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faeces 发音

英:['fiːsiːz]  美:['fisiz]

英:  美:

faeces 中文意思翻译



faeces 网络释义

n. [生理] 粪便;[生理] 排泄物;糟粕(等于feces)

faeces 短语词组

1、retention of faeces ─── [医] 大便停滞

2、faeces def ─── 粪便def

3、faeces meaning ─── 粪便的含义

4、faeces de ─── 粪便

5、faeces dna ─── 粪便dna

6、faeces retention ─── 粪便滞留

faeces 词性/词形变化,faeces变形

名词复数: fados |

faeces 相似词语短语

1、fasces ─── n.束棒(古罗马表示权威的象征)

2、fauces ─── n.喉头;咽喉

3、feces ─── n.排泄物,粪便;渣滓

4、fiances ─── n.未婚夫

5、faeries ─── n.精灵(faery的复数)

6、fleeces ─── n.抓绒(fleece的复数)

7、falces ─── 铗角;n.(Falces)法尔塞斯

8、farces ─── n.闹剧;胡闹;笑剧

9、faces ─── n.表面(face的复数);脸色;脸面;v.向;面对;转向(face的三单形式)

faeces 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Waste derived from human activitirs, such as rapeseed placentiform from the extraction of rape oil;fruit faeces from the extraction of fruit juice;chicken excrement from the scall farming of chickens. ─── 摘要废弃物是人类为满足自身需要的产物,如菜籽饼来自于油菜籽取油,果渣来自于水果取汁,鸡粪来自于规模化养鸡。

2、In one, involving salmon, some fish froze to death and piscine faeces turned the nearby ocean floor into a wasteland. ─── 原因之一是,包括大马哈鱼在内,一些鱼被冻死,加上鱼的排泄物使得附近的海洋洋底成为无法生息的荒原。

3、Can speculate that gosling plague virus is through drinking water, food, faeces, oral secretions, access to oral infected gosling. ─── 可以推测,小鹅瘟病毒在本实验同居组中可能是通过饮水、食物、粪便、分泌物等途径进入口腔感染雏鹅机体。

4、Those who handle nose or throat discharges, faeces and soiled articles should wash hands promptly afterwards. ─── 处理鼻喉排出的分泌物、粪便及弄污的物品后,须立即洗手。

5、Apriona gernari faeces ─── 桑天牛虫粪

6、By contact with vomit or faeces from infected persons ─── 接触患者的呕吐物或粪便

7、Gou Jian then said in reply, "I have once heard some doctors say that it's possible to determine a patient's state of health by the taste of his faeces. ─── 勾践说: “我听医家说,尝病人的粪便,能知道病情。

8、The bathroom door was rotting away and down the side of the toilet were faeces. ─── 浴室的门是腐烂的距离和减少一侧的厕所是粪便。

9、Some of the eggs are passed out of the body in the faeces or urine to continue the parasite life-cycle. ─── 一些虫卵随粪便或尿液排出体外,继续其寄生虫生命周期。

10、the last part of the large intestine, for storing faeces temporarily, opening to the outside of the body through the anus. ─── 大肠最后的部分,经肛门通往体外,作用是暂时储存粪便。

11、The bar makes them lie down once they go to bed and have to stand back for excretion.Thus we keep the faeces totally on the ground to make it easy to clean. ─── 有了这个管子,它上了床就得卧下,如果想要站起来排泄,就必须往后退,这样就保证粪便能完全排泄到地上,从而方便清理。

12、Infected poultry also excrete the virus in their faeces. ─── 感染家禽还可以通过粪便排出病毒。

13、The faeces contain nitrogen which fertilizes the soil. ─── 排泄物含有肥沃土壤的氮。

14、Other reported cross-reactions include a link between house-dust-mite faeces and shrimp allergy, and another between mugwort pollen and an allergy to carrots, celery and sunflower seeds. ─── 据报道,其它交叉反应包括室内尘螨的粪便和虾过敏之间的联系,另一种是艾属植物花粉和对胡萝卜、芹菜以及葵花子过敏之间的联系。

15、The sensitive and specific PCR method for detection E. granulosus from dog faeces was preliminarily developed. ─── 初步建立了灵敏、特异的检测家犬粪便中细粒棘球绦虫的PCR方法。

16、Wash the outside of eggs and wash hands after handling eggs, as egg shells may be contaminated with bird faeces. ─── 清洗蛋外壳和在处理蛋以后需要洗手,因为蛋壳可能被鸟粪沾染过。

17、As infected birds shed large quantities of virus in their faeces, opportunities for exposure to infected droppings or to environments contaminated by the virus are abundant under such conditions. ─── 因为感染的鸟类排出的粪便内含有大量的病毒。这时候,曝露在由病毒污染的粪便和污染的环境下的机会大增。

18、Instead, we found vomit, food, faeces, and other stuff I do not want to discuss. ─── 在里头还有刀子、吃了一半的糖果、排泄物还有发臭的尿液。

19、faeces of flying squirrel ─── 五灵脂

20、For leaking urine and faeces, it is quite bit unusal for young age, you should go to see a urologist surgeon for examination and find out the cause, like abnormal tract(fistula). ─── 是否一定要先到急症室求诊才能转介到做手术的医生那儿?因为我要到18/1才覆诊,等到那天会不会太迟?

