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09-12 投稿


pious 发音

英:['paɪəs]  美:['paɪəs]

英:  美:

pious 中文意思翻译



pious 词性/词形变化,pious变形

副词: piously |名词: piousness |

pious 短语词组

1、pious aeneas ─── 埃涅阿斯。

2、pious platitude ─── [网络] 虔诚的

3、a pious posture ─── 虔诚的姿势

4、pious mantle ─── 虔诚的斗篷

5、pious synonym ─── 虔诚的同义词

6、blind worms pious swine ─── 盲虫虔诚的猪

7、pious belief ─── 虔诚的信仰

8、Louis the Pious ─── [网络] 虔诚者路易;虔诚的路易;路易一世

9、pious man ─── 虔诚的人

10、pious maximus ─── 虔诚的马克西姆斯

11、pious definition ─── 虔诚的定义

12、pious prayer ─── 虔诚的祈祷

13、pious crossword ─── 虔诚的纵横字谜

pious 同义词

moral | saintly | spiritual | religious | self-righteous | godly | virtuous | sanctimonious | zealous | holy | holier-than-thou | goody-goody | reverent | sincere | monastic | pure | faithful |devout | moralizing | believing | hypocritical | smug

pious 反义词


pious 相似词语短语

1、copious ─── adj.丰富的;很多的;多产的

2、pions ─── n.介子;n.(Pion)人名;(法、俄、罗)皮翁

3、odious ─── adj.可憎的;讨厌的

4、piously ─── adv.虔诚地

5、-ious ─── suff.有…性质的;属于…的;如…的

6、-tious ─── 自命不凡的

7、-gious ─── 虔诚的

8、impious ─── adj.不虔诚的;不孝的;不敬的

9、pilus ─── n.毛;纤毛;[微]菌毛(位于细胞、微生物等表面)

pious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The strength of revival to a person will be more powerful than all other important events one may experience in life except for the pious religious belief. ─── 一个人的复活将超越个体能经历的对他产生人生重大影响的所有事件,除了虔诚的宗教信仰能够比拟。

2、He placed his palms together and raised his eyes heavenwards in what he hoped was a convincingly pious attitude. ─── 你也快快去罢,可别掉了一根头发,你师姊来烧我们寺庙。”

3、The Jewish collective memory, with its colourful, folkloristic stereotypes of poor beggars, rich merchants and pious rabbis, was a help, but not an answer. ─── 刚刚获得新生的波兰共和国慷慨的允许犹太人与非犹太籍的波兰人共享一个家园。

4、"He was truly a fine man. He was a pious Buddhist who lived by the commandments. And a pure vegetarian," said Li Ziwei, as he wiped away a tear. ─── 他是一个真正的好人,一个恪守戒律的虔诚的佛教徒,一个纯粹的素食者。”李子威擦了擦眼泪说。”李子威擦了擦眼泪说。

5、Verily the noblest among you is he who is the most pious. ─── 你们中最尊贵的人是最虔诚的人。

6、Lacking reverence; not pious. ─── 不敬的;不虔诚的

7、He was brought up by pious female relatives. ─── 他是由虔诚的女性亲属抚养大的。

8、Alexander is a pious follower of the faith. ─── 亚历山大是个虔诚的信徒。

9、Jupiter, remembering the harmless lives and pious demeanor of this pair, caused the waters to recede. ─── 丢卡利翁为人正直,他的妻子则虔诚敬神。朱庇特怜惜他们夫妻一生清白,品行端正,就斥令洪水退去。

10、Well? No. We'd chatted a bit when we walked. He was pious and cultivated, your classic monk scribe, nothing unexpected. ─── 不熟。我们在散步时有过倾聊。他信诚而文雅,一流的修士抄写员,你意想得到。

11、A fine pious act, he thought sourly, but it left him at loose ends. ─── 他有些心酸地想,她是个孝顺女儿,但却把他弄得无所适从。

