acidified 发音
英:[əˈsɪdɪfaɪd] 美:[əˈsɪdɪfaɪd]
英: 美:
acidified 中文意思翻译
常见释义: 酸化
acidified 短语词组
1、acidified iron ─── 酸化铁
2、acidified water ─── 酸化水
3、acidified soil ─── 酸化土壤
4、acidified dichromate ion ─── 酸化重铬 ─── 酸盐离子
5、acidified whey ─── 酸化乳清
6、acidified dichromate ─── 酸化重铬 ─── 酸盐
7、acidified potassium ─── 酸化钾
8、acidified potassium manganate ─── 酸化锰 ─── 酸钾
9、acidified ki ─── 酸化碘化钾
10、acidified pesto ─── 酸化香蒜
11、acidified def ─── 酸化def
12、acidified potassium permanganate is a strong ─── 酸化高锰 ─── 酸钾是一种强 ─── 酸
13、acidified potassium dichromate ─── 酸化重铬 ─── 酸钾
14、acidified potassium iodide ─── 酸化碘化钾
15、acidified manganate ─── 酸化锰 ─── 酸盐
acidified 同义词
acetify | sour | acidulate
acidified 反义词
acidified 词性/词形变化,acidified变形
形容词: acidifiable |动词过去分词: acidified |动词第三人称单数: acidifies |名词: acidification |动词现在分词: acidifying |动词过去式: acidified |
acidified 相似词语短语
1、deacidified ─── v.使脱酸;降低……的酸度
2、lapidified ─── (使)化成石头,(使)石化
3、nidified ─── vi.筑巢(等于nidificate)
4、acetified ─── vt.使醋化;变酸;vi.醋化;变酸
5、acidities ─── n.酸度;酸性;酸过多;胃酸过多
6、acidifies ─── vi.[化学]酸化;变酸;vt.使……成酸;使……酸化
7、citified ─── adj.都市风尚的;有都市气概的
8、acidifier ─── n.[助剂]酸化剂;成酸剂
9、codified ─── 编成法典
acidified 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Nutrient status and enzyme activities of acidified tailings under different plant communities ─── 不同植物群落下酸化尾矿养分状况及土壤酶活性
2、or Alkene (ethene) can turn acidified potassium permanganate solution from purple to colorless. ─── 烯烃(例:乙烯)可把酸化高锰酸钾溶液由紫色变成无色。
3、The frequency of acidified milk intake within a week (times). ─── 一周内摄入发酵乳的频率(回数)
4、The raw material was extracted by petroleum and ethyl acetate successively.Ethyl acetate part was basified, and the soluble part was acidified. ─── 将蜂胶原料分别用石油醚,乙酸乙酯浸泡,对乙酸乙酯浸泡部分碱化,分液,酸化,再分别用氯仿,乙酸乙酯,正丁醇分配萃取。
5、Recent studies in Galloway, the Scottish Highlands and Wales reveal that many streams are still highly acidified. ─── 最近在苏格兰高地加洛韦和威尔士进行的研究显示,很多溪流仍然高度酸化。
6、Resilience of Epilithic Algal Assemblages in Atmospherically and Experimentally Acidified Boreal Lakes ─── 大气酸化和实验酸化的北方湖泊中石生藻类群落的复原能力
7、Recommended international code of hygienic practice for low-acid and acidified low-acid canned foods ─── 国际低酸和酸化低酸罐头食品推荐卫生操作规程
8、on catalytic activity were studied in detail. The results show that the acidified bentonite displays good catalytic activity. . . ─── 试验结果表明,和布克赛尔钠基膨润土改性后有较好的酸催化活性。
9、Wastewater treatment by acidified hydrolysis-electrocoagulation-MBR technology ─── 印染废水的酸化水解-电解絮凝-MBR处理工艺
10、The germination of Chinese Pine (Pinus tabulacformic Carr).seeds decreased after sowed in red-yellow soil acidified by H2SO4 solution. ─── 但酸沉降污染是不能排除的重要原因之一,因此,开展酸沉降污染对油松生长影响的系统研究十分必要。
11、Effects of simulated acid rain and its acidified soil on soluble sugar and nitrogen contents of wheat seedlings ─── 模拟酸雨及其酸化土壤对小麦幼苗体内可溶性糖和含氮量的影响
