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09-11 投稿



expostulation 发音

英:[ɪkˌspɑːstʃuˈleɪʃn]  美:[ɪkˌspɒstʃuˈleɪʃn]

英:  美:

expostulation 中文意思翻译



expostulation 短语词组

1、expostulation and reply ─── 规劝与答辩

expostulation 词性/词形变化,expostulation变形


expostulation 相似词语短语

1、expostulatory ─── adj.训诫的;忠告的

2、expostulates ─── vi.劝诫,告诫;忠告

3、expostulated ─── vi.劝诫,告诫;忠告

4、expostulate ─── vi.劝诫,告诫;忠告

5、exportation ─── n.出口

6、postulation ─── n.假定;要求;圣职任命

7、expostulator ─── n.劝告者;忠告者

8、expostulating ─── vi.劝诫,告诫;忠告

9、expostulative ─── 暴露的

expostulation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The ideology of "being condescending and listening to expostulation", which finds its root in primitive society, was followed by rulers of Pre-Qin Period. ─── 认为:君主虚己纳言、郑人乡学议政、学派以论治世,是先秦时期多渠道的舆论运动形式;

2、The latter is elaborated from the aspects of character and personality, elegance, passion and momentum, wit and flexibility in expostulation, philosophical thinking, and rhetorical character. ─── 汉代奏议的美学阐释部分,主要从个性特点与人格美、典雅美、激情与气势、灵活机智的进谏艺术与方法、哲理与思辨色彩、篇章美与修辞特点六个方面加以论述。

3、Miss Bingley warmly resented the indignity he had received, in an expostulation with her brother for talking such nonsense. ─── 彬格莱小姐看见人家拿他开玩笑,很是生气,便怪她的哥哥干吗要谈这样没意思的话。

4、The circle closed up again with a running murmur of expostulation; ─── 那一圈人又合拢来,同时传出一阵咕咕哝哝的劝告声。

5、We should accept the positive expostulation. ─── 我们应该将规则放入我们的心中。

6、My listening friends, the expostulation is that if you persist to break the second commandment, then not only you suffer but the next generation is going to suffer as well. ─── 告诫就是,如果你执意要违反第二条诫命,那么不仅你会受苦,你的后代也要受苦。

7、8.Why have not I the riches, the rank, the power, of such and such, is the common expostulation with fortune; ─── 人们常常对命运发出诘难:我为何没有财富、地位、权力以及诸如此类的东西;

8、if you do not listen my expostulation, you will be repentant one day. ─── 如果你不听我的劝告,总有一天你会后悔的。

9、Resentment and Expostulation poetry ─── 怨刺

10、Miss Bingley warmly resented the indignity he had received, in an expostulation with her brother for talking such nonsense. ─── 彬格莱小姐看见人家拿他开玩笑,很是生气,便怪她的哥哥干吗要谈这样没意思的话。

11、In the developmental flow of Chinese history , “expostulation players ” had been encouraging and and reminding themselves with the conscience and responsibility . ─── 本文以俳优为主体,首先分析了优、俳优、倡优三者之间的关系,给了俳优一个较明确的概念和定位。

12、Lisi was the only known man of letters in Qin Dynasty.His works can be periodized into three stages.His early works was represented by the "Expostulation for the Banished Visitors"; ─── 摘要李斯是秦朝唯一在文学史上留下姓名的文人,李斯的作品分为早、中、晚三个时期。

13、in his expostulation he dropped his cleaner hand perhaps accidentally , perhaps not upon the jokers heart. ─── 说话时他那只干净手有意无意地落到了那开玩笑的人心口。

14、Even if in the Tang era of the feudal epoch, the Emperor Tangtaizong had a expostulation liegeman who named Weizheng beside him.He would not make the Emperor Tangtaizong in the shade. ─── 即便是在封建时代的唐朝,唐太宗身边还有一个谏臣魏征,魏征的存在不会使唐明皇失色,正是他们和所有那个时代的大家构成了盛唐之音的辉煌。

15、Without further expostulation or delay, Hester Prynne drained the cup, and, at the motion of the man of skill, seated herself on the bed, where the child was sleeping; ─── 海丝特-白兰无需再听劝告,也没有再加拖延,使举杯将药一饮而尽,然后,按照这个手段高明的男人的示意,坐到了孩子睡着的床上;

16、Why have not I the riches, the rank, the power, of such and such, is the common expostulation with fortune; ─── 常常会对命运发出诘难:为什么我没有财富,爵位,权力,诸如此类的东西;

17、Expostulation is a very important old-line tradition of Chinese poetry. ─── 讽谕是中国一个历史悠久而且极其重要的诗歌传统。

