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09-11 投稿



hooding 发音

英:[ˈhʊdɪŋ]  美:[ˈhʊdɪŋ]

英:  美:

hooding 中文意思翻译




hooding 常用词组

robin hood ─── n. 罗宾汉;(罗宾汉式的)绿林好汉

range hood ─── 抽油烟机

under the hood ─── 下罩;下面的套;在引擎盖下面

hooding 短语词组

1、hooding machine ─── 连帽机

hooding 词性/词形变化,hooding变形

动词过去分词: hooded |动词过去式: hooded |动词现在分词: hooding |动词第三人称单数: hoods |

hooding 相似词语短语

1、hoodooing ─── n.招来不幸的人,不祥的人;伏都教;魔法,巫术;(岩石风化而成的)圆柱岩石,尖顶岩石;v.使倒霉;蛊惑,迷惑

2、hooting ─── v.发出大声;喊叫;鸣响(hoot的现在分词)

3、unhooding ─── 脱钩

4、holding ─── v.持有;召开;担任;握住(hold的现在分词);n.股份;私有财产;馆藏;租种的土地;n.(Holding)(美、英、加、澳)霍尔丁(人名)

5、hooking ─── v.挂钩(hook的ing形式)

6、hoofing ─── n.(马等动物的)蹄;人的脚;v.步行;猛踢(球);跳舞

7、wooding ─── n.木材;木制品;树林;vi.收集木材;vt.植林于;给…添加木柴;n.(Wood)人名;(英、法、西、葡、阿拉伯)伍德

8、hording ─── n.一大群,群;游牧部落

9、hooping ─── n.[建]箍筋,环箍钢筋;v.加箍于;包围(hoop的ing形式)

hooding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Seeing this, the Friar asked Robin Hood to let him whistle three times. ─── 他把手放在嘴里一吹,尖厉的口哨声响彻山谷。

2、Use a hood to shade the lens of your camera from direct sunlight. ─── 在相机镜头上加个罩使其免受直接的阳光照射。

3、What about the power bulge on the hood? ─── 什么权力膨胀的遮光罩?

4、Now Doncaster Robin Hood airport or summat. ─── 图片描述 Finningley airshow years ago.

5、Granny, why are your hands so hairy?@ asked Little Red Riding Hood. ─── “奶奶,你的手怎么有那么多毛呀?”小红帽问道。

6、At the gas station they raised the hood of our car to put oil in the engine. ─── 在加油站,他们掀起车盖给引擎上油。

7、She lived a very hard life during her whole child- hood. ─── 她生活在一个艰苦的环境里度过了童年。

8、A second method is to use a clean-air hood at the loading station. ─── 另一种方法是在操作台用净化空气罩。

9、"The Sheriff will not have me today."said Robin Hood. ─── “郡长今天抓不到我。”罗宾汉说道。

10、Why is your home so dark, Granny?@ asked Little Red Riding Hood. ─── “奶奶,你家里怎么这么那么黑呀?”小红帽问道。

11、The LuxuryLite Pillow fits easily inside the roomy hood. ─── 和该公司的枕头配合更好。

12、My rich dad did not see Robin Hood as a hero. He called Robin Hood a crook. ─── 但我的富爸爸却认为罗宾汉不是英雄,他称罗宾汉为窃贼。

13、Will you remind me of phoning Mr. Hood at noon? ─── 你能不能提醒我中午给胡德先生打电话呢?

14、The hood also sew the thread on! ─── 帽子也有滚条唷!!

15、How many disguises did Robin Hood make in the story? What are they? ─── 在这个故事里,罗宾汉化了几次装呢?分别是什么?

16、Remove the two screws from hood and remove hood so that vent is visible. ─── 从阀罩上拆卸两个螺丝,拆卸阀罩使得排气口能够被看到。

17、Put Jules Verne know-how under your hood. ─── 将凡尔纳诀窍在你的遮光罩。

18、Gap between hood and rear bezel is 0.03 inch maximum. ─── 3上盖及面板衔接缝隙应以0.03英寸为最大。

19、Openable hood, easy to deal with repair. ─── 开启式车盖,便于维修处理。

20、It' s raining. Put the hood up. ─── 下雨了,把车篷撑上。

21、When the hood is up, peripheral vision is pretty decent. ─── 就算挡风帽竖起,周围的视野也很开阔。

22、During this time, Robin Hood had traveled to Nottingham. ─── 在这期间,罗宾汉已经旅行到了诺丁罕。

23、How did Robin Hood defeat the Sheriff in the archery contest? ─── 在射箭比赛上,罗宾汉是如何打败郡长的?

