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09-12 投稿



sculling 发音

英:[ˈskʌlɪŋ]  美:[ˈskʌlɪŋ]

英:  美:

sculling 中文意思翻译




sculling 词性/词形变化,sculling变形

原型:scull 现在分词:sculling

sculling 短语词组

1、sculling boat ─── [体]单人双桨赛艇

2、sculling a drink ─── 划船喝酒

3、sculling machine ─── 赛艇练习器;划船练习器

4、sculling oar grip ─── 划桨握桨

5、sculling boats for beginners ─── 初学者划船

6、sculling oar length recommendations ─── 划桨长度建议

7、sculling oars ─── 划桨

8、sculling wall art ─── 划船墙艺术

9、overhead sculling ─── 头顶划船

sculling 相似词语短语

1、scrolling ─── n.卷动;v.卷动(scroll的现在分词)

2、sculping ─── vi.雕塑;雕刻

3、schilling ─── n.先令(奥地利的货币单位);n.(Schilling)人名;(德、匈)席林

4、scuddling ─── 缠绵

5、sculpting ─── n.雕塑法;v.雕刻;雕塑(sculpt的现在分词)

6、culling ─── n.选择;大批物品中剔出劣质货;n.(Culling)人名;(英)卡林

7、scullions ─── n.厨房帮手;洗碟碗的人

8、scuffling ─── n.拖著脚步行走发出的脚步声;v.混战(scuffle的ing形式)

9、sculking ─── 偷偷隐躲;偷懒

sculling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His sculling rhythm is terrific. ─── 他的划船节奏太好了。

2、Therefore, a previously derived coning algorithm could be converted to its corresponding sculling algorithm using a simple mathematical formula according . ─── 利用圆锥效应项与划桨效应项之间的对偶性,通过一个简单的数学方程便可得到任意子样数划桨效应补偿算法的一般形式。

3、Get in the boat, I will scull. ─── 你们上船吧,我来摇橹。

4、There are many ways to practice your sculling . ─── 当掌握了浆式划水动作后,再增加划手速度。

5、inward sculling phase ─── 向内划水阶段

6、single scull ─── 单人双桨

7、Try to avoid what this swimmer doing, which is putting downward pressure on the arms that add the sculling motion that she comes up to breathe. ─── 当你压下的时候,你的手滑出,然后你的身体升起并呼吸,你的手又滑回来。

8、A few Party members complain: ? of scull of Jie of class of Huang Qiaoyi quiet does not have a person to organize however. ─── 一些党员抱怨:不是我们目无组织,而是没有人组织。

9、scull(the boat)past the boat-house ─── 划(船)经过船库.

10、Optimal Design for Sculling algorithms of SINS ─── 捷联惯导系统划船效应补偿算法研究

11、Pensive, like one of Eakins's rowers resting in his scull, Latham is silently puffing on a cigarette, contemplating his own failure. ─── 怅然若失的模样,像伊金斯画笔下持桨暂歇的划船者,拉泽姆静静抽著雪茄吞云吐雾,沉思自己失败的原因。

12、sculling boat ─── 单人双桨赛艇

13、He uses his paddle-shaped tail as a rudder to steer with, or, if he wants to put on a burst of speed, he may occasionally scull with ft, as if it were an oar. ─── 它用自己鳍状的尾巴作为控制方向的舵,或当它想突然增加速度时,有时可用尾巴划水,就仿佛后者是浆。

14、Pseudo Sculling Motion ─── 伪划船运动

15、To canal navigation, berthing pier has many vessels, if sculling oar boats, sightseeing boats, there are people aboard the ferries, visitors can ride the canal boat viewing the scenery. ─── 为运河通航,码头上已停泊许多船只,有摇橹小船、观光快艇,也有多人乘坐的大船,游人可以坐这些船观赏运河两岸的风景。

16、Never pull your arms back in breaststroke. Virtually every inch of your pull is sculling movements. ─── 在蛙泳中决不要把臂部向后划动。事实上,划水实质上窃谧鲆。

