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09-12 投稿



discriminatory 发音

英:[dɪˈskrɪmɪnətɔːri]  美:[dɪˈskrɪmɪnətəri]

英:  美:

discriminatory 中文意思翻译



discriminatory 网络释义

adj. 有辨识力的;差别对待的

discriminatory 常用词组

discriminatory analysis ─── 判别分析;鉴别分析

discriminatory 短语词组

1、non-discriminatory government procurement ─── [经] 非歧视性的政府采购

2、discriminatory impact ─── 歧视性影响

3、discriminatory trade ─── 歧视性贸易

4、discriminatory tax ─── [法] 差别税制

5、discriminatory price ─── [法]歧视性价格

6、discriminatory pricing ─── 差别定价

7、non-discriminatory ─── [法] 无差别待遇, 无不公平待遇, 不歧视

8、discriminatory taxation ─── 歧视性税收

9、discriminatory treatment ─── [法]歧视性待遇

10、discriminatory law ─── [法] 有差别的法律, 歧视性法律

11、discriminatory analysis ─── [计] 鉴别分析

12、discriminatory currency practice ─── [经] 歧视性货币措施

13、discriminatory barriers ─── [经] 歧视性壁垒

14、discriminatory prices ─── [经] 歧视性价格

15、discriminatory practice ─── 歧视性做法

16、discriminatory process ─── 歧视性程序

17、discriminatory currency arrangement ─── [经] 歧视性货币安排

18、discriminatory taxes ─── [经] 歧视性税

19、discriminatory exchange rates ─── [经] 歧视性汇率, 差别汇率

discriminatory 词性/词形变化,discriminatory变形

副词: discriminatorily |

discriminatory 相似词语短语

1、discriminator ─── n.[电子]鉴别器;辨别者

2、discriminators ─── n.[电子]鉴别器;辨别者

3、criminatory ─── adj.控告的;定罪的;责备的

4、nondiscriminatory ─── adj.不歧视的;一视同仁的

5、discriminately ─── adv.有差别地

6、discriminably ─── adv.可辨别地,可分别地

7、discriminatorily ─── adv.歧视地;有区别地;有辨别力地

8、discriminations ─── n.歧视(discrimination的复数);鉴别

9、incriminatory ─── adj.成为有罪的;负罪的

discriminatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、These reforms will abolish racially discriminatory laws. ─── 这些改革将废除种族歧视法律。

2、discriminatory marriage ─── 不公平婚姻

3、"The nub of it is that robots do not have the necessary discriminatory ability. They can't distinguish between combatants and civilians," he said. ─── 他还说:“要点是:机器人本身并不具备辨别的能力,它们无法区分士兵与平民。”


5、Protection for domestic industry is admittedly discriminatory. ─── 保护本国工业是种名正言顺的歧视。

6、discriminatory element ─── 判别成分

7、Keywords wuerhe oilfield;multiparameter well logging;discriminatory analysis;identification of oil and water zones;W eigenvalue; ─── 乌尔禾油田;测井多参数;判别分析;油水层识别;W特征值;

8、A Method of Discriminatory Analysis for Multi-sensors Data Based on Coefficient of Variation ─── 基于变异系数的多传感器数据判别方法

9、Keywords Multivariate Statistical Analysis;Fuzzy Statistical Study;Fuzzy Discriminatory Analysis;FSAS;Forecast of PIH; ─── 关键词多元统计分析;模糊统计学;模糊判别分析;FSAS平台;妊高征预测;

10、discriminatory analysis ─── 判别分析识别分析

11、discriminatory taxes ─── [经] 歧视性税

12、So what you can't stand, more than anything else, is seeing lopsided, prejudiced, unfair, or discriminatory conditions. ─── 因此,偏见和歧视,不公正和不公平是最让你受不了的事了。

13、The trouble was that this long-standing benefit had been struck down by the Supreme Court in June as discriminatory. ─── 不过问题是这一长期的福利项已于六月被最高法院驳回,理由是其带有歧视性。

14、discriminatory electricity price ─── 差别电价

15、Some members of the Working Party also raised concerns that many non-tariff measures were imposed by sub-national authorities in China on a non-transparent, discretionary and discriminatory basis. ─── 一些工作组成员还对中国地方各级主管机关在不透明、任意性和歧视性基础上实施的许多非关税措施表示关注。