12、There he found David, pouring out his pious feelings, through the only medium in which he ever indulged. ─── 他在这儿找到了大卫,他正以自己那已经入迷的唯一方式,在倾吐着虔诚的感情。

13、It was only with the aid of Teclis that the Emperor Magnus the Pious was able to push back the forces of the Dark Gods in the last Great War against Chaos. ─── 在与混沌力量的伟大之战中,泰柯利斯帮助帝国皇帝-诚者曼格努斯最终击败了黑暗邪神的军队。

14、"Was he pious?" Thorn pressed. ─── “他虔诚吗?”索恩追问。

15、O best of the Bharatas, four types of pious persons render devotional service unto Me; the distressed, the seeker of knowledge, desirers of wealth and men of wisdom. ─── 伯拉塔的人中之杰啊(阿诸那),下列四种人会向我提供奉爱服务:身受苦难的人,渴望富有的人,寻求知识的人,以及追求智慧的人。

16、A pious effort. ─── 值得称许的努力

17、"Yes, to another world," replied the minister with pious resignation. ─── “是啊,到另一个世界去了,”牧师带着一切全都听天由命的神气回答说。

18、They were very pious and went to many services in temples, to repent their past mistakes. ─── 他们非常虔诚地参加了庙里的许多法会,忏悔他们过去生中的罪过。

19、Utterson was amazed to find it a copy of a pious work, for which Jekyll had several times expressed a great esteem, annotated, in his own hand, with startling blasphemies. ─── 厄塔森惊奇地发现那是一本杰基尔几次极其尊崇地赞誉过的神学著作,而现在其书页上却涂满了出自他手迹的边批,都是些不堪入目的亵渎神明的词句。

20、Nobody gave and answer . Only the pious said she was a bad woman. While some of the good women kept silence. They knew. ─── 无人解开谜底,只有那些教徒们说她是不忠的女人,但一些本份的女人却保持缄默,其实她们心里明白。

21、You are the only pious, deft, faithful, loving and truthful girl in my life. ─── 你是在我生命中唯一虔诚,灵巧和忠诚,可爱,真实的女子。

22、And he became interested in the wandering monks and pious pilgrims who would stop at Kamarpukur on their way to Puri. ─── 他对停留在卡马普库儿的云游僧和虔诚的朝圣者感兴趣。

23、She raised herself up in bed with a pious look on her face and pointing out the window, she said, "Don't sell that cow! " ─── 老院长直起身子,虔诚的指着窗外,说:“千万别卖那头牛!”

24、He still wanted to harm the pious queen, and he took the letter, putting in its place one that stated that the queen had brought a changeling into the world. ─── 再说那个恶魔一直想伤害好心的王后。这时,他将另一封信放进信使的口袋里,上面说王后生了一个妖怪。

25、Only the brave explorers pious or before climbing a vertical cable and Gordon, most people can only afford to buy a home, the cable as the "xian ge ladder. ─── 只有勇敢的虔诚者或探险者,方可垂直攀索而登,一般人只能望楼兴叹,故铁索被誉为“仙阁云梯”。

26、Treaty partitioning the Carolingian empire among the three surviving sons of Louis I the Pious. ─── 加洛林帝国分给皇帝虔诚的路易一世的三个儿子的条约。

27、"You pious black ape! ─── "你这个假正经的黑猴子!

