layman 发音
英:[ˈleɪmən] 美:[ˈleɪmən]
英: 美:
layman 中文意思翻译
layman 网络释义
n. 外行;门外汉;俗人;一般信徒n. (Layman)人名;(英)莱曼
layman 词性/词形变化,layman变形
layman 短语词组
1、layman terms ─── 外行术语
2、layman luther ─── 外行路德
3、love layman ─── 爱外行
4、layman legal ─── 外行律师
5、layman team Layman ─── 团队
6、layman control ─── 外行控制
7、matt layman ─── 哑光外行
8、layman definition ─── 外行定义
9、layman brothers reviews ─── 外行兄弟评论
10、a layman ─── 一个门外汉
11、confused layman ─── 困惑的外行
12、layman financial statement ─── [经] 通俗财务报表
13、be a layman ─── 做个外行
14、a cowardly layman ─── 胆小的外行
15、layman judge ─── 外行法官
16、layman lewis ─── 刘易斯外行
17、layman term ─── 外行术语
18、layman ohio ─── 外行人俄亥俄州
layman 同义词
communicant | secular | layperson
layman 反义词
priest |clergyman
layman 相似词语短语
1、laymen ─── n.非专业人员,外行,门外汉;平信徒,普通教徒(layman的复数)
2、laywoman ─── n.女信徒
3、bayman ─── n.住在港湾的居民;靠伐月桂为生者
4、Stayman ─── n.斯台曼(一种棋牌方法)
5、Batman ─── n.蝙蝠侠
6、caymans ─── n.卡曼S(保时捷的一款跑车名)
7、cayman ─── n.(南美的)短吻鳄,凯门鳄(同caiman);n.(Cayman)(美)凯丽妈(人名)
8、drayman ─── n.运货马车车夫
9、Hyman ─── n.海曼
layman 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Surprisingly, classical economics has no framework through which to understand 'wild' markets, even though their existence is so obvious to the layman. ─── 令人惊讶的是,门外汉都能清楚地看到市场的“野性”,但是经典的经济学却并没有合适的理论框架来理解它。
2、A layman Buddhist who believes in Buddhism devoutly, is inclined to offer Buddha with fresh flowers everyday.When he leaves the temple, he feels worried. ─── 一位信佛虔诚的居士,每天很欢喜到寺院以鲜花供佛,但一离开寺院,内心就会现烦恼状。
3、A common youth and a layman ─── 俗子庸夫
4、No layman, however, may eat of it. ─── 但是任何族外人不得吃。
5、The layman is generally more concerned with their possible unethical uses ─── 外行人通常担心它们可能产生非道德的用途。
6、He once said, "I am a layman in the field of economics. ─── 他曾经说: “我一个门外汉领域的经济学。
7、in a layman's attire ─── 俗家打扮
8、The layman: I am ashamed to admit that this is true. ─── 在家人:我惭愧地承认这是真的。
9、layman | amateur ─── 外行| 门外汉
10、In layman terms, harmonic distortion adds a slightly thick or buzzy quality to music. ─── 在外行看来,谐波失真添加了一点浊音或鸣音音效。
11、This is a unique attribute that is often difficult for the layman to understand and that occasionally even baffles bankers. ─── 这一特性对于外行人来说是很难理解之,有时甚至使银行从业人员感到困惑不解。
12、"Thus they shall eat those things by which atonement was made at their ordination and consecration; but a layman shall not eat them, because they are holy. ─── 他们吃那些赎罪之物、好承接圣职、使他们成圣.只是外人不可吃、因为这是圣物。
13、Sixth, the juryperson has the right to receive the judge's law guidance after his listening to the whole trial on the court, since he just is a layman judge. ─── 六是由于陪审员为外行法官,因此他在听完庭审全过程后必须接受法官的法律指导;
14、An expert could probably tell which was the original and which the copy,but to the layman's eye the three vases were as like as peas in a pod. ─── 专家也许能区别哪个是原件,哪个是复制品;但是,在外行人看来三个花瓶简直一模一样。
15、As a layman and an appointee of Caesar Bardas, Photios earned the enmity of the zealots, who focused their attention on the cause of the deposed patriarch Ignatios.2. ─── 作为一个世俗人士,同时也是恺撒巴达斯任命的牧首,佛提乌斯成了狂热派的对头,他们将注意力集中在伊格那丢斯牧首被废黜的原因上。
16、The subject matter was so technical as to be beyond the ken of the average layman. ─── 该主题专业性太强,一般的外行人很难理解。
17、The practical difficulties that may arise in certain societies (for instance, when there are competing coteries of experts, or when specialization has become so complicates that the layman gets confused) need not concern us at the moment. ─── 在特定的社会发生的实际困难在此时并不会影响到我们,例如涉及小集团的专家竞争或是专业化变得过于复杂,使门外汉感到困惑。