16、4. a discriminatory tax; preferential tariff rates; preferential treatment; a preferential shop gives priority or advantage to union members in hiring or promoting. ─── 优惠税;优惠税率;优惠待遇;一家对工会成员在雇用和提升上给予优先权或好处的优惠商店。收藏指正

17、discriminatory selling ─── 差别待遇销货

18、quadratic discriminatory analysis ─── 二次判别分析

19、discriminatory law ─── [法] 有差别的法律, 歧视性法律

20、discriminatory power ─── 区分能力

21、When the "New Order" government of former president Suharto implemented a discriminatory policy against Chinese Indonesians in the 60s, the word "Cina" was used routinely to refer to them. ─── 60年代苏哈多领导“新秩序”政府推行歧视华人政策,“支那”之声不绝于耳。

22、and any discriminatory quantitative restrictions or tariff quotas ─── 以及任何歧视性数量限制或关税配额等。

23、Still, Brainard said the U. S. 'will stand up to unfair and discriminatory practices and demand change. ' ─── 尽管如此,布雷纳德说,面对不公平和歧视性做法,美国将捍卫自己的权利,要求中国做出改变。

24、Research of quantities medicine diagnose model based on fuzzy cluster analysis and stepwise discriminatory analysis ─── 基于模糊聚类与逐步判别分析相结合的医学辅助诊断模型的研究

25、and delete the discriminatory nature of the corresponding terms of the contract of insurance, and the spirit of the claims 10 solatium damages. ─── 并删除相应带有歧视性质的保险合同条款,并索赔10元的精神损害抚慰金。

26、discriminatory cross-rates ─── 差别套价

27、To abolish all discriminatory legislation ─── 取消一切歧视性法律

28、" I have assured them that we are open to foreign investment , we do not apply discriminatory procedures country by country, " he said . ─── 他表示:“我已经向他们保证,我们对外国投资持开放态度,我们不会对不同的国家运用不同的程序。”

29、discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race. ─── 对其他种族的人的歧视或辱骂。

30、discriminatory taxation ─── 差别征税

31、rigid and discriminatory. ─── 僵化,带有歧视性。

32、In July the government passed a language law to promote Slovak that Hungarians see as discriminatory. ─── 匈牙利人视之为带有歧视性的法案。

33、Marked by or showing bias; discriminatory. ─── "具有偏见特点的,表现出偏见的;歧视的"

34、discriminatory exchange rates ─── [经] 歧视性汇率, 差别汇率

35、discriminatory practices/rules/measures ─── 不公正的做法/规定/措施

36、In trading with China, the United States should also give up all forms of discriminatory policies. ─── 在对华贸易中,美国应该放弃任何形式的歧视性政策。

37、An unacknowledged discriminatory barrier that prevents women and minorities from rising to positions of power or responsibility, as within a corporation. ─── 不被公开承认的歧视藩篱,不让女性或是弱势少数族群晋升至权力或者责任核心位置,例如在一家公司中。

38、Discriminatory measures, policies, actions, tariffs ─── 不公平的措施、厚此薄彼的政策、歧视性的行为、差别关税

39、"The Constitution states that all citizens are equal before the law, but the discriminatory compensation standards denote the victims are in fact not equal," Zhang said. ─── 宪法规定所有公民在法律面前人人平等,但受害者的赔偿金标准的差别表明了实际上的不平等,张说。

40、Upon the disintegration of COMCO -- a product of the Cold War -- in March 1994, the United States could not but adjust its export control policies. Nevertheless, its discriminatory measures towards China remained largely intact. ─── 1994年3月,作为冷战产物的巴黎统筹委员会宣布解散,美国出口管制政策不能不作某些调整,但其对中国歧视性的出口管制政策基本没有改变。

41、Today, I understand it was the Malaysian Government that had failed me and my family because of its discriminatory policies. ─── 今天,我的理解是,马来西亚政府没有我和我的家人,因为它的歧视性政策。

42、discriminatory currency practice ─── 差别货币措施

43、The representative of China stated that WTO Members should eliminate all discriminatory non-tariff measures maintained against Chinese exports from the date of China's accession. ─── 中国代表表示,WTO成员应自中国加入之日起,取消对中国出口产品维持的所有歧视性非关税措施。

