impersonally 发音
英: 美:
impersonally 中文意思翻译
impersonally 网络释义
adv. 与个人无关地
impersonally 同义词
impassively | anonymously | detachedly | neutrally |objectively | greyly | frostily | coolly | coldly | remotely | distantly | carefully | grayly
impersonally 短语词组
1、impersonally antonym ─── 客观反义词
2、impersonally synonym ─── 客观同义词
3、impersonally define ─── 客观地定义
4、impersonally definition ─── 客观定义
5、impersonally def ─── 客观地定义
6、impersonally meaning ─── 客观意义
impersonally 词性/词形变化,impersonally变形
动词过去式: impersonalized |动词现在分词: impersonalizing |动词第三人称单数: impersonalizes |动词过去分词: impersonalized |
impersonally 反义词
impersonally 相似词语短语
1、impersonalise ─── 模仿
2、personally ─── adv.亲自地;当面;个别地;就自己而言
3、impersonated ─── vt.扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化
4、impressionally ─── 令人印象深刻
5、impersonalize ─── v.使......失去人格性,使......非人格化
6、impersonate ─── vt.扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化
7、impersonal ─── adj.客观的;非个人的;没有人情味的;非人称的;n.非人称动词;不具人格的事物
8、impersonality ─── n.非人格性;无人情味;与个人无关;冷静
9、imperially ─── adv.帝王般地;威严地;帝国地
impersonally 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、His costs of living and schooling , including the fees at Yale , were paid impersonally through an Athens law firm . ─── 他生活和上学的费用,包括在耶鲁的学费,是通过雅典一家律师事物所支付的。
2、Results Medical equipment for bidding were appraised effectively, impersonally, fairly and scientifically. ─── 结果:能够高效、客观、公正、科学地对所投标的医疗设备做出评价。
3、Because we have objectified animals, we are able to treat them impersonally. ─── 因为我们有被客体化的动物,我们能够不掺杂感情地对待它们。
4、secondly, we impersonally analyzed the questions of government-oriented agriculture science and technology business incubator in China; ─── 然后对我国目前占主导地位的政府主导型农业科技企业孵化器发展的障碍进行了考察;
5、It is a key toreduce the incidence of fatigue injure toassess training intensity impersonally and arrange training quantity and time reasonably. ─── 客观的评估训练强度,合理安排训练量和训练时间是降低训练过程中过劳性损伤发病率的关键。
6、She felt a change in him, a change in the arm held loosely and impersonally across her back ─── 她感到他身上有了一种变化,他的手臂松弛了,若即若离地绕在她的背后。
7、With fashion's embed on finance and tax system, exchequer sustain is required impersonally. ─── 随着金融和财税体制改革的深入,客观要求建立国库支持系统。
8、The main factors affecting roadway driving can be estimated roundly and impersonally by using the synthetic appraisal method of fuzzy mathematics. ─── 合理的掘进参数的确定对于建设高效高产现代化矿井具有重要意义,而应用模糊数学综合评判法可以全面而客观的评价出影响巷道掘进的主要因素。
9、In order to estimate teachers teaching quality impersonally,fairly and impartially,we should base on students evaluation,craft brother s evaluation and expert s evaluation. ─── 要对教师教学质量作出客观、公正、公平的评价,必须从学生评价、同行评价和专家评价三方面进行。
10、Uroflowmetry testing is a great value in the diagnosis of urination disorders.It can impersonally display the function of emiction and has some good characters such as scatheless and handy. ─── 摘要尿流率检查对下尿路排尿障碍等疾病的诊断具有重要的参考价值,其可以客观的反映下尿路排尿功能的一般水平。
11、he treated his patients impersonally. ─── 他对他的父母很冷漠。
12、This thesis also points out the increased transaction cost impersonally by using NEC. ─── 此外,本文还客观指出了使用NEC工程施工合同所增加的交易成本。
13、Impersonally, the development of one industry should be open and free.That can bring more ideas and opinions and take in more strong points.It will miss many chances to set many toll-gates. ─── 客观上讲,一个行业的发展与成熟都应该是自由开放的,如此方能广开言路,博采众长,反之,如果设下层层关卡必定会错失不少良机。
14、She held my hand impersonally, as a promise that she'd take care of me in a minute. ─── 她不带感情地拉拉我的手,作为她答应马上再来理会我的表示。
15、Thus far I have written this account impersonally, since its purpose is to present Liang and Lin Whei-yin in their important leadership roles without intrusion. ─── 迄今我已经客观地写这一个帐户,因为它的目的是到没有闯入的他们重要的领导角色的现在两和林Whei-阴。
