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08-30 投稿


mastiff 发音

英:[ˈmæstɪf]  美:[ˈmæstɪf]

英:  美:

mastiff 中文意思翻译



mastiff 网络释义

n. [脊椎] 獒,大驯犬

mastiff 词性/词形变化,mastiff变形


mastiff 短语词组

1、mastiff breeds ─── 獒种

2、Domed-palate mastiff bats ─── 獒 ─── 獒蝙蝠

3、bull mastiff ─── 斗牛獒

4、mastiff rescues near me ─── 獒在我附近救人

5、neapolitan mastiff for sale ─── 出售那不勒斯獒

6、Tibetan mastiff ─── [网络] 藏獒;西藏獒犬;西藏獒犬花絮

7、mastiff rescue ─── 救獒

8、tibetan mastiff for sale ─── 出售藏獒

9、mastiff for sale ─── 出售的獒

10、english mastiff puppies for sale ─── 出售英国獒犬

11、mastiff bat ─── 犬吻蝠

12、neapolitan mastiff puppies for sale ─── 出售那不勒斯獒犬幼犬

13、mastiff armor ─── 獒甲

14、mastiff puppies ─── 獒仔

15、mastiff puppies for sale ontario ─── 安大略省出售的獒犬幼犬

16、Guianan mastiff-bat ─── 贵安獒巴

mastiff 常用词组

tibetan mastiff ─── 藏獒;西藏獒犬

mastiff 相似词语短语

1、mastix ─── n.[树脂]乳香

2、mastiffs ─── n.[脊椎]獒,大驯犬

3、massifs ─── 地块

4、mastic ─── n.乳香;乳香脂;胶泥,胶黏剂;乳香树;防水密封材料

5、massif ─── n.山丘,群山;断层块

6、mastier ─── 面具

7、masting ─── n.船桅定位技术;船桅;v.在…上装桅杆(mast的ing形式)

8、caitiff ─── n.可鄙的人;胆小鬼;adj.卑鄙的;胆小的

9、mastics ─── n.填补剂;乳香脂;[树脂]乳香(mastic的复数形式)

mastiff 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A big dog,a hound with a strain of mastiff from somewhere(William Faulkner) ─── 一条巨犬和一只猎犬,身后跟着一群不知来自何方的大驯犬(威廉·福克纳)

2、Bull Mastiff ─── n. 斗牛马士提夫犬

3、Beccari's mastiff bat ─── n. 贝氏犬吻蝠

4、And thus you see many a guy walking down the street with an Edsel.He could have a Porsche.He's got the mastiff, but wants the whippet, the greyhound. ─── 所以你看到很多家伙上街带着个“伊德塞尔”(注:福特汽车的一个品牌,属中低价位车,此处比喻女人的质量档次),其实他本来可以开辆“保时捷”的。

5、He Up to now, "play" Tibetan mastiff grasp the idea of the basic structure of possession of a skeleton. ─── 他到目前,“玩”獒的思路就是把握藏獒的基本结构骨架。

6、Protect the resource of Tibetan Mastiff and promote harmonious development ─── 保护藏獒资源促进和谐发展

7、As soon as he found himself under a clear sky, he shook his huge frame like a mastiff that has just escaped from a snowbank ─── 一见自己已经站在晴空之下,便象一头刚从雪堆中钻出的猛犬似地抖了抖魁悟的身躯。

8、When he told the cause of several cases for us, Yue Yao-min’s tone and looking flat, but when told about Tibetan mastiff, he gradually exultant, emotions are running high. ─── 对我们诉说几项事业的情况时,岳耀民声调平淡,神色淡定,但谈到藏獒,他逐渐眉飞色舞,情绪高涨。

9、Fortunately, the three-month effort has paid off, Yue Yao-min in the pastoral areas has finally recovered two of the original ecology of the Tibetan mastiff, one male and one female. ─── 好在,三个月的努力得到了回报,岳耀民终于在牧区寻回了两条原生态的藏獒,一公一母。

10、His watermelon-pink tongue lapped out, his whole body wiggled and his joyful contortions were as ludicrous as the gambolings of a mastiff. ─── 他那西瓜瓤一样红的舌头不停地翻动着,他高兴得整个身子左右来回扭动着,这动作竟像看门狗跳来跳去一样可笑。

11、Small-eared mastiff bat ─── n. 小耳犬吻蝠

12、And is believed to have evolved from crosses with the Tibetan Mastiff and the Samoyed. ─── 并被认为参与了臧獒与萨摩耶的血统。