12、acidified milk drink ─── 酸乳饮料
13、Keywords pork;preservation;acidified sodium chlorite;sodium hypochlorite; ─── 猪肉;保鲜;酸化亚氯酸钠;次氯酸钠;
14、In order to recover the valuable metals from the ore in an economic and effective way, an experimental study was carried out on a new heap leaching process based on acidified granulation. ─── 为经济有效地回收这种矿石中的有价金属,进行了酸化制粒堆浸新工艺的试验研究。
15、It is found that as a stabilizer in acidified milk drinks (AMD), CMC with higher molecular weight, DS or concentration is of much more benefit to the st... ─── 当加入的CMC浓度过低时,酪蛋白颗粒易发生架桥絮凝而使体系失稳,较高浓度的CMC才可使体系趋于稳定。
16、Weak acidified water ─── 弱酸化水
17、acidified soybean oil ─── 大豆酸化油
18、Keywords Ferment Lactobacilli Live lactobacillus milk drink Direct acidified milk drink Heat treatmentGlucose Adding “starter” culture homogenize distribution; ─── 发酵;乳酸菌;活乳酸菌乳饮料;调酸型乳饮料;乳粉;热处理;葡萄糖;接种;均质;分销;
19、acidified with hydrochloric acid ─── 盐酸酸化
20、acidified juice milk ─── 果汁乳饮料
21、This paper reviewed the mechanism of carrageenan and pectin with casein in milk drinks,it also expatiate the major factors which influence the stability of acidified milk drinks. ─── 综述了不同类型的卡拉胶和果胶在乳饮料中与酪蛋白的作用机理,并介绍了影响酸乳饮料稳定性的主要因素。
22、,on catalytic activity were studied in detail.The results show that the acidified bentonite displays good catalytic activit... ─── 试验结果表明,和布克赛尔钠基膨润土改性后有较好的酸催化活性。
23、direct acidified ─── 直接酸化
24、acidified milk ─── 变酸乳发酵乳酸化乳
25、Factors influencing phosphorus removal from centrifugate of acidified excess activated sludge ─── 剩余污泥水解酸化液磷去除的影响因素研究
26、The blood plasma was dealt with by acidified methyl alcohol,and the content of cefditoren in blood plasma was measured by HPLC. ─── 以酸化后的甲醇处理血浆,采用高效液相色谱法对血浆中头孢妥仑的含量进行测定。
27、Growth, N-fixation and heavy metal accumulation of Sesbania rostrata transplanted on acidified Pb/Zn tailings in Lechang, Guangdong Province, were investigated. ─── 设置移栽时营养杯的有无及其大小作试验,研究长喙田菁在乐昌铅锌矿强酸化尾矿上的生长、固氮和积累重金属情况。
28、Keywords Electroremediation;Heavy metals;Acidified sewage sludge; ─── 电动力修复;重金属;酸化污泥;
29、It shows that determination of sodium hydrosulfite content is less affected by time and temperature change when acidified with hydrochloric acid than wi... ─── 结果表明用盐酸酸化比用醋酸酸化测含量受时间和温度变化的影响小,测定结果更接近真实值。
30、Objective To evaluate laboratory characteristi cs of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) with positive acidified glycerol lysis te st (AGLT). ─── 目的 评价酸化甘油溶解试验阳性的自身免疫性溶血性贫血的实验室特点。
31、The technology for the production of acidified milk by using peanut protein powder as the main material was developed, and the products were tested. ─── 介绍了以花生蛋白粉为主要原料生产花生酸奶的工艺 ,并对产品进行了分析检验。
32、The effects of the treatment show that the best effect is achieved by pillared acidified bentonite,whose COD removal efficiency is more than 80% and chroma removal efficiency is more than 95%. ─── 处理效果最佳的是柱撑酸化膨润土,其对染料废水COD的去除率可达80%以上,色度去除率可达95%以上。
