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09-11 投稿


bibulous 发音

英:[ˈbɪbjələs]  美:[ˈbɪbjələs]

英:  美:

bibulous 中文意思翻译



bibulous 词性/词形变化,bibulous变形

名词: bibulousness |副词: bibulously |

bibulous 短语词组

1、bibulous define ─── 吸水性

2、bibulous paper ─── [化] 吸墨纸; 吸水纸

3、bibulous comes from what latin word ─── 什么来自拉丁语

4、bibulous meaning ─── 吸水意义

5、bibulous means ─── 吸水方式

6、bibulous pad ─── 吸水垫

7、bibulous definition ─── 吸水性定义

bibulous 相似词语短语

1、sibilous ─── 西伯利亚语

2、tubulous ─── adj.含小管的;有管状小花的

3、libelous ─── adj.诽谤的;损害名誉的;用言语中伤他人的

4、fabulous ─── adj.难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的

5、bibulously ─── adv.嗜酒地

6、nebulous ─── adj.朦胧的;星云的,星云状的

7、pabulous ─── 好的

8、acidulous ─── adj.带酸味的;尖刻的;带讽刺意味的

9、sabulous ─── adj.多沉渣的;有粒状物的;多砂的

bibulous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、New GB of brick of pottery and porcelain shapes by craft method and bibulous rate discretion differentiate for 9 class. ─── 陶瓷砖新国标按工艺成型方法和吸水率高低划分为9个档次。

2、Results The riskful factors include male, age, bibulous, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia. ─── 结果男性、高龄、嗜酒、高血压、高脂血症、糖尿病、心脏病是无症状性脑梗死的危险因素;

3、Conversely, bibulous faster, explain density is few and far between, its character is inferior to former. ─── 反之,吸水越快,说明密度稀疏,其品质就不如前者。

4、Judgement ceramic tile is bibulous the way that leads on any account is very simple, want a water only, observe whether it is absorbed quickly. ─── 判定瓷砖吸水率高低的办法很简单,只要在样品瓷砖的背面滴上一滴水,观察它是否能迅速地吸收。

5、Test Method for Rate of Absorption of Water by Bibulous Papers ─── 用皱文纸测定吸水率的测试方法

6、Standard Test Method for Sorption of Bibulous Paper Products (Sorptive Rate and Capacity Using Gravimetric Principles) ─── 吸水纸制品的吸附作用的标准试验方法(用重力原理测定吸附率和容量)

7、Culture stone is bibulous rate is low, acid-proof, not easy and efflorescent, sound-absorbing the effect is good, adornment sex is very strong, basically use at sitting room adornment. ─── 文化石吸水率低,耐酸,不易风化,吸音效果好,装饰性很强,主要用于客厅装饰。

8、a bibulous fellow; a bibulous evening. ─── 爱喝酒的家伙;畅饮之夜

9、But because skirting board and floor space are very close, woodiness material is easy and bibulous become wet, and lunt can rise along skirting board endanger whole cabinet body. ─── 但因踢脚板与地面距离很近,木质材料轻易吸水变潮,并且水汽会沿着踢脚板上升危及整个柜身。

10、2.Inclined Jian Huazhi, increase bibulous extent. ─── 2.斜剪花枝,增大吸水面。

11、Has the advantages, adiabatic, fire prevention, high temperature resistance, ageing resistance, bibulous rate is lower notable features. ─── 具有轻质、绝热、防火、耐高温、耐老化、吸水率低等显著特点。

12、Will tell commonly, ink is diffuse rate is slower, bibulous rate is minorrer, underlying tone jumps over actor, the product jumps over wear well. ─── 一般来讲,墨水散开速度越慢,吸水率就越小,内在品质越优,产品越经久耐用。

13、Have the systems analysis of li of material actor defect through be opposite, the reason depends on 2 skins bibulous not catchment, " occasionally nitrogen " exceed mark, decolour. ─── 通过对现有里材优缺点的系统分析 ,原因在于二层皮吸水不排水、“偶氮”超标、脱色。