13、Differentiated from that of other mastiff breeds by more extensive wrinkling and pendulous lips which blend into an ample dewlap. ─── 与其它獒类不同的是它有很多皱纹,嘴唇下垂,融入丰厚的垂肉。

14、The Therapeutic Effects of Ivermectin on Tibetan Mastiff Demodicidosis ─── 伊维菌素对藏獒犬蠕形螨病的治疗效果

15、The worlds heaviest as well as longest dog ever recorded was an Old English Mastiff named Zorba. ─── 世界上最重也是最长的狗,有记录的是一条英国的老马斯提夫叫苏巴。

16、Two Tibetan mastiff saw him, because the relationship has been good, there will be no howl, and even allow he touched theirs head. ─── 他赶到场地,两条獒看见他后,因为一直关系不错,就没有狂吠,甚至允许他摸了摸它们的头。

17、Da Wei Mastiff kennel has more than 10 of the estrous female Tibetan mastiff, looking for breeding targets are well-known Mastiff kennel in Bei Jing of a famous Tibetan mastiff. ─── 大伟獒园里的已发情十多条母獒,寻找的配种对象都是京内名园里的名獒。

18、Mastiff is the British variant of the widely used six-wheel-drive Cougar vehicle. ─── Mastiff是广泛使用的六轮驱动美洲豹汽车的英国变种。

19、Tibetan mastiff puppies ─── 幼年藏獒

20、He never thought interest earned by Tibetan mastiff is the result of love and support, and wish for dependents improve its quality. ─── 他从没想过用藏獒赚取利益,就是因爱而养,因养而欲提高其质量。

21、In Sister Zhang Mastiff kennel, if less than one year old female dog to the mating period, the firm can not be allowed mating. ─── 在张姐獒园,如果不到一周岁的母獒发情了,坚决不能让它交配。

22、Therefore, he has to support Tibetan mastiff, in a formal way in this entrepreneurial undertakings. ─── 因此,张珀琥要养藏獒,要以正规企业化的方式从事养獒事业。

23、He is a graduate of the University of just boys, because of the love of the Tibetan mastiff in keeping possession of a cause. ─── 张珀琥是刚刚迈出大学门槛的大男孩子,因为对藏獒的一份挚爱而从事养獒事业。

24、Another female dogs named Xue Yuzhenbao, this dog almost become Mr Gu's bestlove, and its character and appearance is so typical, in accordance with the Tibetan mastiff all pure imagination. ─── 另一条母獒叫雪域珍宝,这条獒一来就差不多成了顾先生的至爱,它的獒品和獒相是那么典型,符合了对纯正藏獒的所有想象。

25、But face it, the only shot a male Chihuahua has with a female Mastiff involves rock climbing or spelunking equipment. ─── 一只公的吉娃娃要与一只母的英国獒犬成事的唯一可能,还需要攀岩或洞穴探险设备的辅助才行。

26、Analysis on The Tibetan Mastiff industry development in Henan province ─── 把脉河南省藏獒产业的发展思路

27、It can be such a special honor, if it was thinking, I am afraid that future generations would also like to generate a Tibetan mastiff care. ─── 这条藏獒能够获得这般殊荣,如果它有人的思维,恐怕下辈子还想托生成一条藏獒。

28、Fanciers of muscular hounds with big jaws could circumnavigate the law by crossing, say, a mastiff with a pit bull, to create a perfectly legal canine nasty (as, indeed, has happened in Britain). ─── 大下巴肌肉猎犬的爱好者们可以通过一只马士提夫獒犬和一只罗威那犬制造一只完全合法的令人讨厌的犬种来绕开法律。

29、Beijing oriental jade Tibetan Mastiff breeding center possesses more than 50 Tibetan Mastiffs, it has graceful environments and all kinds implements needed , and considered to be a modern Tibetan Mastiff garden. ─── 北京东方瑰宝藏獒养殖中心拥有种獒50余条,是一个环境优美,设施齐全,健康舒适的现代化獒园。

30、" Stannis Baratheon with a grievance was like a mastiff with a bone;he gnawed it down to splinters. ─── 史坦尼斯拜拉席恩像獒犬慢慢啃碎大骨那样反复咀嚼他的怨气。

31、Gu Shibiao only for the Tibetan mastiff purification and the development of urgent heart, let us moving. ─── 单单顾世彪为藏獒的提纯与发展的迫切之心,就让我们感动。