18、If your writing is so clear that a layman could understand it, then it is le likely it will end up in court. ─── 如果你书写的合同简明得连一个外行都能理解,那么即使到了法庭上,你也不用害怕。
19、a layman authorized to read sermons. ─── 一个被授权布道的普通教徒。
20、"The layman has twigged what the strategist twigged almost two decades ago" (Manchester Guardian Weekly) ─── “外行明白了战略家近二十年前明白的东西”(曼彻斯特卫报周刊)
21、Another folk interpretation of the Faravahar comes from an educated Zoroastrian layman. ─── 另一个法拉瓦哈的民间解释是来自一位受过教育的琐罗亚斯德教俗人(平信徒)。
22、The layman's constitutional view is that what he likes is constitutional and that which he doesn't like is unconstitutional. ─── 外行人对宪法的看法是,他喜欢的就认为合宪,他不喜欢的就认为是违宪。
23、If a priest's daughter is married to a layman, she shall not eat of the offering of the gifts. ─── 利22:12祭司的女儿若嫁外人、就不可吃举祭的圣物。
24、after “god seven” flying apsaras, moves toward the mystical outer space in the astronaut to carry on the cabin layman to be in luck, some white electric cable is towing the astronaut. ─── “神七”飞天后,在宇航员走向神秘太空进行舱外行走时,有一条白色电缆牵引着宇航员。
25、Bi-metal foil is strongly recommended for quick authentication by the layman. ─── 双金属箔强烈建议快速验证的门外汉。
26、You are a layman in the field of oceanology. ─── 你在海洋学方面是个门外汉。
27、But the boffins sometimes baffled the layman. ─── 但是一些科研人员却让当地居民不知所措。
28、Recognition of the importance of Dr. Hawkin's research may be difficult or impossible for a layman, but it issure to have a lasting impact on our lives. ─── 对一个门外汉来说,要认识霍金博士研究的重要性也许是困难的或不可能的,但它肯定会对我们的生活产生经久的影响。
29、In his view: “ the selected person to learn more about enterprise's history, and I don't remember any layman in business card printing and membership card manufacturing workers had great success. ─── 他认为:“这个被选中的人必须要了解企业的历史,而且我不记得有哪个门外汉曾经在制卡和会员卡制作业取得过巨大的成功。”
30、The layman can make nothing of it. ─── 外行人什麽都不能做。
31、"Depending on such a spirit, we have had our own "management pattern"from a layman; Depending on such a spirit, City Hotel has become a hotel management school;" ─── 因为这种精神,我们从门外汉到有了自己的"管理模式";因为这种精神,我们成了一所不挂牌的酒店管理学校;
32、however, he was a layman in the way of practice, because, he did less in repressing the impulses of the will, such as eliminating nobility, richness, eminence, stateliness, fame and interest. ─── 可是在修行的道路上,他却是一名门外汉。因为最起码的彻志之勃---消除贵、富、显、严、名、利等方面,他就做的不够。
33、“It is not so much that what he says is controversial, but that people find it painful to hear,” said a conservative Catholic layman in Rome. ─── 一个在罗马的天主教看门人说“这并非是他所说的话是有争议的,但人们发现听到它很难受”。
34、Where the law is concerned, I am only a layman. ─── 谈到法律,我不过是门外汉。
35、Recognition of the importance of Dr,Hawkin's research may be difficult or impossible for a layman, but it is sure to have a lasting impact on our lives. ─── 对一个门外汉来说,要认识霍金博士研究的重要性也许是困难的或不可能的。但它肯定会对我们的生活产生经久的影响。
36、a layman's appraisal of modern art ─── 外行对现代艺术的评价
37、Well, if it makes you feel any better I did some pretty layman things in my day! ─── 好了,看看这能不能让你好受些,我那时候也做过很糗的事。
38、Well, I have heard something about it but I can't say that it is very clear to me. I must admit I'm a layman as far as insurance is concerned. ─── 嗯,我听说过,但我不能说我对保险条款都很清楚。我应该承认,就保险而沦,我是个外行。
39、"layman" Ban water property behind it is the opportunity to influence or risky? ─── “门外汉”试水地产的光环背后到底是机会不断,还是风险重重?