16、This paper analyses impersonally the actual status of our library cause . defines primarily the library legislation. ─── 文章客观分析了我国图书馆事业目前的大致状况,对图书馆的立法进行了界定。
17、To Analyse and Evaluate Impersonally the Function of Agriculture with Relatively Low Comparative Advantage ─── 农业比较利益偏低:作用分析及其客观评价
18、Impersonally speaking, none of these calculation methods exiting now can reflect the change of the foundation pit pit-wall soil pressure very truly and exactly. ─── 客观上讲,现有的这些堆载对基坑侧压力影响的计算方法没有一个能够非常真实、非常准确地反映基坑坑壁土压力的变化。
19、At last, by studying the double-character of them, the foreign loans are appraised impersonally. ─── 最后,从外债的“两重性”入手,尽可能给予这些外债客观的评价。
20、She held my hand impersonally, as a promise that she'd take care of me in a minute ─── 她不带感情地拉拉我的手,作为她答应马上再来理会我的表示。
21、Impersonally, asset impairment accounting standards still exist some shortcomings and need to be improved gradually. ─── 但客观地说,资产减值会计准则尚存在一些不足,需要进一步加以改进。
22、"Because we have objectified animals, we are able to treat them impersonally" (Barry Lopez) ─── “因为我们有被客体化的动物,我们能够不掺杂感情地对待它们”(巴里·洛佩斯)
23、His costs of living and schooling, including the fees at Yale, were paid impersonally through an Athens law firm. ─── 他生活和上学的费用,包括在耶鲁的学费,是通过亚典一家律师事物所支付的。
24、And the model is established preliminarily for comprehensive loss assessment on resonance risk to evaluate risk loss more impersonally and accurately. ─── 初步建立了共振震害风险损失程度综合评估模型,对事故损失做出全面地、系统地、客观地评价。
25、Despite Coase's Theorem's limitations,it facilitates the in-depth discussion about the thesis impersonally,which makes an important contribution to the development of externality theory. ─── 尽管科斯定理有其自身局限性,但在客观上推动了外部性的深入探讨,为外部性理论的发展作出了重要贡献。
26、Because we have objectified animals, we are able to treat them impersonally(Barry Lopez) ─── 因为我们有被客体化的动物,我们能够不掺杂感情地对待它们(巴里 洛佩斯)
27、 the analysis of SWOT, latency market and profit impersonally from multi-aspect. It is testified that the programming of setting up the migrant hotel that has both wonderful future and favor profit, is a very good investment. ─── 对创建候鸟客栈的可行性从多方位进行了客观的SWOT分析、目标市场分析、投资获利分析,分析结果证明创建候鸟客栈既有宏观前景又有获利空间,是很好的投资项目。
28、Abstract: This paper analyses impersonally the actual status of our library cause , defines primarily the library legislation. ─── 文章摘要: 文章客观分析了我国图书馆事业目前的大致状况,对图书馆的立法进行了界定。
29、A witness appearing in court to give evidence shall impersonally state the facts apperceived by himself. ─── 出庭作证的证人应当客观陈述其亲身感知的事实。
30、The evaluation of pile domino effect subjectively and impersonally and the study of their correlativity ─── 绒效应的主客观评价及其相关关系的研究
31、By evaluating and analyzing the system impersonally, we can find some valuable references to the innovation of the related system in our mainland. ─── 客观地评价台湾执行当事人适格制度,分析其利弊得失,将为祖国大陆地区执行当事人变更和追加制度的完善提供可资借鉴的资源。
32、Assessing blackboard yarn evenness impersonally on the basis of digital image processing ─── 基于图像处理的纱线黑板条干的客观评定
33、The study on crop stability is the topic of genotype by environment interaction(GEI),and the stability is the base for reliably and impersonally assessing crop varieties. ─── 稳定性研究是基因型与环境互作研究中的热点,是对作物品种进行客观而合理评价的理论基础。
34、In truth, impersonally analyzing a problem and then calmly taking proper action when we hotheaded will make puzzles be readily solved. ─── 其实,在我们冲动的时候,有意的让自己冷静一下,客观合理的分析一下问题然后在作出适当的应对措施可以让很多难题迎刃而解。
35、On the contrary, we are going to observe dispassionately, impersonally, not anchored to any particular problem or theory, what mankind has done to the world and what we have done to each other. ─── 与此相反,我们要冷静地,客观地观察,而不是固定在某个特定问题或者理论上,观察我们人类对世界,对彼此都干了些什么。
36、Conclusion: we should understand newly Hanfei Zi's feature and his thought, returning original Hanfei Zi impersonally and really. ─── 结论:对韩非思想以及韩非形象进行再发掘和再认识,客观、真实地再现韩非本来的面目。
