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09-11 投稿


reeve 发音

英:[riːv]  美:[riv]

英:  美:

reeve 中文意思翻译




reeve 网络释义

vi. 穿过vt. 把绳索穿过n. 城镇(或地区)长官n. (Reeve)人名;(英)里夫

reeve 词性/词形变化,reeve变形

动词过去分词: reeved/rove |动词过去式: reeved/rove |动词现在分词: reeving |动词第三人称单数: reeves |

reeve 短语词组

1、christopher reeve ─── 克里斯托弗·里夫

2、reeve inc ─── 里夫公司

3、reeve hadestown ─── 里夫哈德斯顿

4、reeve carney tumblr ─── 里夫卡尼tumblr

5、reeve lindbergh ─── 里夫·林德伯格

6、reeve carney spider man ─── 里夫·卡尼蜘蛛侠

7、reeve whitson Reeve Whitson

8、reeve abc news ─── 里夫abc新闻

reeve 相似词语短语

1、deeve ─── 迪夫

2、rieve ─── 里夫

3、reeved ─── adj.绕上钢丝绳的;v.把绳索穿过(reeve的过去分词)

4、reive ─── v.劫掠,掠夺(等于reave)

5、peeve ─── v.惹恼;(使)恼怒;n.惹人生气的原因

6、reave ─── v.抢走,劫掠;剥夺;打碎,劈开

7、keeve ─── n.(尤指酿酒或漂白用的)大桶;洗矿桶;n.(Keeve)人名;(英)基夫

8、reeves ─── n.里夫斯(姓氏)

9、screeve ─── vi.(英)告地状;做马路画家;n.地状;马路图画

reeve 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Until now people with the worst injuries were most likely to be counted Cahill said those like Reeve who wind up at specialty treatment centers. ─── 到现在为止,卡希尔说严重受伤的人们有可能被记入其中。比如像那些在专业治疗中心的里夫。

2、Dana Reeve leaves behind a thirteen-year-old son and Christopher Reeve's two adult children. ─── 丹娜留下一个13岁的儿子,和克里斯托弗的两个成年的孩子。

3、Reeve said he looks younger, feels younger, "more like 35 than 49, " as well as rejuvenated. ─── 他说自己看起来显得更年轻了,虽说49岁了,但看起来像是45岁。同时他也觉得更有活力了。

4、Mrs Reeve had bought a Japanese-English phrase book, but the Japanese words and pronunciations were just too difficult for them. ─── 吕富太太买了一本英-日片语手册,但日本字和发音对他们而言真是太难了。

5、Olivancillaria contortuplicata Reeve ─── n. 南美小榧螺(骨螺超科,榧螺科)

6、reeve muntjac ─── 小麂

7、Ischnochiton contractus Reeve ─── n. 格子薄石鳖(新石鳖目,锉石鳖科)

8、Eucrassatella decipiens Reeve ─── n. 南澳厚蛤(厚蛤超科,厚蛤科)

9、Effect of the oral Chinese Herbal Compound on activities of several enzymes in cell free haemolymph of juvenile abalone Haliotis diversicolor Reeve ─── 复方中草药对杂色鲍幼鲍血淋巴中几种酶活力的影响

10、Tocqueville, A.De Trans by Reeve, H. 1964, Democracy in America.New York: Washington Square Press. ─── 张灏,1989,幽暗意识与民主政治传统,台北市:联经出版社。

11、frozen reeve shad ─── 冻鲥鱼

12、“I feel this piece of octopus is growing bigger and bigger the more I chew it.” Mrs Reeve didn't quite know how to swallow it. ─── “我觉得这块章鱼我愈嚼它却变得愈大块。”吕富太太不知道要怎么才能把它吞下去。

13、Xenophora pallidula Reeve ─── n. 缀壳螺(缀壳螺超科,缀壳螺科)

14、She volunteered to be their guide, which made Mrs Reeve feel assured. ─── 她自愿要当他们的向导,这让吕富太太感到放心多了。

15、Cross-Jack Yard: Close-up of the Mizen top, shows the stirrup where the foot-rope will reeve. ─── 后桅下桁:后桅桅楼的近摄,显示了穿过脚绳的蹬。

16、Colubraria soverbii Reeve ─── n. 梭氏布纹螺(骨螺超科,峨螺科)

17、Mrs Reeve had a wonderful time shopping in Ginza; she was very impressed by the smiling, polite and helpful shop assistants. ─── 吕富太太在银座购物时有了很不错的时光?她对那些带着微笑、有礼貌又乐于帮忙的店员颇有好感。