32、Last year, he wants to start a career, firm to join possession industry, and resolve through their own efforts, in order for China Tibetan mastiff to the world a force. ─── 去年,他要开创事业了,便别无他想,坚定投身藏獒产业,立志通过自己的努力,为使中国藏獒走向世界出一份力。

33、He never thought interest earned by Tibetan mastiff is the result of love and support, and wish for dependents improve its quality. ─── 他从没想过用藏獒赚取利益,就是因爱而养,因养而欲提高其质量。

34、Only chats Bill's mastiff nature. ─── 只谈谈比尔的獒性。

35、Tail and upper rear parts of hindlegs well feathered. The Tibetan Mastiff is exhibited in a natural condition with no trimming. Seasonal shedding is not to be penalized. ─── 尾部和后肢上部带有羽状附毛。季节性的脱毛是正常的。

36、Of course, technical factors extremely important,” breedin”the meaning is breeding and cultivation, from breeding to the puppies grow, a Tibetan mastiff excellent "refining" is very highbrow. ─── 当然,技术因素极其重要,繁育,就是繁殖培育,从配种到幼犬成长,一条优秀藏獒的“炼”成,是非常有学问的。

37、He continually examining scientific husbandry practices, and worked hard to make the Tibetan Mastiff which prevent nutritional deficiencies, which nutritional excess. ─── 他不断探讨科学的饲养方法,力争做到不让藏獒的哪些营养缺乏,哪些营养过剩。

38、Mastiff kennel of a strong vitality it is not merely with the good or bad, mainly depends on the quality of the dog, which, more self-confident with Mr Gu. ─── 一个獒园的生命力是否旺盛,不仅仅在于配备的好坏,主要还要看犬只的质量,这一点,顾先生更为自信。

39、The Mastiff barked at the Fisherman, because he was too hungry. ─── 大驯犬却对着渔夫大声叫起来,因为它太饿了。

40、In Sister Zhang Mastiff kennel, his dog than serve lactating women breastfeeding much to hard. ─── 张姐獒园里,伺候犬的“月子”比伺候人坐月子要辛苦得多。

41、Homo sapiens and bull mastiff-are they 'highly comparable'? ─── 智人和斗牛獒,他们有'很高的相似之处' ?

42、Therefore, Wuwei, NT and the whole of the Tibetan mastiff industry, it can be said is often the focus of an extremely part of the logo can not be overlooked. ─── 所以武威,乃至整个西北地区的藏獒产业,可以说是国内时常的一个极其重点的标识性部分,绝不容忽视。

43、And they never believed her when she told them she had only seen one bloodhound in all her life and it was a small mild dog and not a huge ferocious mastiff. ─── 我自己就从未见过一个白种仆人,我家也想要,而且,"她忍不住在话里略带讥设的声调,"我可以向你保证,黑人并不会吃人,倒是很值得依赖的。"

44、"A big dog, a hound with a strain of mastiff from somewhere" (William Faulkner) ─── “一条巨犬和一只猎犬,身后跟着一群不知来自何方的大驯犬”(威廉·福克纳)

45、China Tibetan Mastiff Protection Zone ─── 中国藏獒研究保护基地

46、Zhang Pohu never for a moment forget their dreams do our utmost to let every Chinese person to have a quality Tibetan mastiff. ─── 张珀琥时刻不忘为自己的梦想尽最大的努力,让每个中国人都拥有一条精品藏獒!

47、He carefully kept in the few months after this puppy, was "2006 China Luo Yang First International Famous Dog Culture Festival" Tibetan mastiff separate awards. ─── 就是这条小獒,在他精心饲养几个月后,一举拿下“2006中国洛阳首届国际名犬文化节”藏獒单独大奖。

48、Tibetan mastiff is an unmatched loyalty nature, so selfless in distress to rescue the master who do not like itself, not to relief food to feed off it a family members. ─── 是藏獒无以伦比的忠诚本性,让它奋不顾身投入危难去救助并不喜欢自己的小主人,去救助不曾喂过它一口食物的一个家庭成员。

49、He did not pursuing quantity, only the pursuit of quality and look forward to the outskirts of a 40 acre mastiff kennel, it is essential that quality of a healthy growth. ─── 他不求数量,只追求精品,期待在郊区40亩地獒园里,几条优质藏獒健康地成长。

50、Barley said the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a Tibetan mastiff to the title after sowing seeds, it will be A Tibetan ancestors to worship as a totem. ─── 据说青藏高原上的青稞也是由藏獒衔来种子后开始播种的,因此藏族先民就将獒作为图腾来崇拜。

