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08-29 投稿



ridiculously 发音

英:[rɪ'dɪkjələslɪ]  美:[rɪˈdɪkjələslɪ]

英:  美:

ridiculously 中文意思翻译



ridiculously 短语词组

1、ridiculously easy rosemary bread ─── 非常简单的迷迭香面包

2、Ridiculously Large-Scale Integratio ─── 可笑的大尺度积分

3、ridiculously big salad book ─── 可笑的大色拉书

4、ridiculously funny ─── 可笑的 ─── 可笑

5、ridiculously big salad ─── 大得离谱的沙拉

6、ridiculously extraordinary ─── 不可思议的非凡

7、Ridiculously Large-Scale Integration ─── 可笑的大规模集成

8、ridiculously ridiculous ─── 荒唐可笑的

ridiculously 词性/词形变化,ridiculously变形

名词: ridiculousness |副词: ridiculously |

ridiculously 反义词


ridiculously 同义词

make fun of | make fun | shame | roast | jeer at | poke fun at | mockery | rejection | taunt | ride | at | laughter | guy |mock | tease | scoff | sarcasm | flout | rib | sneer at | satire | blackguard | derision | minimize | scorn | jeer | scoff at | laugh | mimicry | sneer | deride | criticize | laugh at | underestimate

ridiculously 相似词语短语

1、ridiculously high ─── 高得离谱

2、meticulously ─── adv.细致地;一丝不苟地;拘泥地

3、judiciously ─── adv.明智而审慎地;明断地

4、bibulously ─── adv.嗜酒地

5、ridiculous ─── adj.可笑的;荒谬的

6、dioicously ─── 异想天开地

7、ridiculousness ─── n.荒谬,滑稽

8、credulously ─── adv.轻信地;易被瞒地

9、miraculously ─── adv.奇迹般地;神奇地;非凡地;出乎意料地

ridiculously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He's ridiculously good at them, as only three guards with more than 150 attempts converted a higher percentage of their shots at the rim (those three were Steve Nash, Dwyane Wade and Jose Calderon). ─── 他令人吃惊的擅长于此,就像仅有的三个尝试了超过150次的篮下进攻而提高了投篮命中率的后卫.

2、This straightforward observation of Gaston's showed me how ridiculously touchy I was being. ─── 加斯东这个简单的反应,说明我的敏感有多么可笑。

3、Its ridiculously undervalued currency greatly encouraged exports which appeared cheap to the rest of the world ─── 它的货币被荒谬地低估了价值,这极大地刺激了出口,使出口货在世界其他各地显得十分便宜。

4、The second lever concerns current penalties under China's main environmental laws, which are artificially capped at ridiculously low levels and create a financial incentive for noncompliance. ─── 第二,处罚机制改革。这项政策是关于在中国主要环境法框架下的罚款问题。

5、“That can sound ridiculously simplistic, almost naive, but it's very unique for the product to be what consumes you completely. ─── “那听起来是荒谬的简单化,几乎天真,对于一个产品来说,这点却是非常独特,完完全全的吸引你。

6、How did I get the Fujian job? It is ridiculously simple. ─── 我是怎样得到福建的工作的?答案简单得可笑。

7、Fluid to a point , then fixed to ensure lines of text, etc., don’t become ridiculously long. ─── 某种程度上是流动的 ,但又有固定宽度来保证文本行不会变的过长。

8、The solar cell aside, they are ridiculously cheap: the kilogram of plastic from which each balloon is made costs about $2. ─── 相较于昂贵的太阳能电池,这种太阳能气球简直便宜得好笑:做这种气球的塑胶布一公里长的成本只要2美元。

9、In general, computers perform their operations by breaking everything they do into ridiculously tiny pieces of information and ridiculously easy things to do. ─── 大体说来,计算机执行操作的方式是把所有事情分成极小的片,这些片极容易做得到。

