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09-11 投稿


Carthaginian 中文意思翻译




Carthaginian 短语词组

1、Carthaginian War against Pyrrhus of ─── 迦太基人对皮拉斯的战争

2、carthaginian empire ─── 迦太基帝国

3、carthaginian religion ─── 迦太基宗教

4、Carthaginian-Syracusan War ─── 迦太基-锡拉库桑战争

5、Carthaginian War against Pyrrhus of Epirus ─── 迦太基战争对伊庇鲁斯的皮拉斯

6、carthaginian general crossword ─── 迦太基通用纵横填字游戏

7、carthaginian crossword clue ─── 迦太基填字游戏线索

8、Carthaginian Civil War ─── 迦太基内战

9、carthaginian clue ─── 迦太基线索

10、carthaginian general ─── 迦太基将军

Carthaginian 词性/词形变化,Carthaginian变形


Carthaginian 相似词语短语

1、viraginian ─── 病毒性

2、carthamine ─── 红花碱

3、Carthaginians ─── 迦太基

4、Carthaginian peace ─── 迦太基式和约(对败者苛刻的和平协定)

5、Patagonian ─── adj.巴塔哥尼亚的;巴塔哥尼亚人的;n.巴塔哥尼亚人

6、Carthaginian ─── adj.迦太基的;n.迦太基人

7、cartilaginous ─── adj.软骨的,软骨质的

8、Barthian ─── adj.巴特式的;n.巴特信徒

9、Bathonian ─── n.巴通阶

Carthaginian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Because of this, most Carthaginian citizens only fight when there is a need for the defense of Carthage itself. ─── 因此,多数的迦太基公民只会在迦太基本身有需要防守时才作战。

2、Carthaginian Wars ─── 迦太基战争

3、Actually the western portion of Sicily remained under Carthaginian control. ─── 实际上西西里的西部依然在迦太基的控制之下。

4、Carthaginian War against Pyrrhus of Epirus ─── 迦太基对伊庇斯国王皮洛士的战争(公元前278-前276)

5、Carthaginian general, one of the great military leaders of antiquity. ─── 迦太基人,古代最伟大的军事统帅之一。

6、Carthaginian general who attempted to establish military dominance on the Iberian Peninsula during the Second Punic War but was defeated by Roman forces(207) ─── 哈斯德鲁伯在第二次迦太基战争期间曾试图在伊比利亚半岛建立军事统治的迦太基将军,但于207年被罗马军队打败

7、general who commanded the Carthaginian army in the Second Punic War; crossed the Alps and defeated the Romans but was recalled to defend Carthage and was defeated. ─── 在第二次迦古太基战争中统领迦太基军队的将军;他曾经翻过阿尔卑斯山并击败罗马军,但被召回保卫迦太基并最终被打败。

8、A city of southeast Spain on the Mediterranean Sea south-southeast of Murcia. It was settled c.225 b.c. and soon became the chief Carthaginian sea base in Spain. Population,142,300. ─── 卡塔赫纳西班牙东南部一城市,位于穆尔西亚东南偏南地中海沿岸。创建于公元前225年,之后很快成为迦太基人在西班牙的主要海上基地。人口142,300。

9、He had Marched over 500 miles, won the victory of the year, and destroyed the chances for a carthaginian Victory in Italy ; ─── 他跋涉了500英里,获得当年的胜利,并摧毁了迦太基在意大利获胜的可能;

10、These were the men Hannibal had used to defeat the Romans and truly, were the best of the Carthaginian Army. ─── 汉尼拔正是用这些战士屡次击败罗马人,其实他们也是迦太基军队的精锐。

11、Founded by Phoenicians c. eighth centuryb.c., it later became a Carthaginian military base and was conquered by Rome in 254-253. ─── 腓尼基人建城于公元前8世纪,后来它成为迦太基人的一个军事基地并于254-253年被罗马人征服。