17、In sculling, each oarsman pulls simultaneously on two oars mounted on opposite sides of the boat.In rowing, each oarsman uses a single oar. ─── 双人双桨赛艇,每个人要同时使用船两侧的两个桨,而单桨赛艇每人则只划一个桨。

18、A sculling stroke consists of the following elements: catch, drive/pull, through, finish, and recovery. ─── 双桨艇划桨由以下动作成分组成:提桨,拉桨,划桨,结束和回桨。

19、Sculling is a variant of rowing in which each oarsman controls two oars, one in each hand. ─── 单人双桨赛比赛是赛艇的一个变种,它由一位赛艇运动员一手一只桨来操纵桨。

20、This algorithm includes the attitude coning compensation and the velocity sculling as well as the rotation compensation. ─── 文中提出了一种新的三回路捷联惯导算法,该算法具有姿态圆锥补偿和速度的划船效应和转动效应补偿。

21、The production of women's hands holding the boat-shaped bamboo props, holding gong rowing scull like to do in the next side trip while dancing. ─── 女子双手持竹木制作的船形道具,艄公持橹在旁做划船状,边行边舞。

22、What is the difference between sculling and rowing? ─── 双桨艇与单桨艇的技术有什么区别?

23、Rowing means the use of a single oar by each man, while sculling means the use of two light oars called "scull" by each man. ─── 单桨赛艇是指每个人使用单桨,而双桨赛艇指每个人使用较轻的双桨,双桨叫scull。

24、Sculling helps you learn how to turn even the SLIGHTEST motion of your hand into a productive movement. ─── 划水训练帮助练习者了解如何把手“最轻微”的动作有效化。

25、sculling algorithms ─── 划摇算法

26、But a swimmer is neither like a racing shell (single, double scull, or whatever) nor a yacht. ─── 但游泳运动员并不是赛艇,他们没有赛艇(无论是单桨,双桨还是其他的什么桨)那样的艇身。

27、Never pull your arms back in breaststroke . Virtually every inch of your pull is sculling movements . ─── 在蛙泳中决不要把臂部向后划动。事实上,划水实质上窃谧鲆。


29、Sculling helps you learn how to turn even the SLIGHTEST motion of your hand into a productive movement. ─── 划水训练帮助练习者了解如何把手“最轻微”的动作有效化。

30、I still remember how funny I looked the way I was dressed -- in a blue cloth gown with a short sleeveless jacket over it, and with a scull cap on the head. ─── 我记得那时我的打扮挺滑稽的,穿着蓝布大褂、小坎肩,戴瓜皮小帽。

31、overhead sculling ─── 头顶双桨式划水

32、Keywords FDD;FDI;parity space;GLT method;OPT method;robust;non-commutate errors;coning error;sculling error;high dynamic environment;SIMU; ─── 故障检测与隔离;故障检测与诊断;奇偶空间;GLT方法;OPT方法;鲁棒;圆锥误差;划船误差;高动态环境;捷联惯组;

33、quadruple scull shell ─── 四人双桨赛艇

34、Sculling teaches SO MANY lessons, but one of the most important lessons is how to use your hands. ─── 关于浆式划水的课程“不胜枚举”,但其中最重要的课程是如何使用双手。

35、Womens double scull pair Paula Twining (left) and Anna Reymer take a rest during the Rowing New Zealand elite squad training session at Lake Karapiro June 3 in Cambridge, New Zealand. ─── 对妇女双橹保唐宁(左)和安娜Reymer采取在新西兰赛艇队精英培训会议于6月3日湖卡拉皮罗在剑桥,新西兰休息。

36、Study on Sculling Algorithms for SINS ─── 捷联惯导系统划桨效应补偿算法研究

37、scull past the boat-house ─── 划经过船库.