44、discriminatory tariff ─── 差别待遇税则

45、Feature extraction techniques are widely employed in face recognition system to reduce the dimensionality of data and to enhance the discriminatory information. ─── 在人脸识别中,特征提取技术被广泛应用于减少数据量和增强数据可分性。

46、discriminatory tax ─── 差别税制

47、discriminatory pricing ─── 差别订价

48、discriminatory behavior ─── 差别对待; 歧视行为

49、Gay rights activists have condemned the bus company's decision as discriminatory and the Government has asked City Bus to clarify its position. ─── 同志权益积极分子谴责城巴决定是歧视性,政府亦要求城巴澄清公司立场。

50、Eliminate all restrictive and discriminatory regulations that are not friendly towards private investment and private economic development in taxes, land use, business start up and import and export. ─── 在税收、土地使用、企业开办、进出口等方面,取消一切不利于民间投资和民营经济发展的限制性和歧视性规定;

51、But China has not fully enjoyed treatment for "V" countries as the United States has retained a number of discriminatory measures in its policy making and implementation. ─── 但是,在美国的政策规定和执行过程中,仍保留有许多歧视性规定,使中国未能真正享受到"v"组国家的待遇。

52、a discriminatory tax; preferential tariff rates; preferential treatment; a preferential shop gives priority or advantage to union members in hiring or promoting. ─── 优惠税;优惠税率;优惠待遇;一家对工会成员在雇用和提升上给予优先权或好处的优惠商店。

53、discriminatory prices ─── [经] 歧视性价格

54、The EU can be expected to block blatantly discriminatory laws on housing, employment or schools.No hothead nationalist can close borders to a neighbour's goods. ─── 可以期待,欧盟将不会允许在住房、就业和教育方面通过任何有歧视性质的法案,也不会有哪个民族主义者可以靠着一时头脑发热便将邻国的产品拒之门外。

55、To plan and build newly developed area of city in the present brooky area,it should be discriminatory with the general area. ─── 在现状河网密集地区规划建设城市新区,应有别与一般地区。

56、In a ruling on May 15th, the state's Supreme Court struck down a ban on same-sex nuptials as discriminatory. ─── 在5月15日的一次判决中,加州最高法院以存在歧视为由取消了对同性恋婚姻的限制。

57、persons persecuted under repressive and discriminatory legislation ─── 受到镇压性和歧视性法律迫害的人

58、and no advertisements or trade marks shall include discriminatory contents against any ethnic group or religion. ─── 广告、商标不得含有对民族、宗教歧视性内容。

59、They view the protests as hypocritical and discriminatory, since worse actions by other nations are not protested as vocally. ─── 他们认为,这些抗议活动是伪善并带有歧视性的,因为他们没有直言不讳地对其他国家所做的更糟的行为提出过抗议。

60、Experimental Analysis of Uniform-price Versus Discriminatory Auctions in the Bond Markets ─── 债券发行的单一价格和多种价格招标的比较

61、An application of discriminatory analysis method in the environmental quality evaluation ─── 判别分析法在环境质量评价中的应用

62、Literacy tests having been used in grossly discriminatory fashion against blacks, American reformers responded, illogically, by outlawing not the discrimination but the tests. ─── 因为文化测试被当作排挤黑人的歧视性工具,改革者们就禁止了这项测试而不是歧视本身,而这是毫无道理的。

63、discriminatory barriers ─── [经] 歧视性壁垒

64、In keeping with the already-established fair-employment mode of operation, administrative agencies enforced the fair-housing laws primarily by responding to individual complaints rather than by seeking out discriminatory practices. ─── 为了与已经建立的公平就业工作方式相协调,行政机构实施公平住房法的手段主要是应对个人的抱怨而不是寻找出有歧视性的惯例。

65、Discriminatory Potential of The Chinese version of ADAS-Cog for Mild versus Moderate Alzheimer Disease ─── ADAS-Cog中文版区分轻、中度阿尔茨海默病的能力

66、a discriminatory tax; preferential tariff rates; preferential treatment; a preferential shop gives priority or advantage to union members in hiring or promoting ─── 优惠税;优惠税率;优惠待遇;一家对工会成员在雇用和提升上给予优先权或好处的优惠商店