12、The complex at Barumini, which was extended and reinforced in the first half of the 1st millennium under Carthaginian pressure, is the finest and most complete example of this remarkable form of prehistoric architecture. ─── 这一坐落在巴鲁米尼的综合结构,由于受迦太基人的压力,直到公元1000年中叶还在修整和加固,是史前同类形式建筑中修建得最好和保存最完整的典范。

13、Carthaginian Civil War ─── 迦太基内战(公元前241-前237)

14、With its destruction, Carthaginian civilization fell into oblivion in the history. ─── 迦太基则随着它的灭亡,文明也湮没于历史长河之中。

15、General who commanded the Carthaginian army in the Second Punic War,crossed the Alps and defeated the Romans but was recalled to defend Carthage and was defeated. ─── 在第二次迦古太基战争中统领迦太基军队的将军,他曾经翻过阿尔卑斯山并击败罗马军,但被召回保卫迦太基并最终被打败。

16、Historically, a Carthaginian citizen phalanx was of poor quality. ─── 在历史上,迦太基公民方阵是低质素的。

17、Founded by Phoenician traders in the 8th century BC, it was later a Carthaginian settlement. ─── 西元前8世纪时由腓尼基商人建立,后成为迦太基人居住地。

18、Carthaginian peace ─── ph. 对败者苛刻的和平协定, 对战败国极为苛刻的和约

19、The Carthaginian peace of Versailles had by then poisoned everything. ─── 凡尔赛的迦太基和平毒害了每个人。

20、The Carthaginian citizens still use the round bronze hoplon-style shield to protect themselves. ─── 迦太基市民仍然使用一种圆形的青铜盾牌去保护他们自己。

21、A city of southeast Spain on the Mediterranean Sea south-southeast of Murcia. It was settled c.225 b.c. and soon became the chief Carthaginian sea base in Spain. Population,142, 300. ─── 卡塔赫纳西班牙东南部一城市,位于穆尔西亚东南偏南地中海沿岸。创建于公元前225年,之后很快成为迦太基人在西班牙的主要海上基地。人口142,300

22、Historically, a Carthaginian citizen phalanx was of poor quality. ─── 在历史上,迦太基公民方阵是低质素的。

23、The only man ever to defeat the Carthaginian general, Scipio will be forced to give everything before he sees that victory. ─── 他选择了匪夷所思的举动,就是率领5万人的军队和37只战象横越阿尔卑斯山。

24、Fixed broken texture for carthaginian academy, so it should now be visible. ─── 修正迦太基人学院的结构,现在能看见了。

25、A mighty Roman army, eight legions strong, marches out to crush the Carthaginian general on an open battlefield. ─── 八个军团组成的罗马雄师,浩浩荡荡开出营地,要在开阔的战场上击败这位来自迦太基的将军。

26、carthaginian apple ─── 石榴

27、Carthaginian faith ─── ph. 背叛

28、A mighty Roman army, eight legions strong, marches out to crush the Carthaginian general on an open battlefield. ─── 八个军团组成的罗马雄师,浩浩荡荡开出营地,要在开阔的战场上击败这位来自迦太基的将军。

29、6. general who commanded the Carthaginian army in the Second Punic War; ─── 在第二次迦古太基战争中统领迦太基军队的将军;

30、These were the men Hannibal had used to defeat the Romans and truly, were the best of the Carthaginian Army. ─── 汉尼拔正是用这些战士屡次击败罗马人,其实他们也是迦太基军队的精锐。

31、After this great achievement, Nero managed to push deeply into spain and for awhile it looked as if Carthaginian Spain would fall. ─── 之后,尼禄顺利地朝西班牙腹地推进,迦太基的势力似乎即将被赶出西班牙。

32、After this great achievement, Nero managed to push deeply into spain and for awhile it looked as if Carthaginian Spain would fall. ─── 之后,尼禄顺利地朝西班牙腹地推进,迦太基的势力似乎即将被赶出西班牙。

33、is to serve civilization itself.This service Plautus rendered, consciously or unconsciously, by making two Carthaginian soldiers talk Phoenician; ─── 普劳图斯,在有意或无意中,让两个迦太基士兵用腓尼基语谈话,便作了这种贡献;

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