38、Its full sculling action challenges shoulders, abs and legs for fast, muscle-toning results. ─── 它的全面摇桨动作可以帮助锻炼肩膀、腹部和腿部的肌肉,能快速达到紧实肌肉的作用。

39、Sculling Compensation Algorithms in Strapdown Inertial Navigation System ─── 基于对偶性原理捷联惯导划船误差补偿优化算法

40、Rowing contestant English Beresford wins the gold medal in the double scull project, this also meant he the medal number which obtains at the Olympic Games has achieved 5. ─── 划艇选手英国人贝雷斯福德在双人双桨项目上夺得金牌,这也意味着他在奥运会上获得的奖牌数达到了5枚。

41、In exploring methods of ship propulsion, in addition to paddle, scull, fan of these tools, in Egypt, Rome and inventions of ancient China have been using the prescribed manner round the ship. ─── 在探索船舶推进方法中,除了桨、橹、帆这些工具外,在埃及、罗马和我国古代都曾发明过用明轮的方式推进船舶。

42、Semaphores must be initialized before use. Scull performs this initialization at load time in this loop ─── 信号量在被使用之前必须初始化。scull在模块加载期间通过以下循环进行初始化操作

43、DUBAI, May 7 (Reuters) - Recently-listed Dubai contractor Drake & Scull International is considering buying ... ─── 佮笗喔佮笧喔侧福喙嬱喔 腑喔佮抚喔 福喙屶箒喔`笝喔椸箤喔傕覆喔笢喔灌箟喔 ...

44、double scull ─── 双人轻便赛船

45、If you do too much sculling, you will get drunk and have a hangover in the morning. ─── 如果你干杯太多了会醉酒,而且第二天早晨会感觉很不舒服。

46、to saw at the scull ─── 摇橹行船

47、AN style="mso-list: Ignore">n< AN> Here's the code we use in scull 's source to get a major number: ─── 分配主设备号的最佳方式:默认采用动态分配,同时保留在加载甚至是编译时指定主设备号的余地。

48、eight scull ─── 八人赛艇

49、Sculling is another kind, in which each oarsman controls two oars, one in each hand. ─── 在单人双桨赛中,每一划手划两支桨,一手一支。

50、Once you begin the in sweep, scull your hands directly back toward the front. ─── 应该是把手摇回前方的意思,请各位高手再斟酌一下看看该怎么翻译。

51、And we actually did verticle sculling in order to make my shoulders work again, and actually simulating the sculling that we're doing on our stomach by doing it vertically. ─── 我实际上是为了恢复肩部而做立式拨水训练的,实际上是在模仿平卧时的拨水动作,立在水中做。

52、"Eakins:american painter known for highly realistic works, such as Max Schmitt in a Single Scull (1871)." ─── "伊肯斯:美国画家,以其画风高度写实而闻名.其作品有《小划艇上的马克斯·斯米特》(1871年)."

53、1.Start slowly, with both hands below the surface of the water.You may even want to scull a bit to place less pressure on the legs. ─── 两只手缓慢地开始在水面划水,腿慢慢象划桨状运动,可以感觉到水对腿的压力。

54、Sculling events include the single sculls, double sculls and quadruple sculls. ─── 双桨赛艇项目包括单人双桨、双人双桨和四人双桨。

55、Once you begin the insweep, scull your hands directly back toward the front. ─── 一旦您开始做内划动作,直接向內后及胸前加速推水。

56、We'll be watching Kevin perform more sculling in the next few weeks, so we encourage you all to practice -- and master -- this one prior to seeing the next. ─── 以后的几周,我们将了解更多凯文关于划水动作的训练。我们希望,在看到下一篇训练文章之前,大家都能去练习并掌握本篇内容。

57、5.The "catch" phase of the stroke should utilize an out-and-downward scull with minimal force. ─── 划臂的“抓水”阶段应该利用最小的力外下划。

58、Powerful sideway sculling movements of the tail can propel it through the water at considerable speed when necessary. ─── 尾巴有力的侧面划动,可在必要时,以非常快的速度推进身体。

59、We're revisiting this because sculling NEVER goes out of style. ─── 今天我们又旧话重提,因为浆式划水动作训练“永远不会”过时。

60、There are many ways to practice your sculling. ─── 有多种方法可以练习浆式划水动作。

61、For breaststroke-specific reasons, the front scull will show you the exact movement your hands should do during the outsweep of the pull. ─── 就蛙泳来说,前方浆式划水动作就是手部向外划水产生推进力时的正确动作。

62、How fast did they scull? ─── 他们划得有多快?