14、The underlying gesso was bibulous and thus accelerated the electro-chemical corrosion. ─── 这种原电池化学腐蚀降低了结构或构件的承载能力,在工程实际中必须引起高度重视。

15、If bibulous rate exceeds 3% , contamination is very easy itself of product of infiltration pottery and porcelain, cannot clean, generation peculiar smell. ─── 假如吸水率超过3%的话,污物就很轻易渗入陶瓷产品本身,无法清洁,产生异味。

16、Unpolished rice withholds the complete rice of rice bran, have rich thread, also have bibulous, action suction fat and sufficient satiated feeling, can know alvine interest. ─── 糙米保留米糠的全米,有丰富的纤维,也有吸水、吸脂作用及充分的饱足感,能通肠利便。

17、Bibulous ply expands rate is minorrer, the moistureproof performance that shows a floor is higher. ─── 吸水厚度膨胀率越小,说明地板的防潮性能越高。

18、But it can control the bibulous of handsheet in the demanding range through accession suitable waterproof. ─── 但通过添加适量的防水剂可以使纸板的吸水值在要求的范围内。

19、Provide about clean of pottery and porcelain, the level that still has a bibulous rate cannot be ignored, state specified standards is to be less than 3% . ─── 关于陶瓷洁具,还有一个吸水率的标准不能忽视,国家规定的标准是小于3%。

20、According to national level, the bibulous ply of base material expands rate be less than 10% to amount to mark, the value is less, moistureproof performance is better. ─── 根据国家标准,基材的吸水厚度膨胀率小于10%为达标,值越小,防潮性能越好。

21、Be buried of root system of Mu Benhua grass is deep, distributinging range is wide, bibulous force is powerful, water quantity but proper and less. ─── 木本花卉根系入土深,分布面广,吸水力强,浇水量可适当少些。

22、This kind is put cold hardening amylaceous food, must boil through adding lukewarm new steam, let starch again bibulous, expand, ability can hold the nutrient value with due food. ─── 这种放冷变硬的淀粉食品,一定要经过加温重新蒸煮,让淀粉再次吸水、膨胀,才可以保持食品应有的营养价值。

23、Analyse: To xylophyta, can be in analyse of beautiful foot place is crossed, or smash, in order to enlarge bibulous area. ─── 剖:对木本植物,可在花脚部位剖十字,或砸碎,以扩大吸水面积。

24、After because aspirin classics is beautiful the branch is bibulous, can make leaf stoma close, decelerate what water divides to evaporate. ─── 因阿司匹林经花枝吸水后,可促使叶子气孔闭合,减慢水分的蒸发。

25、L-form is easier induced when we disinfects the bibulous enviroments which have much infecants. ─── 而在消毒污物“较多”和吸水性较强的环境时,则较易形成细菌L型。

26、If roll out the water chestnut with high water absorption to get towel of paper of series family expenses, introduce the European paper towel that has more powerful bibulous force and toughness. ─── 如推出吸水量高的菱钻系列家用纸巾,并引进具有更强吸水力及韧度的欧洲纸巾。

27、bibulous rate ─── 吸水率

28、a bibulous evening ─── 畅饮之夜

29、Porcelain makes glazed pottery, become by porcelain clay fire namely, bibulous rate is inferior, strength is relative taller. ─── 瓷制釉面砖,即由瓷土烧制而成,吸水率较低,强度相对较高。

30、The technology of average qualitative data is characteristic, if wear, intensity, hardness, heat preservation, adiabatic, wearability, bibulous rate, moisture content, hole is led,wait a moment. ─── 一般质材料的技术特性,如耐久性、强度、硬度、保温、隔热、耐磨性、吸水率、含水率、孔隙率等等。

