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09-11 投稿



indelible 发音

英:[ɪnˈdeləb(ə)l]  美:[ɪnˈdeləb(ə)l]

英:  美:

indelible 中文意思翻译



indelible 短语词组

1、indelible you ─── 不可磨灭的你

2、indelible ink ─── [化] 消不去的墨水

3、indelible pencil ─── 消不去的铅笔

4、indelible frivolity ─── 不可磨灭的轻浮

5、indelible wound ─── 不可磨灭的伤口

indelible 常用词组

indelible ink ─── 消不去的墨水

indelible 相似词语短语

1、indeclinable ─── adj.无语尾变化的;不变化的

2、inducible ─── adj.可诱导的;可导致的

3、indexable ─── adj.[计]可变址的;[计]可加索引的

4、indelibly ─── adv.不能消灭地

5、inedible ─── adj.不能吃的

6、delible ─── adj.可抹掉的;可除掉的

7、indefinable ─── adj.难下定义的;难确定的;模糊不清的;n.难下定义的事物;难以确切描述的事物

8、inferible ─── 可推断的

9、intenible ─── 虚幻的

indelible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Many busy Taipei people crisscross the city day after day, ignoring its300- year history, the passing of time, and the indelible marks that bear witness to the city's fascinating past. ─── 忙碌的台北人每天穿梭在城市的不同角落,却浑然不觉这块土地已有三百多年的开垦岁月,及无数时代的过往和生活的轨迹。

2、In the course of history that culture exchanges externally Dong Zu , contribution made out by these home and abroad scholars is indelible. ─── 在侗族文化对外交流的历史过程中,这些国内外的学者所做出的贡献是不可磨灭的。

3、Are you using indelible paint? ─── 你们是否使用不褪色的涂料?

4、An indelible pen for labeling clothing ─── 一种为衣物作标签用的其笔迹很难去掉的笔

5、In the course of history therefore, building up a country in USA, Boston has the indelible effect. ─── 因此,在美国建国的历史进程中,波士顿具有不可磨灭的作用。

6、It is one of those thankfully rare decisions that leave an indelible mark for ever on your face for everybody to see. ─── 但这种一生少有的抉择,已在你脸上留下永不褪色的印记。

7、The film left an indelible impression on people. ─── 影片给人留下了难以泯灭的印象。

8、indelible marking ink ─── 不灭墨印

9、indelible impression ─── 不可磨灭的印象

10、They have made indelible contributions to China's remarkable economic achievement. ─── 中国经济取得的辉煌成就,海外华侨华人功不可没。

11、In the view of urban development , concession has played an indelible historical role in this course. ─── 从城市发展的角度来看,租界有着不可磨灭的历史作用。

12、Answer: yes, I agree. After all there are only few great men who can leave some indelible trace during the long history of human development. ─── 回答:是的,同意。毕竟在漫长的人类发展历史中能留下一些不可磨灭的印记的伟人占少数。

13、Even though we know in our hearts...some stains are so indelible...nothing can wash them away. ─── 即使我们心里清楚,有些污点是无法抹去,没有什么可以将它们冲走。

14、Tattoos can also be permanent makeup, an indelible cosmetic that improves the appearance of one's eyes and lips. ─── 纹身是永久的,擦不掉的化妆品,能改善人的眼睛和嘴唇容貌。

15、He left an indelible mark on the American theater. ─── 他对那家美国剧院留下了不可磨灭的影响。

16、He was still feeling his hand strangely; it seemed that the pressure of Jan's fingers had left an indelible imprint ─── 他那只手上仍有异样的感觉;仿佛简的指头捏一下后,就留下了不可磨灭的痕迹。

17、He was still feeling his hand strangely; it seemed that the pressure of Jan's fingers had left an indelible imprint. ─── 他那只手上仍有异样的感觉;仿佛简的指头捏一下后,就留下了不可磨灭的痕迹。