18、Which should always return movies starring Christopher Reeve. ─── 这样则总会返回Christopher Reeve主演的电影。

19、Mrs Reeve was particularly pleased with the elegant kimono, “I'll be the envy of all my friends back home. ─── 吕富太太特别对那优雅的和服感到很满意,“回家后我将是我所有的朋友们羡慕的对象。”

20、But unlike the actors portraying superheroes before him, Reeve played Superman with something that had previously been lacking: humility. ─── 但与其他在他之前扮演超级英雄的演员不同,里夫扮演的超人有着某种以前一直欠缺的东西:谦卑。

21、Reeve did not live long enough to see whether stem cell research could help restore movement to the paralyzed. ─── 里夫的英年早逝使他无法看到干细胞研究是否能帮助瘫痪者恢复运动。

22、But the courage and determination Reeve displayed in trying to overcome his paralysis from a 1995 horse-riding accident far surpassed any of the feats of the comic book hero. ─── 但是自从1995年他不幸坠马瘫痪以来,在力图战胜瘫痪的过程中他所表现出的勇气和决心远远超出了任何连环画英雄的壮举。

23、"Perhaps that immigration officer did not study English very well," Mr Reeve thought. ─── “或许那个入境官员的英文没学得很好,”吕富先生心想。

24、Christopher Reeve became a well-known hero when he took the role of Superman in the late 1970s. ─── 克里斯多福.李维在1970年代后期接下超人一角时,成为家喻户晓的英雄人物。

25、Her husband was Christopher Reeve, the actor who was thrown from a horse and broke his neck. ─── 她的丈夫克里斯托弗·瑞夫,就是一名从马上摔下并摔坏了脖子的演员。

26、It is hoped that the stories of Christopher Reeve ( )more and more young people ( )their problems. ─── 4人们希望克里斯托夫.里夫的事迹和经历能影响越来越多的年轻人勇敢地和困难作斗争。

27、Reeve did not live long enough to see whether stem cell research could help restore movement to the paralyzed. ─── 夫的英年早逝使他无法看到干细胞研究是否能帮助瘫痪者恢复运动。

28、Chlamys nobilis (Reeve) ─── 华贵栉孔扇贝

29、established the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, a non-profit research organization, and used his fame to raise millions of dollars for research into spinal cord injuries. ─── 他创立了克里斯托弗·里夫瘫痪基金会,这是一个非赢利的研究组织,该组织利用里夫的名声筹集了数百万美元,用于脊椎损伤的研究。

30、Studies on the Arctifical Culture of Philippine clam,Ruditapes philippinarum(Adams et Reeve) in the ponds,Jinjang,Fujian ─── 土池人工培养菲律宾蛤仔稚贝研究

31、On Monday afternoon, Mr and Mrs Reeve took a walk with Kathryn to collect Millie from the school. They noticed there was no litter on the streets. ─── 一个星期一的下午,吕富夫妇与凯瑟琳散步去学校接咪莉。他们发现街上连一点垃圾也没。

32、Paul had invited his parents to visit Japan many times, but Mrs Reeve always declined. ─── 保罗曾好几次邀他的父母来日本,但吕富太太总是婉拒。

33、Who is your city councillor, alderperson, reeve or regional councillor? ─── 你所在城市或地区的市议员或地区议员是谁?

34、The Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation funds research that develops treatments and cures for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury and other central nervous system disorders. ─── 克里斯托弗李夫(超人)痪基金会资助脊髓损伤和其他中枢神经系统疾病导致的瘫痪的医疗科研。

35、Cantharus erythrostomus Reeve ─── n. 红口峨螺(骨螺超科,峨螺科)

36、Vexillum dennisoni Reeve ─── n. 丹尼森笔螺(骨螺超科,笔螺科)

37、Pictodentalium formosum Adams & Reeve ─── n. 美丽象牙贝(象牙贝目,象牙贝科)

38、She took care of "Superman" actor Christopher Reeve for nine years. ─── 她照顾超人的扮演者克里斯多夫·里维长达9年。

39、“We could do with that kind of self respect in England,” Mrs Reeve sighed, “our village Rainford is clean, but so many of our towns are spoilt by litter.” ─── “在英国我们正需要有像那样的自尊哩,”吕富太太叹着气,“我们的乡村雷恩佛是干净,不过我们有很多城镇都被垃圾破坏了。”

40、The follow years, Reeve and his doctors worked tirelessly on physical rehabilitation and broke down misconception about recovery. ─── 在接下来的几年,李维和他的医生不辞劳苦地进行复健工作,并且打破许多不正确的复健观念。