40、31、Assume the reader is a knowledgeable layman.If your writing is so clear that a layman could understand it, then it is less likely it will end up in court. ─── 31、要假设合同的读者是一个受过教育的外行,如果你书写的合同简明得连一个外行都能理解,那么即使到了法庭上,你也不用害怕。
41、After the red army demonstration in 2006, facing such crisis, Ah Bian's wife, with her layman's attribution, made a layman decision by transferring the money overseas. ─── 在2006年的红衫军之乱后,这麽大的危机,仍有平民特质的扁嫂,就做出了我们一般平民都会做的事情,就是把钱汇出台湾。
42、But for the most layman terms? ─── 但对于大多数门外汉来说怎么办?
43、The layman: Oho! How could such a thing be, Venerable Acharn! There have been times when we have quarrelled. It would be impossible to expect everything from her. ─── 在家人:哦!那怎麽可能!尊者阿迦曼。我们曾经吵过几次,那不可能从她身上期望一切事物。
44、You can't design an accounting application unless you know something about accounting -- at least at the level of an intelligent layman. ─── 你不能设计一个会计应用程序除非你懂会计的一些知识-至少是一个聪明的外行。
45、He is a layman in politics. ─── 他对政治是个门外汉。
46、However,I have to say I am only a layman in that thing because I just can tell good guys from bad ones. ─── 但是,我不得不承认对于武侠我依然是一个门外汉,因为我只能区分出好坏。
47、as a layman I would say that there are some fine techniques lurking among the general incoherence. ─── 作为外行,我觉得,整体不协调,却流露些很好的技巧。
48、lay language; layman's language; a mere dabbler's opinion ─── 外行话
49、Some strong brand with the "layman" have set foot in the real estate market, hoping to benefit from China. ─── 一些携强势品牌的“门外汉”纷纷涉足房地产市场,希望能从中分得一杯羹。
50、Maybe to some layman, as we always joked, we even do not know whether the liquid in eppendorf tube is merely water or not. ─── 或许对于一些外行人,就像我们所嘲笑的,我们甚至不知道离心管液体是否是水。
51、The mere mention of the words "heart failure" can conjure up, to the layman, the prospect of imminent death. ─── 一提到“心力衰竭”几个字,外行人就会想到立即死亡。
52、The layman must learn physics before he can see what the physicist sees. ─── 外行人能看见物理学家看见东西前,他必须学习物理。
53、Lyrics by Layman Liu Yi ─── 六一居士词
54、He should support his mother and father as his duty and engage in lawful trading.A layman who carries this out diligently goes to the devas called "Self-radiant. ─── “依法侍奉父母,依法经商,优婆塞努力遵行此道,便会成为名叫‘自光’的天神。”
55、The layman in town lamented the location of the landfill outside their town! ─── 城里的外行对城外垃圾填埋地的地点感到悲伤!
56、Nothing will be found by either layman or magician! ─── 什么都不会由外行或魔术师找到!
57、Rushing headlong into trouble and are in the "image", and the consumer public are also layman, will undoubtedly make "Tanghunshui" persons with an opportunity. ─── 一哄而起且均搅在“一锅粥”里,而消费大众又以门外汉居多,无疑就使“趟浑水”者有了可乘之机。
58、The interface of the software must be easy to understand and any layman must be able to use it. ─── 该软件接口必须易于理解和任何门外汉必须能够使用它。
59、he joined the Evangelical Layman's Church and attended regular Bible meetings. ─── 他加入了福音派教堂,而且经常参加教堂聚会。
60、The layman has twigged what the strategist twigged almost two decades ago(Manchester Guardian Weekly) ─── 外行明白了战略家近二十年前明白的东西(曼彻斯特卫报周刊)
61、Not only the monks/ nuns but also the layman Buddhists are forbidden to kill living beings in the Tibetan regions. ─── 在藏族地区,无论是出家人,还是在家人都禁忌杀生。
62、He used so many technical terms and went into such details in his explanation that I'm afraid it was Greek to the layman. ─── 他在解释过程中用了那么多的专门术语,又讲得这样细致,我想门外汉听了也是不懂的。
63、From a layman s point of view . ─── 以门外汉的眼光来看的话.