10、I have never been as ridiculously nervous as the moment I handed in my first official draft of "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head. " ─── 我从没有像现在一样的紧张兮兮,当我把我人生的第一份正式剧本呈交上去时,我感觉浑身上下在不停的冒汗。

11、Just as dotcom stocks were driven to ridiculously high levels, currencies can get out of line with economic fundamentals. ─── 比如网络公司的股票会被炒到令人难以置信的水平,市场价格完全背离经济基本面一样。

12、ridiculously childish ─── 幼稚可笑

13、It looked as though some person had been walking all over the garden in a pair of clogs, only the footmarks were too ridiculously little! ─── 看起来好像有人穿着一双木屐走遍整个庭园,只是那些脚印非常可笑的小!

14、Dana bought rolls of silk that seemed ridiculously cheap. ─── 德娜买了看起来便宜得简直可笑的成卷的丝绸。

15、Ridiculously, this editorial ignores, seemingly intentionally, female who counts half of the total population, without any convincing explanation. ─── 最可笑的是该社论居然忽略了占人口一半的女性,而无任何合理解释。

16、"Hormonal treatment as a whole works ridiculously well," said Dr.Peto at a press conference reviewing the findings. ─── 根据这样研究显示,荷尔蒙的治疗整体看起来是运作良好的!

17、His views on education are ridiculously behind the times. ─── 他的教育理论落后到可笑的地步。

18、3. Your God is a ruffian at a cockfight, drinking in the bloodiness, laughing because the wretched birds, in their faintness, stagger ridiculously. ─── 你的上帝是个斗鸡场的恶棍,嗜血成性,喜欢欣赏那些不幸的鸟类斗得疲弱不堪,跌跌撞撞的可笑模样,并为此而开怀大笑。

19、It seems as if the papers are trying to outdo each other in their ridiculously slanted coverage of all things Chelsea. ─── 看起来报纸之间似乎在竞赛,看谁能更荒唐更偏激的嘲笑讽刺地报道有关切尔西的事情。

20、Gulda cello concerto first movement. (is it just me or it's just so ridiculously funny that everybody sits in the audience like the perfect audience at a classical con ... ─── 偶然看到豆瓣上有人推荐Gulda的大提琴协奏曲,上youtube一听确实挺有意思。虽说第一乐章比较重复,但是听上去不错,想象拉起来也挺爽的。

21、The voice in which he said,“Good-morning. Director,”was absurdly too loud; that in which, correcting his mistake, he said,“You asked me to come and speak to you here,”ridiculously soft, a squeak ─── 他说“早安,主任”的声音高得不对劲;为了改正自己的不对,他说:“你要我到这里来跟你谈话。”声音却滑稽地变轻,短促刺耳。

22、I don't think he really needs to say it to Kaman, no opponent respects Yao more (although few opponents are as ridiculously dominated by Yao as Kaman is). ─── 我不认为他真的是对卡曼说了这些话,大家都很尊敬姚的(虽然有些对手很滑稽的被姚明统治了,就像今天的卡曼一样)

23、I've been deliriously happy, maniacally depressed, unreasonably jealous and ridiculously drunk. ─── 不再时时刻刻需要家人的慰问了吗?还是大家都变了?

24、Then he took out a ridiculously large spotted-red handkerchief and blew his nose. ─── 接着他拿出一块大的可笑的、带红点图案的手帕擤鼻子。

25、"Yeah, I'm a very understanding kinda guy, " he said. "I'll write your ticket as ridiculously fast as you drive. " ─── “嗯,我是那种非常善解人意的人,”他说。“会很快写下在你开快车中那莫名其妙的超速罚单。”

26、The standard explanation is that we are measuring a geological event in real time on a ridiculously infinitesimally small time span, so what do we expect? ─── 关于这种现象,标准的解释是我们现在其实是在用一个短得有点荒谬的极小的时间跨度来衡量一个发生在漫长地质时间中的事件,那么,我们还能指望看见什么?