41、Reeve's turtle ─── 乌龟

42、Although he will always be remembered for portraying "Superman,"the greatest role of actor Christopher Reeve's life was as a champion of sufferers of spinal cord injuries and an advocate of stem cell research. ─── 克里斯托弗·里夫因成功塑造“超人”形象而被人们永远铭记,然而在他的一生中,演员克里斯托弗·里夫扮演的最著名的角色是脊椎损伤患者中的斗士和干细胞研究的支持者。

43、While Reeve is more outgoing, Routh is more inner-going. ─── 布兰顿在影视界是新人,因此他还很单纯。

44、Reeve Puzzle ─── Reeve问题

45、Christopher Reeve:Superman to the End ─── 克里斯托弗·里夫:永远的超人(英文)

46、Wearing a pair of black-frame glasses, Brandon Routh looks very like Christopher Reeve, the former Superman . ─── 戴上一副黑框眼镜的布兰登·罗素看上去非常酷似前超人——克利斯托弗·里夫。

47、He said he thought of Christopher Reeve, and of Sam Schmidt, a racing friend who was paralyzed after an accident. ─── 他说他想到了ChristopherReeve,还想到了赛车朋友SamSchmidt,他在一次车祸后长年瘫痪。

48、He established the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, a non-profit research organization, and used his fame to raise millions of dollars for research into spinal cord injuries. ─── 他创立了克里斯托弗·里夫瘫痪基金会,这是一个非赢利的研究组织,该组织利用里夫的名声筹集了数百万美元,用于脊椎损伤的研究。

49、“It's Reeve,” Mr Reeve corrected him. ─── “是吕富,”吕富先生纠正他。

50、Afer cumingii Reeve ─── n. 土豚拳螺(骨螺超科,拳螺科)

51、“We must try the food to have the full experience of Japan,” Mr Reeve said. ─── “我们得尝试日式食物才能有完整的日本经验,”吕富先生说。

52、to reeve a rope to a mast ─── 将绳子拴在船桅上

53、Christopher Reeve made Superman. ─── 克里斯托弗·里夫饰演了超人一角。

54、Dangchang Qiang Han anal by the yak, white horse, the wolf Senate, and Chang, Formosan Reeve's muntjac, the "capital" Qiang tribes. ─── 宕昌羌是由汉肛的牦牛、白马、参狼、且昌、山羌、“保”羌部落组成。

55、subglacical reeve tool ─── 冰下穿索器

56、My name is Reeve, not Leebu, and we are going to stay with our son and his family for a month. ─── “我的名字是吕富,不是李布,我们要跟我们的儿子和他家人一起住一个月。”

57、Babylonia japonica Reeve ─── n. 日本凤螺(骨螺超科,峨螺科)

58、Mr Reeve quickly swallowed a piece of raw fish, remembering the fish and chips he liked back home, "That fried food Millie has on her plate looks rather nice. ─── 吕富先生很快地吞下一块生鱼片,记起了在家时他所喜欢的鱼和薯条,“咪莉的盘子上的那些油炸的东西看起来蛮好吃的。”

59、Reeve hoped you could put some stem cells into the damaged area and they could reconstruct everything. ─── Reeve希望你能将干细胞放到受损区域,然后它们就会重建所有。

60、Reeve Christopher ─── 克里斯托弗·里夫

61、Mr and Mrs Reeve took trains and buses to many places, stayed in Japanese-style hotels, and tasted the local hand-made dessert and noodles. ─── 吕富夫妇搭乘火车和巴士到很多地方,住在日式旅馆,也尝试各处的当地手工甜点与面条。

62、Last August Dana Reeve announced that she had lung cancer. Smoking is linked to about ninety percent of cases. ─── 去年8月,戴娜·里维宣布她患上了肺癌。约90%的肺癌病例与吸烟有关。

63、It was the first of the "Superman" films, showcasing Christopher Reeve as the red capped man of steel. ─── 这是“超人”电影的第一,展示钢的红色斗篷男子克里斯托弗里夫。

64、"The Japanese council services must be excellent!" Mr Reeve was amazed. ─── “日本的地方政府服务一定很完善!”吕富先生很惊奇。

65、Reeve, 52, died on October 10 of heart failure after having treatment for an infected pressure wound without realizing his dream of walking again. ─── 10月10日,52岁的里夫因心脏功能衰竭而与世长辞。在此之前,他因伤口严重感染接受了治疗。他始终没能实现再次站起来的梦想。

