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08-30 投稿


suffrage 发音

英:['sʌfrɪdʒ]  美:['sʌfrɪdʒ]

英:  美:

suffrage 中文意思翻译



suffrage 词性/词形变化,suffrage变形

名词: suffraganship |

suffrage 短语词组

1、female suffrage ─── [法] 妇女参政权

2、grant suffrage to ─── 给…以选举权

3、suffrage means ─── 选举权意味着

4、suffrage meaning ─── 选举权的含义

5、manhood suffrage ─── [法] 男公民选举权

6、suffrage synonym ─── 选举权同义词

7、Alliance for Universal Suffrage ─── 普选联盟

8、limited suffrage ─── [法] 有限制的选举权

9、woman suffrage ─── 妇女选举权 [法] ─── 妇女参政权, ─── 妇女选举权

10、woman suffrage movement ─── 争取妇女选举权运动

11、suffrage timeline ─── 选举权时间表

12、universal suffrage ─── 普选权 [法] ─── 普选, 全民参政权

13、negro suffrage ─── [法] 黑人选举权

14、suffrage definition ─── 选举权定义

15、equal suffrage ─── [法] 平等选举权

16、suffrage movie ─── 选举权电影

17、suffrage movement ─── 选举权运动(SuffrageMovement)投票权运动(SuffrageMovement)

suffrage 习惯用语

1、give one's suffrage to [for] ─── 投...的票

suffrage 相似词语短语

1、sufferable ─── adj.可忍耐的;可容忍的;可忍受得了的

2、suffragan ─── adj.副的;副监督的;副主教的;n.辅佐司教;副监督;副主教

3、suffragist ─── n.妇女政权论者;参政权扩大论者

4、sufferance ─── n.容许;忍耐;默许

5、suffragette ─── n.妇女参政权论者

6、sufflate ─── 使充气

7、suffrages ─── n.选举权;投票;参政权;代祷;赞成票

8、suffragism ─── n.妇女政权论者;参政权扩大论者(suffragist的变形)

9、suffragans ─── adj.副的;副监督的;副主教的;n.辅佐司教;副监督;副主教

suffrage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、member of a group of women who, in the early part of the 20th century, campaigned in Britain for women's suffrage ─── 20世纪初英国为争取妇女选举权而开展斗争的妇女团体之成员.

2、For example, why was women's suffrage, instituted nationally in the United States in 1920, not instituted nationally in Switzerland until the 1970's? ─── 例如,为什么美国在1920年开始实行妇女选举权,而瑞士直到20世纪70年代才开始实行?

3、The House of Common is elected by universal adult suffrage and co ists of 651 Members of Parliament (M )。 It is in the House of Commo that the ultimate authority. ─── 下议院(平民院)由成人普选产生,由651名议员组成。下议院拥有最终立法权。

4、American reformer known for her efforts to secure passage of a federal suffrage amendment. ─── 加德纳,海伦·汉米尔顿1853-1925美国改革家,因其在保证国家选举权修正案通过中所做的努力而闻名。

5、To attain universal suffrage, we must first create favourable conditions and provide the necessary supporting measures. ─── 为实行普选,我们必先要为普选创造良好条件,以及提供所须配套。

6、After 10 years, the Basic Law again makes clear that it is for Hong Kong people to decide for themselves how to develop the Executive and Legislative elections, with the ultimate aim of universal suffrage. ─── 《基本法》亦清楚说明,十年之后,香港人可自行决定如何发展行政和立法机关的选举,而最终达致推行普选的目标。

7、He says some people have always doubted the sincerity of the Central authorities but they should work constructively towards achieving universal suffrage in 2017 and 2020. ─── 他说,有人常以怀疑眼光去揣测中央落实时间表的诚意,但他们应务实地同心协力实现2017及2020年普选。

8、Despite a nascent democracy movement, there's little traction for direct suffrage. ─── 尽管有过一次新生的民主运动,但几乎不会带来直接选举。

