temperature. ─── 它通常在四月一口开冻,比茀灵特湖或美港迟一星期或十天,从北岸,和一些浅水的地方开始,也正是那里先行冻结起来的。

30、One thing that strikes me about the people hereabouts is that they are dependable and loyal and they're not afraid of hard work. ─── 这里的人们给我留下的一个很深的印象就是他们可靠、忠实、肯吃苦。

31、8.I think I saw a police officer somewhere hereabouts. ─── 我想我在附近的什么地方看见过一名警官。

32、Is there any restaurant haven't put up the shutters hereabout. ─── 这附近有没有还在营业的餐馆?

33、And take it altogether, now that we have been into most of the houses hereabouts and can judge, there is not one that we like better than this. ─── 她现在还住在那空荡荡的保育室里补补袜子,给周围的人治治脓疤、包包伤口,因此一听说让她去帮助护理亲爱的路易莎小姐,真是喜不自禁。

34、I think that the richest vein is somewhere hereabouts;so by the divining-rod and thin rising vapors I judge;and here I will begin to mine. ─── 我想那最富饶的地脉就分布在附近某个地方,我要用这神奇之棒在薄雾升腾中作出判断,就在这里,我将启程。

35、There is no better place for your flock to gaze in than hereabouts ─── 你在这附近放牧是再合适不过的了。

36、For all this same, I'll hide me hereabout: His looks I fear, and his intents I doubt. ─── (旁白)虽然这么说,我还是要躲在附近的地方看着他;他的脸色使我害怕,我不知道他究竟打算做出什么事来。

37、and he soon afterwards said aloud, "Mrs. Bennet, have you no more lanes hereabouts in which Lizzy may lose her way again today? " ─── 不多一会儿工夫,他果然大声说道:“班纳特太太,这一带还有什么别的曲径小道,可以让丽萃今天再去迷路吗?”

38、Everybody hereabouts knows him and likes him, just as they do old Otter, and you may be sure some animal or other will come across him and bring him back again all right. ─── 这一带所有的居民都认识他,喜欢他,就像他们喜欢老水獭一样。总有一天,不知哪只动物会遇上他,把他送回家的。你只管放心好啦。

39、It's a bit chilly and empty hereabouts. ─── 这附近略显阴冷空旷。

40、10.We could have a really relaxed time, go on a few little sprees hereabouts, dip in the lake, and have some picnics. ─── 我们会轻松快活地玩一玩的,在附近几个地方逛一逛,到湖里去泡一泡,还可以去野餐。

41、but poor Mrs.Vincent has had dreadful difficulties, and I'm the only person hereabouts that she's trusted with her addresses. ─── 但,可怜的文森特夫人遇到了可怕的困难,我是这儿附近她把地址信托给的、独一无二的人。

42、It indicates better than any water hereabouts the absolute progress of the season, being least affected by transient changes of temperature. ─── 它比附近任何水波更切合时令,指示了季节的绝对进度,毫不受温度变幻不定的影响。

43、It indicates better than any water hereabouts the absolute progress of the season, being least affected by transient changes of temperature. ─── 它比附近任何水波更切合时令,指示了季节的绝对进度,毫不受温度变幻不定的影响。

44、English Video please click hereAbout Bill and Annette Wieseclick here for his website ... ─── 身为基督徒, 要认识天堂, 也要知道地狱. 使我们能够更迫切的传福音, 拯救失丧者.

45、I didn't know there was Army land hereabouts. ─── 我一点也不知道这附近有军队驻扎。

46、It was always more cheerful hereabouts; there was the smell of cooking, and wash hanging out to dry. ─── 这块地方总是会叫人更快活一些,有做饭的味道、有晾出来的衣物。

47、and he soon afterwards said aloud, "Mrs.Bennet, have you no more lanes hereabouts in which Lizzy may lose her way again to-day?" ─── 不多一会儿工夫,他果然大声说道:“班纳特太太,这一带还有什么别的曲径小道,可以让丽萃今天再去迷路吗?”

48、I think that the richest vein is somewhere hereabouts; ─── 我想那最富有的矿脉就在这里的什么地方;

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