27、Ridiculously Large-Scale Integration ─── 极度的大规模一体化

28、12. One minute they're nice, uncomplicated guys and the next they're ridiculously rich arseholes who walk out on their families. ─── 前一分钟他们还是善良、单纯的好人,下一分钟他们就成了荒谬的富家混蛋,抛家弃子。

29、”.She describes the OECD study as “ridiculously superficial”. ─── 她形容该报告“肤浅到可笑的地步”。

30、Ridiculously high engine output plus a not-so-balanced AWD chassis can come out as an extremely unpredictable monster. ─── 这就是一个了解的问题,车子虽然简单很多,但是道理是相同的。

31、The meal was ridiculously expensive. ─── 这顿饭贵得离谱。

32、It looked as though some person had been walking all over the garden in a pair of clogs , only the foot marks were too ridiculously little! ─── 看起来好像有人穿着一双木屐走遍整个庭园,只是那些脚印非常可笑的小!

33、The examination was ridiculously easy. ─── 这次考试容易得不象话。

34、Attempt a ridiculously complex meal. ─── 尝试一顿滑稽的大杂烩。

35、It's not a vanity thing;it's because the suits are ridiculously tight and most swimmers want to unzip as soon as possible. ─── 这不是无用功,因为泳衣非常紧迫,大多数游泳运动员都想赶紧脱下。

36、It is ridiculously absurd to believe that the number 13 is unlucky. ─── 相信数字13是个不吉祥的数字是荒唐可笑的。

37、Most ridiculously, a vagary can become a king just if only he has time to make his dream come true. ─── 更荒谬的是,一位流浪汉可以变成一位国王,只要他有时间使他的梦想成真。

38、Property in the area is now fetching ridiculously high prices. ─── 现在这个地区房子的价钱高得离谱。

39、When the dotcom bubble burst in 2000, share valuations were at ridiculously high levels. ─── 当2000年互联网泡沫破裂的时候,股票市值已高得离谱。

40、The personal training industry as a whole was still in its infancy at this point, so this idea seemed ridiculously far-fetched, at best. ─── 在这一点上,私人培训业作为一个整体还处在起步阶段,所以这个想法充其量很是荒谬牵强。

41、A woman drives past in a Trabant de Luxe - one of the ridiculously functional all-plastic automobiles - once a symbol of communist times, now a much sought-after retro car. ─── 一个女人开着豪华特拉贝特经过,这种车是全塑料制的,功能很少,曾经是共产主义时代的象征,现在被人们追捧,重新流行了起来。

42、Is anyone on the Hornets playing so ridiculously good that there's no way they can keep it up? ─── 是不是每一个黄峰队的球员可以在接下来的所有比赛中延续他们那难以至信的表现?

43、ridiculously overrate oneself like an ant trying to topple a giant tree ─── 蚍蜉撼大树, 可笑不自量

44、A Life Case Is Ridiculously Explored to Build "Mystery" ─── 一个生命现象也拿来传"迷"

45、Did not your high-end skin care products specifically it? I can accept the general price, just not ridiculously expensive like! ─── 有没有不是特地贵的高档护肤品呀?一般价位我都能接受,只需别贵的离谱就好!

46、ridiculously overrate oneself; make oneself ridiculous by overestimating one's ability ─── 可笑不自量

47、'Madame, ' I went on, 'I am grateful that you have forgotten that first meeting, for I behaved quite ridiculously and must surely have seemed very tiresome to you. ─── “夫人,”接着我又说,“我很感激您已经忘记了第一次的介绍,因为那时我很可笑,一定惹您生气了。

48、Now everybody knows that Ikki is ridiculously fastidious in his choice of food, and will eat nothing but the very best and ripest. ─── 谁都知道伊克基对食物是蠢极了地挑剔,他只吃最好的,熟透了的东西。

49、"Ed is ridiculously generous with his money and his time." "Better that way than the other extreme." ─── “埃德对自己的金钱和时间毫不吝惜,太离谱了。”“这可比另一种极端好。”