9、The House of Common is elected by universal adult suffrage and consists of651 Members of Parliament( MPs)。 It is in the House of Commons that the ultimate authority. ─── 下议院(民院)成人普选产生,由651名议员组成。下议院拥有最终立法权。

10、Suffrage was achieved without a shot being fired. ─── 参政权达到了,不用被射击的射击。

11、The question of woman suffrage is a very simple one. ─── 妇女参政是个简单明了的问题。

12、China has ruled out universal suffrage for either, and is resisting demands for a timetable to be set for introducing it. ─── 中国已宣布不会对二者采取普选,并拒绝安排时间公布此决定。

13、equal suffrage of residents in city and countryside ─── 城乡居民平等选举权

14、American reformer. An outspoken advocate of woman suffrage and free love, she was the first woman to run for the U.S. presidency(1872). ─── 伍德哈尔,维多利亚 克拉芬1838-1927美国改革家。妇女选举权和自由恋受的直言不讳的倡导者,她是第一个竞选美国总统的妇女(1872年)

15、A member of an English radical political movement arising in the Parliamentarian forces of the1640's and advocating universal male suffrage,equality before the law,parliamentary democracy,and religious tolerance. ─── 平均派成员英国17世纪40年代议会军队中兴起的政治激进派成员,鼓吹男性公民普选权,法律面前人人平等,议会民主以及宗教宽容。

16、The Basic Law also provides that the ultimate aim is the election of all members of the Legislative Council by universal suffrage. ─── 《基本法》也订明,立法会的组成方式,最终是要达到全体议员由普选产生的目标。

17、Chinese officials also announced Saturday that if universal suffrage is introduced in 2017, only candidates nominated by a committee that would probably resemble the current electoral college would be allowed on the ballot. ─── 官方周六宣布如果全面直选在2017年举行,只有候选人通过一个委员会提名,委员会可能类似与现在的选举团-它才有投票权。

18、"Northerners" would be excluded from any suffrage bill because their nuclear-armed country has no diplomatic ties with Japan. ─── 由于装备核武的北朝鲜和日本没有外交关系,“北人”被排除在所有的投票之外。

19、The Basic Law provides that further democratic evolution will depend on the wishes of Hong Kong people and the overall environment at that time, with universal suffrage being the ultimate objective. ─── 《基本法》规定,民主进程会以香港人的意愿为依归,并根据当时的整体情况让民主进一步演进,最终达致普选的目标。

20、Geographical constituency elections are held on the basis of universal suffrage. ─── 地方选区选举以普选方式进行。

21、The other women, moved by Mrs.Stanton's fiery words, voted to add her statement on women's suffrage to their list of facts. ─── 其他妇女被斯坦顿慷慨激昂的言辞所打动,同意将她关于妇女投票权问题的话写入那份清单里去。

22、Nearly all modern governments have provided for universal adult suffrage. ─── ( 几乎所有的现代国家都会给予国民普通选举权。

23、and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate. ─── 任何一州,没有它的同意,不得被剥夺它在参议院中的平等投票权。

24、2008 was the latest date for the introduction of full universal suffrage. ─── 全民普选最快可在2008年实施。

25、The Basic Law provides that the ultimate aim is the selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage upon nomination by a broadly representative nominating committee in accordance with democratic procedures. ─── 《基本法》订明有关行政长官的产生办法,最终是要达至由一个有广泛代表性的提名委员会按民主程序提名后普选产生的目标。

26、However, urbanization cannot fully explain women's suffrage. ─── 然而,城市化并不能完全赋予妇女投票权。

27、During the French Revolution, Parisian women calling for" Liberty, equality, fraternity" marched on Versailles to demand women's suffrage. ─── 在法国大革命期间,巴黎妇女高喊:“自由,平等,互助”游行到凡尔赛要求给予妇女选举与投票的权利。

28、She hoped to witness universal suffrage during her lifetime. ─── 她希望在有生之年看见普选落实的一天。

29、If the next Hong Kong CE were to be elected by universal suffrage (by "one man, one vote"), what sort of person would win the race? ─── 假如香港有特首普选,全港市民一人一票选行政长官,会跑出怎样的候选人来?

