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09-11 投稿



hurler 发音

英:[ˈhɜːlə]  美:[ˈhɜrlər]

英:  美:

hurler 中文意思翻译



hurler 词性/词形变化,hurler变形

名词: hurler |动词第三人称单数: hurls |动词现在分词: hurling |动词过去分词: hurled |动词过去式: hurled |

hurler 短语词组

1、Hurler's syndrome ─── [医] 胡尔勒氏综合征, 脂肪软骨营养不良

2、Hunter-Hurler's disease ─── [医] 亨-胡二氏病, 亨特氏综合征, 粘多糖病第二型

3、Lightning Hurler ─── [网络] 闪电跳架

4、Hurler's disease ─── [医] 脂肪软骨营养不良

hurler 相似词语短语

1、burler ─── n.瘤;树节;节(burl的变形)

2、huller ─── n.[农机]脱壳机;脱粒机;n.(Huller)人名;(法)于莱;(匈)胡勒

3、curler ─── n.卷发的人;卷发夹子

4、furler ─── n.(Furler)人名;(德)富勒

5、hurdler ─── n.跨栏运动员;跳栏赛马;跳栏赛狗

6、hurley ─── 赫尔利

7、hurter ─── n.引起损害之人或事物;缓冲物;n.(Hurter)人名;(英)赫特;(德)胡尔特

8、purler ─── n.坠落,倒落

9、hurled ─── vt.丢下;用力投掷;愤慨地说出;vi.猛投;猛掷;n.用力的投掷

hurler 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After each outburst Hitler would stride up and down the carpet edge, then suddenly stop immediately before me and hurl his next accusation in my face. ─── 在每一次发作之后,他就在地毯边上走来走去,然后猛地在我面前停下来,又指着鼻子骂我。

2、The club leader was dismissed for trying to hurl his weight around, which the young people refused to accept. ─── 俱乐部的领导被赶下台了, 因为他总是滥用自己的权力, 而年轻人却不吃那一套。

3、After he hurl a few oath at his wife, he walk out. ─── 对妻子大骂之后,他出去了。

4、For this is what the LORD says: "At this time I will hurl out those who live in this land;I will bring distress on them so that they may be captured. ─── 因为耶和华如此说,这时候,我必将此地的居民,好像用机弦甩出去,又必加害在他们身上,使他们觉悟。

5、With clenched teeth, Bigger held the skillet, but he was afraid to hurl it, fearing that he might miss. ─── 别格咬紧牙关,举起铁锅;但他不敢扔出去,怕打不中。

6、You hurl a crystalline sphere of magic at your foes. On impact, it splinters into hundreds of tiny, radiant blades, which slice into your enemies and slow their movement. ─── 你向敌方甩出一个结晶状的魔法球体。击中时它爆开,分裂成数以百计的细小光刃切进敌人的肉,减慢他们的移动。

7、Though he is not their ace hurler, he is a good pitcher. ─── 尽管他不是他们的头号投手,但是他却是一名优秀的投手。

8、Having mastered the art of image-creation and soul manipulation, he has the ability to transform into a fearsome and terrifying demon form, obtaining the power to hurl energy at his opponents. ─── 他精通制造幻影与操控灵魂的法术,也能变身成可怕而惊人的恶魔,得到对敌人投掷能量进行攻击的能力。

9、Sometimes you hurl abuse at them too, like Canetti or Handke for example. ─── 不,根本不是故意的。是很自然的。当对某个事物没有兴趣时,也就谈不上什么爱好了。

10、If the icy-nerved hurler had been, the Yankees probably would have been curious to see what it looked like. ─── 如果不是他表现的异常冷静,洋基队可能会很好奇他的表情。

11、not good enough. Yankees right-hander Mike Mussina said it appeared the Rangers had no idea how to handle the young hurler. He was that good. ─── 不够好。洋基的右投手老穆说:游骑兵对于这位年轻投手束手无策。休斯就是那麽棒。

12、On January 1 of this year, the Kuomintang reactionaries began to lift a rock called the "peace offensive"; they intended to hurl it at the Chinese people, but now it has dropped on their own feet. ─── 国民党反动派从今年一月一日开始搬起的一块名叫“和平攻势”的石头,原想用来打击中国人民的,现在是打在他们自己的脚上了。

13、Of course, there's also one large cave at to that matchup, one that could serve to somewhat interrupt the good feelings of the hurler's recent run. ─── 当然,那场比赛也许是个大洞,可能会让小王烧滚滚的手感降温。