28、A pious Muslim with a moralistic bent, Mr Davutoglu has been among the most influential foreign ministers in the history of the Turkish republic. ─── 他是一名虔诚的穆斯林信徒,同时又倾心于道学。如今,他已成为土耳其历史上最具影响力的外长之一。

29、Such reforms seem likely to remain little more than pious hopes. ─── 类改革可能只是画饼充饥而已。

30、He is a pious Christian. ─── 他是一名虔诚的基督教徒。

31、In a land where pious words saturate airwaves and canonical texts fill bookshelves, the prominence of relatively secular types like Mr Qimani marks a trend. ─── 在一个虔诚话语泛滥媒体、经典文本盈箱充栋的国度中,如齐马里这样相对世俗派人物的突出表现标示出了一种趋势。

32、They are so free, so freely, or remain in the external walls of the Potala Palace Square, as a group of pious saints, holy day, listening to the gospel. ─── 他们是那样自由、那样无拘无束地停留在布达拉宫外墙或广场上,如同一群虔诚的圣徒,每天聆听着圣洁的福音。

33、"Floating offerings of flowers and candles are sold in Varanasi to light the way for pious rituals. ─── “在瓦腊纳西,漂浮的花和蜡烛作为供品出售去照亮举行虔诚宗教仪式的道路。

34、I also talked to a few Muslim Singaporeans who said ever since the 911 tragedy they have had to reassure their office colleagues that they were not "pious"Muslims. ─── 一些新加坡回教徒朋友告诉我,九一一事件后,他们必须向同事强调他们不是“虔诚”的回教徒。

35、"May the Saints forward your Majesty's pious intent," said the Astrologer, "and guard your sacred person. ─── “愿圣徒们赞助陛下这种虔诚的意图,”那占星术士说道,“保护陛下神圣的御体!”

36、Hailing from a pious family, Ahmed, 46, had dreamed about hajj since his childhood. ─── “我曾经在工作时间之余做钟点电工的工作。为了攒钱,这么多年我没有休息过一天。”

37、When he is reading the Koran, he looks very serious and pious. ─── 他读可兰经时,神情认真虔诚。

38、He is a pious person to his belief. ─── 他是一个对其信仰虔诚的人。

39、Gadadhar had never seen anything like this at Kamarpukur among the simple and pious villagers. ─── 嘎达达尔在卡马普库儿纯朴和虔诚的村民中从未看到这种情形。

40、He must have been a dashing sort then; it was only later he acquired his pious air . ─── “爷爷从前原也是荒唐的人,他到后来才变为道貌俨然的。”

41、There he found David, pouring out his pious feelings, through the only medium in which he ever indulged. ─── 他在这儿找到了大卫,他正以自己那已经入迷的唯一方式,在倾吐着虔诚的感情。

42、Only pious prigs care about when he chooses to get married, or to sign his children's birth certificates, or whatever. ─── 当他选择结婚生子等事情的时候,只有一些虔诚的正人君子关注。

43、The Grand Mufti, Shaikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalili exhorted Muslims to be pious and obey Allah the Almighty. ─── 伟大的伊斯兰教领袖哈玛,激励穆斯林要虔诚及顺服全能的阿拉。

44、"It's a pity pious folks are so apt to be pigheaded" (Harriet Beecher Stowe). ─── “真遗憾,虔诚的人大多是固执的” (哈里特·比彻·斯特威)。

45、Hypocritically pious language. ─── 伪善的话虚伪的虔诚语言

46、There is no doubt that whoever sends that guilty woman out of the world with the pious intention of doing God service, not only does not sin, but gain merit. ─── 各位善知识,且勿怀疑,怀虔诚奉玉律之旨,送此罪恶之女,乃惊天之举,非但不为罪,反获功矣。

47、Dan Zhoude pious points out, investment cold heat is alternant between appear much sincere letter question, in the country that grows in high speed especially general. ─── 但周德虔指出,投资冷热交替之间出现大量的诚信问题,在高速增长的国家中尤其普遍。

48、You will seldom find them as crusading missionaries who are willing to sacrifice certain individuals for the sake of some pious idea. ─── 但你很少会发现他们类似的行为:为了某些神圣观点愿意牺牲个人生命加入十字军。

49、One may be old, one may be a prude, one may be pious, one may be an aunt, but it is always agreeable to see a lancer enter one's chamber. ─── 人老了,又素来腼腆虔诚,并且又是姑妈,见到一个龙骑兵走进她的绣房,那总是乐意的。