21、incontinence of feces [faeces] and urine ─── 大小便失禁

22、From the bacterial point of view, methane is just as much of a waste product as faeces are from the human viewpoint. ─── 从细菌的角度来看,甲烷也只是它们产生的一种废物,就跟粪便是人类的排泄物一样。

23、03 Microbiologist, Malik Peiris, says catching anthrax is rare, and the disease cannot be passed between humans. People could catch anthrax through animal faeces. ─── 微生物学系教授裴伟士表示,感染炭疽菌是罕见的,炭疽菌不会人传人的。人们是透过动物的粪感染炭疽菌。

24、One strain of Bifidobacterium was isolated from the faeces of health baby, it was acclimated to be the oxygen-resistant strain. ─── 从母乳喂养健康婴儿粪便中分离获得一株双歧杆菌菌株,经进一步耐氧驯育获得较稳定的耐氧型菌株。


26、Development of Bacterial Community in Faeces of Weaning Piglets as Revealed by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis ─── 变性梯度凝胶电泳法研究断奶仔猪粪样细菌区系变化

27、Faeces clearance ─── 卫生清理

28、They pass a parasite called trypanosoma cruzi in their faeces. ─── 它们将一种叫作克氏锥虫的寄生虫排到其粪便中。

29、Dr Gill and his team were able to come to this conclusion by extracting bacterial DNA from the faeces of two volunteers. ─── 吉尔博士和他的研究小组是通过提取两位志愿者粪便中的细菌DNA后得出这一结论的。

30、Levels of bifidobacteria in the faeces of the animals increased as a result of prebiotic supplementation. ─── 在补充果寡糖益生元的老鼠粪便中双歧杆菌的含量有所增加。

31、A simple protocol for DNA extraction from faeces of the giant panda and lesser panda ─── 大熊猫和小熊猫粪便DNA提取的简易方法

32、Faeces are food that has been processed by the human digestive system to extract as much useful energy as possible. ─── 人体的消化系统对食物进行处理,从中获取了尽可能多的有用能量,最后形成粪便。

33、For purpose of information, faeces are the body's solid waste matter, composed of undigested food, bacteria, water, and bile pigments and discharged from the bowel through the anus. ─── 为了信息,粪便是从肠到肛门排出的体内固体废物,由未消化的食物、细菌、水和胆汁色素组成。

34、Previous studies had suggested raw food was digested equally well as cooked food because they looked at faeces as being the end product. ─── 先前研究认为由于将排泄物作为最终产物,认为人类对烹饪后食物的吸收水平与生食的差不多。

35、Hands should be washed immediately after defecation, after handling babies' faeces, before preparing food and before eating. ─── 便溺后、处理婴儿排泄物后、做饭前和吃饭前应立即洗手。

36、However, most of the faeces is not waste product of metabolism with exception of bilirubin which is breakdown product of RBCs, excreted in bile by liver. ─── 他说是,严格来说粪便排出体外时,夹杂了部分的身死细胞。这不是身体的排泄物吗?

37、Environmental Contamination From Domestic Animal Faeces and Its Utilization as Resource of Manure ─── 养殖业废弃物对环境的污染及肥料化资源利用

38、Although these birds did not have it, another study found Bacillus anthracis in vulture faeces. ─── 虽然这些鸟儿没有感染疾病,另一项研究在秃鹫粪便里发现了湾炭疽杆菌。

39、retention of faeces ─── 大便停滞

40、Study of Conidia of Arthrobotrys oligospora Administrated Orally on Killing the Nematode Larvae in Faeces of Domestic Ani-mals ─── 口服少孢节丛孢菌孢子对家畜粪便中线虫幼虫的杀灭研究

41、Note: eggs in per gram faeces. ─── 为每克粪便中的虫卵数。

42、faeces trogopterorum ─── 五灵脂, 鼯鼠粪

43、Here, though, I thought of the sanitation grade, and of the rooster, pecking maggots out of human faeces before being killed. ─── 至于这地方,我想起这儿的卫生条件,想起公鸡被宰前还在啄食人粪里钻出的蛆。

44、Faeces is NOT a metabolic waste, as the undigested materials have never entered the cells for metabolism.Therefore egestion is not a form of excretion. ─── [粪便不是一种代谢废物, 因为不能消化的物质, 从未进入细胞以参与代谢作用;

