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09-11 投稿



exhaustibility 发音

英:[[ɪgˌzɔ:stə'bɪlɪtɪ]]  美:[[ɪgˌzɔ:stə'bɪlətɪ]]

英:  美:

exhaustibility 中文意思翻译



exhaustibility 短语词组

1、exhaustibility test ─── 排气性试验

2、faradic exhaustibility ─── [医] 应电流疲惫性

exhaustibility 相似词语短语

1、exhaustivity ─── n.彻查;穷举,彻底性

2、exhaustingly ─── 精疲力竭地

3、exhaustively ─── adv.耗尽一切地

4、expansibility ─── n.扩展性;发展性;膨胀力

5、inexhaustibility ─── n.用不完,无穷尽;不知疲倦

6、expandibility ─── 发泡性

7、explosibility ─── n.可爆炸;容易爆炸

8、exhaustible ─── adj.可被用尽的;会枯竭的

9、combustibility ─── n.燃烧性;[热]可燃性

exhaustibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Exhaust fumes made him drowsy and brought on a headache. ─── 废气把他熏得昏昏沉沉,还引起了头疼。

2、ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Use local exhaust ventilation to control dust. ─── 工程控制:使用当地除尘通风设施。

3、Main source : coal-fired power plants and automobile exhaust. ─── 主要来源:汽车尾气和燃煤发电厂。

4、Industrial exhaust must be well treated. ─── 工业废气必须妥善处理。

5、You need to exhaust the air in the jar . ─── 你需要把瓶中的空气抽尽。

6、Composite catalyzing exhaust plug should be provided. ─── 应提供复合催化放气塞。

7、Vermicular graphite cast iron exhaust pipe in lost foam casting was introduced. ─── 介绍了消失模法生产蠕铁排气出口管的工艺过程。

8、New Idea in Exhaust Design for Central Air-conditioning Laboratory. ─── 中央空调化验室的排风设计新思路。

9、SL301 is complete seals type and no need to dedust and exhaust. ─── SL301为全密封式,无需排风除尘。

10、The high level of HC in the exhaust gas may damage the catalytic converter. ─── 废气中大量的HC会损坏催化式排气净化器。

11、The exhaust gas exits through the other exhaust manifold. ─── 废气经另外一个排气歧管排出。

12、Exhaust temperature found too high. ─── 发现排烟温度过高。

13、Drain and exhaust through the stopper. ─── 冷却器可由螺塞排水或排气。

14、Clouds of thick black smoke billowed from the car's exhaust. ─── 从汽车排气管冒出一股股黑色浓烟。

15、The two types of engine valves are intake and exhaust. ─── 发动机气门的二种型式是:进气口和排气口。

16、Exhaust gas has been incriminated as one of the causes of air pollution in cities. ─── 废气被视为城市空气污染的原因之一。

17、Exhaust fumes are dangerous to your health. ─── 尾气对你的健康有害。

18、Resources? exhaustibility requires us to practice economy. ─── 能源会枯竭,这要求我们实行节约。

19、External air duct and exhaust pipe connector. ─── 外置式出入油管连接座。

20、Diesel Smoke, Exhaust Fume, Exhaust Gases, Pollen And Other Urban Pollutants. ─── 可隔除:柴油机烟,排出烟雾,废气,花粉和其他的城市污染物。

21、To exhaust physically or emotionally. ─── 使体力或精神疲惫

22、Exhaust gas has been incriminated in air pollution in cities. ─── 废气已过视为城市空气污染的原因。

23、Ambient air, exhaust air, soil and rock are the most common heat source types. ─── 室外空气、回风、土石是目前常见的热源形式。

24、Seal pipe rack of lamp of D, exhaust to decrease 2/3. ─── 封D、排气灯管架减少三分之二。

25、Teaching Professional Pressure Orientation and Prophylaticity on Exhaustibility ─── 关注教师职业压力预防教师职业枯竭

26、The exhaust emitted by factories and auto contaminates air heavily. ─── 工厂和汽车放出的废气严重污染大气。

27、A Buick is a car with dual exhaust pipes. ─── 别克轿车是有 双排气管的汽车.

28、You can hear the difference in the plusher, healthier exhaust note. ─── 你可以听到不同的更加完美,健康的排气声。

29、The ones that fetched were not prohibitted, had used it not to exhaust . ─── 取之无禁,用之不竭。

30、Counter flange with duct of exhaust expansion joint shall be supplied by MHI. ─── 带排汽膨胀节导管的配对法兰由MHI提供。?

31、To exhaust(a hooked fish) by allowing it to pull on the line. ─── 使上钩的鱼疲乏让(上钩的鱼)拉动吊线而致筋疲力尽

32、The exhaust steam retains a considerable amount of heat. ─── 废气仍保持相当的热量。

33、To impede and exhaust(an enemy) by repeated attacks or raids. ─── 使敌军疲惫通过反复地攻击或袭击使(敌人)受到阻碍或使其筋疲力尽

34、They had to exhaust the water of the well . ─── 他们不得不汲干那口井里的水。

35、Hospital lavatory shall have independent exhaust. ─── 医务室卫生间应当有独立的排气管。

36、In a water-lift system, the exhaust runs to a point below the vessel waterline. ─── 在水提升系统中,排气运行在低于容器水线的时刻。

37、Effective measures have been taken to prevent exhaust pollution. ─── 业已采取有效措施以防止废气污染。

38、It sports a modified exhaust system with unique tailpipes. ─── 它改良运动排气系统以独特的排气管。