50、This World Cup was preceded by pious declarations from FIFA that referees would crack down on playacting by footballers. ─── FIFA 在世界杯之前煞有其事地宣称裁判将就球员在球场上作假的行为进行严惩。

51、He dismissed his critics as pious do- gooders who were afraid to face the facts. ─── 他把批评他的人斥之为不敢面对事实的假善人。

52、She was an old, garrulous woman, a pawnbroker's widow, who collected used stamps for some pious purpose. ─── 她上了年纪,好唠叨,她故去的丈夫是典当商,为了某种虔诚的原因收集邮票。

53、He is a pious religious follower, and completely devoted to doing good. ─── 他虔诚礼佛,一心向善。

54、He believes in Islam, and is very pious. ─── 他在教,而且非常虔诚。

55、"Worthy sir," answered the physician, who had now advanced to the foot of the platform -- "pious Master Dimmesdale! can this be you? ─── “尊贵的先生,”医生一边应声说,一边走到平台脚下。 “虔诚的丁梅斯代尔牧师,难道当真是你吗?

56、He was a pious believer of stereotyped imperial examination system and protected it sincerely.At last he became a victim of stereotyped imperial examination system. ─── 他是八股科举制度的虔诚信徒,他真诚地捍卫举业,最终成为八股科举制度的牺牲品。

57、He knew it would take someone more pious than himself to banish the ghost of the murdered man and reclaim the money for God. ─── 他知道,也许会有某个比他更虔诚的人可以制服那个鬼魂,把黄金归还给上帝。

58、Pious fraud but quite right: otherwise they'd have one old booser worse than another coming along, cadging for a drink. ─── 一种冷遇。这是虔诚的骗局,却也做得十分得体。不然的话,一个个酒鬼就都会蜂拥而至,全想过过瘾。

59、He knew it would take someone more pious than himself to banish the ghost of the murdered man and reclaim the money for God. ─── 他知道它将采取虔诚某人比他自己驱逐被谋杀的人的鬼魂和索还上帝的金钱。

60、Being a very pious churchgoer, she visits church, rain or shine,and voluntarily takes part in every ceremony. ─── 做为一个虔诚的教徒,她无论晴天雨天都会自愿参加每一个宗教仪式。

61、Exhibiting an attitude of superior virtue; self-righteously pious. ─── 假装比别人虔诚的,自以为是的显示更纯洁的态度的;自认为很虔诚的

62、His father is a pious confessor. ─── 他父亲是个虔诚的圣徒。

63、He is a pious adherent of Buddhism. ─── 他是一位虔诚的佛教徒。

64、Pious Buddhists make a pilgrimage to a mountain temple where they burn incense before Buddha in a display of devout reverence. ─── 信徒们朝山进香,无比虔诚。

65、The Heights of Holy Land Pious Tibetan women, following the footsteps of Buddha, worship the "sacred city" in the distance, letting their souls escape. ─── 净土的高处虔诚的藏族妇女,踏着佛的脚印,向遥远的“圣城”膜拜,让灵魂超脱。

66、With a pious mind, they asked for God's blessings. ─── 以此虔诚的心理求神保佑。

67、"It is . . . well stored with pious frauds, and . . . much better calculated for the private advantage of the preacher than the edification of the hearers" (Edmund Burke). ─── “这充满了虚假的虔诚,主要是为了讲道者的个人利益考虑的,而不是为了启发和熏陶倾听布道者” (埃德蒙德·博克)。

68、"I am sorry, truly sorry, that this man must leave this life with such black spots upon his soul," said the wizard in grieved and pious tones. ─── “我很遗憾,真的很遗憾,这人要在心灵上留下这样的污点才肯离开人世。”巫师语调沉痛,声音虔诚。