50、Ridiculously clumsy; absurd. ─── 可笑地愚蠢的;蠢笨的

51、In all these things, of course, the authorities were ridiculously at fault. But Clifford could not take it to heart. To him the authorities were ridiculous ab ovo, not because of toffee or Tommies. ─── 这些事情,当然,都是当局的罪过。但是克利福却不关心,在他看来,当局本身就是可笑的,而不是因为糖果或军队问题。

52、While you watch the movie, it can seem ridiculously long-winded. But once it's over, its characters' miserable faces remain etched in your memory, and its cynical message lingers. ─── 当你欣赏这部电影时,它似乎罗嗦的近乎荒谬。但是一旦影片结束,其中各个角色的悲惨面孔将铭刻在你的记忆当中,影片传达的愤世嫉俗的内容将一直在你的记忆中逗留。

53、Europe is currently portrayed as conservative and ridiculously timid when “globalism” and the “Internet” those two buzzwords of our era, come up. ─── 当“全球化”与“因特网”(这是我们这个时代叫得最响的两个词)到来时,欧洲的形象则是保守、令人可笑的胆小。

54、Now, here's the crux: that's not ridiculously fast. ─── 现在,症结所在是:这不是荒唐的快速。

55、I just have to post these pictures of this ridiculously cute toy dog when I was with Xiao Pu in Shanghai. ─── 我只是要发布这些照片,这可笑可爱的玩具,狗,当我与小普在上海。

56、People in that class are so ridiculously sensitive ─── 她们那种阶级的人总是那么荒谬地容易生气。

57、Ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable. ─── 荒诞的,荒唐的

58、The overhead costs are ridiculously expensive. ─── 日常开支太高了。

59、More laughter rose at their homemade overseer's new nickname, "Ol' George," since he was so ridiculously young ─── 大家对他们自己制造出来的监工得了一个“老乔治”的新绰号又笑开了,因为他实在年轻得可笑。

60、Search engines have made it ridiculously easy for every consumer to compare prices from every supplier instantly and effortlessly. ─── 搜索引擎令每位用户即时轻松地比较所有供应商提供的价格不费吹灰之力。

61、However, he and another he were that ridiculously intimate. ─── 梦里的他和他却是那么荒唐的亲密。

62、" "She's ridiculously gorgeous, beautifully groomed and always glossy, glossy, glossy," she added. ─── 她非常迷人,打扮得很美丽,而且总是那么时尚。”

63、The voice in which he said,"Good-morning. Director,"was absurdly too loud; that in which, correcting his mistake, he said,"You asked me to come and speak to you here,"ridiculously soft, a squeak ─── 他说“早安,主任”的声音高得不对劲;为了改正自己的不对,他说:“你要我到这里来跟你谈话。”声音却滑稽地变轻,短促刺耳。

64、You have to play at a ridiculously efficient level to trump Nash's offensive production. ─── 你不得不玩命地来抵御纳什的进攻组织。

65、More laughter rose at their homemade overseer's new nickname, "Ol' George," since he was so ridiculously young. ─── 大家对他们自己制造出来的监工得了一个“老乔治”的新绰号又笑开了,因为他实在年轻得可笑。

66、We were so ridiculously over in love. ─── 我们在还爱着对方的时候就滑稽地分手了。

67、A born Londoner, he watched Chelsea as a boy from the stands but it was to West Ham he went as a junior where the spotlight found him at a ridiculously early age. ─── 他出身在伦敦,从小他就在看台上观看切尔西队,但是青年时代前往西汉姆后,在那里媒体觉得他还显得年幼可笑。

68、In those days, of course, computers had a ridiculously small amount of memory (300 K of memory, anyone?) and processing power, so chess programs were, at best, quite weak. ─── 当然,在那个时代,计算机的内存储器(300k)和运算能力都低的可笑,因此当时的国际象棋程序在最好的情况下也不堪一击。

69、After finding a ridiculously overpriced hotel room, it was time to take a stroll on the mountain. ─── 在找到一间价格高得离谱的旅店房间以后,就到了在山上闲逛的时间了。