51、As soon as he found himself under a clear sky, he shook his huge frame like a mastiff that has just escaped from a snowbank. ─── 一见自己已经站在晴空之下,便象一头刚从雪堆中钻出的猛犬似地抖了抖魁悟的身躯。

52、He caught hold of the Mastiff's tail and dragged him to the shore. ─── 做好事会有好报,他就拉住大狗的尾巴,把它拖上了岸。

53、He said "play" Tibetan mastiff to now, the play is a heartbeat, which heartbeats are taking with their own ideas. ─── 他说“玩”獒到现在,玩的就是一个心跳,这心跳皆随着自己的思路走。

54、The Mastiff tried to stop, but as he was running so fast he couldn't, and he, too, landed far out in the sea. ─── 大狗想停住,可它跑得太快了,根本停不住,噗通一声也掉进海里了。

55、Zhang Pohu like Tibetan mastiff, it is because of a loyalty to wash his soul and life. ─── 张珀琥爱獒,就是因为藏獒的忠诚涤荡了他的心灵和生命。

56、Therefore, raised, knowledge and so on guard, environment has enriched, the work arrived strictly, finally in second year, in base Tibetan mastiff health growth. ─── 于是,饲养、防疫、环境等知识丰富了,工作严格到位了,终于在第二年,基地里的藏獒健康成长。

57、Hip dysplasia is most common among larger breeds, especially the German shepherd, rottweiler, Labrador retriever, golden retriever, mastiff, Saint Bernard, and others. ─── ‘髋关节发育不全’通常是一些大体型的品种容易得。特别是“德国牧羊犬、罗威那犬、拉不拉多巡回犬、金毛巡回犬、马士提夫犬和圣伯那犬。

58、The lactic bacteria cure for inappetence in Tibetan Mastiff ─── 乳酸菌治愈藏獒食欲低下

59、She has understood how many which quantity does not represent loves, mastiff raises well is to this species biggest protection. ─── 她懂了数量不代表爱的多少,把藏獒养得好才是对这个物种的最大保护。

60、She also mentioned how bull mastiff Georgina had ballooned to 10?st after developing a taste for curries as an example.The pet has been put on a diet in Darwen, Lancs. ─── 她还提到一只名叫乔治亚娜的大驯犬,由于爱上了咖喱口味的食物而象吹气球一般猛增了10.5英石(147磅),目前这只狗正在兰开斯特的达温进行减肥瘦身。

61、In the eyes of the Tibetan people, Tibetan mastiff is characterized by not reveal smart, courageous but not recklessness, is unimaginable predictability. ─── 在藏民的眼里,藏獒的特点是大智若愚,大勇若怯,有着令人难以想象的预见性。

62、He stands there, with paw outstretched, his hair stiff and wiry, like a mastiff's, his cheeks ruddy, his mustache gleaming with snow. ─── 他站着伸出手来,头发很坚硬,像一头大猎犬,面颊红润,胡须上沾着晶莹的雪。

63、Hebei Disheng Tibetan mastiff garden covers about 10 acres, its gross investment is more than 150 million Yuan. ─── 地生獒园占地面积十余亩,总投资近达150多万元。

64、Beginning this year,Da Wei Mastiff kennel systematic breeding. ─── 从今年开始,大伟獒园进行系统繁殖。

65、Their origin is of American Pit Bull Terrier and Neapolitan Mastiff. ─── 它们血统主要源自美国比特犬和纽波力顿獒。

66、As with all very large dogs, the Mastiff needs a soft place to lie down to avoid pressure marks. ─── 像其他大型犬一样,他们需要一个可以休息的地方。

67、a Big dog, a hound with a strain of mastiff from somewhere ─── 一条巨犬和一只猎犬,身后跟着一群不知来自何方的大驯犬

68、This shows that "Ba Xin" on the fate in the mainland, in the Tian Jin, in the Long Hua Mastiff Kennel, which is the owner of the Cao Yongzhi. ─── 可见霸鑫的缘分就该在内地,就该在天津,就该在龙华獒园,它的主人就该是曹永志先生。

69、As soon as he found himself under a clear sky, he shook his huge frame like a mastiff that has just escaped from a snowbank. ─── 一见自己已经站在晴空之下,便象一头刚从雪堆中钻出的猛犬似地抖了抖魁悟的身躯。

