deface 发音
英:[dɪˈfeɪs] 美:[dɪˈfeɪs]
英: 美:
deface 中文意思翻译
deface 词性/词形变化,deface变形
deface 短语词组
1、deface means ─── 污损意味着
2、deface the nation ─── 诽谤国家
3、deface definition ─── 污损定义
4、deface with fire crossword ─── 用火焰纵横字谜涂改
5、deface the music ─── 破坏音乐
6、deface website ─── 诽谤网站
deface 相似词语短语
1、defaces ─── v.损伤外观,丑化,毁坏
2、defamed ─── v.诽谤;中伤
3、defaced ─── v.损伤……的外貌(deface的过去式和过去分词);adj.已损坏表面的
4、defacer ─── 损伤外观,丑化,使失面子
5、defamer ─── 诽谤者
6、defaste ─── 德法斯特
7、defame ─── v.诽谤;中伤
8、reface ─── vt.重修表面
9、defames ─── v.诽谤;中伤
deface 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、's illegal to deface property. ─── 在房子上乱涂乱画是非法的。
2、We cannot blame religions for evil doings or if somebody behaves in a bad way.None has the right to deface Allah's creation by causing damage or hurt to anybody especially a man to his wife. ─── 我们不能因为邪恶的行径和一些人的不当行为而谴责我们的宗教,更没有权利损害或者伤害任何人尤其是别人的妻子从而去丑化安拉的创造。
3、Objective: To investigate effect of sandwich restoration on repairing tooth deface and preserving the gingival. ─── 观察夹心板修复体恢复牙齿形态功能与维护牙龈健康的效果。
4、The emperor himself was interested not to deface the splendor of his own cities. ─── 皇帝本人都很不愿意毁坏了他自己的那些城市的壮丽景色。
5、Hackers on both sides worked to deface websites, with one attack successfully redirecting traffic from several high-profile Israeli websites to a page featuring anti-Israel messages. ─── 从知名度较高的几个以色列网站,到一页不起眼的反以色列特写,双方黑客们正在你来我往,互相攻击的不亦乐乎。
6、The PES webbing in the lashing straps looks soft and brigh,it resists abrasion,corrosion and skid,not deface the googs.It is more suitable to load and unload goods repetitively. ─── 拉紧器上配置的高强度涤纶带轻柔亮丽、耐磨损、耐腐蚀、不易打滑、不损伤被捆绑货物表面,更适合多次频繁装卸。
7、To destroy or deface(public or private property) willfully or maliciously. ─── 破坏故意地或恶意地破坏或毁损(公共或私人财产)
8、But, when I look at my desk now, I feel no desire to deface it as it means nothing to me at all. ─── 可是,当我看着眼前这张桌子时,却毫无在上面涂鸦的兴致,因为它对我来说毫无意义。
9、deface a building facade, for example. ─── 例如损伤建筑物的正面。
10、3. Are voided checks properly deface or mutilated and held available for subsequent inspection? ─── 作废支票是否按规定销毁?或者剪角保留供以后检查?
11、in those days, men took great pride in their beards, and no man in his right mind would deface it in such a way. ─── 在那个时代,男人都以自己的胡子为荣,一个心智正常的人绝不会用这种方式让自己丢脸。
12、Do Not Deface Public Property ─── 铁损坏公物
13、The Method of Estimating Carrying Capacity of Deface Structures ─── 损伤结构承载力的估算方法
14、winter's ragged hand deface. ─── 冬季粗糙手,勿令毁君颜。
15、to destroy or deface(public or private property) willfully or maliciously ─── 故意地或恶意地破坏或毁损(公共或私人财产)
16、He feels an uncontrollable urge to deface the rich kid's new car and chase after his fiance. ─── 他觉得无法控制的冲动污损丰富孩子的新车,追逐后,他的未婚妻。
17、I bet the defacer was thinking "if I can't deface NSA, I'll deface NASA to send my message regardless". ─── 我敢打赌,这个损毁者在想“如果我不能破坏国家安全局,我就破坏国家宇航局来发送我的信息”。
18、None fairer, nor none falser to deface her. ─── 她是无比地美丽,也无比虚假。
19、The Malicious - This type of intruder is out to either bring down your systems, or deface your web page, or otherwise force you to spend time and money recovering from the damage he has caused. ─── 恶意-这类入侵者主要是宕掉您的系统,或篡改您的网页,或其它迫使您花费时间或金钱来恢复他所造成的破坏.
20、deface a desk by marking on it ─── 在桌面上乱画而把桌面弄坏
21、It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, injure, knock down or remove any official traffic sign placed or erected as provided in this chapter. ─── 任何损坏外观,破坏,打倒或删除按照本章要求放置的任何官方的交通信号都属于非法行为。
22、A configuration file can contain database passwords and other information that could be used by malicious users to penetrate or deface your site; ─── 一个配置文件可以保存数据库密码或者其他可以让恶意用户入侵或修改网站的重要信息;
23、Party B shall not damage, injure or deface any part of the public/ common areas and shall not place or leave any obstructions in the public/common area. ─── 11乙方不得破坏、损害公共区域或从事任何有损公共区域形象的行为,也不得在公共区域存放物品或从事任何有损公共区域使用的行为。
24、XSS allows attackers to execute script in the victim's browser which can hijack user sessions, deface web sites, or redirect the user to malicious sites. ─── XSS允许攻击者在受害者的浏览器上执行脚本,于是攻击者可以劫持用户会话,顺坏网站,或者将用户转向至恶意站点。
25、to deface the record ─── 抹去录音
26、Don't deface library book s. ─── 不要污损图书馆的书籍.