37、Because we have objectified animals,we are able to treat them impersonally(Barry Lopez) ─── 因为我们有被客体化的动物,我们能够不掺杂感情地对待它们(巴里·洛佩斯)
38、The impersonally evaluation of the speech communication quality is an important problem in acoustic technology research domain. ─── 摘要语音通信质量客观评估方法是当前声学技术研究领域的一个重要课题。
39、The results impersonally show quantitative actuality of the hospital about the integrative evaluation, according with the outcome computed by the SAS software. ─── 综合评价的计算结果客观定量地反映了该院的实际情况,并且与用SAS软件计算的完全结果一致。
40、So we can judge the economic feasibility of highway project more impersonally and reasonably. ─── 这样可以更加客观地、合理地判断公路项目在经济上的可行性。
41、His costs of living and schooling, including the fees at Yale, were paid impersonally through an Athens law firm ─── 他生活和上学的费用,包括在耶鲁的学费,是通过雅典一家律师事物所支付的。
42、When I told him about Russ I found it difficult to speak impersonally. ─── 我发现要客观地告诉他关于俄国的事是很困难的。
43、This paper detailedly analyzes both small and medium-sized highway transportation enterprise and TPL, and impersonally points out the differences of the two. ─── 其次,本文对中小型公路运输企业和第三方物流企业进行了详实的分析,并客观地指出二者的差别。
44、A witness appearing in court to give evidence shall impersonally state the facts apperceived by himself. ─── 出庭作证的证人应当客观陈述其亲身感知的事实。
45、Two extracting methods of aluminum form powdered calcium aluminate are introduced.Based on the reaction principle,the advantages and disadvantages between the methods are remarked impersonally. ─── 介绍了铝酸钙的两种溶出方法,从基本反应原理出发,客观地分析了二者的优缺点。
46、This paper analyses impersonally the actual status of our library cause .defines primarily the library legislation. ─── 文章客观分析了我国图书馆事业目前的大致状况,对图书馆的立法进行了界定。
47、More important, it can not only reflect realistic political life impersonally, but also spark plug an ideal of political life. ─── 既能客观反映现实政治生活,又能倡导政治生活的理想。
48、The frame of the corpus system and part of the key technologies are expatiated.The system is evaluated impersonally. ─── 对系统的架构作出了较为详细的分析,并设计了系统的框架,最后对系统作了较为客观的评价。
49、She felt a change in him, a change in the arm held loosely and impersonally across her back. ─── 她感到他身上有了一种变化,他的手臂松弛了,若即若离地绕在她的背后。
50、The third is to lead the public to estimate the safety of the GMFs impersonally. ─── (3)正确引导公众等三个方面来解决困扰我国公众和政府的转基因食品的安全问题。
51、To impersonally evaluation, the co-occurrence matrix was applied to analysis the texture of simulated images. ─── 为了客观评定纹理的变化,所产生之模拟影像以共生矩阵进行纹理分析。
52、A witness appearing in court to give evidence shall impersonally state the facts apperceived by himself. Where the witness is a deaf-mute, he may bear witness by other expression means. ─── 出庭作证的证人应当客观陈述其亲身感知的事实。证人为聋哑人的,可以其他表达方式作证。
53、The model employs less subjective parameters to evaluate DRP more impersonally and accurately. ─── 模型使用较少的主观参数,以实现对DRP精确、客观的评价。
54、The tenet is to service our clients fairly, equally, impersonally and reasonably. ─── 公司宗旨是公正、 公平、 客观、合理地为客户服务。
55、Sick is not fearful, but people's mind is!I wish the Govt strengthen peopeo to understand about HBV, I wish people impersonally treat HBV. ─── 希望政府加强教育人们对乙肝的认识,希望人民客观地对待乙肝,并给予乙肝患者或携带者理解和帮助,
56、In order to review and appraise the performance of nurses more truly, impersonally and comprehensively build up the evaluation system, a standard evaluation index should be set up firstly. ─── 为了更真实、客观、全面、公正地考察和评定护理人员的岗位绩效,建立护理人员岗位绩效评价体系,首先需要确立绩效评价的指标。
57、Approved by gas producing history matching, the permeability model created and permeability value calculated can reflect the real permeability value of the gas reservoir impersonally. ─── 气井生产历史拟合证实,该方法确定的渗透率及建立的渗透率模型比较客观地反映了地层的实际渗透性,对评价气田动态指标产生了积极的影响。
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