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09-12 投稿



ermine 发音

英:[ˈɜːrmɪn]  美:[ˈɜːmɪn]

英:  美:

ermine 中文意思翻译



ermine 词性/词形变化,ermine变形


ermine 相似词语短语

1、spermine ─── n.[生化]精胺,精素

2、crimine ─── 罪行

3、bromine ─── n.[化学]溴

4、vermined ─── 害虫

5、ermines ─── n.貂;貂的白毛皮

6、terminer ─── n.判决

7、carmine ─── adj.深红色的,洋红色的;n.深红色,洋红色,胭脂红;胭脂红色素;n.(Carmine)(意、英)卡尔米内(人名)

8、ermined ─── adj.饰有貂皮的;穿貂皮衣服的

9、overmine ─── 过度开采

ermine 习惯用语

1、wear the ermine ─── 就任法官职务

2、assume the ermine ─── 就任法官职务

ermine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She furred herself with ermine. ─── 她身上穿著貂皮衣服。

2、Whose skin was white as the back of an ermine, ─── 他的皮肤白得像是貂的背部

3、i order you to do so , " the king answered him , and majestically gathered in a fold of his ermine mantle" . ─── “我命令你坐下。”国王一边回答,一边庄重地把他那白底黑花皮袍大襟挪动了一下。

4、Confuse honey of strange advanced and magical improve looks, contain a variety of rare Chinese herbal medicine (the) such as ginseng angelica, reach ermine oil, vitamin E. ─── 迷奇高级神奇美容蜜,含有多种名贵中草药(人参当归等), 及貂油,维生素E。

5、In addition, because EGF has ability of cuticular cell activation and repair effect, because the skin crosses Bao Ermin,so the feeling, MM that has red blood silk can be chosen. ─── 此外,由于EGF具有表皮细胞活化能力和修复作用,所以因皮肤过薄而敏感、具有红血丝的MM可以选用。

6、an ermine in its winter color phase ─── 一只显现冬日白色的貂

7、The elder lady was enveloped in a costly velvet shawl, trimmed with ermine, and she wore a false front of French curls ─── 上了年纪的那位太太裹着一条贵重的貂皮边丝绒披巾,额前还戴着法国假卷发。

8、She was wearing the ermine toque she'd bought when her hair was yellow ─── 她戴的貂皮无沿帽是在她头发还是黄色时买的。

9、assume the ermine ─── 就任法官职务

10、Mademoiselle Vaubois, perfect in her style, was the ermine of stupidity without a single spot of intelligence. ─── 弗波瓦姑娘是她那种人中的典型,是一头冥顽不灵、没有一点聪明的银鼠。

11、White Ermine ─── 黑点白灯蛾(灯蛾科)

12、And though the lords were clad in their red and white ermine cloaks and ambassadors from around the world wore colourful national costumes, at least nobody turned up in a suit of armour. ─── 在英国议会,尽管上议院的议员们穿着红白相间的貂皮大衣,来自世界各地的大使们也穿着五颜六色的民族服装,但没有人敢穿着一身盔甲出现在这。

13、And though the lords were clad in their red and white ermine cloaks and ambassadors from around the world wore colourful national costumes, at least nobody turned up in a suit of armour. Illegal. ─── 在英国议会,尽管上议院的议员们穿着红白相间的貂皮大衣,来自世界各地的大使们也穿着五颜六色的民族服装,但没有人敢穿着一身盔甲出现在这。因为这也是违法行为。

14、Choice leather maintains fluid in order to contain ermine oil of raw material for beautiful. ─── 选择皮革保养液以含貂油原料的为佳。

15、The ermine toque was alone; she smiled more brightly than ever. ─── 只有貂皮无沿帽独自呆在那里,她笑得更加明快了。

16、Risk of brucellosis among villagers who breed ermine in China ─── 养貂人员布鲁杆菌病发病危险因素分析

17、The first close: Which are Chinese ancient time " 4 great beauties " one of? 6 ermine cicada; ─── 第一关:哪位是中国古代“四大美女”之一?6貂蝉;

18、Breeding ermine ─── 养貂

19、her buddy like the small ermine which was catch since learning to bray, then her burning mouth come as fiery charcoal, the brilliant blaze make people dazzling. ─── 她的双乳是刚会叫时就被捉住的小貂,它们那燃烧着的嘴,犹如炽热的火炭,灿灿的光辉令人眼花缭乱。