14、It had a thong for a hurler's fingers attached to its center of gravity, which increased the precision and distance of a javelin's flight. ─── 它缠有一个皮条以便于投掷者能把握住标枪的重心,这样可以提高投掷的准确度和距离。

15、They couldn't have anticipated it would come from Kei Igawa, a floundering hurler who'd been relegated to their bullpen days earlier. ─── 但他们可没预料到这场球竟然来自近况不佳才刚被下放牛棚的井川庆。

16、The best way to forget your sadness is to hurl yourself into your work. ─── 忘掉悲伤的最好方法是将自己投入到工作中去。

17、And over the next few hours, I'll watch with kind of sick fascination as, one after another, these brown-skinned jumpers hurl themselves fearlessly through the skies. ─── 在以后的几个小时里,我简直有些病态地入迷一般观看棕色皮肤的俯跳者们一个接一个地无畏地投身空中。

18、If the icy- nerved hurler had been, the Yankees probably would have been curious to see what it looked like. ─── 如果这位冷静如冰的投手真的有懊恼,洋基球员倒可能很想看看他的表情。

19、He hurl a few oath at his wife and walk out , slam the door ─── 他咒骂了妻子几句, 砰的一声关上门就走了

20、hurl insults; throw accusations at someone. ─── 发出侮辱;对某人发出谴责。

21、Driver flashes high-beam lights at car that cut in front of him, whose occupants then hurl a beer can at his windshield, kick out his tail lights, slug him eight stitches' worth. ─── (一)位开车人向着超到他前面去的车子打开大灯猛射,引起对方朝着他的挡风玻璃扔来一个大啤酒罐头,踢掉了他的尾灯,还揍得他缝了八针之多。

22、When you get to the top,hurl the rope down,will you? ─── 到顶部后把绳子扔下来好吗?

23、Dear PRC friends, nevermind about those who speak foul or hurl profanities at you. ─── 中国大陆,台湾,香港,澳门,新加坡,以及遍布世界各地的华人都来自同一个大家庭。

24、The hurler racked up a career-high nine strikeouts while limiting New York to five hits and a walk in a 100-pitch effort. ─── 这位投手100球内容中飙出了生涯最多的九次三振让洋基只有五支安打,与一次四坏保送。

25、I will toss the bastard child into the river to feed the turtles, throw it into the street to feed the dogs, or hurl it into the marsh to feed the crows.You just wait and see. ─── 我要把你们的野种扔到河里喂鳖,扔到街上喂狗,扔到沼泽里喂乌鸦,你们等着吧!”

26、Don't hurl waste paper about. ─── 不要乱扔废纸。

27、You therefore didn't need to hurl an expensive canister across the solar system to find out. ─── 因此,用不着投掷一个昂贵的罐罐穿越太阳系去查明真相。

28、The assistant manager was dismissed for trying to hurl his weight about, which the workers refused to accept. ─── 助理经理企图以权势压人而被解职了,因为工人们不买他的帐。

29、Hurl your legions at him and massacre him! ─── 全力击溃,杀之而后快!

30、Hurl, To move with great speed, force, or violence; hurtle. ─── 快速移动快速、用力或猛地运动;猛冲。

31、Just five of Pavano's 62 career victories have come in a Yankees uniform, with the hurler turning in a grand total of 19 starts for the club. ─── 在玻璃人的62场职业胜场中,只有5场是他穿著洋基的制服所拿下的,而他为这个球队出场的总数也才只有19场而己。

32、Jinetes hurl their javelins before closing in and fighting with their cavalry swords. ─── 对敌时列成圆阵,标枪飞掷,然后挥动长剑杀入敌阵。

33、She continued to hurl curses after Third Fairy when blocked from further pursuit by Liu the Sage. ─── 二诸葛老婆追出门来,被二诸葛拦回去,还骂个不休。

34、I will hurl you and the mother who gave you birth into another country, where neither of you was born, and there you both will die. ─── 我也必将你和生你的母亲赶到别国,并不是你们生的地方;你们必死在那里

35、Mighty columns of steel rotating on gigantic turrets signify the battleship's main bombardment guns: the screen shakes when they fire, and they can hurl giant shells as big as a car for miles inland. ─── 庞大的钢柱在炮台上旋转,这是战列舰的主炮:当他们开火的时候屏幕都会震动,然后抛出不能再大的炮弹到几英里远的内陆。

36、Just five of Pavano's 62 career victories have come in a Yankees uniform, with the hurler turning in a grand total of 19 starts for the club. ─── 在玻璃人的62场职业胜场中,只有5场是他穿著洋基的制服所拿下的,而他为这个球队出场的总数也才只有19场而己。

37、Hurl them into the abyss! ─── 把他们投到深渊里去!