18、"When all taught irreparable, how should live? Some things caused by the trauma of time to be cured. Injury because of this, can not be left indelible marks." ─── “当领悟到一切无法挽回,应该如何活下去?有些事情所造成的创伤,时间也无法治愈。因为伤得太深,留下无法磨灭的痕迹。”

19、Johnson tear drop of a world, a sea a heart, even if the memory of countless have gone like wind, but this love is never an indelible mark. ─── 一滴娇泪一个世界,一份青涩一片心海,即使无数的记忆已如风般逝去,但是这份爱是永远不会磨灭的印记。

20、A developed epic spell becomes an indelible part of the caster and may be prepared without a spellbook (if a wizard is the caster). ─── 传奇法术成为其研究者无法分割的一部分,准备传奇法术时也不需要法术书(对于法师来说)。

21、She have leave indelible page on the history of Modern chinese Literature with her vivid personality in composition、numerous literary output and unique artistic style. ─── 庐隐以她那鲜明的创作个性,众多的文学作品以及独特的艺术风格,在五四以来的中国现代文学史上,已经留下了难以磨灭的篇章。

22、For all her privilege and wealth, life had not been easy and the experiences of childhood had left an indelible mark on her mind. ─── 尽管总她享有特权和财富,可是她的生活一直是很不容易,童年的经历在她的脑海中留下了一个抹不去的印记。

23、The scheming team of the meeting carefully prepared rich and colorful games and programs, such as blowing balloons together, guessing who he was and so on and all members had an indelible night. ─── 大会策划组精心准备了丰富多彩的游戏节目,合力吹气球,猜猜他们是谁,拍七令等游戏让所有会员们度过了一个难忘的夜晚。

24、The ink made an indelible stain. ─── 墨水留下一个洗不掉的污渍。

25、The girl met boy, it is life's most of the time, and dim the simple life, of course, the boy appeared to her and left an indelible memory. ─── 女孩遇见男孩的时候,正是是生命中最暗淡的时光,也是一生中最单纯的时候,当然,男孩的出现,给她留下了不可磨灭的记忆。

26、Continuous outdoor working left indelible marks in his hands and face; suddenly I found he was very doat, in his crinkly face there was a geriatric allowance, he looked very kind. ─── 常年的户外劳动在他手上和脸上都印上了不可磨灭的痕迹;我突然觉得他很衰老,清癯的、布满皱褶的脸上有一种老人式的宽容神情,显得很和蔼可亲。

27、To be able to record one's own words in indelible ink--was that a slight thing? ─── 能够把自己的话记录在擦不掉的墨迹之中,这还是件小事吗?

28、Man-machine relation theory paid much attention to the mormal "technology theory"and emphasized man's physical ability. It has indelible merits for efficiency manage-ment. ─── 人-机关系理论倚重规范性的“技术论”,强调人的体能,于效率管理功不可没;

29、So we wait for the storm to pass hoping for the best, even thoughwe know in our hearts some stains are so indelible, nothing can washthem away. ─── 即使我们清楚在心中,有些污点是如此顽固,没有什么能将它们清除。

30、has made an indelible impression on movie fans all over the world. ─── 出色的表演给全球影迷 留下了不可磨灭的印象.

31、It will remain an indelible stain on his memory. ─── 这将成为他记忆中一个不可磨灭的污点。

32、"The Seller shall, on four (4) adjacent sides of each package, mark conspicuously the following items in English with indelible paint:" ─── 卖方应在每件包装箱的邻接四个侧面上,用不褪色的油漆以明显易见的英文字样印刷以下标记:

33、In more than 50 films over 60 years, Bergman turned his private obsessions into universal human drama and left an indelible legacy. ─── 60年来一共伯格曼拍了50多部电影,他把私人的关注投入到更普遍的人类戏剧之中并留下了不可磨灭的财富。

34、InDel primer pairs ─── InDel引物

35、My visit to India in 1986 left an indelible impression on me. ─── 印度之行给我留下了难忘的印象。

36、Smith returned two days after the National Guard had been there.Floodwater had inundated the house, rising almost to roof level.A dirty brown stain is an indelible reminder of its highest level. ─── 在国民警卫军的人来到之后史密斯回去过两天.他看到洪水几乎淹到了房顶.让它成为一个擦不掉的污秽暗黑的污点.