20、Seeing this, Zuo Zimu took two steps forward and promptly jabbed with his long sword at the ermine, which now was on his disciple's face. ─── 左子穆踏上两步,长剑倏地递出,这时那貂儿又已奔到龚光杰脸上,左子穆挺剑便向貂公刺去。

21、He was tall, stiff, dignified, and she was wearing the ermine toque she'd bought when her hair was yellow. ─── 他身材高大、态拘谨、止庄重,而她戴的貂皮无沿帽是在她的头发是黄色时买的。

22、The creature is white, furry and bony. Scholars have written reams about this ermine's significance as an allegory of purity. ─── 白色的小东西毛茸茸的,很是骨感,学者们写过大量文章论述貂代表着纯洁无瑕。

23、Clad in royal purple and ermine, he was seated upon a throne which was at the same time both simple and majestic. ─── 国王穿着用紫红色和白底黑花的毛皮做成的大礼服,坐在一个很简单却又十分威严的宝座上。

24、Don't disturb it, the child when the memory is too perfect, regardless of any future one may meet cannot give it to add ermine tail. ─── 别去惊动它,孩时的那份记忆太完美,无论今后的任何一种可能的相见都不能给它续添上貂尾。

25、And now an ermine toque and a gentleman in grey met just in front of her. ─── 现在一个戴貂皮无沿帽的女人和一个穿灰衣服的先生正好在她面前相遇了。

26、For theprocession from the Abbey,her crown was the Imperial Crownof State,which has silver arches and a thick ermine fringe . ─── 从威斯敏斯特大教堂走出来时,戴的是有很宽的貂皮缘饰的穹形银质帝国王冠。

27、Mademoiselle Vaubois, perfect in her style, was the ermine of stupidity without a single spot of intelligence. ─── 弗波瓦姑娘是她那种人中的典型,是一头冥顽不灵、没有一点聪明的银鼠。

28、Yponomeutidae;ermine moths ─── 巢蛾科

29、His skin was as white as the back of an ermine. ─── 他的皮肤白得像是银貂的背部。

30、The little prince looked everywhere to find a place to sit down;but the entire planet was crammed and obstructed by the king's magnificent ermine robe. ─── 小王子看看四周,想找个地方坐下来,可是整个星球被国王华丽的白底黑花皮袍占满了。

31、But as Miss Brill wondered, the ermine toque turned, raised her hand as though she'd seen someone else, much nicer, just over there, and pattered away . ─── 然而就在布里尔小姐想着这些的时候,貂皮无沿帽转过身去,好像看见了就在那边有另一个更好的人似地扬起手,嗒嗒地走了。

32、The visitor quickly comes face to face with the portrait of Cecilia Gallerani, also known as "The Lady with an Ermine" (pictured above). ─── 参观者一进美术馆立即就能与《西西莉亚•加莱拉尼的画像》,也叫《抱貂的女人》打个照面。

33、apple ermine moth ─── 苹果巢蛾

34、ermined white marking, "ermine spots" : dark spots on white markings. Often correspond to stripes on the hooves. ─── 大意是“貂白状花纹”,原来外国人将这样的花色以白貂作比较,不像我们以豹纹打比方。

35、a gown trimmed with ermine ─── 饰以貂皮的长袍

36、ermine fur ─── 银鼠皮

37、small ermine moth ─── 巢蛾

38、but the entire planet was crammed and obstructed by the king's magnificent ermine robe. ─── 可是整个行星已经被国王的貂袍占满了,不得已,他只有站立原地。

39、Tiger and Ermine Moths ─── 灯蛾(鳞翅目,灯蛾科)

40、Isolation and Identification on Streptococcus and Pasteurella Mixed Infection in Ermine ─── 貂链球菌和巴氏杆菌混合感染的分离与鉴定

41、And though the lords were clad in their red and white ermine cloaks and ambassadors from around the world wore colourful national costumes, at least nobody turned up in a suit of armour.Illegal. ─── 虽然英国议会上议院的议员身穿红白相间的貂皮大衣,来自世界各地的大使们也都穿着五颜六色的民族服装,但至少没有人身披一副盔甲出现在这里,因为这同样违法。

42、Boil ermine or politics inscription makes 757 planes can get used to Boeing to be in with contain fully. ─── 烹貂或政铭使波音757飞机能够适应备和涵在。