33、acidified cold-process syrup ─── 冷法酸化糖浆
34、Keywords the organic wastewater;treatment technique;acidified extraction; ─── 有机废碱液;处理技术;酸化萃取;
35、The acidified milk with P.ostreatus was developed through the fermentation of milk added with P.ostreatus juice by lactic acid bacteria based on mature technology of acidified milk. ─── 在酸奶成熟工艺的基础上,将平菇汁添加到牛乳中,经乳酸发酵制得平菇酸奶。
36、or SO 2 / SO 32 ( can turn acidified potassium permanganate solution from purple to colorless. ─── 二氧化硫/亚硫酸根离子可把酸化高锰酸钾溶液由紫色变成无色。
37、A slightly acidified solution of it is colored blue to violet by the addition of iodine and potassium iodide. ─── 这种物质的弱酸性溶液呈蓝色.加入碘或碘化钾后会变成紫色.
38、High quality epoxidized cottonseed oil plasticizer could be obtained by reaction of formic acid acidified cottonseed oil with hydrogen peroxide using MOA-3 as emulsifier without solvent. ─── 实验结果表明:无溶剂条件下,以脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚(MOA-3)为乳化剂,用过氧化氢环氧化用甲酸酸化的棉籽油,可获得优质环氧棉籽油增塑剂。
39、The aqueous phase were acidified with sulfuric acid, taken to dryness and extracted with methanol (water soluble acidic fractions) and concentrated for TMS derivatives. ─── 有机相(碱性和中性部分)经浓缩并硅烷化,水相经酸化、吹干、提取(提取物为酸性水溶性部分)并硅烷化。
40、It has been acidified, dirtied and squandered. ─── 水变酸了,变脏了,任人挥霍。
41、MRichard Ipsenb,_Ross Clarkc.Zeta potential of pectin-stabilised casein aggregates in acidified milk drinks.International Dairy Journal 6(2006)1-6. ─── 董文明,王伟等.提高含蛋白质饮料稳定性的研究进展[J].食品工业,2005,(3):46-47.
42、Soil erosion and fertilizer application made soil acidified in slope field, soil acidification increased significantly with depth. ─── 水土流失和化肥的施用使得坡耕地土壤发生了酸化,随土层的加深而酸化加重。
43、Seawater is absorbing less sound as carbon dioxide from fossil-fuel burning seeps into the ocean and acidified it. ─── 海水吸收更少的声音是由于矿物燃料燃烧产出的二氧化碳渗漏到海洋中并酸化了海洋。
44、If the acidified alta-mud be post-propped up again inorganically,its COD removing rate could be raised to 81% or more and its decoloring rate could be raised to 98% or more. ─── 若再对其进行无机柱撑,COD的去除率可达81%以上,色度去除率可达98%以上。
45、The activation mechanism of C_(28) and acidified sodium silicate were investigated by means of ESCA and IR spectra. ─── 用ESCA和红外光谱测试技术研究了C_(28)的捕收机理及酸化水玻璃的抑制机理。
46、Keywords diammonium phosphate(DAP);neutralization value;concentrating acidified slurry;technical transformation feasibility; ─── 磷酸二铵;中和度;酸性料浆浓缩;技改可行性;
47、“cultured ”and “acidified”sour cream are slightly different. ─── 人工养殖酸化的酸奶油有些微的不同。
48、The effect of xanthan gums from different sources(from xanthan gum producers in China,JV and French) to the stability of CMC stabilized acidified milk drink was studied. ─── 研究了不同来源黄原胶对羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)稳定的酸性乳饮料稳定性的影响,结果表明,其结果依赖于黄原胶的来源。