37、Of course, such indelible images are only part of what this century has bequeathed to us. ─── 当然,类似这样无法在人们心头抹去的图像只是这个世纪给我们留下来的一部分。

38、Xingxiang famous Tang Yuan-day program of Jurists in the wall under the title "the mountain indelible, is absolutely heroes," the eight Chinese characters. ─── 唐代著名星相学家袁天纲曾在此壁题下“此山磨灭,英灵乃绝”八个大字。

39、With all these exalted powers, Man still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin. ─── 人尽管有他这一切一切的崇高的本领,然而,在他的躯干上面仍然保留着他出身于寒微的永不磨灭的烙印。

40、Fortunately, as regarded this circumstance at least, his painful past gave to his countenance an indelible sadness, and the glimmerings of gayety seen beneath this cloud were indeed but transitory. ─── 幸而,在当时,过去的痛苦的经历,帮了他的忙,那惨痛的往事在他的脸上映现出一种不可磨灭的哀伤,在这一重阴云之下,偶尔流露出的欢快的神情也只象是昙花一现而已。

41、And they absorb indelible lessons about teamwork and leadership as they collaborate on joint projects with their assigned team of peers. ─── 同时,当加入专题,与给他们安排的团队同事合作时,他们还受到了关于团队合作与领导技能方面的印象深刻的教育。

42、In subsequent years, the former Soviet Union and Russia in manned spaceflight and the exploration of deep space on the left and many indelible imprint. ─── 在以后的岁月中,原苏联和俄罗斯在载人航天、深空探测之路上又留下了诸多不可磨灭的印记。

43、Their honesty and hospitality leave an indelible impress on her life. ─── 他们的诚实与好客给她一生留下了难以磨灭的印象。

44、Why is sit-ups indelible abdominal adipose? ─── 为什么仰卧起坐不能消除腹部的脂肪呢?

45、Thinking of a person with a soul who always know how to grasp and possession, the past is like treasure, explore is enthusiastically displayed her indelible beautiful. ─── 一个人思想有灵魂的人永远都是懂得把握和拥有,往事就像是宝藏,发掘出来就是踊跃展现她难以磨灭的美丽。

46、So our mother's characteristics leave an indelible impression, we are forever attracted to people with her " facial features, body type, personality, even sense of humor. ─── 于是母亲的特点给我们留下了无法抹去的影响。 我们永远被与她的脸部特征、身材、个性乃至幽默感相似的人所吸引。

47、But in the years ahead he left an indelible mark on Shanghai, particularly in the 1920s and 1930s. Today his legacy is no less visible. ─── 但是在早先的年月里,他在上海留下了难以磨灭的印记,尤其是1920至1930年代。现在他的遗产没有那么显著了。

48、indelible ink. ─── 去不掉的墨渍

49、But pumped up to the density required for a robot, circuit strangeness becomes indelible. ─── 但是,当他们费尽心思创造出机器人所需的密集线路时,线路的奇怪行为渐渐变得不可清除。

50、From another point of view, the efforts of the British boxing fans, to promote and facilitate the development of modern boxing, and made an indelible contribution. ─── 从另一个角度来说,英国拳击爱好者的努力,为推动和促进现代拳击比赛的发展,做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

51、His concern for the masses made an indelible impression on us. ─── 他对群众的关怀给我们留下不可磨灭的印象。

52、For all her privilege and wealth, life had not been easy and the experiences of childhood had left an indelible mark on her mind. ─── 尽管总她享有特权和财富,可是她的生活一直是很不容易,童年的经历在她的脑海中留下了一个抹不去的印记。

