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08-27 投稿


chassis 发音

英:[ˈʃæsi]  美:[ˈʃæsi]

英:  美:

chassis 中文意思翻译



chassis 常用词组

chassis dynamometer ─── 底盘测功机;框架测力计;惯性模拟系统;底盘动力计

chassis frame ─── 汽车车架;底盘架构

chassis 词性/词形变化,chassis变形


chassis 短语词组

1、chassis intrude ─── 机箱入侵

2、chassis distance measurement ─── 底盘距离测量

3、slide-in chassis ─── [计] 插入式抽屉

4、radio chassis ─── 无线电仪器底板

5、cable-to-chassis ─── [计] 电缆底盘接插件

6、chassis ground ─── [电] 底板接地

7、chassis dynamometer ─── 底盘测功机;框架测力计;惯性模拟系统; ─── 底盘动力计

8、live chassis ─── [电] 带电机壳

9、chassis height ─── 底盘高度

10、chassis assembly ─── [计] 机箱组合件

11、hot chassis ─── 带电底盘

12、chassis engine ─── 底盘发动机

13、chassis clearance ─── 底盘间隙

14、chassis id ─── 机箱id

15、chassis frame ─── 底盘车架,起落架

16、chassis base ─── 底板

17、classis-chassis classis- ─── 底盘

18、chassis earth ─── 底盘[机壳]接地

19、chassis grease ─── 底盘脂

chassis 相似词语短语

1、Chassid ─── n.哈西德派教徒(等于Hasid)

2、chastise ─── vt.惩罚;严惩;责骂

3、cassis ─── abbr.通讯和社会科学情报所(CommunicationandSocialScienceInformationService)

4、classis ─── n.长老监督会

5、classism ─── n.阶级歧视;阶级优越论

6、chassés ─── 被猎杀

7、chasses ─── n.(舞蹈)追步,滑步;换口味饮料(尤指喝咖啡后的甜酒);v.跳追步,跳滑步;n.(Chasse)(美、加、法)沙塞(人名)

8、classist ─── adj.实行阶级歧视的;有阶级偏见的;n.阶级歧视者

9、coassist ─── 协理

chassis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Flat-fronted chassis with twin mini-bumpers for impact-damage resistance. ─── 平板门前底盘与孪生小保险杠影响损伤的阻力。

2、The frame or chassis on which panels of electrical equipment may be mounted. ─── 可安装电气设备板的框架或底座。

3、The sensitive element of the Humvee is its electronic kit, not the chassis and mechanics. ─── 军用悍马的机密之处在于电子元件,而非底盘和构造。

4、Liquid helium ISO tanks may be removed from the trailer chassis for overseas shipments. ─── 对于海外运输,液氦iso罐可以从拖车底座上移动下来。

5、Increase overall airflow within the Power Supply Enclosure. Intake fan helps with removing heat from the chassis simultaneously. ─── 在内部增大排风的同时进气风扇帮助热空气从底部排出。

6、Some other new changes include wider set lower wishbone supports as well as the all new chassis itself. ─── 其他一些新的变化,包括低叉广泛支持,以及所有新的底盘本身。

7、Dennis Dragon was developed based on the chassis of Dennis Dominator. ─── 丹尼士巨龙型巴士是在丹尼士统治者底盘的基础上发展出来的。

8、Unclip the line from the chassis. ─── 2)松开绷在框架的衬面;

9、Xie be free demolition of the chassis, and facilitate the removal intraday cigarette butts. ─── 可自由拆缷的底盘,方便清理盘中的烟蒂。

10、To improve chassis, engineers added a stiffer strut tower bar brace and a pair of performance dampers. ─── 为了提高底盘,工程师增加了更严厉的支柱塔酒吧振奋和对性能减震器。

11、Dual mono construction with each channel in a separate chassis. ─── 双单声道隔离式机箱。

12、Utilizing the ECP will render the chassis power/reset buttons and power/hdd LED useless. ─── 利用搏会使底盘电源/复位按钮和电源/硬盘驱动器的LED毫无用处。

13、And those who do not self-proclaimed sports car, the Fox chassis control and performance can indeed be called the best. ─── 和那些自我标榜运动的车型不一样,福克斯的底盘和操控表现的确可以称得上出类拔萃。

14、Model TA5240JQZQY16C,Model TA5241JQZQY16D cranes use special chassis. ─── TA5240JQZQY16C汽车起重机采用起重机专用底盘。

15、Nissan chassis, intends to test, please come to negotiate. ─── 尼桑底盘,有意者请前来试车洽谈。