18、As a mechanism of supervising and restraining sovereigns, the expostulation, a modulation and a salutary complement to the autocratic monarchy, is an amelioration and innovation of ancient China's political operating system. ─── 言谏制度作为对君主的监督和制约机制 ,是君主专制的调节因素和有益补充 ,也是我国古代对政治运行体制的完善和制度创新

19、expostulation with justice ─── 以正致谏

20、On the System of Imperial Expostulation in the Tang Dynasty ─── 浅议唐代的言谏制度

21、”This is Muliniao before the game to disciples' expostulation. ─── 这是穆里尼奥赛前对弟子们的劝诫。

22、An expostulation;a protest. ─── 劝戒;

23、The theory of "the expostulation of eulogizing and satirizing" have a great effect upon the the subsequent practice of writing poetry and the poetic criticism. ─── “美刺讽喻说”对中国后来的诗歌创作、诗歌评论的影响都很深远。

24、The Development and Changes of Expostulation of Taijian in Ren-Zong Dynasty ─── 台谏在仁宗朝的发展及其言风的变化

25、Wide accept expostulation, much channel ground seeks an opinion. ─── 广纳谏言,多渠道地征求意见。

26、My expostulation(s) had no effect. ─── 我提出的劝告毫无作用。

27、and, on hearing my expostulation, he turned his head without altering his position. ─── 他要求陛下召回奸细,因为他们激起了弗兰德善良公民的不满。

28、But to no one would she grant her confidence, answering all taunts with bitter sarcasm, and all serious expostulation with sullen denial, or with floods of tears. ─── 可是她对谁都不吐露真情,她用辛辣的讽刺回击一切嘲弄;而对认真的规劝,不是矢口否认就是泪如泉涌。

29、In the third part, I analyze the contents and characteristics of "Expostulation" . ─── 第三部分解析“卧尔兹”的内容及其特点。

30、Few of the continent's conflicts have provoked as much moral expostulation as when, in 2004 and 2005, the truth emerged about the Sudanese government's brutal suppression of an uprising there. ─── 2005年,苏丹政府残酷镇压达尔富尔地区(2003年)起义的真相被披露,顿时全球群情愤慨,此前非洲大陆的冲突问题从未引起如此强烈的道德谴责。

31、Expostulation and Rearrangement of Civil Official Group of Song Dynasty ─── 论宋代台谏与文官集团的重组

32、In his expostulation he dropped his cleaner hand (perhaps accidentally, perhaps not) upon the joker 's heart. ─── 说话时他那只干净手有意无意地落到了那开玩笑的人心口。

33、My expostulation ( s ) had no effect. ─── 我提出的劝告毫无作用。

34、her confidence, answering all taunts with bitter sarcasm, and all serious expostulation with sullen denial, or with floods of tears. ─── 可是她对谁都不吐露真情,她用辛辣的讽刺回击一切嘲弄;而对认真的规劝,不是矢口否认就是泪如泉涌。

35、"Expostulation" is the very important way for Akhund to propagandize for Islamism. ─── “卧尔兹”是阿訇宣传伊斯兰教的重要途径。

36、On the Significance of the Imperial Censors'Expostulation in the Constitutional Reformation in the Late Qing Dynasty ─── 论晚清预备立宪期间御史谏议的作用

37、In by a definite date in conference of 3 days, attend the meeting to make suggestions on behalf of active expostulation, .. ─── 在为期三天的会议中,与会代表积极谏言献策,...

38、Miss Bingley warmly resented the indignity he had received, in an expostulation with her brother for talking such nonsense. ─── 莱小姐看见人家拿他开玩笑,很是生气,便怪她的哥哥干吗要谈这样没意思的话。

39、Focusing on the funny players , firstly , the author analyses the relationship among players , funny players , and expostulation players , and defines funny players clearly . ─── 而各个阶段俳优之间一些共通的东西,如他们的出身、技能、组织形式、语言特点等等,本文也一一进行了梳理和论证。

40、The expostulation in Yuan Dynasty had no effect in dealing with calamities, instead, it became a tool of political hurdles. ─── 元代应灾议(谏)政总体上说效果不大,有时甚至成为政治斗争的工具。

41、euphemistical expostulation ─── 讽谏

42、" This commandment force and four headings: first, the precept, secondly, the premise, then the expostulation, and then the promise. ─── 这条诫命可以分为四个重点:第一是规则,第二是前提,第三是告诫,最后是应许。

43、1. My expostulation(s) had no effect. ─── 我提出的劝告毫无作用.

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