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09-12 投稿



intruding 发音

英:[ɪn'truːd]  美:[ɪn'trʊd]

英:  美:

intruding 中文意思翻译




intruding 反义词


intruding 短语词组

1、intruding into ─── 侵入

2、intruding transmission ─── 入侵传输

intruding 常用词组

intrude upon ─── 侵入;打扰

intruding 同义词

trouble | insinuate | barge | bother | impinge | annoy | pry | invade | transgress | poke | nose | burst in | horn in | upon | butt in | meddle | interject | vex | interrupt | horn | tamper | irrupt |interfere | interpose | overstep | infringe | impose | encroach | discommode | inject | poach | barge in | impose upon | into | in | interlope | break in | break | thrust | trespass | force upon | intervene | thrust upon | burst | gate-crash | force | obtrude | snoop

intruding 词性/词形变化,intruding变形

动词过去式: intruded |名词: intruder |动词现在分词: intruding |动词第三人称单数: intrudes |动词过去分词: intruded |

intruding 相似词语短语

1、-truding ─── 整形

2、extruding ─── v.挤压出,使……喷出;挤压成,压制(extrude的现在分词形式)

3、intrusting ─── vt.交托,信任(等于entrust)

4、intercluding ─── 居间

5、intrudingly ─── 冒昧地

6、detruding ─── vt.推出;扔掉;逐出

7、obtruding ─── vt.逼使;强迫;冲出;vi.打扰;闯入;强加于人

8、intending ─── v.打算;意指(intend的现在分词);adj.(人)计划成为……的

9、including ─── v.(使)成为……的一部分;允许(某人)加入活动(或同享特权)(include的现在分词);prep.包括……在内

intruding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Advances in the Study of Spread Mode, Disaster and Its Prevention and Treatment of Introduced Organism Intruding ─── 外来生物入侵性传播方式、灾害及其防治研究进展

2、Smokers may have reduced ability to fight intruding viruses and bacteria, such as TB, in their lungs, the experts wrote. ─── 吸烟可能导致免疫能力下降引起病毒和细菌的入侵,像是得肺结核或肺部相关,专家们所说。

3、Study on "Intruding into the Residence to Rob" ─── "入户抢劫"新论

4、Am I intruding on your time? ─── 我侵占了你的时间了吗?

5、Study on Intruding Anti-CMV Virus CP Gene into Cucumber ─── 抗CMV病毒外壳蛋白CP基因导入黄瓜的研究

6、We will make certain assumptions about the properties of the intruding magma and of the intruded strata ─── 我们对入侵的岩浆和被侵入地层的性质做某些假定。

7、M: If they lived with us, they would feel that they were intruding. ─── 我们要是能赶上十点的火车,我们(也许)能在午饭前赶到。

8、The sum of behaviour is to retain a man's own dignity, without intruding upon the liberty of others. ─── 人的行为准则是,维护自己尊严,不妨碍他人自由。

9、We brought the intruding enemy ship to by firing across her bows. ─── 我们向入侵敌舰的船头前开炮,迫使该舰停下。

10、When you see a termination of a sill you should ask yourself how the intruding magma behaved at the moment of intrusion. ─── 当你看到岩床终端时你应该自问,侵入的岩浆在侵入期是如何表现它们的特征的。

11、I hope i'm not intruding. ─── 但愿我没打搅你。

12、Intruding or tending to intrude. ─── 侵入的闯入的或就要闯入的

13、They let off their guns at the intruding enemy ships. ─── 他们向入侵的敌舰开炮。

14、This phenomenon results from grubs intruding to the green from the collar and the apron.According to the research,this paper presented the theory for solving the problem. ─── 据此提出果岭边缘蛴螬的集聚机理,以期有效解决地下蛴螬对果岭的损害问题。

15、"I think we are intruding," I said at this point,"and now that we or rather I have managed a second introduction to expunge the memory of the first,Gaston and I will withdraw." ─── “我们也许来得不是时候,”于是我说,“现在我们,还不如说是我,已经得到了第二次介绍,这样就可以把第一次介绍忘掉。我们,加斯东和我,少陪了。”

16、Freshmen, who take turns patrolling campus, find themselves intruding on a pair of lovebirds. ─── 大一的男同学轮流巡逻,维护校园安宁;一旦遇到情侣,真是进退两难。