16、Produced specifications defining 4 separate 21 slot VME chassis [Military Rugged]. ─── 定义4的生产说明分开21槽VME底盘[军事崎岖]。

17、Therefore,the study on the general chassis is avery important work. ─── 因此,开展通用底盘的研究是一项极为重要的工作。

18、The PLL05 uses a 6X6 wheeled chassis derived from the ZSL92/WZ551 armoured personnel carrier (APC) with steeled hull. ─── PLL05采用一个6X6轮式底盘来自ZSL92/WZ551装甲人员运送车(APC)的钢制车体。

19、Daimler-Benz owned the company then and had the good grace to place the Chrysler chassis on a Mercedes axle and, man, was that a sweet ride! ─── 当时戴姆勒——奔驰拥有这家公司,他们用克莱斯勒的底盘配梅赛德斯的车轴可真是积了大德,开起来那叫一个爽!

20、Mount the Control Unit Chassis safely on the machine tool at a position convenient to operator. ─── 安全地将控制部件底盘安装在机床上易操作的部分。

21、It has used the turret of BMP3, but its chassis is designed by China. ─── 它采用了俄罗斯BMP3战车的炮塔,但其底盘是中国自研的.

22、The 250 Testa Rossa wears the chassis number 0714TR. ─── 250泰斯塔队穿的底盘号码0714TR。

23、In some systems, the driver circuitry with the power transformer are packed in a separate chassis, it should be fixed securely also. ─── 在一些系统中,带变压器的驾驶员电路安装在单独的底盘上,它也需要固定安全。

24、A chassis in which printed-circuit cards are mounted. ─── 安装印刷电路插件的框架。

25、The TKS-D design was based upon a modified TKS tankette chassis - the same, as in the light artillery tractor C2P. ─── TKS-D的设计采用了经过修改的TKS超轻型坦克的底盘也就是C2P轻型火炮牵引车。

26、Rigid 17S alloy aluminum chassis. ─── 刚性17S铝合金底盘。

27、The bushes can be applied in auto chassis, forging machine, metallurgical, civil engineering, power station, strip rolling industries etc. ─── 产品主要运用于汽车底盘、冶金机械、矿山机械、水利机械、建筑机械、农用机械、轧钢设备等。

28、The safety bar is composed of a bar head welded on a longitudinal safety bar body and a bar body welded on an automobile chassis. ─── 这种保险杠由焊在纵向保险杠体上的杠头和焊在汽车底盘上的杠体组成。

29、Their Spanish testing focused on chassis and engine development, and further honing of the aerodynamics package first used in France. ─── 他们的西班牙测试重点主要集中在底盘和引擎的研发上,以及进一步珩磨在法国站首次使用的空气动力学套件。

30、If you can supply chasis also please let us know. We need chassis for 1X20, 2X20, 1X40. ─── 如果您是本网注册会员,请登录后查看联系方式。

31、The main part of a racing car to which the engine and suspension are attached is called the chassis. ─── 一辆赛车的主要主体部分,引擎和悬挂都安装于其上。

32、Daimler-Benz owned the company then and had the good grace to place the Chrysler chassis on a Mercedes axle. ─── 戴姆勒-奔驰拥有这家公司,很大方地把克莱斯勒的底盘放在梅赛德斯的车轴上。

33、Connect the motor drives, the stepper motors and the main power supply to the Control Unit Chassis according to the Assembly and Wiring Diagram. ─── 依照装配及接线图接通电动驱动器、步进电动机及主电源,供给控制部件底盘。

34、Let students understand vehicle chassis, suspentson and steering science and technlogy in the past, present and future. ─── 八、让学生瞭解车辆底盘、悬吊、转向科技发展之过去、现在及未来趋势。

35、The first anti-protest vehicle equipped was built on Mercedes chassis, and already had a large water cistern in the back. ─── 第一辆带反抗议装备的卡车是建立在奔驰的底盘上的,并已经在后部配备一个大号水箱。

36、Das Mittelteil ist hier fertig zur Aufnahme des Chassis mit der Antriebsmechanik. ─── 中间部分是准备采取的底盘与动力机制。

37、What are the major products of Bosch Chassis Systems Control? ─── 博世底盘控制系统的主要产品是什么?