70、Li Jia-yao heaved a sigh of relief, this is the finest Tibetan mastiff complete all of their own. ─── 李家耀松了一口气,这条上等獒犬完全彻底为自己所有了。

71、It is important to point out that the Fighting Dog of Cordoba, a breed established in that area consisting of Mastiff, English Bulldog, Bull Terrier, and Boxer is now extinct. ─── 值得一提的是:科多巴斗犬是一种在他们那个地区培育的,有着马士提夫、英国斗牛、牛头更、拳师血统的斗狗,现在已经绝种了。

72、Zhang Pohu never for a moment forget their dreams do our utmost to let every Chinese person to have a quality Tibetan mastiff. ─── 张珀琥时刻不忘为自己的梦想尽最大的努力,让每个中国人都拥有一条精品藏獒!

73、Hercules is an English Mastiff and has a 38 inch neck and weighs 282 pounds. ─── 大力士是一只英国獒,颈部有38英寸,重量达到282磅。

74、Understanding market trends Tibetan mastiff, the success of the Victory psychological more than his thoughts: others to maintain custody of such a success, I can! ─── 了解藏獒市场当时的动向后,成功者具有的好胜心理让他思绪不止:别人养藏獒能够养得如此有成就,我也可以!

75、A big dog, a hound with a strain of mastiff from somewhere(William Faulkner) ─── 一条巨犬和一只猎犬,身后跟着一群不知来自何方的大驯犬(威廉 福克纳)

76、Since the Tibetan mastiff is a symbol of status, then the price was the first manifestation of this symbol. ─── 既然藏獒是身份地位的象征,那么价格首先是这象征的体现。

77、Talbot, Mastiff and Greyhound- Courage, vigilancy and loyal fidelity. ─── 塔尔博特犬、士提夫獒犬、(是)这是一个字-气、惕以及对信念的忠诚。

78、Tail and britches densely coated and heavily feathered. The Tibetan Mastiff is shown naturally. ─── 尾部和四肢被毛还有羽状附毛。看起来藏獒很自然。

79、'It's best if I don't say what I really think,' said Gennaro Gattuso, the bearded midfield mastiff. ─── “最好别说出我的真是想法”,加图索说,他是个烈犬般留着小胡子的中场。

80、Da Wei Mastiff kennel has been feeding the dog Royal dog food and beef, to ensure that all dogs have maintained healthy strong physique. ─── 大伟獒园的犬一贯喂食皇家犬粮和牛肉,以保证所有犬只都保持健康壮实的体魄。

81、On the Tibetan mastiff from the earliest documented in the renowned World Travels of Marco Polo travel home. ─── 关于藏獒的最早的文献记载来自于著名的世界旅行家马可波罗的游记。

82、Entrepreneurs took to keeping Tibetan mastiff's road, generally due to like. ─── 企业家走上养獒之路,一般都是缘于喜欢。

83、Tibetan Mastiff ─── n. 藏獒

84、Domed-palate mastiff bats ─── n. 穹腭蝠属

85、Bull Mastiff [England] ─── 布儿猛士吉夫[英]

86、According to his talk, we learned about his road of keeping Tibetan Mastiff. ─── 我们随着他的讲述,了解一下他所走过的养獒之路。

87、The adult Neapolitan Mastiff has only an average need for exercise. ─── 但是运动量的需要其实很一般。

88、But no longer firmly Li Yao to continue their studies, the charm of the Tibetan mastiff an adult just for people who are infatuated with once on the wrong path, he has to keep Tibetan mastiff. ─── 但是李家耀坚决不再继续学业了,藏獒的魅力对于一个刚成年的人来说,一旦迷上就如洪峰不可抵挡,他要养獒。

89、Talbot, Mastiff and Greyhound - Courage, vigilancy and loyal fidelity. ─── 塔尔博特犬、马士提夫獒犬、灵(犭是)-勇气、警惕以及对信念的忠诚。




1. I beg a thousand pardons. 我千百次地祈求宽恕

 2. Love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars. 我爱你。你对我而言如同全世界,如同夜空中的星月一般圣洁。

3. When she heard the bad news, a river of tears poured out.当她听到这个噩耗,眼泪像绝了堤的洪水,滚落下来。


Simile 明喻、Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻、Metonymy 借喻,转喻、Synecdoche 提喻、Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉、Personification 拟人、Hyperbole 夸张、Parallelism 排比, 平行、Euphemism 委婉,婉辞法、Allegory 讽喻,比方、Irony 反语、Pun 双关、Parody 仿拟等。

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