17、Obvious intrusive contact is observed between the Cambrian epimetamorphic rock system intruding into the eastern flank of the NE Heping anticlinorium and surrounding rocks. ─── 侵位于北东向和平复式背斜东翼的寒武纪浅变质岩系,与围岩呈明显的侵入接触。

18、Caring without intruding increases our virtue. Respecting without annoying makes good affinity. Tolerating without aversion accumulates merits. Flexibility without attachment frees us from care. ─── 对人少一点侵犯,多一点爱护,则德日隆;对人少一点迫害,多一点尊重,则缘愈广;对人少一点瞋恨,多一点忍辱,则福必增;对人少一点贪恋,多一点随缘,则心自在。

19、Our country is influenced by megamachine while intruding and using foreign advanced technology, it brought some negative effect to technology development. ─── 我国在引进国外技术的同时,在一定程度上也受到了“巨机器”的影响,科学技术的发展带来了一些负面效应。

20、I am intruding C. Upon you at a very busy time. ─── 在你极忙时,我打扰你了。

21、If it is the Islamic world , the US should stop intruding into Russia's geopolitical space and work out a long- term engagement with China . ─── 如果是伊斯兰世界,美国应当停止入侵俄罗斯的地缘政治空间,并与中国保持长期协同关系。

22、"The flute would be intruding here like a delicate lady at a club smoker" (Leonard Bernstein) ─── “长笛在这儿显得突兀,犹如优雅的小姐在老烟枪身边”(伦纳德·伯恩斯坦)

23、You said some "asylum seekers" resorted to violent means when trying to intruding into the foreign embassy, could you raise examples? ─── 问:你说有些“寻求避难者”在试图闯入外国使馆时采取了暴力手段,可否举例说明?

24、Research on Iightning Intruding Wave Protection and Insulation Coordination of Pingban Hydropower Station ─── 平班水电站雷电侵入波保护及绝缘配合的研究

25、And once the matter is fairly understood, it is just as easy to expel an intruding and obnoxious thought from the mind. ─── 一旦人们清楚的明白了这个道理,他也可以很容易地把脑海中那些令人反感和讨厌的想法倒出来。

26、It hatched certain fire-triggered seeds, it eliminated intruding tree saplings, it kept the fire-intolerant urban competitors down. ─── 它孵化必须由火激发的种子[2],剔除入侵的树苗,除去火所不能容忍的争抢地盘的物种。

27、Even so, the commercials are still there, intruding into the program you’re trying to watch. ─── 即便如此,广告还是少不了的,总会穿插在你打算要观看的节目当中。

28、Using the theory of relative causality for reference and intruding it into our theory will have positive significance on the judicatory practice. ─── 借鉴相当因果关系理论,并将其引入到我国的刑法理论中,将对司法实践中因果关系的认定有积极的意义。

29、intruding wave ─── 侵入波

30、Technology of Intruding ─── 入侵技术

31、Magma intruding into coal seams in forms of dikes and sills made coal seam splitting,thinning even thoroughly corroded off,thus destructed coal seam continuity and integrality. ─── 岩浆以岩脉和岩床形式侵入煤层,使煤层出现分叉、变薄甚至全部被吞蚀。

32、And the deposit is controlled by the source bed(Longjiayuan Fm.dolomite of Guandaokou Group) and the small hided granite-porphyry intruding into the intersection of faults with EW and NE direction ... ─── 在此基础上,结合矿区外围的地质物化探测量成果,提出夜长坪钼矿区外围南部十八盘-大角寺一带为钼钨找矿的远景区。

33、2032 The sum of behaviour is to retain a man's own dignity, without intruding upon the liberty of others. ─── 人的行为准则是,维护自己尊严,不妨碍他人自由.

34、I'm not intruding on your time too much by asking you to read this paper. ─── 我请你读这篇文章,希望没占你太多的时间。

35、Sorry for intruding into your privacy, I am a 55 years old man and a British citizen currently living in Kuwait. ─── 对不起闯入你的隐私,我是一个55岁的男子和一名英国公民,目前居住在科威特.