31、The ground of the kitchen is easy adherent water and contamination, optional choose pore is small, bibulous the ceramic tile with low rate, clear rise compare save effort. ─── 厨房的地面易附着水和污物,可选择毛孔小、吸水率低的瓷砖,清理起来比较省力。

32、Compressible strength is one of important character of haydite as well as bibulous rate. ─── 颗粒抗压强度和吸水率是反映粉煤灰品质的重要指标。

33、Because inferior ceramic tile is not able to bear or endure for certain in the kitchen corrupt, oil absorption, bibulous become angry easily, intensity causes craze not quite. ─── 因为劣质瓷砖在厨房肯定不耐污、吸油、吸水就轻易变色,强度不够引发开裂。

34、The 4 water rub-up that get on the face first with dry towel, press a face gently again bibulous. ─── 4 用干毛巾先把脸上的水擦净,再轻轻地压脸吸水。

35、4 quite: Basically be to inspecting bibulous rate, bibulous rate is lower better. ─── 四比较:主要是在考察吸水率,吸水率越低的越好。

36、Bibulous performance outstanding, is cotton products three times as much. ─── 吸水性能出色,是全棉产品的三倍。

37、Therefore, to choose bibulous rate small insulation materials. ─── 因此,要选择吸水率小的绝热材料。

38、Additional, of plastic furniture maintain simple, it is easy to clean, not bibulous, suit what contemporary home resides to use particularly. ─── 另外,塑料家具的保养简单,清洗轻易,不吸水,非凡适合现代家居的使用。

39、be bitten and broken by bibulous mosquitoes. ─── 被偷酒的花蚊咬破。

40、Test Method for Sorption of Bibulous Paper Products (Sorptive Rate and Capacity Using Gravimetric Principles) ─── 吸水纸制品吸附作用的试验方法(用重力原理测定吸附率和容量)

41、1. a bibulous fellow; a bibulous evening; his boozy drinking companions; thick boozy singing; a drunken binge; two drunken gentleman holding each other up; sottish behavior. ─── 酒鬼;开怀痛饮的晚会;他嗜酒的同伴;喝了酒后沙哑的歌声;纵酒狂欢;互相搀扶着的酒鬼;喝醉了酒一样的行为。收藏指正

42、Absorbent paper General term representing a class of bulky papers, spongy and bibulous in character, such as blotting, filter and towelling paper. ─── 一般厚身、海绵状和具吸收性的纸张的通称。例如吸墨纸,滤纸和毛巾纸。

43、Bestrew actually on our skin thin thin a grease, for the sake of preventing the skin direct from the outside bibulous. ─── 我们的皮肤上实在布满著薄薄一层油脂,为的是防止皮肤直接从外界吸水。

44、I throw open my windows and from the yard outside came the hot uncommon sounds of bibulous laughter and unsteady steps ─── 我打开窗户,外面院子传来不平常的,醉汉的笑声和不稳的脚步声。

45、Keywords rock plant,Pogonatherum paniceum(Lam.)Hack.,nutrient element,bibulous and dehydration test; ─── 岩生植物;金发草;矿质营养元素;吸水脱水试验;

46、Porcelain makes glazed pottery, become by porcelain clay fire namely, bibulous rate is inferior, strength is relative taller. ─── 瓷制釉面砖,即由瓷土烧制而成,吸水率较低,强度相对较高。

47、A few of white sanded spring that uses boil is irruptive teacup, bibulous hind the tea that expands slowly, be like break ground of bamboo shoots in spring, willow is spat green; ─── 用煮沸的白沙泉水少许冲入茶杯,吸水后慢慢膨胀的茶叶,有如春笋破土,杨柳吐绿;

48、a bibulous fellow ─── 爱喝酒的家伙

49、4.Porcelain still have bibulous rate, sit implement still blowdown, water consumption, noise, water seals the performance demand such as the function. ─── 4.瓷件还有吸水率,坐便器还有排污、用水量、噪声、水封功能等性能要求。