70、If the Chinese offered a ridiculously low price for the foreigner's cargo or demanded an absurdly high price for theirs, he could either take it or leave it. ─── 要是中国人提供了太荒谬的低价给外来的货物或是索取不合理地高价给他们的商品,他们不是要接受就是要离开。

71、Using Retroweaver is almost ridiculously easy. ─── 使用Retroweaver简直是太容易了。

72、It seemed so ridiculously us. ─── 似乎我们是那么地好笑。

73、The thing about these periods is that while they’re about the single most frustrating and unrewarding part of the scientific process, they are also a ridiculously effective way to develop new skills. ─── 然而,自由电子激光终究仍只是纸上谈兵。能否最终实现,全世界的相关领域研究人员都在盯着斯坦福大学的直线加速相干光源。

74、An extremely inconsistent team, physically underwhelming, and ridiculously unbalanced, the backcourt is still one of China’s biggest problems. ─── 一支极为不稳定的球队,身体素质平平,人员位置不平衡到荒谬,后场仍是中国队最大的问题之一。

75、If you are nearly always the bookies' favourite, and have ridiculously short odds against poorer sides, then you have a good reputation. ─── 如果你近乎每场比赛都能是被看好的一方,而且拥有荒诞的针对弱队的赔率,那么你就是拥有好的声望了。

76、It will seem ridiculously easy! ─── 这将会是出奇的简单!

77、Once again, in most of the case, supporting backup is ridiculously simple. ─── 再说一次,大多数情况下,备份是非常简单的。

78、In one of his poems he wrote, "An ant tries to topple a giant tree, ridiculously overrating its ability. ─── 他的一首诗中写到:“蚍蜉撼大树,可笑不自量。”(蚂蚁高估了自己的能力,竟然想推倒大树,十分可笑。

79、Will their har-won brand luster be forever cheapened.Especially for items whose allure depends on their being ridiculously priced? ─── 他们来之不易的品牌荣光,是否将永远被廉价所贬抑,尤其是那些靠奇高价位彰显魅力的商品?

80、An organization was then established, which they ridiculously named Fire Hook. ─── 然后便成立了"火钩国际"。

81、I'm a quite serious actor who doesn't mind being ridiculously comic. ─── 我是一个不介意把自己扮得滑稽可笑的严肃演员。

82、Now, incongruously, ridiculously, she found herself longing for a cheese sandwich ─── 令人奇怪的是,此时此刻她却不合时宜地渴望吃上一块奶酪三明治。

83、With a turning circle of just 16 feet, Aveo can make a U-turn in a ridiculously small space. ─── 藉由一个只有16英尺的回旋直径圆周,乐骋在掉头时,能造出一个荒谬地小的旋转空间。

84、"While you watch the movie, it can seem ridiculously long-winded. ─── 当你欣赏这部电影时,它似乎罗嗦的近乎荒谬。

85、Male cohorts in ridiculously pointed shoes whisper business instructions into their mobiles. ─── 男人们则穿着可笑的尖头鞋,对着手机轻声地指点公司业务。

86、like ants trying to shake a huge tree, ridiculously overrating themselves; They were merely like ants trying to shake a giant tree. How they overrated themselves! ─── 蚍蜉撼大树, 可笑不自量。

87、I thought I was the only one with this crazy idea, but ridiculously no, here are some real otaku with their pimped rides. ─── 动漫游文化里指那些以动漫游元素来彩装的座车。

88、One minute they're nice, uncomplicated guys and the next they're ridiculously rich arseholes who walk out on their families. ─── 前一分钟他们还是善良、单纯的好人,下一分钟他们就成了荒谬的富家混蛋,抛家弃子。

89、Now, 35 years later and just 30 games into this NBA season, way too early, ridiculously too soon, I know I shouldn't do this, either. ─── 如今,35年后,这个NBA赛季已经进行了29场比赛了,目前来说太早,也太可笑,我也知道我不该这样。

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