49、Keywords pork;preservation;acidified sodium chlorite;trisodium phosphate;cetylpyridinium chloride; ─── 猪肉;保鲜;酸化亚氯酸钠;磷酸三钠;氯化十六烷基吡啶;
50、This paper studies the effect of cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), sodium hypochlorite(NaClO) and acidified sodium chlorite(ASC) on cooled pork. ─── 本文研究了氯化十六烷基吡啶(Cetylpyridinium Chloride,CPC)、次氯酸钠(Sodium Hypochlorite,NaClO)、酸化亚氯酸钠(Acidified Sodium Chlorite,ASC)三种防腐剂。
51、Acidified ethanol ─── 酸化乙醇
52、Keywords sodium carbonate;the waste water hydrolyzed by acidified oil;purifying technology;gum impurity;residual content; ─── 碳酸钠;酸化油水解废水;净化工艺;胶体杂质;残留量;
53、Standard Test Method for Evaluating Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Stainless Alloys with Different Nickel Content in Boiling Acidified Sodium Chloride Solution ─── 沸腾酸化氯化钠溶液中不同镍合金含量不锈钢合金应力腐蚀裂纹评定的标准试验方法
54、The sample was molten and decomposed with sodium peroxide,leached and acidified with hot water and constant-volumed. ─── 试样以过氧化钠熔融分解,热水浸取、酸化,定容。
55、8.The results show that coniferous forests throughfall trends toward further acidified, while broad-leaved forests can alleviate the acidification effect. ─── 结果表明:针叶林穿透 水有进一步酸化趋势,而阔叶林可以减缓酸化作用.
56、Soils are leached, acidified and nutrient poor. ─── 土壤是淋溶的、酸性的和养分贫瘠的。
57、believed that they will play an active role in deep-well acidified fracture in Ta River Oilfield. ─── 相信这项技术也能在塔河油田深井酸压作业中发挥积极的作用。
58、Because acidified roasting intensity of fluid bed roaster is lower, this paper puts forward a program to modify the water jacket, the cooler, the joint part etc. ─── 由于沸腾焙烧炉酸化焙烧强度较低,提出了改造水套、冷却器、连接等部位。
59、acidified silage ─── 加酸青贮料
60、After the flocculation of wastewater being acidified and neutralized and 0.4% of poly aluminum ferric sulphate(PFAS),the removal rate of COD can reach above 50% and the chroma decreases four times. ─── 经酸析、中和工艺处理后的废水与0.4%的聚合硫酸铝铁进行混凝处理后,废水的COD单元去除率仍可达50%以上,色度降低了4倍。
61、Treating Slaughterhouse Wastewater by Acidifi Cation-sequencing Batch Technology ─── 厌氧酸化-序列式活性污泥法处理屠宰废水
62、acidified sodium chlorite ─── 酸化亚氯酸钠
63、extracting pigment from green wheat bran with acidified alcohol were studied. ─── 绿粒小麦麸皮为原料进行色素的酸化乙醇法提取。
64、Pecin can be used as a stabiliser in the acidified milk drinks. ─── 果胶可用于酸性乳饮料中作为稳定剂。
65、acidified hot-process syrup ─── 热法酸化糖浆
66、acidified sour cream is pasteurized cream that has been soured with bacteria that produce lactice acid . ─── 被酸化的酸奶油,会因为细菌的关系,产生乳酸。
68、Keywords fruit particles;acidified milk drink;UHT;aseptic dosing; ─── 果粒;酸性乳饮料;超高温;无菌添加;
69、Keywords tannery sludge;bio-detoxication;return of acidified sludge;chromium removal; ─── 制革污泥;生物脱毒;酸化污泥回流;除铬;
70、Keywords pectin;casein micelles;acidified milk drinks;interaction; ─── 果胶;酪蛋白;酸性乳饮料;相互作用;