36、Intruding into another person's residence to rob ─── 入户抢劫

37、I felt as though I was intruding on their private grief. ─── 他们正伤心时,我觉得我好像骚扰了他们。

38、They would feel that they were intruding. ─── 他们会觉得他们在打扰我们。

39、I am very sorry if i may violate your policy or in any way hurt your feelings by intruding into your privacy,actually i am touched in my heart to write you,i am sincerely in need of your assistance. ─── 我很抱歉,如果我可能违反了您的政策或以任何方式伤害你的感情的侵入您的隐私,其实我很感动我的心在写你,我真诚地需要你的帮助。

40、Does he find his new celebrity intruding on his private life? ─── 他是否感觉到他最近的成名侵扰了他的私生活?

41、And once the matter is fairly understood, it is just as easy to expel an intruding and obnoxious thought from the mind. ─── 一旦人们清楚的明白了这个道理,他也可以很容易地把脑海中那些令人反感和讨厌的想法倒出来。

42、The act of intruding or the condition of being intruded. ─── 侵入的行为或被侵入的状况

43、The permeabilities of dinosaur eggshe ll are very well and the bacterium and virus are easy intruding into the dinosa ur eggs; ─── 恐龙蛋蛋壳的渗透性好,细菌和病毒易于侵入;

44、He is not intruding on any secret romance. ─── 他碰上的不是什么不可告人的爱情场面。

45、He found his new celebrity intruding on his private life. ─── 他觉得他最近的成名侵扰了他的私生活。

46、Neoteric Chinese artists made different choice to the intruding of western art, including that of watercolor. ─── 近代的中国画家们面对西画的侵入,做出了不同的反应与选择,其中包含了对水彩画元素不同程度的吸纳。

47、“I thought I would take the liberty of intruding on you,” she said most winningly. ─── “今天特来拜访,冒昧得很,”她极殷勤的说道。

48、I'm intruding on you at a very busy time. ─── 在你忙的时候我来打扰你了。

49、Space for restorations was created by intruding and uprighting the worn and migrated teeth and developing the correct incisal angle (Figure 8). ─── 修复的空间被通过压低前牙和直立磨耗的和移位的牙齿获得。并且形成了正确的切角。

50、intruding mechanism ─── 侵入机制

51、Firmly push intruding thoughts away, as they begin, before they can gather strength and distract you. ─── 只要它们一出现,在它们可以积聚力量和转移你的注意力之前,就坚决地赶走入侵的念头。

52、Americans want to be able to enjoy the holidays with family and friends and don't want to have negative messages intruding. ─── 美国民众喜欢与家人及朋友们度假,不喜欢被灌入负面的信息。

53、intruding right ─── 侵权

54、They did this by digging huge networks of drainage channels and raising their fields so that roots sat above intruding seawater. ─── 原来,当地人学会开挖河沟,并连接成庞大的排洪系统,同时加高了土地,使作物根部保持在入侵的海水上方。

55、The treatment of coal spontaneous combustion caused by small coal pits intruding has several difficulties in how to drop temperature effectively,control the air leak,put out fire efficiently,etc. ─── 小窑入侵造成的煤体自燃,其治理存在如何有效降温、漏风控制、有效灭火等几个难点。

56、Two intruding enemy planes were picked up by our radar installation. ─── 我方雷达发现了两架入侵敌机。

57、Application of Reserves Classification in remnants coal char in Magma Intruding Area ─── 储量分类在岩浆侵入区中对残余煤焦的技术应用

58、The standard of beavior to man is to retain his own dignity without intruding upon the liberty of others. ─── 人的行为准则是,维护自己的尊严,不妨碍他人的自由。

59、intruding into the residence ─── 抢劫

60、Intruding on his private life ─── 干涉他的私生活

61、The act of intruding or the condition of being intruded on. ─── 侵入侵入的行为或被侵入的状况

62、Does he find his new celebrity intruding on his private life? ─── 他是否感觉到他最近的成名侵扰了他的私生活?