24、"Hear me, grub," the Regent growled, hood puffed up like a poisonous sac. ─── “听我说,幼虫,”瑞金特咆哮着,外颚叶鼓得像毒囊一般。

25、He gladly offered to serve the warrant to Robin Hood. ─── 他向郡长自告奋勇把逮捕令传给罗宾汉。

26、We drove all the way with the hood down. ─── 我们一路上敞着车篷开车。

27、There is no question of anyone in my office, let alone me, advising me that it was legitimate to interrogate whilst hooding or using sleep deprivation or any of those techniques. ─── 这是毫无疑问的人在我的办公室里,更何况是我,向我说,它是合法的讯问,而戴头罩或使用剥夺睡眠或任何这些技巧。

28、Install the screw that attaches the latch to the hood inner panel. ─── 安装把锁闩固定在引擎罩内板上的螺丝。

29、Yes ,she is now little red riding hood . ─── 对了,她现在是小红帽了。

30、This subject designs the charging and hooding parts of JLY3809 kiln. ─── 本课题完成了JLY3809机立窑(加料及窑罩部件)设计。

31、Little Red Hood comes to Granny's house with her basket and a lot of flowers. ─── 她轻轻地敲了敲门,

32、An optional nylon or fleece liner is available, as well as an optional hood. ─── 一个附件尼龙或羊毛划线员是可利用的,并且一个任意敞篷。

33、He eats little red riding hood. ─── 他吃掉了小红帽。

34、It is not the hood that makes the monk. ─── 不可以相貌取人。

35、When Robin Hood and the Friar swam to the bank, they began to fight. ─── 两人游上岸,一场恶战开始了。

36、Little Red Riding Hood continued skipping along the path. ─── 小红帽继续蹦蹦跳跳地沿着小路走。

37、What will I do?@ thought Little Red Riding Hood. ─── “我该怎么办?”小红帽心想。

38、Bootlegger (Hot Rod Hood) Factories district. ─── 在 Rollerz missions的后期也能找到一些.

39、Smoke came out from under the hood when the car broke down. ─── 当车子出故障的时候,烟从车盖下冒出来。

40、North American orchid having a spike of violet-purple flowers mixed with white; sepals and petals form a hood. ─── 产于北美的一种兰花,花紫色适有白色,萼片和花瓣在和蕊柱后面形成盔瓣。

41、Use a hood to screen the lens of your camera from direct sunlight. ─── 在相机镜头上加个罩,使其免受阳光的直接照射。

42、Hiterto, I associated green hats with Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest! ─── 在我眼中,绿帽子只让我联想到罗宾汉的故事。

43、He gave the hood a quick rub. ─── 他把那个罩子快速擦拭了一遍。

44、He did not know that Robin Hood was their beloved leader. ─── 但是郡长不知道罗宾有一群效忠他的人,他不知道罗宾汉是他们敬爱的首领。

45、Would you have a look under the hood? ─── 您能看一下发动机是否有毛病吗?

46、Red Riding Hood and the wolf both stopped. ─── 可就在他刚刚举起斧子时,小红帽和大灰狼都停手不打了。

47、A loose cloak with a hood,worn in the Middle East and northern Africa. ─── 一种宽松、有头巾的外衣,中东和北非人穿这种衣服。

48、Shaped like a hood, cowl, or similar covering. ─── 成头兜、罩或类似覆盖物状的

49、Once tightened, the hood fits the head closely. ─── 一旦拉紧,面罩严密结合头部。

50、She is wearing a red cloak with a hood. ─── 她穿着一件红色带兜帽的披风。

51、"What is it,Robin Hood?"Little John asked. ─── “什么事,罗宾汉?”小约翰问道。

52、Covered with or having a hood. ─── 带头巾的,有头罩的

53、A Research in the Relationship between Distribution of Reserve Lager Rift and Water How Direction of Hooding Well in Jianghan oilfield ─── 江汉油田注水井储层裂缝分布与水流方向关系的研究

54、He opened the hood and leaned over to look in the engine. ─── 他打开发动机盖,趴下身子查看发动机。

55、Would you please check under the hood? ─── 您能检查一下发动机吗?