64、There is alway considering the devil to be mistood between Richer and grandman ,for poorer and layman ,there is mistake to be guilty. ─── 2富人和伟人的罪恶被错当作谬误,穷人和凡人的过失却被错当作犯罪。
65、I am a layman in the field of economics. ─── 在经济问题上,我是个外行,
66、layman financial statement ─── [经] 通俗财务报表
67、And yet, there is one context in which economists talk about job scarcity in the same terms as an ordinary layman guilty of make-work bias. ─── 然而,存在一个场合,在这里经济学家与犯有“造作工作成见”罪的普通门外汉从同一角度谈论岗位稀缺。
68、The occasion is great, but I'm no judge of music, I'm only a layman. ─── 场面倒是挺宏大的,但我对音乐不懂,我是门外汉。
69、Did a lot of walk today. Layman life is as much a scene as those historic spots. College areas still quite seclusive. Long history, though full of tourists. ─── 天心楼缅怀青春梦想,火宫殿流连美食足迹,湘江边畅想橘子洲雄风,岳麓山展望人生蓝图,爱晚亭重温书声朗朗。
70、However, when they started to learning Chinese , they will find that just less rule are offered and let layman don't know whose suggestion to follow. ─── 但,当他们的汉语真正入门后,就会发现正因为游戏的规则太少,令外行更加无所适从。
71、We must let the other party to offer the equipment when the layman assumes a modest change like to hear from him, anyway, the money in their pockets. ─── 一定要让对方先出价,该装外行时变摆出一幅谦虚样,洗耳恭听,反正钱在自己的腰包里。
72、A layman might not be able to tell the difference.But a doctor can. ─── 外行也许无法告诉你他到底是哪种状态,但是医生可以。
73、layman control ─── 外行管理,非专家管理
74、Recognition of the importance if Dr. Hawkin's research may be difficult or impossible for a layman, but it is sure to have a lasting impact on our lives. ─── 对一个门外汉来说,要认识霍金博士研究的重要性也许是困难得或不可能的,但它肯定会对我们的生活产生经久的影响。
75、"Ren Hong Quan said that the industry was that both Section -" layman "and into Section Chilean never think so to. ─── 任鸿泉说,业界认为融科智地是“门外汉”,而融科智地从来都不这样认为。
76、Buddhist layman ─── 优婆塞
77、An expert could probably tell which was the original and which the copy, but to the layman's eye the three vases were as like as peas in a pod. ─── 专家也许能区别哪个是原件,哪个是复制品; 但是,在外行人看来三个花瓶简直一模一样。
78、He's layman out and out, so you'd better not let him fold things up. ─── 他是个不折不扣的门外汉,你最好别让他把事情搞槽了。
79、No layman, however, is to eat the holy gift; a sojourner with the priest or a hired man shall not eat of the holy gift. ─── 利22:10凡外人不可吃圣物、寄居在祭司家的、或是雇工人、都不可吃圣物。
80、a medical textbook not for the layman ─── 不是为外行人编写的医学教科书
81、The layman has twigged what the strategist twigged almost two decades ago ─── 外行明白了战略家近二十年前明白的东西
82、One may wonder if the secrecy with which the fraternity surrounds its gatherings is designed to keep the layman from discovering. ─── 人们也许会纳闷他们聚会时讳莫如深,是否不想让外人发觉。
83、the layman ─── 俗人
84、One may wonder if the secrecy with which the fraternity surrounds its gatherings is designed to keep the layman from discovering how much it knows or how much it doesn't know. ─── 人们也许会纳闷他们聚会时讳莫如深,是否不想外人发现他们所知与所不知的各有多少。
85、I am a complete layman in the domain of chess. ─── 在国际象棋领域我是一个彻底的外行。
86、MFC in layman s language, is able to learn MFC helper! ─── MFC深入浅出,是大家学习MFC的得力帮手!
87、I am a layman of basketball, so I don't know wether China plays good or bad.But it didn't make me who has few interests in basketball go to sleep, that means something. ─── 中间的过程嘛,我是外行,不好评论,不过能让我这个对篮球几乎没兴趣的人不瞌睡,这个也能说明一点问题。
88、'No layman, however, is to eat the holy gift; a sojourner with the priest or a hired man shall not eat of the holy gift. ─── 凡外人不可吃圣物、寄居在祭司家的、或是雇工人、都不可吃圣物。
89、a Protestant layman who assists the minister. ─── 一个协助牧师的新教信徒。
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