67、Based on this model, suggestions are expounded that a discriminatory reward to independent directors should be offered according to information they revealed and commitment mec... ─── 在此基础上,建议对独立董事采取区别其所披露信息给予不同的激励工资,而且对他们的约束机制也是不可缺少的,特别是应加大对其违规行为的惩罚力度。

68、Patricia Espinosa told a news conference Saturday that such measures were 'discriminatory and ungrounded' and that the government is advising Mexicans to stay away from China. ─── 她还说,这种做法是歧视性的和没有根据的,政府建议墨西哥公民不要前往中国。

69、Post any Submissions or information that is abusive, defamatory, discriminatory, hateful, obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, threatening, or otherwise objectionable or restricted by the Chinese law. ─── 发布任何带有辱骂性、诽谤性、歧视性、憎恨性、淫秽的、粗俗的、具有性倾向的、具有威胁性的信息,或任何违反中国法律的或受其限制的信息。

70、The Brooklyn borough president, Marty Markowitz, called the decision to delay the renovations "discriminatory. ─── 布鲁克林区长,玛悌-马科维奇宣称这个延期的决定是带有“歧视性”的。

71、discriminatory price ─── 差别价格,歧视性价格

72、discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of the opposite sex ─── 对异性的歧视或辱骂

73、discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of the opposite sex. ─── 对异性的歧视或辱骂。

74、Recognition, on a non discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security; ─── 在非歧视的基础上,识别可能构成威胁的人员特点和行为模式;

75、To check out the above results by using discriminatory analysis.The results of two methods had fairly similarity and was similar to clinical syndrome findings. ─── 同时运用判别分析加以验证,结果发现,二者所得的结果具有较强的相似性,而且该证候构成与临证所见比较接近。

76、No one may evade bid invitation, or implement discriminatory policy against any bidder or potential bidder, or implement regional protection and under-the-counter manipulations. ─── 不得规避招标,不得对潜在投标人和投标人实行歧视政策,不得实行地方保护和暗箱操作。

77、In a press conference Bates referred to the Chelsea board as a "bunch of shysters from Siberia".Chelsea is arguing that these comments are "discriminatory in terms of race, religion and nationality. ─── 在记者招待会上,贝茨说切尔西甲板(俱乐部管理层)是一群“来自西伯利亚的奸诈之徒”,切尔西俱乐部声明这是“宗教、宗教、民族的歧视”。

78、We have to do so, in a mature way and a non-discriminatory way, informed by facts, but we have to talk about it. ─── 我们必须以一种成熟的,非歧视的,实事求是的方式来谈论这个问题。

79、In these cases, additional discriminatory power beyond that delivered by 13-15 STR loci is often required. ─── 在这些情况下,除了那个以外的辨别经常通过13-15STR位点检测得到。

80、discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race ─── 对其他种族的人的歧视或辱骂

81、Eliminate all restrictive and discriminatory regulations that are not friendly towards private investment and private economic development in taxes,land use,business start up and import and export. ─── 在税收、土地使用、企业开办、进出口等方面,取消一切不利于民间投资和民营经济发展的限制性和歧视性规定。

82、But China has not fully enjoyed treatment for''V''countries as the United States has retained a number of discriminatory measures in its policy making and implementation. ─── 但是,在美国的政策规定和执行过程中,仍保留有许多歧视性规定,使中国未能真正享受到“V”组国家的待遇。

83、discriminatory trade ─── 差别贸易

84、Mathematical Model of Progressively Statstics Discriminatory and its Application ─── 两总体的逐步统计分辨数学模型及其应用

85、President Felipe Calderon lashed out last week, saying "some countries and places are taking repressive and discriminatory measures because of ignorance and disinformation. ─── 墨总统卡尔德龙上周猛烈抨击说:“一些国家和地区采取的压制性和歧视性措施源于无知和歪曲。”

86、The United States has adopted discriminatory export control policies towards China for many years. ─── 多年来,美国对中国采取岐视性出口管制政策。

87、Most state legislation is neither proprietary nor discriminatory, and thus falls into the third class ─── 大多数州立法既非专有性的,也不是歧视性的,所以应归为第三类。

88、Discriminatory laws prevent the disabled from mixing with others. ─── 歧视性法律禁止残疾人与其他人交往。

89、The U. S. trade representative's office said the ruling could put an end to China's discriminatory trade practices. ─── 美国贸易代表办公室说该项裁定将终结中国对于贸易行为的歧视。

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