30、Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928), militant Champion of woman suffrage whose 40-year Campaign achieved complete success in the year of her death, when British women obtained full equality in the voting franchise. ─── K埃米琳·潘克赫斯特(1858-1928),妇女选举权的积极倡导者,她开展了40年的运动在她去世那年彻底取得了成功,当时英国妇女在选举权方面获得了完全平等的地位。

31、"Be good enough to lie still while I walk upon you, singing the praises of universal suffrage and descanting upon the blessings of civil and religious liberty. ─── “当我践踏在你身上时务必好好躺着不动,你可以唱个赞歌给全民普选权,颂扬颂扬公民与宗教自由带来的恩惠。

32、This was because if universal suffrage were the ultimate goal, discussion should begin on when the ratio could be relaxed and what changes should be made in future. ─── 因为如果最后的目标是全面直选的话,亦要开始讨论这个比例何时可以放松和日后应如何修改。

33、After a long battle, the First Age established universal suffrage ─── 在长期斗争以后,第一个时代的民主创立了普选制度。

34、Women had to fight for their suffrage. ─── 妇女须为享有选举权而斗争.

35、She wore flat heels and looked like a page out of an old album of Early woman suffrage days. ─── 她穿着一双平跟鞋,看上去好象是早期为争取妇女选举权时代旧相册中的人物。

36、Assume that a nominating committee is to be set up directly to attain universal suffrage of CE in 2012, there is a view that the nominating committee should consist of less than 800 members. ─── 假设2012年会直接成立提名委员会达至普选行政长官,有意见认为提名委员应该由少于800人组成;

37、A member of an English radical political movement arising in the Parliamentarian forces of the1640's and advocating universal male suffrage, equality before the law, parliamentary democracy, and religious tolerance. ─── 平均派成员英国17世纪40年代议会军队中兴起的政治激进派成员,鼓吹男性公民普选权,法律面前人人平等,议会民主以及宗教宽容

38、One of the largest protests of the suffrage movement happened the day before Woodrow Wilson was to be inaugurated as President in 1913. ─── 妇女选举权运动最大的抗议活动之一就发生在1913年伍德罗·威尔森总统就职典礼的前一天。

39、In fact, serious objections may be made to universal suffrage. ─── 事实上,普选应该受到严励的反对。

40、A referendum on whether Hong Kong should introduce universal suffrage by2007 would result in a challenge to the central government's authority. ─── 举行公投以决定零七年应否实施普选等同挑战中央权威。

41、female sensitiveness; female suffrage. ─── 女性的敏感;女子参政权。

42、Taiwan has universal suffrage; all citizens are allowed to vote. ─── 台湾有普选权,举凡公民皆可投票。

43、Second, male suffrage was generally accepted in the United States by the early years of the 19th century; ─── 其次,19世纪初美国已经普遍实行男子选举权制度。

44、International Women Suffrage Alliance ─── 国际妇女选举权同盟

45、They robbed thousands of voters of their suffrage. ─── 他们剥夺了成千上万选民的选举权。

46、While her beliefs were in line with most feminists, she did not fight for feminists causes, save giving suffrage rights to women. ─── 尽管她的信念是和大多数男女平等主义者一致,但是她没有为男女平等做斗争,保留了给女性的投票选举权。

47、On the day when the thermometer of universal suffrage shows boiling-point among the workers, they as well as the capitalists will know where they stand. ─── 在普选制的温度计标示出工人的沸点的那一天,他们以及资本家同样都知道该怎么办了。