53、The teams have changed (well, one has) since that indelible 2004 playoff game. Now Fisher returns as a Laker to the site of his greatest moment. ─── 2004年那不可忘却的季后赛结束之后,球队改变了很多(好吧,是其中一支球队)。现在费舍尔又回到了湖人,这个记录有他最辉煌的时刻。

54、an indelible ink for marking clothes or linens etc.. ─── 布料上做标记用的不褪色墨水。

55、Large raindrops pelted them without mercy, striking their heads and bodies fiercely, as if intent on leaving an indelible impression on their memories. ─── 大的雨点猛烈地落下来,无情地打在学生们的头上和身上,似乎要给他们留下一个永远不会忘记的印象。

56、The SELLER shall mark on each package with indelible paints in conspicuous English, printed words ─── 卖方应在每件包装上于显著位置用不褪色油漆以英文标明以下唛头

57、Cray Mans that he was the only one of the St.Michael's Cathedral is the indelible Bordeaux. ─── 克雷芒认为只有他的圣米歇尔大教堂才是波尔多的不巧。

58、Too big, medicaments is indelible, need operation cut away. ─── 太大了,药物就不能消除了,需要手术切掉。

59、While the talented and lucky few are successful, most are sidetracked (2) by the hustle and bustle (3) of the city, its bright lights, and that indelible (4) Yankee (5) attitude. ─── 伴随他们的是这座城市的忙碌与喧嚣,霓虹的闪烁以及根深蒂固的美国式的傲慢态度。

60、One year after the quake struck, hope is slowly returning to Gong's life, as it is for millions of other survivors, but for many the will to move on is mixed with a sense of indelible grief. ─── 地震一年后,就像其他幸存者一样,龚对生活逐渐恢复了希望。但对许多人来说,生活还得继续的意愿总混合这一丝不可磨灭的悲伤。

61、Great accomplishment of our company is owning to advanced technology &unique managment feathures as well as indelible common efforts from Chinese &foreign staffs. ─── 公司今天的成绩,有赖于公司的技术水平和富有特色的管理特点,以及不可磨灭的全体中外员工共同努力的结果。

62、After everything checked out, the doctor took a small stamp and stamped the wife's stomach with indelible ink. ─── 一系列检查过后,医生用永久性墨水在孕妇的肚子上做了一个小小的印记。

63、Each step he trod oppressed his heart with fresh emotion; his first and most indelible recollections were there; ─── 他每迈出一步,自己的心上就添上一个新的感触。

64、He has made indelible contributions during the entire course of the revolution. ─── 在整个革命过程中,他树立了不可磨灭的功绩。

65、the Eastern and Western influences that coexisted in Hong Kong left an indelible mark on me that naturally translated into my designs. ─── 东方与西方的影响并存于香港,在我身上留下不可磨灭的印记,也自然而然地进入我的服装设计中。

66、Always like wandering in the crowd I don't like to speak, as if the heart has an indelible scar. ─── 总喜欢在人群中徘徊的我却总不喜欢说话,仿佛心中有着抹不去的伤痕。

67、Grand Theatre Festival every year as people look forward to the stage event, for the modernization of Shenzhen into an international metropolis left an indelible imprint. ─── 大剧院艺术节成为市民每年期盼的舞台表演盛事,为深圳迈向现代化国际性大都市留下了不可磨灭的印记。

68、His eyes were unequal in size, and his cheek bones were sharp and protruding. The lines on his forehead and face were filled with coal dust which seemed indelible despite his daily morning wash. ─── 两只眼睛是一只大一只小,颧骨很高,额上颊上的几条皱纹里满砌着煤灰,好像每天早晨洗也洗不掉的样子。

69、You had given us indelible immaculate. ─── 你给了我们无法忘记的完美的演出。

70、People at Mount Mount sea, leaving an indelible mark Road. ─── 在芒芒人海里,留下一道道不可磨灭的痕迹。

71、In position: Like Denis Irwin in 1993/94, Patrice Evra has become almost indelible in a regular defence that just rolls off the tongue. ─── 位置:就像93/94赛季的丹尼斯.艾尔文。埃夫拉是防线上的绝对主力。

