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08-24 投稿


simile 发音

英:['sɪmɪlɪ]  美:['sɪməli]

英:  美:

simile 中文意思翻译



simile 同义词


simile 短语词组

1、epic simile ( ─── 史诗中长达数行的) ─── 史诗明喻

2、simile examples ─── 明喻例

3、simile love ─── 明喻爱情

4、simile part ─── 明喻部分

5、simile meaning ─── 明喻

6、simile definition ─── 明喻定义

7、illuminative simile ─── 启发性明喻

8、simile part crossword ─── 明喻部分纵横填字游戏

9、Canthium simile ─── 炖

10、metaphor simile analogy ─── 隐喻-明喻类比

11、metaphor simile oxymoron ─── 隐喻-明喻-矛盾修饰法

12、simile center crossword ─── 明喻中心纵横字谜

13、metaphor simile metonymy ─── 隐喻-明喻-转喻

14、Geoglossum simile ─── 吉格洛斯明喻

15、metaphor simile ─── 隐喻明喻

16、simile list ─── 明喻表

17、simile marker ─── 比喻标记

simile 反义词


simile 词性/词形变化,simile变形

名词复数: similarities |

simile 相似词语短语

1、simple ─── adj.简单的;单纯的;天真的;n.笨蛋;愚蠢的行为;出身低微者;n.(Simple)人名;(法)桑普勒

2、similar ─── adj.相似的;n.类似物

3、similize ─── vt.比拟;把……比作;vi.用直喻

4、simplex ─── adj.单一的;(通讯系统、计算机电路等)单工的;n.简单词;单形

5、similes ─── n.明喻;直喻(simile的复数)

6、similise ─── 模拟

7、simpler ─── adj.更简单的(simple的比较级);n.(Simpler)人名;(瑞典)辛普勒

8、similor ─── n.西米勒含锡黄铜,含锡黄铜

9、simples ─── n.(Simples)人名;(葡)辛普莱斯

simile 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All alone in the moonlight.I can simile at the old dayes. ─── 分析人物就要把他放在当时的环境中。

2、It is not easy to make a simile go on all fours. ─── 一个比喻要完全贴切是不容易的。

3、Sabotage of the co-operative movement by counter-revolutionaries is a common occurrence and not limited to the Fifth District of Tuyun County, Kweichow Province, but very little is written about it in simile publications in other provinces. ─── 反革命破坏合作化运动的问题,是一个普遍的问题,不是贵州省都匀县第五区一个地方的问题,但是我们在别省的同类刊物上却很少看到这个问题的反映。

4、The similarity and dissimilarity between the two things compared in a simile ─── 明喻的本体和喻体的相似性及非相似性

5、An analysis of the simile "movies are like dreams" ─── "电影如梦"解析

6、Swiftly comes the deprecating simile: "like foam seeping from a fire extinguisher". ─── 作者接着用了一个揶揄的比喻:“就像灭火器喷射的泡沫一样。”

7、Sopra le teste degli esseri viventi c’era come una distesa di cielo, di colore simile a cristallo d’ammirabile splendore, e s’espandeva su in alto, sopra alle loro teste. ─── 在活物的头顶上面,有穹苍的形状,好像闪耀的水晶,十分可畏,在活物的头顶上面张开。

8、Rhetorical devises are various, but those which operate in the increasing process are simile or metaphor, personification, metonymy, euphemism, garble and alias. ─── 修辞的辞格相当多,能够在词的义项增多过程中起作用的一般是比喻、比拟、借代、移觉、委婉、断取、别解等。

9、First we have the "Pilot of some small night-founder'd skiff," and the pilot stands ab extra, from outside, in the simile. ─── 首先我们看这句“迷茫深夜中,轻舟的导航人”,在这个明喻中,导航人从诗句之外向内眺望。

10、Thp eractice has shown that this method could achieve greater economical benefit.Therefore, the practical experience of this mine could be useful in simil... ─── 实践表明,通过这一途径能获得较好的经济效益,因而为同类矿山的残矿柱回收提供了有益的借鉴。

11、In the aspect of rhetoric , exaggeration and special imagination were less used while descriptive simile and metaphor appeared . ─── 在修辞手法上面,李白晚期诗歌较少运用前期大胆的夸张、奇特的想象这类修辞手法,而较多地运用细致的描写、恰当的比喻这样一些比较平实的手法。

12、Appreciation is given on simile, metaphor, and metonymy all together three aspects in English literature. ─── 摘要从明喻、隐喻、借喻三个方面对英语文学作品中的比喻修辞格进行了赏析。

13、Simile is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two things that are different in essence. ─── 明喻是一种修辞手法,它比较两种本质不同的事物。

14、I enjoy poetry too. I recently did a class on figures of speech. You just used a simile didn't you? ─── 我也喜欢诗歌,我最近嗨上了一堂修辞课。你刚才用的是比喻,对吗?