48、an outspoken advocate of woman suffrage and free love,she was the first woman to run for the U.S. presidency(1872) ─── 妇女选举权和自由恋受的直言不讳的倡导者,她是第一个竞选美国总统的妇女(1872年)

49、Thus if the size of the Nominating Committee remains at 800, the number of nominations required would be 80.The Chief Executive shall be elected by universal suffrage. ─── 如果提名委员会的人数保持为800人,那麽每个参选人只需要取得最少80个提名,最后由市民一人一票选出行政长官。

50、Nothing is at last sacred but integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world. ─── 再神圣的东西说到底也比不上你刚正不阿的头脑。将自己解脱出来,回归自我,你一定会赢得世人的认可。

51、The Task Force appreciates that some organizations and individuals who made the submissions wish that a timetable should be set and organization made in preparation for elections by universal suffrage. ─── 专责小组理解提交意见的有些团体及人士期望可以早日为迈向最终普选目标订出整体时间上及组织上的安排。

52、Nothing is at last sacred but integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world. ─── 再神圣的东西说到底也比不上你刚正不阿的头脑。将自己解脱出来,回归自我,你一定会赢得世人的认可。

53、Pro-democracy camp leaders believe Hong Kong people are still pa ionate about the fight for universal suffrage, de ite a low turnout for a march yesterday. ─── 尽管昨日游行人数不多,民主派领袖仍然相信香港人热衷于争取普选。

54、Women's suffrage: In New Zealand, the Electoral Act of 1893 is consented to by the governor giving all women in New Zealand the right to vote, beginning with the 1893 New Zealand general election. ─── 1893年的今天,新西兰1893年投票法案得到通过,给予了全新西兰妇女们自1893年新西兰大选起的投票的权利。

55、She wore flat heels and looked like a page out of an old album of Early woman suffrage days. ─── 她穿着一双平跟鞋,看上去好象是早期为争取妇女选举权时代旧相册中的人物。

56、The economic development theory is inadequate to explain certain historical facts about the implementation of women's suffrage. ─── 经济发展理论不足以解释关于妇女投票权实施的某些历史事实。

57、In the same year, Chile provided a less clear-cut case because of restrictions on the suffrage that had only recently been lifted. ─── 在同一年,智利因为限制选举权而提供了另一个不太明显的案例,直到最近才得以修正。

58、The Basic Law provides that further democratic evolution will depend on the wish of Hong Kong people and the environment at that time with universal suffrage being the ultimate objective. ─── 《基本法》规定,进一步的民主发展,要视乎香港市民的意愿和当时的整体环境而定,最终达至推行普选的目标。

59、Universal suffrage is thus the gauge of the maturity of the working class. ─── 因此,普选制是测量工人阶级成熟性的标尺。

60、The Basic Law provides that further democratic evolution will depend on the wish of Hong Kong people and the overall environment at that time with universal suffrage being the ultimate objective. ─── 《基本法》规定民主的进一步演变视乎港人的意愿,以及当时的整体情况而定,最终则以达致全部议席皆由普选产生为目标。

61、The House of Common is elected by universal adult suffrage and consists of 651 Members of Parliament (MPs). It is in the House of Commons that the ultimate authority. ─── 下议院(平民院)由成人普选产生,由651名议员组成。下议院拥有最终立法权。

62、National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies ─── 年统一为全国妇女选举权协会联合会

63、" "Citizens," pursued Enjolras, "this is the Republic, and universal suffrage reigns. ─── 安灼拉接着说:“公民们,这里是共和政体,实行普选制度。

64、NUWSS, National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies ─── 全国女性参政运动社团联盟

65、But, again, if persons are incompetent to judge for themselves, then why all this talk about universal suffrage? ─── 但是,同样的,如果人民没有能力自我判断,那么为什么所有人都在谈论普选?