69、His daughter, whose name was Blanche, had the cleareyed gaze and serene mouth which point to a soul that conceives only saintly thoughts and lips that speak only pious words. ─── 他女儿名叫布朗什,她眼睛明亮,目光明澈,安详的嘴唇表明她灵魂里全是圣洁的思想,嘴里讲的全是虔诚的话语。

70、He was, indeed, a lad of remarkable disposition: sober, discreet, and pious beyond his age. ─── 他真是个气质非凡的孩子,既稳重,又懂得分寸,而且虔诚得简直不是他那点年纪的人所能做到的。

71、But the social pressure for pious ladies to cover their heads, and generally behave in a conservative way, is overwhelming in places like Erzurum. ─── 但是在诸如埃尔祖鲁姆等地区,对虔诚的妇女们而言,要求她们遮掩头部且举止大体保守的社会压力则是压倒一切的。

72、The pious ejaculations of Father Clay irritated him. ─── 克雷神父那种充满虔信的惊叫使他非常气恼。

73、In meetings with Western journalists its leaders sometimes disavow it altogether and describe themselves as mildly pious social or liberal democrats. ─── 在与西方记者的见面会上,其领导有时否认全部,且自称为轻度虔诚的社会成员或自由民主党。

74、Birch for her daughter's loss, it would be that pious and eloquent composition in which Miss Pinkerton announced the event. ─── 世界上如果还有能够使白却太太略抒悲怀的东西,那一定就是这封信了。

75、Catherine was a pious, earnest woman. ─── 凯瑟琳是位虔诚、真挚的女子。

76、"But at the same time, he recognized that "if we are compelled as a nation to use it for other purposes, possibly no pious sentiments will stop the nation from using it that way. ─── 但同时他也承认,“如果我们作为一个国家,被迫用它来达到其他目的,那么任何虔诚的信仰都可能无法阻止我们这样使用它。

77、Lacking reverence;not pious. ─── 不敬的;不虔诚的

78、Congress did no more than set out some pious hopes. ─── 国会除了提出一些不可能实现的希望之外别无所为。

79、Taiwan: a pious nation in attendance to Heaven. ─── 台湾:侍奉天之孝女之国。

80、His book inspired his readers with a pious sense of the presence of God. ─── 他的书用一种天主降临的虔诚感来启发读者。

81、Exhibiting an attitude of superior virtue;self - righteously pious. ─── 假装比别人虔诚的,自以为是的显示更纯洁的态度的;自认为很虔诚的

82、He is the most beautiful person I have ever met. "His heart is pure, he is pious, quiet - a true gentleman. ─── "他是我都见过最美丽的人。"他的心是纯洁,善良的;他是虔诚安静的,是一名真正的绅士。

83、Having converted to Buddhism, it was important for him to be pious. ─── 初心向佛,贵在诚心。

84、Would thou have me to believe, O wise and pious friend, that a false show can be better -- can be more for God's glory, or man' welfare -- than God's own truth? ─── 噢,明智和虔诚的朋友,你难道让我相信,虚伪的表现比起上帝自己的真理能够对上帝的荣光和人类的福祉更有好处吗?

85、Congress had do no more than set out some pious hopes. ─── 国会除了提出一些不可能实现的希望之外别无所为

86、He is a pious Buddhist and has been a monk for 20 years. ─── 他是一名虔诚的佛徒,已经出家修行二十年了。

87、But at the same time,he recognized that if we are compelled as a nation to use it for other purposes,possibly no pious sentiments will stop the nation from using it that way. ─── 但同时他也承认,如果我们作为一个国家,被迫用它来达到其他目的,那么任何虔诚的信仰都可能无法阻止我们这样使用它。

88、He teaches the Bible in theological schools and is a pious Christian. ─── 他在经学院教授圣经,是个虔诚的基督徒。

89、Glorious, pious and immortal memory. ─── 光荣、虔诚、不朽的纪念[55]。

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