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08-29 投稿


refutable 发音


英:  美:

refutable 中文意思翻译



refutable 短语词组

1、refutable trust ─── 可反驳的信任

2、refutable formula ─── [计] 可驳公式

3、refutable speech ─── 反驳性发言

4、refutable source ─── 可反驳的来源

5、refutable define ─── 可反驳的定义

6、refutable def ─── 可反驳的定义

7、refutable meaning ─── 可反驳的意义

8、refutable definition ─── 可反驳的定义

refutable 相似词语短语

1、refutably ─── adv.可反驳地

2、refuelable ─── 可反驳的

3、refundable ─── adj.可退还的;可偿还的

4、refusable ─── adj.可拒绝的

5、recitable ─── adj.可吟诵的,可背诵的;可细说的

6、deputable ─── adj.可以委托代理的

7、rebatable ─── 可再加工

8、irrefutable ─── adj.无可辩驳的

9、reputable ─── adj.声誉好的;受尊敬的;卓越的

refutable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dealing with Refutable Justifications or Evidence not Provided by the Plaintiff or the Third Party in Administrative Procedure ─── 对原告或第三人提出其在行政程序中没有提出的反驳理由或证据问题的处理

2、The structure and proving process of Gorgias three propositions were analyzed and refuted and conclusion was made that his propositions were refutable. ─── 通过对其三个命题的论证及其结论的分析和反驳表明,高尔吉亚的三个命题不论在其论证上,还是在其结论上都是有困难的,是可以反驳的。

3、Otherwise, these statements are not refutable by facts. ─── 否则,以上的说法是不可推翻的。

4、The Discomfort and Refutable Right of the Contract Method ─── 不安抗辩权制度浅析

5、Dealing with Refutable Justifications or Evidence not Provided by the Plaintiff or the Third Party in Administrative Procedure ─── 对原告或第三人提出其在行政程序中没有提出的反驳理由或证据问题的处理

6、A theory which is not refutable by any conceivable event is non-scientific. ─── 不被任何可以想见的事件驳斥的理论则不具科学性。

7、dilemma in judicatory practice, the refutable criminal presumption can be applied to the demarcation of the constitutive conditions of dangerous driving criminal behavior. ─── 鉴于司法实践中的困境,有必要对于危险驾驶机动车罪的构成要件认定采取适用可反驳的刑事推定原则。

8、refutable hypothesis ─── 可予驳斥的假设

9、These hypotheses, I contend, must be refutable in principle . ─── 我认为这些假说在原则上必须是可以反驳的。

10、the Discomfortable and Refutable Right ─── 不安抗辩权

11、(4) A theory which is not refutable by any conceivable event is non-scientific. ─── (4)不被任何可以想见的事件驳斥的理论则不具科学性。

12、refutable formula ─── 可驳公式

13、This argument also is refutable, even if the statement about the fast breathing be true, since a man may breathe hard without having a fever. ─── 该论述同样是可以驳倒的,即使呼吸很快这一陈述为真,因为人没有发烧也会呼吸困难。

14、Historically, they fail to see that private land ownership is refutable and that collective land ownership can work well. ─── 在历史层面,他们没有看到土地私有制度是可以证伪的,没有看到土地集体所有也可以发展得很好。

15、The structure and proving process of Gorgias' three propositions were analyzed and refuted and conclusion was made that his propositions were refutable. ─── 通过对其三个命题的论证及其结论的分析和反驳表明,高尔吉亚的三个命题不论在其论证上,还是在其结论上都是有困难的,是可以反驳的。

16、5. These hypotheses, I contend, must be refutable in principle. ─── 我认为这些假说在原则上必须是可以反驳的。

17、refutable strict responsibility ─── 可反驳严格责任

18、Secondly, structural grammar is empirical, aiming at objectivity in the sense that all definitions and statements should be verifiable or refutable. ─── 其次,结构语法是经验主义的,它非常注重观察中的客观性,认为所有的定义和表述都应该要么是可证实的,要么是可驳倒的。

19、Here we certainly have a Sign; but even though the proposition be true, the argument is refutable, since it does not form a syllogism. ─── 我们当然有了一个迹象;但即使该命题为真,该论述也是可以驳倒的,因为它并没有形成三段论。

20、"A tautological statement is not refutable. ─── " 这句句子是否同义重覆?

21、Historically, they fail to see that private land ownership is refutable and that collective land ownership can work well. ─── 在历史层面,他们没有看到土地私有制度是可以证伪的,没有看到土地集体所有也可以发展得很好。

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