27、deface an inscription ─── 磨损碑文
28、By contrast, the modernists have not sought to deface the image of Luther in the same way. ─── 对照之下,现代主义者并没有以同样的方式来尝试污蔑路德。
29、To complete the Eliot quote on plagiarism: “Bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. ─── 艾略特关于剽窃的那句名言还有后文:“差的诗人将别人的弄得更差,好的诗人将别人的弄得更好,或者至少能与之不同。”
30、It took a lot of talking to a lot of committees to get that accomplished. . . and then, the kids started to deface them! ─── 它在采取了很多次谈话与召开很多委员会之后才建设而成…然后,孩子开始损毁他们!
31、1. Don't deface library books. ─── 不要污损图书馆的书籍。
32、2.Papa care for holiday Yang flower seed grass,But lately the farm crop of fruitage all being police authorities ferret out deface. ─── 爸爸喜欢假日养花种草,但是最近收成的作物都被警方查获销毁了。
33、"I will mislead them, and I will create in them false desires;I will order them to slit the ears of cattle, and to deface the (fair) nature created by Allah. ─── 我必使他们迷误,必使他们妄想,必命令他们割裂牲畜的耳朵,必命令他们变更真主的所造物。”
34、The holy tide of Christmas all other doth deface. ─── 圣诞节的圣潮,其他的一切将被感染。
35、And people who deface Nativity scenes can end up parading through town accompanied by a donkey. ─── 而毁损基督诞生图景的人则会在一只驴的扈从下游街示众。
36、What we found were malicious inclusions which had been used to deface some pages within your account. ─── 什么我们发现了是被用于损毁在您的帐户之内的有些页的恶意包括。
37、deface a monument ─── 损坏纪念碑
38、But, when I look at my desk now, I feel no desire to deface it as it means nothing to me at all. ─── 可是,当我看着眼前这张桌子时,却毫无在上面涂鸦的兴致,因为它对我来说毫无意义。
39、To deface by covering with marks. ─── 磨损,毁损因痕迹斑斑而受损伤
40、Diamonds, the hardest natural stone, and rubies and sapphires, the second hardest, are actually rather hard to deface. ─── 钻石(最坚硬的天然石)和次硬的红、蓝宝石,要刮伤其表面其实相当困难。
41、Will it deface the landscape, or is it a beautiful sign of moving into the future? ─── 它会玷污风景的美,又或者是人们通向未来是美好标志呢?
42、A configuration file can contain database passwords and other information that could be used by malicious users to penetrate or deface your site; never allow these files to be accessed by remote users. ─── 一个配置文件可以保存数据库密码或者其他可以让恶意用户入侵或修改网站的重要信息;绝对不要让这些文件可以被远程用户访问到。
43、7. Chalk marks deface the wall of the house. ─── 粉笔痕迹破坏墙壁的外观。
44、...He who is acquainted with the Universe, not They who deface it... ─── 是认识宇宙的人,而不是歪曲宇宙的人。。。
45、to deface a wall by writing on it. ─── 在墙上乱刻乱画而损坏了墙壁
46、To deface any notice posted under authority of the Wildlife Act. ─── 损毁野生动物法授权张贴的通告。
47、to deface Party posters and hoarding announcements ─── 损毁党的海报,还有贮藏公告。
48、When I have seen by Time's fell hand defac'd The rich-proud cost of outworn buried age;When sometime lofty towers I see down-raz'd, And brass eternal slave to mortal rage; ─── 免责申明:酷酷英语网转载信息,其目的在于传播更多信息,并不意味着赞同其中的观点、描述和立场。
49、to deface a bond ─── 注销债券
50、"or suffers any person under his control to conceal, remove, alter, deface or obliterate, any marking required by this section to be maintained, commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000." ─── 或任由在他支配下的人隐藏、除去、更改、污损或涂掉,本条规定须加以保持的标记,即属犯法,可处罚款$5,000;但按本条规定或根据本条规定而进行的,则属例外。
51、Thoughtless boy have deface the desk by marking on them. ─── 轻率的男孩子们在桌面上乱画而把桌面弄坏了。
52、Deface, our Lord, the features of their wealth, and send hardness to their hearts, so they will not believe until they see the grievous penalty. ─── 我们的主啊!求你毁掉他们的财产,求你封闭他们的心。但愿他们不信道,直到看见痛苦的刑罚。”
53、In fact, a 2005 British study revealed that girls often deface or mutilate their Barbie dolls while leaving their other toys unharmed [Source: Live Science]. ─── 事实上,2005年英国的一项研究表明,女孩们经常会将芭比娃娃毁容或肢解,而其他玩具却安然无恙。
54、You see it was much more complex than just "defacing, " there are many ways writers "deface" things. ─── 你可以看见它不再只是“损毁”,有许多方法,创作家可以“损毁”事物。
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