38、Do not connect the speaker terminals to the car chassis, or connect the terminals of the right speakers with those of the left speaker. ─── 不要把扬声器端子连到汽车外壳上,或把左右扬声器的端子相连。

39、Through the leadout wires, stator windings are fetched out of the chassis. ─── 定子绕组通过电极引出线引出至机壳外;

40、Power module and battery are put under the truck for 100% save structure and stable chassis barycenter. ─── 动力单元及电瓶置于车身正下方,百分之百增加车身结构之安全性及底盘重心之稳定。

41、The enhancements to the S2000ES seem to be more in the way of manufacturing, with dual shield construction and a rigid beam chassis. ─── 应该是从它的做工方面,它配备了双层结构防护,并拥有一个坚硬的底盘。

42、But a far more common sight than a chassis shattered in an explosion is now one destroyed in a nasty crash. ─── 但是比在爆炸中底盘的摧毁更司空见惯的是现在卑鄙的碰撞将车子毁坏。

43、If you would like to change your driver, chassis or engine you will first have to sell one of them before you can buy a replacement. ─── 如果你要改变车手、底盘、引擎或者轮胎,必须先把之前的配置卖掉才能购买新的装备。

44、English: Green Transit Co., Ltd. purchased Fuso Bus chassis at 2004, but its bus body is similar as Hino LRM buses operated by Southeast Bus Co. Ltd.. ─── 中文(繁体):丰荣客运在2004年采购的客运用车,此为三菱扶桑的客运车,但外型近似于东南客运的国道用车。

45、The positions not attended such as chassis and tyres should be cleaned so that most types of cars can be washed. ─── 底盘、轮胎不被注意的位置均被清洗到位使被允许清洗车辆达到最多类别。

46、NLGI Service Classification System A system of letter designations to define c1ass of automotive chassis and wheel bearing greases. ─── NLGI用途分类体系用于定义机动车底盘和车轮轴承润滑脂分类的字母代号体系。

47、Car GTS Seris diesel powr station is will be installed in mobile chassis ,a strong mobility and adaptability. ─── GT系列汽车电站是将柴油发电机组安装在移动底盘上,有较强的机动性、适应性。

48、The chassis which is mounted in the rack. ─── 安装在架子上的底板。

49、Open-type stainless steel water tank and stainiess steel chassis, easy to wash and maintain, strong and durable. ─── 不锈钢开放式水箱及不锈钢机架底板,清洗维护方便,坚固耐用。

50、Not much is know about the new model, but we believe this CUV may be riding on the same chassis as the 2009 TL. ─── 尚不了解的新模式,但我们认为,这可能是骑马CUV在同一底盘作为2009年的TL。

51、Balance: Balance of 48 chassis to be constructed and shipped in batches ranging in size from 4 to 40 units. ─── 余下部份:余下之48个底盘会以大小范围4至40台作为一批去建造和付运。

52、Can Chassis and Whole-Vehicle Manufacturers Co-exist Peacefully? ─── 底盘企业和整车企业能相安无事吗?

53、Removable body panels, a modular chassis and a package of spares simplify service and maintenance. ─── 可移动的车身面板,一个模块化底盘和备件包简化服务和维护。

54、Chassis: Aluminium honeycomb chassis with independent suspension, and carbon fibre bodywork. ─── 底盘:独立悬挂装置的铝制蜂式底盘,碳纤维车架。

55、On the transfer market you will find a complete overview of the values of drivers, engine and chassis. ─── 在转会市场上,你可以浏览所有车手、车队、底盘和轮胎的价格。

56、Rigid and compact aluminum chassis construction to release vibrations smoothly. ─── 小型刚性机箱结构可平滑地减缓振动。

57、Perfect handling in demanding driving situations is ensured by the innovative chassis technology of the BMW 5-Series. ─── 完善苛刻的行驶情况的处理方法是保证由宝马5创新的底盘技术系列。

58、Apply a thin coating of petroleum jelly or chassis grease to the exposed surfaces of the cable terminal clamps and the battery terminal posts. ─── 为电缆终端线夹和电池接线柱露出部分涂一层薄的凡士林油或车用底盘滑脂。

59、Mild steel is the natural choice for a stove chassis, but such stoves do not last for more than a few weeks in the field. ─── 软钢是炉具底盘的天然选择,但是这种炉子在野外无法熬过几个星期。

60、The suspension, and the chassis as a whole, has a nice firm feel to it and cornering is fairly flat. ─── 中止和底盘作为一个整体,有一个不错的公司给人的感觉和转弯相当持平。

61、Keeping everything protected is the cool-looking anodized TVP chassis, which features a custom 'X' graphic. ─── 保持一切保护,是冷静的看阳极氧化许可证底盘,具有自定义的' X '的图形。

62、The physical package which is contained in the chassis. ─── 在底板中包含的物理包。

63、How many associates do the Bosch Suzhou Chassis Systems Brakes and Chassis Systems Control roughly have? ─── 博世苏州底盘制动系统和底盘控制系统共约多少员工?