39、Most people are under the threat of exhaust gases. ─── 大多数人都受废气的威胁。

40、At first it went up slowly in a cloud of orange exhaust and white vapor. ─── 它首先在橙黄的排气云和白色的雾气中缓缓上升。

41、Of course, exhaust fan is indispensable. ─── 当然,排气扇是必不可少的。

42、Are used to breathing exhaust fumes. ─── 习惯了呼吸废气了。

43、To exhaust the fertility of(land) by continuous cultivation of crops. ─── 因持续不断种植庄稼而使(土地)贫瘠

44、There's no need to exhaust yourself clearing up,we'll do it. ─── 你不必筋疲力尽地收拾,我们会做的。

45、Aft of which is the APU access door and APU exhaust. ─── 在它们的后面是APU检修口和APU排气口。

46、In the sub zero weather, their exhaust plumb white in the grey street. ─── 在严寒天气,他们的排气管在灰色的街道上吐著缕缕白烟。

47、Exhaust gas discharged from factories often pollute the air. ─── 从工厂排出来的废气经常污染空气。

48、You exhaust your hero to attack, then strike with Krol Blade. ─── 你使用一个英雄进攻,然后使用克罗攻击。

49、Two of them will exhaust his income. ─── 其中两点会消耗掉他的全部收入。

50、You will probably run out of bandwidth before you exhaust a P3-500. ─── 你可能在耗尽带宽之前就让P3-500不堪重负了。

51、Remove exhaust heat shield from down pipe. ─── 从下行管拆卸排气隔热罩。

52、Usually made of exsufflation knitware, and exhaust pipe. ─── 凡是由排气马达及排气惯所构成。

53、Specialise in car exhaust pipe and car windscreen service, car motor sport. ─── 专修理汽车排气管,汽车大镜与改装车。

54、Install exhaust heat shield, tighten bolts to 11 N·m. ─── 安装排气隔热罩,拧紧螺栓到11 N·m。


56、He died from carbon monoxide poisoning from the exhaust fumes of his car. ─── 他因车子排放出的废气当中含有一氧化碳中毒而死。

57、Their motors burn most of gasoline, and less goes out as exhaust fumes . ─── 他们的汽车能燃烧绝大部分的汽油,排出的废气就少了。

58、While rising,the piston carries the exhaust gas upwards. ─── 当活塞上升的时候就把废气排到上面。

59、Chemical rockets create their exhaust by the combustion of rocket propellant. ─── 化学火箭由火箭燃烧推进燃料所产生气体推进。

60、Cylinder cabinets need emergency air exhaust devices. ─── 建议气瓶柜增设事故排风装置。

61、The exhaust gas from cars pollutes the air and they waste energy. ─── 事实上,汽车尾气污染了空气,浪费能源。

62、The exhaust fumes from factories polluted the air above the city. ─── 从工厂排出的废气污染了城市上空的空气。

63、When retracted, the doors form part of the outer duct for fan exhaust air. ─── 当收回时,阻流门将作为风扇向外排气的外部管道的一部份。

64、B: Why must you exhaust yourself? ─── 您为什么非要把自己累趴下呢?

65、Could the exhaust fumes and the deafening noise be eliminated? ─── /能不能消除难以忍受的废气以及震耳欲聋的噪音呢?

66、You need to exhaust the air in thejar. ─── 你需要把瓶中的空气抽

67、Each main exhaust pipe shall have one exhaust fan. ─── 一个风机控制一个主要的排气管道。

68、LOL...the last one is fUN!!! i wonder how it install the exhaust on the pig!! ─── 世上最遥远的距离,不是生与死的距离,不是天各一方,而是我就站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你......

69、The bus pulls away with a squeal and billowing exhaust. ─── 好了,大功告成!“那车一溜烟地开走了。”就成了这模样:

70、To deprive of energy or vigor; fatigue or exhaust. ─── 使萎靡,使沮丧使丧失精力或活力;使疲惫不堪,耗尽精力

71、TWCs can reduce over 90% noxious emissions in the exhaust pipe. ─── 三元催化转化器能够减少排气管中90%以上的有害排放物,发挥着极为重要的排放控制作用。

72、Why Do Exhaust Fumes Contain Lead? ─── 为什么汽车尾气含有铅?

73、It relied on exhaust gas temperature (EGT). ─── 就靠排气的温度,看到的都是单线和双线的氧传感器。

74、So the exhaust valve opens before BDC and closes after TDC. ─── 因此排气门在下止点之前打开,在上止点之后关闭。

75、Install exhaust pipe at soldering area. ─── 安装排气管于焊接区。

76、While rising, the piston carries the exhaust gas upwards. ─── 上升的时候就把废气排到上面。

77、The exhaust from various vehicles pollutes the air. ─── 从各种车辆排出的废气污染了空气。

78、Exhaust fumes are bad for your health. ─── 废气对健康有害。

79、Preparation for a wedding can exhaust a couple. ─── 婚礼的准备工作可以使 一对夫妇筋疲力尽.

80、Exhaustibility of Resources, Knowledge Accumulation and Endogenous Economic Growth ─── 资源可耗竭、知识积累与内生经济增长

81、Install the exhaust pipe support and tighten the screw. ─── 安装排气管支架并拧紧螺丝。

82、In the sub zero weather,their exhaust plumb white in the grey street. ─── 在严寒天气,他们的排气管在灰色的街道上吐著缕缕白烟。

83、He failed to exhaust this subject . ─── 他没能对这个题作详尽无遗的论述。

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