50、The ground of the kitchen is easy adherent water and besmirch, choice pore is small, bibulous the ceramic tile with low rate, clear rise can save many strength. ─── 厨房的地面易附着水和污渍,选择毛孔小、吸水率低的瓷砖,清理起来可以省不少力气。

51、Very hot: Dip is very hot in hot water a little while, benefit at bibulous, antiseptic and anticorrosive, 30 seconds are ironed to control in 80 Celsius water commonly can. ─── 烫:浸烫于热水中一会,利于吸水,杀菌防腐,一般80摄氏度水中烫30秒左右即可。

52、As we have learned, this product does not have radioactivity, bibulous rate low, intensity is high, fight corrupt ability and wear-resisting performance are good, use won't efflorescent chap for long. ─── 据了解,该产品无放射性、吸水率低、强度高、抗污能力及耐磨性能好,长时间使用不会风化龟裂。

53、Differ as a result of bibulous rate in construction process on the other hand, or spread those who stick time to differ early or late wait for a reason to cause off color possibly also. ─── 另一方面在施工过程中由于吸水率不同,或铺贴时间的先后不同等原因也可能引起色差。

54、Use the need of water to assure fire protection, should build an upriver driveway and bibulous establishment. ─── 为保证消防用水的需要,应修建通向水源的车道和吸水设施。

55、And the construction of green flag is used with stick ceramic tile similar method is stickup, but should notice green flag is bibulous rate is high, stickup before must soak with water. ─── 而青石板的施工则采用与贴瓷砖类似的方法粘贴,但是要注重青石板吸水率高,粘贴前一定要用水浸透。

56、Easy pollution: Granite still has certain bibulous effect, once greasy filth or lubricious be soiled are polluted divide hard corrupt. ─── 易污染:花岗石还有一定的吸水作用,油泥或色渍一旦污染难以除污。

57、The simplest detect the method falls in ceramic tile the reverse side with a cup of water namely, water be soiled diffuses rapid, show bibulous rate on the high side, conversely inferior. ─── 最简单的检测方法就是用一杯水倒在瓷砖背面,水渍扩散迅速,说明吸水率偏高,反之则较低。

58、The ground of toilet and kitchen should laid is bibulous the ground brick with low rate. ─── 卫生间和厨房的地面应铺设吸水率低的地面砖。

59、3.Rear of rose flower stalk, about one inch of right-and-left position can have been ironed in preexistence boiled water, so OK dredge is peduncular, eliminate bleb, benefit at the flower bibulous. ─── 3.玫瑰花花柄尾部,约一寸左右的位置可以先在开水中烫过,这样可以疏通花梗,排除气泡,利于鲜花吸水。

60、4.The ground of the kitchen is easy adherent water and contamination, optional choose pore is small, bibulous the ceramic tile with low rate, clear rise compare save effort. ─── 一般国内一线品牌瓷砖如奥米茄、亚细亚、罗马等都属于健康环保建材,产品吸水率极低,砖面毛孔极小使污渍难以渗入产品。

61、Compressible strength is one of important character of haydite as well as bibulous rate. ─── 颗粒抗压强度和吸水率是反映粉煤灰品质的重要指标。

62、Floor tile is stuck not easily on the wall firm, wall brick is used in the ground the meeting is bibulous and too much and become not easy and clean, brick of wall, ground cannot be mixed with. ─── 地砖不易在墙上贴牢固,墙砖用在地面会吸水太多而变得不易清洁,墙、地面砖不能混用。

63、Can be this beyond its anticipation, because sponge is bibulous, after drinking water, expand become very heavy, , donkey also fails to climb again accordingly, drown be in the river. ─── 可是这一次出乎它的预料,因为海绵是吸水的,进水后一膨胀变得非常重,,驴子因此再也没能爬起来,淹死在河里了。