15、Will simile when thinking about him. ─── 会总是想起他,然后微微一笑。

16、Son simile al pellicano del deserto, son come il gufo de’ luoghi desolati. ─── 我像旷野的鹈鹕,又像废墟里的猫头鹰。

17、His face split into a simile. ─── 他脸上绽出微笑。

18、epic simile ─── 史诗明喻

19、On the contrary, if the attribute character of vehicle is typical, a simile could be formed even the tenor is of the same species. ─── 而当作比一方在作为比较点的非度量类属性上具有典型特征时,即使两事物同类也可以构成比喻。

20、Especially in physics class, competitors not only deliver vigorous speech, but also apply some effective debating techniques such as exact data citation, analogy, simile, and rhetorical questions. ─── 尤其是物理班的同学,他们的辩论不仅非常有气势,而且有效地运用了一些辩论技巧,比如:准确的数据引用,运用类比,比喻,排比,反问等修辞手法。

21、A Tentative Analysis on the Differences and Similarities of Simile and Metaphor ─── 小议明喻和隐喻的差别与联系

22、It is a trite simile to compare her teeth to pearls. ─── 把她的牙齿比做珍珠是陈腐的比喻。

23、"The baby is as cute as an angel" is a simile. ─── “孩子像天使一般可爱”是句直喻。

24、I can still remember the simile you looked on me and also the taunts through the phone. ─── 我总能想起你看我时那鄙视的笑容,电话中那嘲讽的口吻。

25、It's not easy to make a simile go on all fours. ─── 作一个丝毫不差的明喻可不是那么容易的。

26、Species difference between the things compared is not essential to the formation of a simile. ─── “异质性”不是比喻的构成条件。

27、10. The king, insulted by this homely simile, banishes the youngest daughter and divides his kingdom between the older two, who promptly kick him out on his royal heinie. ─── 国王觉得这样寻常的说辞,简直就是敷衍。于是乎他流放了小女儿,并将国土分给了她的两个姐姐。谁料她们很快就就把老国王赶出了他自己土地。收藏指正

28、On the Translation of Extended Simile and Metaphor ─── 扩展比喻翻译探析

29、Lister said people should follow the 1946 advice of writer George Orwell: "Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print." ─── 李斯特说人们最好遵循作家乔治·奥威尔1946年提出的建议:“不要使用那些在各种出版物上频繁出现的暗喻、明喻或其他修辞格。”

30、The most outstanding characteristic is that Simile is a declarative modelling environment. ─── 最突出的特点是它是一个公开的建模环境。

31、The pastoral elegance of this little simile really catches us off guard. ─── 这个有着田园诗情画意般优雅的小比喻确实让我们毫无防备。

32、A simile has at least two layers of meaning. ─── 明喻修辞至少有两层含义。

33、Having not get in touch with him for days, call him in a hurry and simile with tears in eyes. ─── 是几天没有联络后,着急得的打电话给他,然后忍住眼泪笑一笑。

34、His style is rich in simile. ─── 他的文体多用明喻

35、I believe this simile largely speaks the truth. ─── 我相信这种比拟在很大程度上道出了真实。

36、Speaking in simile is a special way of the application of trope in news comments, being a excellent way of reasoning in news comments. ─── 喻证法是新闻评论运用比喻的一种特殊形式,是新闻评论的一种很好的辅助说理手段。

37、Memory.All alone in the moonlight.I can simile at the old dayes.I was beatiful then.I remember a time i knew what happiness was.Let the memory live again. ─── 以前看过两遍,不喜欢,可能看的时候年纪太小,啥都不懂。

38、The technique presented in this art icle is a preferable one for solving the problem of pattern recognition of simil arity of curves. ─── 文中提出的方法可以较好地解决曲线相似性的模式识别问题。