66、An increasing number of states granted white manhood suffrage during his administration . ─── 在他当政期间,保证白人成年公民选举权的州越来越多。

67、The question of woman suffrage sets them at variance. ─── 妇女参政的问题使他们发生争执。

68、Brotherton and Ewart were both Liberal MPs but Edwards was a Chartist who was also involved in the struggle for universal suffrage. ─── 布拉德顿和埃华特都是英国下院议员中的自由主义者,而爱德华兹则是卷入争取普选权争取中的宪章主义者。

69、On March 8, 1884, Anthony testified before Congress supporting women's suffrage (right to vote). ─── 在1884年月8日,安东尼在国会发言面前争取妇女投票权。

70、More than eighty years ago, women were on their way to gaining the right to vote after Congress approved the women's suffrage amendment. ─── 但是在八十几年前,当国会通过妇女投票权的宪法修正案后,妇女还是为了这样权利而一直努力争取著。

71、The Basic Law provides for popular election of the Chief Executive and full universal suffrage of the legislation after 2007. ─── 基本法容许二零零七年后特首及全体立法会议员都由普选产生。

72、His aim was to encourage the community to explore issues relating to universal suffrage from different perspectives. ─── 他旨在鼓励社会从多个角度讨论有关普选的事宜。

73、The Female Suffrage movement experienced rapid success. ─── 妇女选举运动迅速取得了成功。

74、The C Standing Committee has already ruled out universal suffrage by2007. ─── 人大常委会已否决二零零七年实施普选。

75、With universal suffrage, the DAB would lose votes and the Democratic Party would gain more seats. ─── 當普選開始,民建聯會失票,民主黨會得到更多議席。

76、The History of Women Suffrage ─── 妇女参政史

77、American social economist noted for her studies of labor and woman suffrage. ─── 伍德伯里,海伦 劳拉 萨姆纳1876-1933美国社会经济学家,以其对于劳动和妇女选举权的研究而著名

78、Development of BritishWoman Suffrage Movement Theory in the 20th Century ─── 20世纪初英国妇女选举权运动的理论发展

79、In England, women suffrage was established in 1928. ─── 在英国,女性投票权是在1928年确立的。

80、Another opinion holds that a transitional phase shall be introduced before the actual implementation of universal suffrage in 2017. ─── 又有意见认为应该要先经过一个过度期,再系2017年达至普选;

81、In 2012, abolish all Functional Constituencies. All 60 seats will be elected on the basis of universal suffrage. ─── 在2012年,全面取消功能界别的议席。立法会全部60个议席透过地区直选产生。

82、However, some participants considered that the seats returned by functional constituencies should be retained even after the implementation of universal suffrage. ─── 但亦有嘉宾指,即使实行普选也可以保留功能团体议席。

83、A Theoretical Study on the Nineteenth Century British Women's Suffrage Movement ─── 十九世纪英国妇女选举权运动的理论探索

84、If only given the following choices, which year would you prefer implementing the selection of CE by universal suffrage? ─── 咁如果你只得以下几个答案选择,你会拣系边年实现普选行政长官?

85、She was active in the Society for Women's Suffrage. ─── 她在争取妇女选举权协会中活动非常积极。

86、In countries such as Britain, exponents of universal suffrage actually targeted the postal services as part if their national campaign and remnants of the graphic vandalism exist to this day. ─── 在国家譬如不列颠, 普遍参政权方次数实际上瞄准了邮政局作为部份如果图表故意破坏的他们的全国竞选和残余存在对这天。

87、The head of state is the president, elected by direct suffrage for a term of seven years. ─── 国家元首是总统,直接投票选举产生,任期七年。

88、Development beyond the ten years period will be up to the views of the people of Hong Kong at that time. The political evolution will continue with universal suffrage as the ultimate objective. ─── 十年之后,政制发展会视乎香港市民的意愿而定,最终目标是推行普选。

89、In contemporary America, the extension of the suffrage does not always deepen the extent of political participation. ─── 然而,在当代美国,在选举权扩大的同时,公民政治参与的热情与程度却持续降低。

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