63、pathogen usually intruding into ccollateral in protracted disease ─── 久病入络

64、He is always intruding his opinions upon others, and well deserves his reputation as a bore. ─── 他总是把看书的意见强加于人,无怪乎他有个令人讨厌的名声。

65、We all felt as if we were intruding on his private grief. ─── 我们都觉得好像我们在触犯他的个人悲痛。

66、I hope I am not intruding. ─── 我希望没有打扰你。

67、He is always intruding his opinions upon others. ─── 他老是把自己的意见强加给别人。

68、When you see a termination of a sill you should ask yourself how the intruding magma behaved at the moment of intrusion ─── 当你看到岩床终端时你应该自问,侵入的岩浆在侵入期是如何表现它们的特征的。

69、The Present Status AND Development OF INTRUDING DETECTING AND ALARMING SYSTEM ─── 入侵探测报警系统的现状与发展

70、By the law of Scotland a proprietor or occupier is entitled to prevent any stranger from intruding on his land. ─── 在苏格兰的法律中,土地的所有者或占有者有权阻止任何陌生人侵犯他的土地。

71、The press has been blamed for intruding into people's personal lives in an unacceptable way. ─── 新闻媒体因以一种令人无法接受的方式侵入人们的私生活而受到谴责。

72、Peperite, a genetic term for a rock formed essentially in-situ by disintegration of magma intruding and mingling with unconsolidated or poorly consolidated, typically wet sediments. ─── 摘要熔积岩指的是侵入、混合到未固结或弱固结的湿沉积物中的熔浆分解、原位形成的一类特殊岩石。

73、So while it's ok to go up there, you feel as though you're intruding. ─── 所以你也可以上去那,却会觉得好像闯入了什么。

74、the intruding aircraft ─── 入侵飞机

75、intruding approach ─── 入侵途径

76、those intruding into others' houses to rob ─── 入户抢劫的

77、I felt as though I was intruding on their private grief ─── 他们正伤心时,我觉得我好像骚扰了他们

78、The sum of behaviour is to retain a man"s own dignity, without intruding upon the liberty of others. ( F. Bacon ─── 人的行为准则是,维护自己的尊严,不妨碍他人的自由。(培根)

79、intruding test ─── 入侵检测

80、That The Crowd Listened To Him Assiduously And Neglected Their Duties To The State, Claiming That Soon They Would Be Rid Of Their Intruding Rulers. ─── 人们恳切地听他演说,漠视他们对国家的责任,宣称他们很快会把外来侵入的统治者铲除。

81、The principle to intrude IP address in local network and the practical method to prevent from intruding IP address are given. ─── 根据局域网的工作特点,指出了在局域网中IP地址被盗用的原理,并提出了防止IP地址被盗用的具体措施。

82、The sum of behavior is to retain a man's own dignity,without intruding upon the liberty of others.______F. ─── 人的行为最主要的是,维护自己的尊严,而不是侵犯他人的自由。

83、In situ measurements verify the above by observing the confined water intruding up into the coal floor,the protective strata,before mining.This paper considers the secondary stress as the conditi... ─── 底板的原位应力测试发现承压水在采前出现了向上入侵的现象,二次应力给导升的发展提供了条件,递进导升是突水机理之一。

84、When your parents want to know where you are or whom you are with, they are not intruding .They are truly concerned.And it is their responsibility to know. ─── 当你父母想知道你在什么地方或你正跟谁在一起的时候,他们不是在打扰你,而是发自内心地关心你,那是他们的责任。

85、Resides in the main memory to block hacking tools from intruding until the PC or nProtect is closed. ─── 在被入侵时端驻留内存来锁定黑客工具直到电脑或者nProtect关闭。

86、'I think we are intruding, ' I said at this point, 'and now that we ? or rather I ? have managed a second introduction to expunge the memory of the first, Gaston and I will withdraw.' ─── “我们也许来得不是时候,”于是我说,“现在我们,还不如说是我,已经得到了第二次介绍,这样就可以把第一次介绍忘掉。 我们,加斯东和我,少陪了。”

87、She saw no place which did not hold a couple or a group of girls, and being too timid to think of intruding herself, she sought out her machine and, seated upon her stool, opened her lunch on her lap. ─── 她太害羞腼腆,不好意思和她们一起去挤,所以就走到她的机器旁,在凳子上坐下来,把午饭盒放在膝盖上。

88、I have never heard the human voice before, and any new and strange sound intruding itself here upon the solemn bush of these dreaming solitudes offends my ear and seems a false note. ─── 我以前从未听见过人的声音,任何新鲜而陌生的声音传到这梦幻般寂静的肃穆之地都显得刺耳和不真实。


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