72、It is one of those thankfully rare decisions that leave an indelible mark for ever on your face for everybody to see. ─── 但这种一生少有的抉择,已在你脸上留下永不褪色的印记。

73、Rile excavation machine industry guided by her has become king-post industry of company, and made an indelible contribution for prosperity of company. ─── 她所率领的日立挖掘机产业成为公司的支柱产业,为公司的蒸蒸日上做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

74、Its majestic scenery, mysterious and exotic religious culture, and wonderful people, reward every tourist with an indelible life long memory! ─── 她的雄伟景色,神秘的宗教文化,和热情的人民一定会给所有旅游者留下美好而长久的记忆.

75、an ever lasting [indelible] contribution ─── 不可磨灭的贡献

76、an indelible ink for marking clothes or linens etc. ─── 布料上做标记用的不褪色墨水

77、LAST year's banking crisis may be fading in memory, but one indelible image remains: the dazed staff of bankrupt Lehman Brothers leaving London's Canary Wharf with their possessions in boxes. ─── 去年的银行业危机或许已从记忆中慢慢退却,但以下景象却挥之不去:雷曼兄弟破产后一个个魂不守舍的被辞员工拿箱子带着个人物品离开了金雀码头。

78、The Silk Road made indelible contributions to the economic and cultural communication between Europe and our country in early years. ─── 丝绸之路为我国早期与欧洲地区的经济文化交流做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

79、Even though we know in our hearts some stains are so indelible. ─── 即使我们清楚在心中,有些污点是如此顽固。

80、Taihu Lake mountain people is respected and the protection of Zen Buddhism and its followers can be two Zuhui, Juan Mu-field construction of the ancestral land Chantang indelible contributions. ─── 太湖山区人民十分尊崇和保护禅宗二祖慧可及其弟子,捐募山场田地建造二祖禅堂的功绩不可磨灭。

81、Mathematics can be said to be required to build on the achievements is indelible. ─── 可以说反证法为数学所建立的功勋是不可磨灭的。

82、beneficiary's certificate evidencing that each piece/packing unit of goods carries name of country of origin in an irremovable and indelible way. ─── 信用证要求我们写受益人证明,请问按照这句话,我们应该怎么写受益人证明?

83、In 1999 the brilliant and magical as if still in front surface, 92 this generation's contribution is indelible forever. ─── 1999年的神奇与辉煌仿佛依然在眼前浮现,92一代为此做出的贡献是永远不可磨灭的。

84、Summertime ,oh Summertime ,pattern of life indelible ,the fade-proof lake ,the woods unshatterable ,pasture with the sweet fern and the juniper forever and ever ,summer without end. ─── 夏日时光,奥,夏日时光,留下了不可磨灭的生活印记.湖光粼粼,林木挺拔,花草遍地,四季常青.这漫漫的夏日啊!

85、Immerged in the loving sentences pronounced by parents, in the rhymes, in the lullabies, the child absorbs, he sets in his mind words in an indelible way. ─── 当小孩开始发出第一个单字时,用图像去刺激他是适当的,设法将对象联系在一起。

86、Her unhappy childhood left an indelible mark. ─── 她不幸的童年留下了不可磨灭的痕迹。

87、The winter in Harbin gives visitors an indelible impression of excitement. ─── 哈尔滨的冬天使游客们激动不已,久久不能忘怀.

88、Not easy to see: you should leave an indelible mark on observation is non-obvious, marks or to hoi to reduce the quality of the media. ─── 不易瞥见:印记差查察才不该是不澄辉的,印记也不亥贬矮媒体的质量。


刻骨铭心是一个汉语词语,拼音:kè gǔ míng xīn,意思是铭刻在心灵深处;形容记忆深刻,难以忘却。出自《上安州李长史书》。[1]亦作“铭心刻骨”和“镌心铭骨”。[2][3]




kè gǔ míng xīn






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