38、Forming a cordon, the officers help the builders roll an empty wheelbarrow directly in front of the protesters, who hurl abuse at them with the aid of a megaphone. ─── 在拿扩音器大骂的抗议者面前,警方帮助建筑工人推独轮小推车。

39、In nonthermal processes, chemical or charged-particle reactions hurl out atoms and molecules. ─── 在非热散逸的过程,则是因为化学反应或带电粒子的作用而把原子和分子驱赶出去。

40、The day before yesterday also sought work of, very ignore think, hurl southwest the design of 4 wreaths work, do not come to notice, really too far, I live north 4 wreaths open outside. ─── 前天也找了工作的,很不理想,投了个西南4环的设计工作,没来通知,的确太远了,我住北4环开外呢。

41、Nay, We hurl the Truth against falsehood, and it knocks out its brain, and behold, falsehood doth perish! Ah! woe be to you for the (false) things ye ascribe (to Us). ─── 我以真理投掷谬妄,而击破其脑袋,谬妄瞬时消亡。悲哉你们!由于你们对真主妄加描述。

42、If lawiter hurl his thunderbolt as often as men sin, he will soon is out of thunderbolt. ─── 假使朱庇特每当有人犯罪就大发雷霆的话,他手上的雷霆便会即将告磬。

43、In Jerusalem he made machines designed by skillful men for use on the towers and on the corner defenses to shoot arrows and hurl large stones. ─── 又在耶路撒冷使巧匠作机器,安在城楼和角楼上,用以射箭发石。

44、As you hurl the rock, the canoe moves forward. ─── 当你扔石块时,小船会向前游动。

45、Put (/pin; press)a (political) label in; hurl an epithet at ─── 扣帽子

46、Still I was but an agent, led on by an invisible and offended Deity, who chose not to withhold the fatal blow that I was destined to hurl. ─── 可是,我只是一个使者,指使我的是一位看不见的恼怒的上帝,他无意使我那已经开始的惩罚半途而废。

47、to hurl one's father behind him ─── 在父亲身后追赶

48、In this context, generosity has come to mean that you hurl money around like a drunken sailor. ─── 在这种情况下,慷慨已变了味,无异于你像一个喝得烂醉的水手,向周围的人大把大把地扔钱。

49、Hurl them into the abyss!-it closes! ─── 把他们投到深渊里去,深渊也就填平了!

50、hurl oneself upon [ at ] the enemy ─── 向敌人猛扑过去

51、When you get to the top, hurl the rope down, will you? ─── 你到了顶上把绳子扔下来好吗?

52、He hurl a few oath at his wife and walk out,slam the door. ─── 他咒骂了妻子几句,砰的一声关上门就走了。

53、He often hurl insults at his wife. ─── 他经常厉声辱骂他的妻子.

54、They couldn't have anticipated it would come from Kei Igawa, a floundering hurler who'd been relegated to their bullpen days earlier. ─── 但他们可没预料到这场球竟然来自近况不佳才刚被下放牛棚的井川庆。

55、make a false countercharge; hurl back an accusation ─── 反噬

56、She encouraged the hospitable impulse and promised in advance to hurl herself into the fray. ─── 她赞赏这种殷勤好客的热诚,而且先行表示,她一定要痛痛快快玩一下。

57、I suggest acquiescence if you enjoy grappling with the urge to hurl yourself in front of a train. ─── 我的建议如果你喜欢将自己投身于一列火车前面的那种冲动话,那么就采用默许法。

58、Auto-control of feeding with three kinds of feeding speeds,the function that small hurl falls by a little can be selected. ─── 全自动三料速加料控制,具有可选择的点动小投功能.

59、Dressler knew that although a black hole is invisible, its immense gravity would hurl stars around it at over 500,000 kilometers an hour. ─── Dressler相信虽然黑洞是不可见的,它的巨大的引力将使星绕着它旋转的时速达到500,000公里.