39、An expression such as a metaphor or simile or a device such as personification or hyperbole in which words are used in a nonliteral way to achieve an effect beyond the range of ordinary language. ─── 形象化说法:例如隐喻或直喻等表达方式或如拟人或夸张等文学手法,通过这些方法文字能用非字面的意义获得超过普通语言的效果。

40、This is the simile of what I have just given to you. ─── 不过这是我已经给予你们的明喻。

41、white simile paper ─── 印书纸

42、"As if" operates like a simile, which is an explicit type of metaphor. ─── “似”的工作原理就像明喻(一种直接清楚的比喻)一样。

43、With many classic English advertisements,this paper discusses how contrast,personification,simile,repetition,pun,exaggeration,parody and rhyme are used in advertising English. ─── 广告英语以其独特的作用越来越引起人们的关注,这主要是由于广告英语中运用了丰富的修辞格。

44、Geoglossum simile ─── n. 相似地舌菌

45、Canthium simile ─── n. 大叶鱼骨木

46、Lister said people should follow the 1946 advice of writer George Orwell: "Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print. ─── 李斯特说人们最好遵循作家乔治?奥威尔1946年提出的建议:“不要使用那些在各种出版物上频繁出现的暗喻、明喻或其他修辞格。”

47、The king, insulted by this homely simile, banishes the youngest daughter and divides his kingdom between the older two, who promptly kick him out on his royal heinie. ─── 国王觉得这样寻常的说辞,简直就是敷衍。于是乎他流放了小女儿,并将国土分给了她的两个姐姐。谁料她们很快就就把老国王赶出了他自己土地。

48、redefinition of simile based on meaning, markedness, category theory, element confirmation and classification; ─── 基于语义、标记、范畴理论,重新定义比喻,并对比喻进行要素确定和分类;

49、simile paper ─── 模造纸

50、The stylistic devices frequently appearing in advertisements are pun, parody, hyperbole, alliteration, personification, simile, metaphor, repetition and antithesis, etc. ─── 常用于英语广告中的修辞格有:双关、仿似、夸张、押韵、拟人、比喻、重复和对照。

51、When used to pin down abstract concepts or unusual design details, design by metaphor or simile bridges a major gap of understanding. ─── 在涉及到抽象概念或难以理解的设计细节时,利用明喻或暗喻可以避免设计者与客户之间产生大的理解分歧。

52、On one hand, it is decorative, simile and symbolic, which is the same with modern colors. ─── 它一方面与现代色彩的运用都具有装饰性、简洁性以及象征性等相似性特征;

53、The simile is there ostensibly to compare Satan with the great sea beast, leviathan. ─── 这个明喻很明显是将撒旦和凶猛的海中野兽利维坦进行了对比。

54、PETRUCHIO. A good swift simile, but something currish. ─── 彼特鲁乔:应答虽然快,比方却有点狗臭气。

55、Back to thinking about the battlefield, there is a simile I can give you. ─── 回想战争,我能给予你们一个明喻的说法。

56、The understandability of metaphor is between that of simile and metonymy, so it is adopted less frequently than simile and more frequently than metonymy. ─── 暗喻的理解难度介于二者之间,所以使用频率也介乎其间。

57、"As white as snow" is a simile. ─── "洁白如雪"是明喻。

58、" The king, insulted by this homely simile, banishes the youngest daughter and divides his kingdom between the older two, who promptly kick him out on his royal heinie. ─── 将他的王国由长女平分。两位女儿随后立刻把老国王赶了出去。国王去一家人避难;

59、With many classic English advertisements, this paper discusses how contrast, personification, simile, repetition, pun, exaggeration, parody and rhyme are used in advertising English. ─── 本文着重分析了对比、拟人、比喻、反复、双关、夸张、仿拟、押韵这八种常用修辞手法在广告英语中的实际运用,并用经典范例加以说明。

60、Exploring into Metaphor and Simile in College English Intensive Reading ─── 大学英语精读教材中比喻现象探究

61、The English "as +adjective+ as +animal word" idiom is one of the typical expressions employed in simile. ─── 习语“as+形容词+as+动物词”是英语明喻的一种典型表达法之一。

62、Modern metaphor study grants it a cognitive sense and divides it into various types such as simile and implicit metaphor, etc. ─── 现代隐喻理论明确把隐喻提升到认知高度,将其分为显性隐喻(即明喻)与隐性隐喻。

63、Adriana:I enjoy poetry too,I recently did a class on figures of speech.You just used a simile didn't you ? ─── 我也很喜欢诗歌,最近我上了一堂修辞课.你刚才用的时比喻,对吗?