72、Keywords carboxymetylcellulose (CMC);rheology;acidified milk drinks (AMD);casein micelle;stability; ─── 羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC);流变学;酸性乳体系;酪蛋白;稳定性;
73、Keywords Eucommia ulmoides Oliv;simulated acid rain;acidified soil;growth; ─── 模拟酸雨;土壤酸化;杜仲;生长;
74、Under base condition, diethyl sulfate and salicylic acid occurred substitution reaction, then acidified to obtain o ehtoxybenzoic acid. ─── 由水杨酸和硫酸二乙酯经碱性下取代、酸化制得了邻乙氧基苯甲酸。
75、The Impact of the Activity of the Nitrate Reductase of Lettuce and the Energy of Root System by the Acidified Soil Caused by Simulating Man-made Acid Rain ─── 人工模拟酸雨致酸土壤对莴苣的硝酸还原酶活性和根系活力的影响
76、The results are that acidified water sample is disadvantageous to the stability of chromium,sealing up and low temperature is advantageous to reserve the water sample of chromium species. ─── 设计了不同酸度、不同温度、接触空气等条件的贮存方案,对含铬形态化合物水样的贮存和铬形态稳定性进行了研究。
77、Moreover, the anode chamber has not presented the acidified phenomenon. ─── 另外,阳极室均未出现酸化现象。
78、The Technology for the Production of Acidified Milk by Using Peanut Protein Powder ─── 花生蛋白粉生产酸奶的工艺研究
79、The remarkable features of the technology are: a. the raw material can only be suitably acidified;b. middle-temperature filling can’t be adopted. ─── 该工艺的显著特点之一是原料只能经过适当地酸化处理,之二是不能采用中温灌装。
80、Study on the Process Design and Equipment Selection for Ambient Acidified Milk Drink with Fruit Particles ─── 常温果粒酸性乳饮料工艺流程和设备选型探讨
81、Then rotten woods and plants released carbon dioxide.CO2 and water created acidified solutions that dissolved some of the rocks and other less steady materials. ─── 千万年里,朽木腐草所释放的二氧化碳在水中变成酸,溶化了部分岩石和疏松物,从而有了溶洞。
82、acidified thermal method ─── 酸加热法
83、of using acidified alcohol to extract surfactant, it is more effective to retain fe in tetrahedral coordinated framework. ─── 用酸化的乙醇溶液抽提脱除模板剂,能更有效地让铁保留在四面体配位状态的骨架位上。
84、Keywords Organic amine with alkynyl-oxygen alkyl group;Quaternary ammonium salt;Alkynyl alcohol;Oil well;Acidified inhibitor; ─── 炔氧烷基胺;炔氧烷基季铵盐;快醇;油井;酸化缓蚀剂;
85、LACF low-acid canned foods and acidified foods ─── 低酸罐头及酸化食品
86、Recycling Acidified Bioleached Sludge in Bioleaching of Heavy Metals in Tannery Sludge by Sequence Batch Operation Model ─── 生物酸化污泥回用在批式运行的污泥生物淋滤工艺中的效果
87、The results are that acidified water sample is disadvantageous to the stability of Arsenic,plastic bottle and low temperature is beneficial to reserve the water sample of Arsenic species. ─── 认为,人为酸化水样不利于砷形态的稳定;塑料瓶作容器、低温对砷形态水样的保存有利。
88、A Experimental study on utilization of Microbes to Treat the High Loads Black Liquor from Cotton Linter pulp in High Temperature Acidified Medium ─── 微生物高温酸化处理高负荷棉浆黑液的研究
89、The lysosome is the machinery of last resort for this degradation: it is a highly acidified compartment with many powerful enzymes. ─── 溶酶体是这种降解作用最后凭借的机器:它是非常酸性的分隔区间,有很多强有力的酶。
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