63、sculling direction ─── 划水方向

64、Now swim another lap , sculling out to where it feels comfortable , emphasizing the power of the in sweep . ─── 现在游另一个圈,向外划水到感到舒适的位置,着重是向内划水的力量。

65、E.g:She said to his old friend: "You are a man, the prime minister is large enough to scull a boat. Why got angry with the girls " ? ─── 例句:她对老友说:“你是男子汉,宰相肚里好撑船,跟女孩子生什么气呀”?

66、Study of the Sculling Algorithm for Micro-Navigation System ─── 微导航系统的划船算法优化设计

67、When you do sculling it's basically to get the feel of the water.So you can feel the water on our hands and on our forearms. ─── 拨水时你主要是为了获得水感,你的双手和前臂可以感受到水流。

68、Study on Hormone Change of Female Rower Pre-competition Training and Training Intensity of Rowers in Different Position of Double and Multi-Person Scull ─── 女子赛艇运动员赛前训练激素变化及双、多人艇不同桨位训练强度的研究

69、scull; sweep ─── 摇橹

70、be able to scull ─── 会划船

71、This vertical sculling drill is a brave way if you're injured.It's kind of getting round and make sure you're doing something productive. ─── 如果你受伤了,这种拨水训练是一种勇敢的解决方法。

72、Powerful sideway sculling movements of the tail can propel it through the water at considerable speed when necessary. ─── 尾巴有力的侧面划动,可在必要时,以非常快的速度推进身体。

73、Vertical drills include vertical kicking, vertical sculling, bobs and streamline blast offs. ─── 垂直练习包括垂直蹬腿,垂直划水,bobs(踩水的意思吗?)

74、Application of Coning Integral Algorithms in Sculling Algorithms ─── 圆锥积分算法在划船效应补偿算法中的应用

75、What are the elements of a sculling stroke? ─── 双桨艇划桨动作由哪些动作成分构成?

76、The sculling effect in specific force transformation is introduced in this paper, and the algorithm design of sculling effect and character of error are discussed deeply. ─── 在捷联惯导系统中,由于机体在速度更新过程中发生姿态变化,要精确实现捷联惯导系统的比力积分过程,必须对速度更新算法进行划船效应误差补偿。

77、"Look at this piece of scull I found. It's a kind of precious medicine? I'm so lucky!" ─── 我找到了几块青铜币,有人告诉我说那是清朝时候流通使用的。

78、You can also do the sculling turning yourself from side to side, so you can simulate the fact that you're rotating your body from side to side. ─── 你还可以在拨水时来回转动身体,以模仿游泳时转动身体的动作。

79、' A rowing scull of asparagus, bearing duck? ─── 两边装饰芦笋为桨的填鸭?

80、Those swimmers who have great sculling capability may practice the drill or choose to practice the drill or any section of the drill with the sculling position at the front. ─── 对于小划手技术很好的选手可以选择手在前方作小划手的方式就本项练习或本项练习的任何部分进行训练。

81、"Boy said he see him go off sculling in the dinghy. " ─── 门房说看见他划船去了。

82、"In rowing racing, each member uses both hands to pull one oar. The boat of shell is sometimes directed by a coxswain. Sculling is another kind, in which each oarsman controls two oars, one in each hand." ─── 在划船运动中,每一划手双手划桨,船只有时有舵手。在单人双桨赛中,每一划手划两支桨,一手一支。

83、As you gain mastery of the sculling action, start to go faster and faster. ─── 当掌握了浆式划水动作后,再增加划手速度。

84、to scull on the lake ─── 在湖上荡舟

85、High speed and accuracy sculling compensation algorithm plays a key role in strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS). ─── 摘要高速、高精度的划船效应补偿算法是提高捷联惯性导航系统(SINS)性能的重要环节。

86、What are the sculling events? ─── 双桨艇比赛有什么项目?

87、Sculling Motion in Strapdown Systems and its Correction ─── 捷联惯导中的划船效应及其补偿算法

88、Roger had swum fast toward David, and Joseph was pulling Andy into the dinghy and then sculling out toward the other two. ─── 罗杰已经飞快地向戴维游去。约瑟夫把安迪拉上筏子之后正划着去迎他们俩。

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