64、The Source of the Simile"The Tongue is Like a Unrotten Lotus" ─── "舌如红莲不坏烂"源流考

65、This essay illustrates the artistic expressive effects of aesthetic rhetoric by analyzing the usage of some kinds of figures of speech, such as: Simile、 Metaphor、 Personification、 Hyperbole、 Litotes and Antithesis. ─── 本文拟通过比喻、代、人、张、言、比等各种辞格在句中的具体运用来说明美学修辞在商务英文报刊中所取得的艺术性表达效果。

66、If you will pardon so commonplace a simile, we have set off the fire alarm and have nothing to do but to wait. ─── 原谅我使用这么俗套的比喻吧,我们点燃了烽火,接下来所能做的就只有等待了。

67、"As white as snow" is a good example of a simile. ─── “洁白如雪”是一个明喻的好例子。

68、In an effort to explain his thinking, the septogenarian Billionaire investor turned to something of a strange simile. ─── 为了解释他的想法,这位年逾古稀的亿万富翁打了一个奇怪的比喻。

69、Twenty years ago, in the run-up to the last Habitat conference, the prophetic Barbara Ward, economist and environmentalist, reached for a simile to describe the coming cataclysm. ─── 20年前,在上一届生境大会准备阶段,有先见之明的经济学家和环保专家巴巴拉·沃德妙手偶得一个比喻来描述未来的大灾难:

70、A Model Based on Alternative Simil arity Scale for Uncertain Multi-At tribute Decision-Making ─── 基于方案贴近度的不确定型多属性决策模型

71、Thorpe never finished the simile, for it could hardly have been a proper one. ─── 莫兰没有说完他的比喻,因为这实在不是个很文雅的比喻。

72、In other words, to return to my simile, the stone must be rolled away. ─── 换言之,用我刚提到的明喻来表示,石头必须推开。

73、Gratitude can mean a simile or a thank-you, or a gesture of appreciation. ─── 感激会是一个微笑,一句谢谢或是一个感谢的手势。

74、Pre la mia BEDO esan luno-lumo,Do ji esan simil’ al frosto en grundo. ─── 大同语诗歌韵律:yen 等虚词的办法进行调节。

75、It wep said simil Its Web site simply saysjust : " Just the right amount of ginseng. ─── 它的网站举出简单的例子:仅仅适量的人参。

76、Run a simile too far ─── 把一个明喻用得牵强附会

77、If West Lake could be compared to a gentle and graceful young maiden, then the tides of Qiantang could have for a fitting simile a fearless, all-conquering hero that would allow nothing to stand in his way. ─── 在游人面前,假如把西湖比作淑女,仪态温文雅致,那么,钱塘江潮则声势显赫,一副英雄气概。

78、With English and Chinese simile as the research topic, this paper discusses the similarities and differences in the use of simile between the two languages. ─── 本文以英语的明喻和汉语的明喻为主题,探讨不同民族在使用明喻时的共同点和不同点,从一个侧面对语言进行对比研究。

79、simile idioms ─── 明喻成语

80、Love is, having not get in touch with him for days, call him in a hurry and simile with tears in eyes. ─── 爱,是几天没有联络后,着急得的打电话给他,然后忍住眼泪笑一笑。

81、In fact, He used a powerful simile to make the point. ─── 祂用一个强而有力的比喻,来说明祂的重点。

82、Canthium simile Merr. & Chur. ─── 大叶鱼骨木

83、Io non so come, il mio desiderio m’ha resa simile ai carri d’Amminadab. ─── 不知不觉之间,我的心把我置于我尊贵的民的车中。

84、Live the life in full, and always simile in spite of difficult times. ─── 全心全意地活着,以微笑面对困难。

85、Don't cry because it is over, simile because it happened. ─── 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥用。

86、" As white as snow" is a simile. ─── “洁白如雪”是明喻。

87、Her style is rich in simile ─── 她的文体中用很多比喻。

88、I'm running my simile too far. ─── 我比喻得过头了。

89、Enigmatic folk simile ─── 歇后语

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