45、Faeces were dumped outside her parents’ home in China. ─── 有人甚至将粪便仍在她在中国居住的父母的家门口。

46、After we ingest food, the peristaltic movement of the intestine pushes it forward to facilitate digestion and absorption. Finally the leftovers are excreted outside the body as faeces. ─── 人体的肠脏不停蠕动,把吃进的食物向前推进,以便消化和吸收,最后食物渣滓排出体外,即成粪便。

47、Methods for examination of environment and faeces of SPF and GF animals ─── GB/T14926.41-1994无特定病原体动物、无菌动物生活环境及粪便标本的检验方法

48、excrete faeces ─── 排便

49、The countermeasures to control environmental contamination from animal faeces were introdnced.The necessity,technical way and method to develop environment-protective feeds were studied. ─── 介绍了控制动物排泄物对环境污染的对策,指出了研究开发环保型饲料的必要性,并就环保型饲料研究开发的技术路线和方法进行了探讨。

50、The excretion of the isotope in urine and faeces mainly occurred on the first day, and was 7.7% and 68.2% respectively of the administered dose. ─── 尿和粪中排出的放射性主要集中在给药后的第1天,分别为给药量的7.7%和68.2%。

51、Keywords: avian frugivores, birds' faeces, seeds, seed dispersal, Nanjing Botanical Garden Mem. Sun Yat-Sen, ─── 关键词:食果鸟,鸟粪,种子,种子传播,南京中山植物园

52、We dug and dug in those balls, trying to find his watch.Instead, we found vomit, food, faeces, and other stuff I do not want to discuss. ─── 因此我们在球池里翻找,结果我们找到的不是手表,而是如呕吐物、排泄物之类以及我不想去提及的东盃。

53、Keywords Three Gorges Area;Faeces clearance;Zoonosis-borne diseases survillance; ─── 三峡库区;卫生清理;人畜共患病监测;

54、Collecting faeces and isolating coccidia from chicken farm in the suburbs of Shanghai,We have gained pure species of Eimeria mivati(Edgar & Seibold,1964)by mixed species propagated and single oocyst infected techniques in laboratory. ─── 从上海郊县鸡场采集粪便分离球虫,经实验室繁殖和采用单卵囊感染技术,获得了纯种变位艾美耳球虫(EimeriamivatiEdgar和Seibold,1964)。

55、For layers, it is possible to establish the same parallel: dryer faeces result in cleaner eggs (less downgrading). ─── 对于蛋鸡来说,也会具有相同的效果:粪便湿度降低,产出的蛋更加干净(低品质蛋更少)。

56、Methods: Taking the human faeces as samples,to precipitate bacteria through PBS cleaning and centrifuge. ─── 方法:以人体粪便为样本,使用PBS多次清洗,离心样品,沉淀粪便中的菌体。

57、Germans already process about 60% of their faeces this way, and the Czechs, Britons and Dutch are close behind (see chart). ─── 在德国,60%的生物排泄物都被发酵处理,捷克,英国以及荷兰对排泄物的处理率紧随其后(如图)。

58、Effect of Macrobe Smack-clean in Animal and Poultry Faeces Treatment ─── 微生物除臭剂在畜禽粪处理中的作用

59、The relationships between dairy farming scale in Hokkaido and land utilization system were discussed, and the relationships between dairy cow's faeces and urine and land utilization were studied further. ─── 本文阐明北海道奶牛业经营规模扩大过程与土地利用方式之间持有什么样的相互依存关系来展开,并从土地利用角度进一步研究了奶牛生产粪尿产生与土地利用之间的关系。

60、Even if the water in which the fish are reared starts out fresh, the build-up of faeces and uneaten food soon makes it foul. ─── 即使是养鱼的水也开始变得不新鲜,粪便和吃剩下的食物堆积,很快使水变得污秽。

61、There is evidence that both infectious and Serum hepatitis may be transmitted by faeces, urine, blood and other body fluids such as ascitic fluid. ─── 根据资料,传染性肝炎、血清性肝炎两者都可以通过患者的大、小便,血液和其他体液如腹水传播。

62、ANDY MACLEOD: The effluent consists offish faeces, excess fish feed, and the chemicals and the treatments they put on to the fish.It just smothers the sea life. ─── 污水中包含着大量鱼的粪便,多余的鱼食以及给鱼治病的化学物质,这些窒息了海洋生命。

63、Keywords animal faeces environmental contamination countermeasure environment protective feed; ─── 动物排泄物;环境污染;对策;环保型饲料;

64、faeces retention ─── 大便潴留

65、By contact with vomitus or faeces from infected persons; ─── 接触患者的呕吐物或粪便;