64、He would attach a cable around the chassis of the car and winch it up on to the canal bank. ─── 他会在汽车底盘上拴一条缆绳,然后用绞车把汽车吊到运河岸边。

65、The case, chassis, and all that stuff needs to be as upgradable as the system software used to be. ─── 机箱、机壳和所有的部件都需要如过去的系统软件那样可以升级。

66、Main designations are power train, drive train and chassis applications. ─── 主要应用在动力系统、传动系统和底盘。

67、Description: Ruian Roboticized Meter Factory ---- Relay,chassis parts,different kinds of switches. ─── ------继电器、底盘配件、各种开关。

68、Secure desktop board to the chassis using all mounting screws. ─── 使用所有安装螺丝将桌面母板固定到机箱内。

69、Throw in the new, sturdier chassis and you've got a compelling upgrade for almost any Mac laptop user. ─── 加上新式的、更加坚固的外壳,用户得到的是一次引人注目的升级。

70、With expert chassis of Rotary drilling rig and strong box type mast, it has high working stability. ─── 应用徐工成熟技术制造的旋挖钻机底盘,结实的箱型臂架,具有超强稳定性;

71、SAIC has spent two years changing the styling, upgrading the chassis and designing a new interior. ─── 上汽公司耗时两年,对原车式样和底盘进行了改造和升级,并设计了新的内饰。

72、Unplug the antenna coaxial cable connector from the radio chassis. ─── 从收音机底盘拔开天线同轴导线。

73、Moreover looking from the driving feeling, the chassis must be calmer obviously, but with feels somewhat frailly.? ─── 另外从驾驶感受来看,的底盘明显要更加沉稳,而和还是感到有些单薄。

74、Accurately space a P.C. board from another board or metal chassis simply by snapping board on standoff. ─── 仅仅将板按扣在螺柱上,就可准确地隔开 PC 板与其他板或金属底板。

75、The PVM-L200 and PVM-L300 are LCD monitor systems with integrated cameras, all enclosed within a hardened chassis. ─── PVM-L200和PVM-L300是LCD监控系统,带有集成摄像机,被密封在一个坚固底盘内。

76、Its refined chassis and suspension help provide crisper handling. ─── 其精致的底盘和悬挂系统提供清晰处理。

77、The connecting point for the push rod link to the torsion bars and dampers inside the chassis is now much higher. ─── 在底盘内部,推杆与扭力杆和减震器的连接点现在高了很多。

78、Nissan engine, Nissan chassis, the 1998 car, a good driving conditions, and intends to test, please come to negotiate. ─── 尼桑发动机,尼桑底盘,1998年的车,车况良好,价格低,有意者请前来试车洽谈。

79、To help handle the extra power and speed, we've beefed up the already legendary toughness of the Savage chassis. ─── 协助处理额外的力量和速度,我们已经加强了本已传奇韧性的野蛮底盘。

80、Our main prodcts include:chassis of varios cars and the whole motorcycle and various the motorcycle spareparts. ─── 公司的主要产品:各类汽车的底盘件和摩托车配件及摩托车整车。

81、It has got an absolutely fabulous chassis. ─── 它拥有十分惊人的底盘。

82、What are the major products of Bosch Chassis Systems Brakes? ─── 博世底盘制动系统的主要产品是什么?

83、Starting the drive settles the chassis, especially though a bumpy corner. ─── 启动驾驭能将车稳定下来,尤其是在颠簸的弯路上.

84、KM Racing have released a number of new pulleys for the Xray NT1 chassis. ─── 公里赛车已经发布了一些新的皮带轮为X射线nt1底盘。

85、The introduction of Panther, made its chassis and components available as base for various conversions. ─── 介绍利用黑豹的底盘和部件为基础进行的各种不同的变形车辆。

86、The rack that contains the chassis. ─── 包含底板的架子。

87、Build a foundation of synthesis, integration, parallelization design for suspension product and even chassis product. ─── 为悬架产品乃至底盘产品的综合化、集成化、并行化设计打下了基础。

88、In which year did Bosch Chassis Systems Control start local production of ABS in Suzhou? ─── 博世底盘控制系统于哪一年在苏州开始ABS的本土化生产?

89、You do not need to separate the car body from the chassis. ─── 你不需要把汽车车身与底盘分开。





PQIS ——Porsche Quality Information System 保时捷品质信息系统

DFI ——Direct Fuel Injection 燃油直喷技术

PASM ——Porsche Active Suspension Management 保时捷主动悬架管理系统

PCCB ——Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake 保时捷陶瓷复合制动系统

PCM ——Porsche Communication Management 保时捷通讯管理系统

PDCC ——Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control保时捷动态底盘控制

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