66、Siphonalia trochulus Reeve ─── n. 细纹峨螺(骨螺超科,峨螺科)

67、Christopher Reeve died on October 10, 2004. ─── 克里斯托弗. 里夫于2004年10月10日去世。

68、“Earlier this year, a research programme in Miami partially funded by Reeve's foundation succeeded in regrowing nerve fibres creating the potential to repair damaged spinal cords one day. ─── 今年年初,在迈阿密由里夫基金参与赞助的一个研究组成功再生神经组织,这样就使有朝一日修复受伤脊柱成为可能。

69、Glycymeris formosa Reeve ─── n. 优美蚶蜊(笠蚶超科,蚶蜊科)

70、Christopher Reeve proved that wearing colored spandex doesn't have to be at odds with giving a nuanced performance as an actor. ─── 克里斯托夫•里夫证明,作为一名演员,穿着彩色的弹性纤维服装和进行细致入微的表演不一定是矛盾的。

71、The triploid population obtained by Cytochalasin B induction in 1997-October and the diploid of Haliotis discus Reeve were raised indoor. ─── 在室内工厂化养殖条件下,于1997年10月对正常盘鲍二倍体个体及用细胞松驰素B诱导法获得的盘鲍三倍体群的生长情况进行了比较。

72、Four dominant bacterial strains,designated as NA0301,NA0302,NA0303 and NA0304,were isolated from diseased small abalone post-larvae Haliotis diversicolor Reeve and the plate where the larvae attached. ─── 从“急性死亡脱落症”发病期的杂色鲍幼苗体内和病苗附着的薄膜上,共分离到4株优势菌,即NA0301、NA0302、NA0303和NA0304。

73、Bryan Singer wanted Christopher Reeve to make a cameo appearance in the film but Reeve died before filming began. Singer then decided to dedicate the film to him. ─── 布赖恩·辛格曾希望克里斯托弗·里夫能在电影中客串一个角色,但是在电影开拍前里夫就去世了。于是辛格决定将这部电影献给他。

74、Mr and Mrs Reeve had just arrived in Narita Airport in Tokyo. They were waiting in the queue for the immigration check. ─── 吕富夫妇刚抵达东京成田机场。他们在入境检查排队等着。

75、Traditional Beijing Opera requires fantastic costumes and head decorations which put particular pressure on the long tail feathers of Reeve's and Lady Amherst's Pheasants. ─── 传统京剧需要神奇服饰和头部装饰,但给白冠长尾雉和白腹锦鸡带来特别大的压力。

76、Acute toxicity test of several commonly-used disinfectants to larvae of abalone, Haliotis diversicolor Reeve ─── 几种常用消毒剂对杂色鲍幼鲍的急性毒性试验

77、Antalis longitrorsum Reeve ─── n. 细长象牙贝(象牙贝目,象牙贝科)

78、Christoper Reeve, the Superman actor, died at the age of 52, nine years after being paralysed in a riding accident. ─── 10月,“超人”的扮演者克里斯托弗-里夫逝世,享年52岁。里夫9年前因一次意外的坠马事故造成终生瘫痪。

79、But Dana Reeve did not smoke. ─── 但戴娜·里维并没有吸烟的习惯。

80、Colubraria tortuosa Reeve ─── n. 扭弯布纹螺(骨螺超科,峨螺科)

81、Reeve's Bittersweet ─── n. 里氏蚶蜊(笠蚶超科,蚶蜊科)

82、Last week, Dana Reeve died of lung cancer at the age of forty-four. ─── 上周,44岁的戴娜·里维因肺癌而过世。

83、reeve a rope in [on, round, to] a yard ─── 把绳子穿入孔而绑 [绕] 在帆桁

84、Bolma girgyllus Reeve ─── n. 雷神星螺(钟螺超科,蝾螺科)

85、191. Who is your city councillor, alderperson, reeve or regional councillor? ─── 什么对于你所在地区的经济一直很重要?

86、Parametaria macrostoma Reeve ─── n. 长口麦螺(骨螺超科,麦螺科)

87、Mrs Reeve was reluctant, having just had trouble swallowing a big lump of octopus. ─── 吕富太太没自信,方刚才为了吞那一大块章鱼时有那么麻烦。

88、Latirus belcheri Reeve ─── n. 贝氏旋螺(骨螺超科,旋螺科)

89、Christopher Reeve was a successful actor, famous for the superman films. ─── 克里斯托弗?利夫是一个成功的演员,以电影《超人》闻名于世。

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