66、Urine from the toilets is diverted to a reedbed for natural purification, and the faeces are turned into compost for the community's forest. ─── 尿从厕所引入苇地自然净化,粪便制成堆肥施在公共森林里。

67、PPV is transmitted either by mouth or through the nose passing into the intestine where it multiplies and is passed out in faeces. ─── 但有些时候细小病毒感染一起繁殖系统疾病。猪细小病毒是通过口或鼻腔传到肠道,然后在肠道内进行复制,并通过粪便排毒。

68、Dr Gill and his team were able to come to this conclusion by extracting bacterial DNA from the faeces of two volunteers. ─── 吉尔博士和他的研究小组是通过提取两位志愿者粪便中的细菌DNA后得出这一结论的。

69、bat faeces ─── 夜明砂

70、Their duties barely advance them above a donkey: childbearing and rearing, working in the fields, fetching water from the crocodile-infested river, sweeping faeces from the straw huts. ─── 她们的职责使其与驴子无异:生育,种地,去鳄鱼出没处打水,清扫茅屋。

71、Thieves in Germany stole 7,500 euros from a man by throwing faeces at him from behind and then pick-pocketing him while they pretended to help clean up the mess, authorities said. ─── 德国窃贼利用从背后对一名男子泼粪,然后假装帮他清理时趁机行窃的方式,偷走这名男子7,500欧元,当局说。

72、On the Distribution Situation of the Nematode-Trapping Fungi in Livestock Fresh Faeces from Yunnan ─── 几种家畜新鲜粪便中捕食线虫真菌分布情况的研究

73、A method established for detectintg Echinococcus granulosus DNA from dog faeces using PCR ─── 家犬粪便中的细粒棘球绦虫DNA PCR检测方法的建立

74、Mobile anhydrous ecological toilet break the traditional concept of waste treatment, It uses special domesticated efficient microbial compound of faeces for ecological degradation without water. ─── 无水生态移动厕所突破了传统的粪尿处理概念,它利用特殊驯化的高效复合微生物对粪便进行生态化降解处理,无需水冲。

75、Keywords faeces trogopterori;flavonoids;rutin;loxinton;actuate blood circulatin and remove extravasated blood; ─── 五灵脂;黄酮;芦丁;络欣通;活血化瘀;

76、The larvae may be excreted in the faeces. ─── 幼虫会连同粪便排出。

77、EV71 virus is one of the main pathogens of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.It is mainly spread by close contact with saliva, herpes fluid and faeces polluted articles. ─── EV71病毒是手足口病的主要病原体之一,主要通过唾液、疱疹液、粪便污染的物品密切接触传播,5岁以下儿童多发。


79、The Time of No Egg Excretion from Faeces of Water Buffalo Infected with Schistosoma japonica and its Relevant Control Strategy ─── 水牛感染血吸虫后病原消亡时间与防制对策的关系

80、2.Wear gloves while cleaning up vomitus and faeces, and wash hands afterwards; ─── 2. 清理呕吐物及粪便时须戴上手套,事后须再洗手;

81、Pulling the faeces apart to see what they contained revealed that wolves seem to prefer roe deer, but also ate wild boar, hare and badger. ─── 通过分解粪便可以看出,狼似乎更喜欢狍,而且还吃野猪、野兔和獾。

82、They included rewards for boffins who had researched into why woodpeckers do not get headaches from all that tapping, and whether dung beetles really enjoy their diet of faeces. ─── 其中包括奖励研究啄木鸟为什么不头疼、金龟子是否真正享受大粪的科学家们。

83、They included rewards for boffins who had researched into why woodpeckers don't get headaches from all that tapping, and whether dung beetles really enjoy their diet of faeces. ─── 其中包括奖励研究啄木鸟为什么不头疼、龟子是否真正享受大粪的科学家们。

84、The environmental burden was became heavier due to cow's faeces and urine. ─── 所产生的家畜粪尿量加重了环境负担。

85、Thus, digestibility is most accurately defined as that portion which is not excreted in the faeces and which is assumed as having been absorbed by the animal. ─── 所以,消化率被精确定义为不在粪中排泄且假定被动物吸收的那一部分。

86、Wash the outside of eggs and wash hands after handling an egg, as the egg shell may be contaminated with bird faeces. ─── 清洗蛋壳,蛋处理完毕后洗手,这是因为蛋壳可能受到禽类粪便的污染。

87、excrete faeces and urine ─── 排泄粪便

88、Domestic poultry is infected when they come into direct/indirect contact with faeces or nasal secretion of infected wild birds. ─── 家禽与感染后的野生鸟类排泄物或鼻内分泌物直接/间接接触后也会被感染。

89、The risk factors for HEV infection are related poor sanitation in large areas of the world, and HEV shedding in faeces. ─── 戊肝感染因素和当地相对较差的条件有关,而且部分戊肝病毒直接来源于牲畜的粪便。

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