64、a bibulous fellow; a bibulous evening; his boozy drinking companions; thick boozy singing; a drunken binge; two drunken gentleman holding each other up; sottish behavior. ─── 酒鬼;开怀痛饮的晚会;他嗜酒的同伴;喝了酒后沙哑的歌声;纵酒狂欢;互相搀扶着的酒鬼;喝醉了酒一样的行为。

65、This fan is leather belt type high-powered bibulous fan, weaving of the water that offer spray is special. ─── 本风机是传送带式高质量吸水风机,供喷水织布特用。

66、1.The bright lop that cut a flower undertakes in underwater, avoid to generate bubble, prevent a flower bibulous. ─── 1.鲜切花剪枝都在水下进行,避免产生气泡,阻止鲜花吸水。

67、The Bibulous Business of a Matter of Taste ─── 品酒师的交易

68、In addition, reach rich flexibility to make leather becomes soft, need to be handled via nitrify, but treat water and bibulous hind walk along saltpetre easily to harden, .. ─── 此外,为了使皮革变得柔软及富有弹性,需经硝化处理,但遇水而吸水后就易走硝变硬,...

69、Passive bibulous material ─── 被动吸水材料

70、Influenced by the bibulous fashion of the time, Tao pursues, through drinking, the freedom of mind and the release of anxiety and misery, and enjoys the infinite fun and comfort therein. ─── 嗜酒的时代风尚影响了陶渊明,他借饮酒追求精神的超越与解放,化解人生的种种感伤、焦虑与痛苦,他在酒中获得了无限的乐趣和慰藉。

71、It is based on raw material part, can divide it is two kinds: Contented makes glazed pottery, become by argil fire namely, bibulous rate is higher, intensity is relatively inferior. ─── 它基于原材料的分别,可分为两种:陶制釉面砖,即由陶土烧制而成,吸水率较高,强度相对较低。

72、This fan is leather belt type high-powered bibulous fan, weaving of the water that offer spray is special. ─── 本风机是传送带式高质量吸水风机,供喷水织布特用。

73、Made of PVA material imported from Western Germany,our Rishen brand sponge mop has powerful toughness,different from other sponge, that is bibulous, water free and apt to tear. ─── 公司推出的著名品牌“俏佳洁丽”、“至尊好太太”牌胶棉拖把,引进西德PVA(聚乙稀醇)材料制成,韧性强。

74、bibulous paper ─── 吸涎纸滤纸吸墨纸吸收纸

75、The yield can he heightened through increasing the beating degree of OCC stock.It is superior to with CTMP in stiffness.Gas permeability and bibulous were the reactivity of handsheet's porosity. ─── OCC浆和混合办公废纸屑浆的效果在紧度方面比较相近,可通过提高OCC浆的打浆度来改善紧度,而在挺度方面,以CTMP最佳。

76、The ground of toilet and kitchen should laid is bibulous the ground brick with low rate, because the ground often can use much clear water wash and brush, the effect that such ceramic tile ability do not suffer lunt, do not induct besmirch. ─── 卫生间和厨房的地面应铺设吸水率低的地面砖,因为地面会经常用大量的清水洗刷,这样瓷砖才能不受水汽的影响、不吸纳污渍。

77、An Experiment of the Fast Rebirth of Bibulous Silica Gel ─── 吸水硅胶的快速再生试验

78、Fall in ceramic tile the reverse side with a cup of water, water be soiled diffuses rapid, show bibulous rate on the high side, conversely inferior. ─── 用一杯水倒在瓷砖背面,水渍扩散迅速,说明吸水率偏高,反之则较低。

79、Than: Basically be to inspect bibulous rate, bibulous rate is lower better. ─── 比: 主要是考察吸水率,吸水率越低的越好。

80、Test Method for Water-Holding Capacity of Bibulous Fibrous Products ─── 吸水纤维制品蓄水能力的试验方法

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