43、the ermine in its brown summer coat with black-tipped tail. ─── 夏季棕色毛的鼬,尾巴尖为黑色。

44、the expensive white fur of the ermine. ─── 貂白色的毛皮,价格昂贵。

45、The ermine toque was alone; she smiled more brightly than ever. ─── 只有貂皮无沿帽独自呆在那里,她笑得更加明快了。

46、ermine tail trim coat ─── 银鼠尾镶饰大衣

47、He was tall, stiff, dignified, and she was wearing the ermine toque she'd bought when her hair was yellow. ─── 他身材高大、神态拘谨、举止庄重,而她戴的貂皮无沿帽是在她的头发是黄色时买的。

48、Racoon dog, ermine, fox is in domestic and international market is very popular, one pair is planted fox home price thousands of yuan. ─── 貉、貂、狐在国内外市场都极为走俏,一对种狐国内售价数千元。

49、But as Miss Brill wondered, the ermine toque turned, raised her hand as though she'd seen someone else, much nicer, just over there, and pattered away. ─── 然而就在布里尔小姐想着这些的时候,貂皮无沿帽转过身去,好像看见了就在那边有另一个更好的人似地扬起手,嗒嗒地走了。

50、With this, she produced the ermine from her bag, held it in her right hand, took Duan Yu by his left arm, and started walking outside. ─── 说着从皮囊中摸出闪电貂来,捧在右手,左臂挽了段誉向外便走。

51、One of the Magi, the grey and wise Melchior, in his robe of ermine, has laid down his regalia, the crowned turban and sceptre, and kneels humbly and bare-headed before the new-born King. ─── 一个在他的貂皮袍的贤士,灰色和明智梅尔基奥尔,已经放下服饰,头巾的加冕和权杖,并谦虚地和裸跪前新生的国王为首。

52、a duchess resplendent in ermine robes, a tiara, and a diamond dog collar. ─── 公爵夫人华丽的白鼬外袍、头冠和项圈式衣领

53、People hunt the ermine for its beautiful fur. ─── 人们捕猎白鼬,以获取它那美丽的毛皮。

54、Ermine is the white winter fur of the stoat, which has been used to trim the crowns, ceremonial hats and robes of European royalty, aristocrats, and popes for centuries. ─── 几个世纪以来,这种白鼬的白色越冬皮毛一直被用来装饰欧洲王室、贵族和教皇们的王冠、礼帽和长袍。

55、"I order you to do so," the king answered him, and majestically gathered in a fold of his ermine mantle. ─── “我命令你坐下。”国王一边回答,一边庄重地把他那白底黑花皮袍大襟挪动了一下。

56、ermine trim dress coat ─── 银鼠皮镶饰大衣

57、Italian animal rights campaigners are urging Pope Benedict to stop wearing ermine on his hats and robes, appealing to his reputation as a cat lover. ─── 意大利动物权益保护分子向教皇本笃十六世发出呼吁,鉴于他是个相当出名的爱猫之人,请不要再穿戴白鼬皮的衣帽了。

58、muffled in ermine, velvet, and scarlet. ─── 丝绒的,或是猩红绸缎的。

59、Arrive at present, whole town only collective mink farm amounts to 20 place, and the field raising ermine that the farmer uses court building criterion hard computation. ─── 到目前,全镇仅集体水貂饲养场就达20处之多,而农民利用庭院建成的养貂场则难以计数。

60、His last film, That Lady in Ermine, with Betty Grable, was completed by Otto Preminger and released posthumously in 1948. ─── 在一次佐藤与桑弧的会面中,桑弧自己也承认,他年轻时代看了许多刘别谦的作品。

61、Statistical Process Control (SPC),Principal Compon ent Analysis (PCA) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) are introduced to det ermine APC opportunity and then APC structure. ─── 这一研究对于开发和应用好先进控制技术具有重要的意义。

62、Now everything, her hair, her face, even her eyes, was the same color as the shabby ermine, and her hand, in its cleaned glove, lifted to dab her lips, was a tiny yellowish paw. ─── 而现在她的一切,头发,脸,甚至眼睛都和这顶破旧的貂皮帽一样颜色苍白了。她抬起来轻抹嘴唇的那只戴着洗过手套的手是只发黄的爪子。

63、Keywords Brucellosis;Breeding ermine;Risk factors; ─── 布鲁杆菌病:养貂;危险因素;

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