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08-24 投稿


chiaroscuro 发音

英:[kɪ,ɑːrə'skʊərəʊ]  美:[kɪ,ɑrə'skʊro]

英:  美:

chiaroscuro 中文意思翻译



chiaroscuro 网络释义

n. 用明暗对照法绘制的图画;明暗的配合

chiaroscuro 词性/词形变化,chiaroscuro变形

名词: chiaroscurist |名词复数: chiaroscuros |

chiaroscuro 短语词组

1、chiaroscuro is a method of ─── 明暗对比是一种

2、chiaroscuro shading ─── 明暗处理

3、chiaroscuro definition ─── 明暗对照定义

4、chiaroscuro in art definition ─── 艺术定义中的明暗对比

5、chiaroscuro effect ( ─── 墨水画和版画上的)明暗效果

6、chiaroscuro define ─── 明暗对照定义

7、chiaroscuro examples ─── 明暗对比示例

chiaroscuro 相似词语短语

1、chiaroscuros ─── n.用明暗对照法绘制的图画;明暗的配合(chiaroscuro的变形)

2、chiaos ─── n.角(中国钱币单位);n.(Chiao)人名;(中)乔(广东话·威妥玛);(中)焦(普通话·威妥玛)

3、chiaroscurism ─── 克拉克主义

4、Dioscuri ─── n.狄俄斯库里(兄弟)(宙斯和勒达的双生子卡斯托耳和波吕丢刻斯的合称;死后成天上的双子座;被视为体操运动员、战士和水手守护神)

5、chiasmus ─── n.交错法,交错配列法

6、chiros ─── 希拉斯。

7、chiaroscurist ─── 明暗对照法画家(或木刻家)

chiaroscuro 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The chiaroscuro caused by light radiation is one of the basic element in realistic paintings. ─── 光线照射所产生的明暗对比,是写实绘画语言的基本要素之一。

2、Master Au combines elements of traditional Chinese painting with western perspective, chiaroscuro, and color schemes. ─── 欧大师将中国传统的绘画技法与西方的透视法、明暗对照法和颜色组合融为一体。

3、A detail of a Rembrandt portrait illustrating the technique of chiaroscuro. ─── 一幅林布兰肖像画的局部显示了明暗对照的绘画技术。

4、lunar chiaroscuro ─── 月相图

5、The chiaroscuro technique is used to apply value to a two-dimensional pieceofartworktocreatetheillusion of a three-dimensional solid form. ─── 单色画技术被用于运用价值于艺术品一个二维片断造成一个三维坚实形式的幻觉。

6、This thesis discovers those aspects thoroughly and systematically.Based on that, the discussions about the shadow in Chinese paintings and the impact upon China by the western chiaroscuro are made. ─── 在全面而系统地梳理西方绘画中的阴影问题的基础上,本文展开了对中国绘画中的光影因素、西方的明暗观念在中国的影响等问题的探讨;

7、Italian High Renaissance painter known for his use of chiaroscuro,among his works are devotional pictures,including Holy Night,and frescoes,such as those in the convent of San Paolo in Parma(1518). ─── 文艺复兴高潮期意大利画家,以其运用阴暗对照法著名。他的作品包括有宗教画,如:平安夜和壁画,例如帕尔马市圣保罗修道院的壁画(1518年)。

8、This new internal environment offers an architectural and sequential chiaroscuro to the external strip-mall type reality and prepares the visitor for practice of inward meditation and contemplation. ─── 这个新的室内环境提供了一种建筑上的连续和对外部典型建筑的明暗搭配,同时为游客准备了实践和沉思冥想的空间。

9、Was it the plasticity or was it the chiaroscuro? ─── 是可塑性还是明暗处理?

10、" From the universe's chiaroscuro shadows, Merwin once again calls upon the language of surprise to illuminate existence. ─── 梅尔文再次用那来自宇宙中若隐若现光影中令人称奇的语言照耀了生活。

11、a detail of a Rembrandt portrait illustrating the technique of chiaroscuro. ─── 一幅林布兰肖像画的局部显示了明暗对照的绘画技术.

12、The design of chiaroscuro simple-minded, warm color for a large area of the layout, and created a warm and pleasant atmosphere in the space. ─── 本设计方案的明暗对比简洁大度,以暖色作大面积铺排,营造了温暖宜人的空间气氛。

13、chiaroscuro effect ─── 明暗效果

14、Such ornamental work represented two dimensionally by chiaroscuro. ─── 细工饰品通过明暗对比表现出两维性此种装饰品

15、'The scenes are again three dimensional . . . we were able to see all the chiaroscuro effects, ' she said. ─── “这些壁画再一次有了立体感,我们可以观察到明暗对比的效果,”Isabella说。

16、The design of chiaroscuro simple-minded, warm color for a large area of the layout, and created a warm and pleasant atmosphere in the space. ─── 本设计方案的明暗对比简洁大度,以暖色作大面积铺排,营造了温暖宜人的空间气氛。

17、Though influenced by Leonardo da Vinci's chiaroscuro and sfumato, his figure types were his own creation, with round, gentle faces that reveal human sentiments raised to a sublime serenity. ─── 虽然受到达文西明暗法和渲染层次的影响,他的人物形象是他自己的创作,有著一张文雅的圆脸,揭示了人物情感,突现其庄重和宁静。

18、Lighting: high key (broad, even, bland); low-key (dramatic); and chiaroscuro (artistic, moody). ─── 灯光:高调(明朗,均匀,柔和);低调(戏剧化);明暗对比(艺术化,情绪化)

19、understands the chiaroscuro and the tenebrism. ─── 了解明暗对比和暗色调主义。

20、From the universe's chiaroscuro shadows, Merwin once again calls upon the language of surprise to illuminate existence. ─── 梅尔文再次用那来自宇宙中若隐若现光影中令人称奇的语言照耀了生活。

21、Italian High Renaissance painter known for his use of chiaroscuro ─── 以运用阴暗对照法著名的文艺复兴高潮期意大利画家

22、But it is clear that he initially painted in a realistic manner and was influenced by the dramatic chiaroscuro of Caravaggio or his followers. ─── 但是很显然拉图尔最初的写实风格和明暗光影造型均受到卡拉瓦乔及其追随者影响。本文主要是从一、神秘动人的光线;

23、Neo-classical paintings cultivated sharp colors with chiaroscuro. ─── 新古典主义绘画培养出了色调鲜明的明暗对照法。

24、Along with dramatic chiaroscuro, NEAR's 3-D imaging provided important measurements of the asteroid's landforms and structures, and clues to the origin of this city-sized chunk of solar system. ─── 连同其生动的 明暗相间的效果, NEAR的 3-D 图像提供了测量小行星地形和结构的重要的数据,和揭示这个城市大小的太阳系小天体起源的线索。

25、a detail of a Rembrandt portrait illustrating the technique of chiaroscuro ─── 一幅林布兰肖像画的局部显示了明暗对照的绘画技术

26、Chiaroscuro is the painter s solution for shaping objects from the darkness, wielding one to conjure the other. ─── 明暗对照法是画家为了处理物体光影,突出同一物体不同面而采取的解决方法。

27、Was it the plasticity or was it the chiaroscuro? ─── 是可塑性还是明暗处理?

28、A tagged-up San Diego Transit bus seat, shot in a chiaroscuro mode. ─── 明暗对照法公共汽车座位图片 chiaroscuro bus seat.

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