56、Scholars debate whether Robin Hood or King Arthur ever really existed. ─── 学者们争论究竟是否真的有过罗宾逊和亚瑟王。

57、Position the underhood lamp on the hood inner panel. ─── 将引擎盖未闭合灯固定于引擎罩内板上。

58、At one point, about 15 zombies crawled on the roof, hooding trunk of a parked, off-duty taxi. ─── 在某处,大约有15个僵尸爬到了停在一旁歇班的出租车车顶、引擎盖和后备箱上。

59、What kind of squirrels you got under the hood? ─── 你的汽车引擎的马力是多少?

60、Little red riding hood forgets what mother said. ─── 小红帽忘记了妈妈说的话。

61、A large branch landed on the hood of my car. ─── 一根大树枝落在了我的车盖上。

62、Having coloration or a crest suggesting a hood. ─── 冠状的有象羽冠的色彩或羽毛饰的。

63、We are also installing automatic slide gate and hooding over the mixers to take out the duct while cleaning the mixer. ─── 我们还安装自动滑门,在混频器戴头罩,以取出导管,清理搅拌机。

64、Study on Hooding Efficiency of the Pot Fume Treatment Plant ─── 关于电解铝厂烟气净化系统集气效率的探讨

65、The process involves the hooding, handcuffing and placing of terrorist suspects into stress positions, as well as depriving them of sleep, in order to make them more likely to answer questions. ─── 该工艺涉及戴头罩,手铐,并把恐怖嫌疑人到应力的立场,以及剥夺他们的睡眠,以使它们更容易回答问题。

66、Storyteller : In the forest, a wolf sees Little Red Ridding Hood. ─── 在大森林里,一只大灰狼看见了小红帽。

67、A long hanging part, as of a sleeve, hood, or cape. ─── 下垂部分袖子、头巾、斗篷等长长的下垂部分

68、Probe into a new way of hooding needle to collect blood sample from femoral vein for infants ─── 股静脉新式持针采血法的探讨

69、The hood or hooded robe worn especially by a monk. ─── 头巾,长袍尤指僧侣穿戴的头巾或带头巾的长袍

70、Hood Reflected in Trillium Lake, Mt. ─── 名称: Early Morning Mist Over Mt.

71、The "Hood", our largest and also our fastest capital ship, had been blown up. ─── 我们最大的,也是我们的最快的主力舰“胡德”号已被炸沉。

72、Bench-type fume hood is the main type in CCIQ laboratory. ─── 台式通风柜是CCIQ实验室主要的通风柜。

73、What criteria do you use to judge a hood wine? ─── 你用什麽基准判断酒的好坏?

74、It began to rain. He stopped the car and got down to put up the hood. ─── 天开始细雨霏霏,他停住汽车,下车支起车篷。

75、Check under the bonnet in Bristol but the hood in Houston. ─── 在布里斯托说打开车前盖(bonnet)看看,但在休士顿则说引擎盖(hood)。

76、A heavy jacket with a hood; a parka . ─── 他把派克大衣兜帽两边都绑得紧紧的来挡住雪。

77、Doors Open Both the FRONT DOOR and UPPER HOOD are open. ─── 前门和上盖一起开。

78、But we'll play Robin Hood -- it's nobby fun. ─── 得了,我们来演罗宾汉吧,它好玩极了。

79、We can hang in my crib, I will show you my hood. ─── 可以在我家睡懒觉,可以介绍我的邻居给你。

80、A few weeks later, Hood resigned his command. ─── 几个星期之后,虎德辞去了指挥官的职务。

81、The "Hood," our largest and also our fastest capital ship, had been blown up. ─── 我们最大的,也是我们的最快的主力舰“胡德”号已被炸沉。

82、Yes, she is now little red riding hood. ─── 对了,她现在是小红帽了。

83、I found it very easy to adjust the hood so it moves with the head. ─── 我发觉要调节帽子使之能与头一起移动是很容易的。

84、That's when she looked under the hood again and found the walnuts. ─── 就是这时,她再看了看引擎盖下面,发现了这些胡桃。

85、When Robin Hood heard the announcement,he was excited. ─── 听到比赛通告,罗宾汉很兴奋。

86、Authorities in Oregon say two climbers still missing on Mount Hood. ─── 俄勒冈州权威表示胡德山上的另外两名登山者仍然未被找到。

87、Long ago in England, lived a famous outlaw named Robin Hood. ─── 很久以前,在英国有一位很出名的大盗,名叫罗宾汉。

88、In fine weather I can drive my car with the hood down. ─── 天气好时我可以敞著顶篷开车。

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