60、If only I could tear out my heart and hurl it into the current,then my pain and longing would be over,and I could finally forget. ─── 假若我能将我的心撕成碎片,投入湍急的流水之中,那么,我的痛苦与渴望就能了结,而我,终能将一切遗忘。

61、One day earlier this year, tourists crowded around a tiny pool to hurl bamboo spears at a dozen pitiful catfish, some already floating belly up in 30 centimeters of water. ─── 今年年初的某一天,游客们围在一个小水池旁边,冲着十多只可怜的鲶鱼投掷竹鱼叉,那些鲶鱼有的已经肚子朝天,漂在30厘米深的水面上了。

62、One of those terms is that while wars still continue, while one nation is ready to hurl its armed men at another, you must if necessary stand up and fight for your own. ─── 其中一个条件是:只要战争仍然存在,只要有一个国家准备派出他们的武装部队去打另一个国家,你就必须站起来,为自己的生存而战。

63、I'll hurl the javelin. ─── 我将参加掷标抢。

64、I'll do what I can to hurl them together, but it won't be easy. ─── 我将尽力设法使他们言归于好,但这不是容易办到的。

65、An ancient and medieval engine of warfare used to hurl heavy projectiles at a target. ─── 弩炮一种古代和中世纪的战争器具,用于向目标猛投重型射弹

66、I'll hurl you out of the club if you dare tell the secret! ─── 假如你胆敢泄露这个秘密,我就把你赶出俱乐部!

67、You will be deposed, strongman. I will hurl you down from where you are. ─── 到那天,我要召希耳克雅的儿子厄里雅金作我的仆人。

68、I asked him not to hurl away the old copies of his medical journals. ─── 我叫他不要扔掉他的过期的医学杂志。

69、At peony river, I arrived eight females of the Zhao hurl river statue front take photograph. ─── 在牡丹江,我到了著名的八女投江塑像前留影。

70、hurl threats [ abuse ] at sb. ─── 恶狠狠地威胁[责骂]某人

71、To hurl eggs against stone. ─── 以卵击石。

72、But now with the setback, the hurler won't even throw off a mound until somewhere from late June to early July. ─── 但是因为这个扭伤,这位投手甚至一直到六月底或七月初都无法上到投手丘了。

73、They hurl their javelins before closing in and fighting with their cavalry swords. ─── 他们通常在战斗前先用力投掷标枪,再与之用剑搏杀。

74、Scarcely a day passed last week that Washington didn’t hurl another thunderbolt at Beijing, threatening to escalate a rancorous trade row between the world’s top consumer, the U. ─── 上个星期,华盛顿几乎每天都在向北京大发雷霆,威胁要使中美之间的充满敌意的贸易争端升级。

75、Businessmen will hurl their money about to get noticed. ─── 商人愿意挥霍钱财来引起注意。

76、But the lives of your enemies he will hurl away as from the pocket of a sling. ─── 你仇敌的性命,耶和华必抛去,如用机弦甩石一样。

77、That is the signal for parti***nts to hurl fruit at anything that moves and everybody gets drenched in the process. ─── 之后,狂欢者便可以向任何移动的物体投掷西红柿,而所有的人都将在这一狂欢中成为“落汤鸡”。

78、The best cure for unhappiness is to hurl yourself into your work. ─── 医治愁苦的最好办法就是全身心地投入工作。

79、Analyzing the Hurler's Psychology Training of Compete Superficially ─── 投掷运动员竞赛心理训练浅谈

80、While Cashman said Saturday that he remains connected to Clemens' agents, Alan and Randy Hendricks, to monitor the 45-year-old hurler's thought process, there is little news on that front to report. ─── 当现金男在星期六说他与火箭人的经纪人联络,观察这位45岁投手的进度,有一些消息可供报导。

81、That is the signal for participants to hurl fruit at anything that moves and everybody gets drenched in the process. ─── 之后,狂欢者便可以向任何移动的物体投掷番茄,而所有的人都将在这一狂欢中成为“落汤鸡”。

82、He hurl all his book out from the window. ─── 他把书全都扔出窗外。

83、I'll hurl him out of the club if he dare tell the secret! ─── 如果他胆敢泄密,我就要把他赶出俱乐部。

84、I'll hurl you out of the company if you dare say the secret! ─── 如果你敢把这个秘密说出去, 我就会把你逐出公司。

85、You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea. ─── 弥7:19必再怜悯我们,将我们的罪孽踏在脚下,又将我们的一切罪投于深海。

86、A good roper will hurl out the coil with marvelous accuracy and force. ─── 一位优秀的套索捕马者会用奇准和神奇力量掷出绳索。

87、Zeus never fully trusted Hera, and she knew that if offended beyond a certain point he would flog or even hurl a thunderbolt at her. ─── 宙斯从没有真心实意地信任赫拉。而赫拉也知道,如果她冒犯他过了一定的限度,他会打她的,甚至用霹雳击她的。

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